View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000328opensim-SCBugpublic2021-08-17 09:01
Reporteronefang Assigned Toonefang  
PriorityimmediateSeverityblockReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Product Version0.9.0.2 
Target Version0.9.1.1 
Summary0000328: If there's no Lua account record, but a grid member record, looks like the empty data checks are bypassed.
DescriptionOr something.

Grid member disabled, old Lua record moved to disabled folder, new account got new Lua record with only name and email, no DoB, agree, adult, aboutMe, or voucher.
Steps To ReproduceTry creating a new web / Lua account for the ancient pre account system accounts. That wont work, none of the test accounts are suitable.

Try creating a new grid account in ROBUST.
Try creating same account on web.
TagsNo tags attached.




2021-08-17 08:56

administrator   ~0000478

Last edited: 2021-08-17 08:57

Try creating a new grid account in ROBUST.
Try creating same account on web.

Wouldn't let me create a new web record, but let me log in to the web as that account.

Didn't create a Lua record, no matter how I futzed with it.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-08-14 22:34 onefang New Issue
2021-08-14 22:34 onefang Status new => assigned
2021-08-14 22:34 onefang Assigned To => onefang
2021-08-14 22:35 onefang Summary If there's no Lua account record, but a grid memberr record, looks like the empty data checks are bypassed. => If there's no Lua account record, but a grid member record, looks like the empty data checks are bypassed.
2021-08-15 00:31 onefang Priority urgent => immediate
2021-08-17 08:39 onefang Steps to Reproduce Updated
2021-08-17 08:56 onefang Note Added: 0000478
2021-08-17 08:57 onefang Note Edited: 0000478
2021-08-17 09:01 onefang Status assigned => closed
2021-08-17 09:01 onefang Resolution open => unable to reproduce