path: root/src/handlekeys.c
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authoronefang2020-03-16 14:49:09 +1000
committeronefang2020-03-16 14:49:09 +1000
commitf8574e0be89e7b523e64f656c93814d6948b2a33 (patch)
tree11bd44706c54b1441e890f685a5ed6e07e75777f /src/handlekeys.c
parentRevert "Bitch if we can't read the OpenSim config file." (diff)
Revert "The new sledjchisl binary, to replace the management scripts and web stuff."
This reverts commit 34c5ee4c2a489a506e93d5b303fbc80b263747f0.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/handlekeys.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 445 deletions
diff --git a/src/handlekeys.c b/src/handlekeys.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bae529..0000000
--- a/src/handlekeys.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
1/* handlekeys.c - Generic terminal input handler.
2 *
3 * Copyright 2012 David Seikel <won_fang@yahoo.com.au>
4 */
6// I use camelCaseNames internally, instead of underscore_names as is preferred
7// in the rest of toybox. A small limit of 80 characters per source line infers
8// shorter names should be used. CamelCaseNames are shorter. Externally visible
9// stuff is underscore_names as usual. Plus, I'm used to camelCaseNames, my
10// fingers twitch that way.
12#include "toys.h"
13#include "handlekeys.h"
15struct key
17 char *code;
18 char *name;
21// This table includes some variations I have found on some terminals.
22// http://rtfm.etla.org/xterm/ctlseq.html has a useful guide.
23// TODO - Don't think I got all the linux console or xterm variations.
24// TODO - Add more shift variations, plus Ctrl & Alt variations when needed.
25// TODO - tmux messes with the shift function keys somehow.
26// TODO - Add other miscelany that does not use an escape sequence.
28// This is sorted by type, though there is some overlap.
29// Human typing speeds wont need fast searching speeds on this small table.
30// So simple wins out over speed, and sorting by terminal type wins
31// the simple test.
32static struct key keys[] =
34 // Control characters.
35 // Commented out coz it's the C string terminator, and may confuse things.
36 //{"\x00", "^@"}, // NUL
37 {"\x01", "^A"}, // SOH Apparently sometimes sent as Home.
38 {"\x02", "^B"}, // STX
39 {"\x03", "^C"}, // ETX SIGINT Emacs and vi.
40 {"\x04", "^D"}, // EOT EOF Emacs, joe, and nano.
41 {"\x05", "^E"}, // ENQ Apparently sometimes sent as End
42 {"\x06", "^F"}, // ACK
43 {"\x07", "^G"}, // BEL
44 {"\x08", "Del"}, // BS Delete key, usually.
45 {"\x09", "Tab"}, // HT
46 {"\x0A", "Enter"}, // LF Roxterm translates Ctrl-M to this.
47 {"\x0B", "^K"}, // VT
48 {"\x0C", "^L"}, // FF
49 {"\x0D", "Return"}, // CR Other Enter/Return key, usually.
50 {"\x0E", "^N"}, // SO
51 {"\x0F", "^O"}, // SI DISCARD
52 {"\x10", "^P"}, // DLE
53 {"\x11", "^Q"}, // DC1 SIGCONT Vi.
54 {"\x12", "^R"}, // DC2
55 {"\x13", "^S"}, // DC3 SIGSTOP can't be caught. Emacs and vi.
56 {"\x14", "^T"}, // DC4 SIGINFO STATUS
57 {"\x15", "^U"}, // NAK KILL character
58 {"\x16", "^V"}, // SYN LNEXT
59 {"\x17", "^W"}, // ETB WERASE
60 {"\x18", "^X"}, // CAN KILL character
61 {"\x19", "^Y"}, // EM DSUSP SIGTSTP
62 {"\x1A", "^Z"}, // SUB SIGTSTP
63 // Commented out coz it's the ANSI start byte in the below multibyte keys.
64 // Handled in the code with a timeout.
65 //{"\x1B", "Esc"}, // ESC Esc key.
66 {"\x1C", "^\\"}, // FS SIGQUIT
67 {"\x1D", "^]"}, // GS
68 {"\x1E", "^^"}, // RS
69 {"\x1F", "^_"}, // US
70 {"\x7F", "BS"}, // Backspace key, usually. Ctrl-? perhaps?
71 // Commented out for the same reason Esc is.
72 //{"\x9B", "CSI"}, // CSI The eight bit encoding of "Esc [".
74 // "Usual" xterm CSI sequences, with ";1" omitted for no modifiers.
75 // Even though we have a proper CSI parser,
76 // these should still be in this table. Coz we would need a table anyway
77 // in the CSI parser, so might as well keep them with the others.
78 // Also, less code, no need to have a separate scanner for that other table.
79 {"\x9B\x31~", "Home"}, // Duplicate, think I've seen this somewhere.
80 {"\x9B\x32~", "Ins"},
81 {"\x9B\x33~", "Del"},
82 {"\x9B\x34~", "End"}, // Duplicate, think I've seen this somewhere.
83 {"\x9B\x35~", "PgUp"},
84 {"\x9B\x36~", "PgDn"},
85 {"\x9B\x37~", "Home"},
86 {"\x9B\x38~", "End"},
87 {"\x9B\x31\x31~", "F1"},
88 {"\x9B\x31\x32~", "F2"},
89 {"\x9B\x31\x33~", "F3"},
90 {"\x9B\x31\x34~", "F4"},
91 {"\x9B\x31\x35~", "F5"},
92 {"\x9B\x31\x37~", "F6"},
93 {"\x9B\x31\x38~", "F7"},
94 {"\x9B\x31\x39~", "F8"},
95 {"\x9B\x32\x30~", "F9"},
96 {"\x9B\x32\x31~", "F10"},
97 {"\x9B\x32\x33~", "F11"},
98 {"\x9B\x32\x34~", "F12"},
100 // As above, ";2" means shift modifier.
101 {"\x9B\x31;2~", "Shift Home"},
102 {"\x9B\x32;2~", "Shift Ins"},
103 {"\x9B\x33;2~", "Shift Del"},
104 {"\x9B\x34;2~", "Shift End"},
105 {"\x9B\x35;2~", "Shift PgUp"},
106 {"\x9B\x36;2~", "Shift PgDn"},
107 {"\x9B\x37;2~", "Shift Home"},
108 {"\x9B\x38;2~", "Shift End"},
109 {"\x9B\x31\x31;2~", "Shift F1"},
110 {"\x9B\x31\x32;2~", "Shift F2"},
111 {"\x9B\x31\x33;2~", "Shift F3"},
112 {"\x9B\x31\x34;2~", "Shift F4"},
113 {"\x9B\x31\x35;2~", "Shift F5"},
114 {"\x9B\x31\x37;2~", "Shift F6"},
115 {"\x9B\x31\x38;2~", "Shift F7"},
116 {"\x9B\x31\x39;2~", "Shift F8"},
117 {"\x9B\x32\x30;2~", "Shift F9"},
118 {"\x9B\x32\x31;2~", "Shift F10"},
119 {"\x9B\x32\x33;2~", "Shift F11"},
120 {"\x9B\x32\x34;2~", "Shift F12"},
122 // "Normal" Some terminals are special, and it seems they only have
123 // four function keys.
124 {"\x9B\x41", "Up"},
125 {"\x9B\x42", "Down"},
126 {"\x9B\x43", "Right"},
127 {"\x9B\x44", "Left"},
128 {"\x9B\x46", "End"},
129 {"\x9BH", "Home"},
130 {"\x9BP", "F1"},
131 {"\x9BQ", "F2"},
132 {"\x9BR", "F3"},
133 {"\x9BS", "F4"},
134 {"\x9B\x31;2P", "Shift F1"},
135 {"\x9B\x31;2Q", "Shift F2"},
136 {"\x9B\x31;2R", "Shift F3"},
137 {"\x9B\x31;2S", "Shift F4"},
139 // "Application" Esc O is known as SS3
140 {"\x1BOA", "Up"},
141 {"\x1BOB", "Down"},
142 {"\x1BOC", "Right"},
143 {"\x1BOD", "Left"},
144 {"\x1BOF", "End"},
145 {"\x1BOH", "Home"},
146 {"\x1BOn", "Del"},
147 {"\x1BOp", "Ins"},
148 {"\x1BOq", "End"},
149 {"\x1BOw", "Home"},
150 {"\x1BOP", "F1"},
151 {"\x1BOQ", "F2"},
152 {"\x1BOR", "F3"},
153 {"\x1BOS", "F4"},
154 {"\x1BOT", "F5"},
155 // These two conflict with the above four function key variations.
156 {"\x9BR", "F6"},
157 {"\x9BS", "F7"},
158 {"\x9BT", "F8"},
159 {"\x9BU", "F9"},
160 {"\x9BV", "F10"},
161 {"\x9BW", "F11"},
162 {"\x9BX", "F12"},
164 // Can't remember, but saw them somewhere.
165 {"\x1BO1;2P", "Shift F1"},
166 {"\x1BO1;2Q", "Shift F2"},
167 {"\x1BO1;2R", "Shift F3"},
168 {"\x1BO1;2S", "Shift F4"},
171static volatile sig_atomic_t sigWinch;
172static int stillRunning;
174static void handleSIGWINCH(int signalNumber)
176 sigWinch = 1;
179void handle_keys(long extra, int (*handle_event)(long extra, struct keyevent *event))
181 struct keyevent event;
182 fd_set selectFds;
183 struct timespec timeOut;
184 struct sigaction sigAction, oldSigAction;
185 sigset_t signalMask;
186 char buffer[20], sequence[20];
187 int buffIndex = 0, pendingEsc = 0;
189 buffer[0] = 0;
190 sequence[0] = 0;
192 // Terminals send the SIGWINCH signal when they resize.
193 memset(&sigAction, 0, sizeof(sigAction));
194 sigAction.sa_handler = handleSIGWINCH;
195 sigAction.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; // Useless if we are using poll.
196 if (sigaction(SIGWINCH, &sigAction, &oldSigAction))
197 perror_exit("can't set signal handler for SIGWINCH");
198 sigemptyset(&signalMask);
199 sigaddset(&signalMask, SIGWINCH);
201 // TODO - OS buffered keys might be a problem, but we can't do the
202 // usual timestamp filter for now.
204 stillRunning = 1;
205 while (stillRunning)
206 {
207 int j, p, csi = 0;
209 // Apparently it's more portable to reset these each time.
210 FD_ZERO(&selectFds);
211 FD_SET(0, &selectFds);
212 timeOut.tv_sec = 0; timeOut.tv_nsec = 100000000; // One tenth of a second.
214 // We got a "terminal size changed" signal, ask the terminal
215 // how big it is now.
216 if (sigWinch)
217 {
218 // Send - save cursor position, down 999, right 999,
219 // request cursor position, restore cursor position.
220 fputs("\x1B[s\x1B[999C\x1B[999B\x1B[6n\x1B[u", stdout);
221 fflush(stdout);
222 sigWinch = 0;
223 }
225 // TODO - Should only ask for a time out after we get an Escape, or
226 // the user requested time ticks.
227 // I wanted to use poll, but that would mean using ppoll, which is
228 // Linux only, and involves defining swear words to get it.
229 p = pselect(0 + 1, &selectFds, NULL, NULL, &timeOut, &signalMask);
230 if (0 > p)
231 {
232 if (EINTR == errno)
233 continue;
234 perror_exit("poll");
235 }
236 else if (0 == p) // A timeout, trigger a time event.
237 {
238 if (pendingEsc)
239 {
240 // After a short delay to check, this is a real Escape key,
241 // not part of an escape sequence, so deal with it.
242 strcat(sequence, "Esc");
243 buffer[0] = buffIndex = 0;
244 }
245 // TODO - Call some sort of timer tick callback. This wont be
246 // a precise timed event, but don't think we need one.
247 }
248 else if ((0 < p) && FD_ISSET(0, &selectFds))
249 {
250 j = xread(0, &buffer[buffIndex], sizeof(buffer) - (buffIndex + 1));
251 if (j == 0) // End of file.
252 stillRunning = 0;
253 else
254 {
255 buffIndex += j;
256 buffer[buffIndex] = 0;
258 // Send raw keystrokes, mostly for things like showkey.
259 event.type = HK_RAW;
260 event.sequence = buffer;
261 event.isTranslated = 0;
262 handle_event(extra, &event);
264 if (sizeof(buffer) < (buffIndex + 1)) // Ran out of buffer.
265 {
266 buffer[buffIndex] = 0;
267 fprintf(stderr, "Full buffer - %s -> %s\n", buffer, sequence);
268 for (j = 0; buffer[j]; j++)
269 fprintf(stderr, "(%x) %c, ", (int) buffer[j], buffer[j]);
270 fflush(stderr);
271 buffer[0] = buffIndex = 0;
272 }
273 }
274 }
276 // Check for lone Esc first, wait a bit longer if it is.
277 pendingEsc = ((0 == buffer[1]) && ('\x1B' == buffer[0]));
278 if (pendingEsc) continue;
280 // Check if it's a CSI before we check for the known key sequences.
281 // C29B is the UTF8 encoding of CSI.
282 // In all cases we reduce CSI to 9B to keep the keys table shorter.
283 if ((('\x1B' == buffer[0]) && ('[' == buffer[1]))
284 || (('\xC2' == buffer[0]) && ('\x9B' == buffer[1])))
285 {
286 buffer[0] = '\x9B';
287 for (j = 1; buffer[j]; j++)
288 buffer[j] = buffer[j + 1];
289 buffIndex--;
290 }
291 csi = ('\x9B' == buffer[0]);
293 // Check for known key sequences.
294 // For a real timeout checked Esc, buffer is now empty, so this for loop
295 // wont find it anyway. While it's true we could avoid it by checking,
296 // the user already had to wait for a time out, and this loop wont take THAT long.
297 for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_LEN(keys); j++)
298 {
299 if (strcmp(keys[j].code, buffer) == 0)
300 {
301 strcat(sequence, keys[j].name);
302 buffer[0] = buffIndex = 0;
303 csi = 0;
304 break;
305 }
306 }
308 // Find out if it's a CSI sequence that's not in the known key sequences.
309 if (csi)
310 {
311 /* ECMA-048 section 5.2 defines this, and is unreadable.
312 * So I'll include some notes here that tries to simplify that.
313 *
314 * The CSI format is - CSI [private] n1 ; n2 [extra] final
315 * Each of those parts, except for the initial CSI bytes, is an ordinary
316 * ASCII character.
317 *
318 * The optional [private] part is one of these characters "<=>?".
319 * If the first byte is one of these, then this is a private command, if
320 * it's one of the other n1 ones, it's not private.
321 *
322 * Next is a semi colon separated list of parameters (n1, n2, etc), which
323 * can be any characters from this set "01234567890:;<=>?". What the non
324 * digit ones mean is up to the command. Parameters can be left out, but
325 * their defaults are command dependant.
326 *
327 * Next is an optional [extra] part from this set of characters
328 * "!#$%&'()*+,-./", which includes double quotes. Can be many of these,
329 * likely isn't.
330 *
331 * Finally is the "final" from this set of characters "@[\]^_`{|}~", plus
332 * upper and lower case letters. It's private if it's one of these
333 * "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~". Though the "private" ~ is used for key codes.
334 *
335 * A full CSI command is the private, extra, and final parts.
336 *
337 * Any C0 controls, DEL (0x7f), or higher characters are undefined.
338 * TODO - So abort the current CSI and start from scratch on one of those.
339 */
341 if ('M' == buffer[1])
342 {
343 // We have a mouse report, which is CSI M ..., where the rest is
344 // binary encoded, more or less. Not fitting into the CSI format.
345 // To make things worse, can't tell how long this will be.
346 // So leave it up to the caller to tell us if they used it.
347 event.type = HK_MOUSE;
348 event.sequence = buffer;
349 event.isTranslated = 0;
350 if (handle_event(extra, &event))
351 {
352 buffer[0] = buffIndex = 0;
353 sequence[0] = 0;
354 }
355 }
356 else
357 {
358 char *t, csFinal[8];
359 int csIndex = 1, csParams[8];
361 csFinal[0] = 0;
362 p = 0;
364 // Unspecified params default to a value that is command dependant.
365 // However, they will never be negative, so we can use -1 to flag
366 // a default value.
367 for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_LEN(csParams); j++)
368 csParams[j] = -1;
370 // Check for the private bit.
371 if (index("<=>?", buffer[1]))
372 {
373 csFinal[0] = buffer[1];
374 csFinal[1] = 0;
375 csIndex++;
376 }
378 // Decode parameters.
379 j = csIndex;
380 do
381 {
382 // So we know when we get to the end of parameter space.
383 t = index("01234567890:;<=>?", buffer[j + 1]);
384 // See if we passed a paremeter.
385 if ((';' == buffer[j]) || (!t))
386 {
387 // Only stomp on the ; if it's really the ;.
388 if (t)
389 buffer[j] = 0;
390 // Empty parameters are default parameters, so only deal with
391 // non defaults.
392 if (';' != buffer[csIndex] || (!t))
393 {
394 // TODO - Might be ":" in the number somewhere, but we are not
395 // expecting any in anything we do.
396 csParams[p] = atoi(&buffer[csIndex]);
397 }
398 p++;
399 csIndex = j + 1;
400 }
401 j++;
402 }
403 while (t);
405 // Check if we got the final byte, and send it to the callback.
406 strcat(csFinal, &buffer[csIndex]);
407 t = csFinal + strlen(csFinal) - 1;
408 if (('\x40' <= (*t)) && ((*t) <= '\x7e'))
409 {
410 event.type = HK_CSI;
411 event.sequence = csFinal;
412 event.isTranslated = 1;
413 event.count = p;
414 event.params = csParams;
415 handle_event(extra, &event);
416 buffer[0] = buffIndex = 0;
417 sequence[0] = 0;
418 }
419 }
420 }
422 // Pass the result to the callback.
423 if (sequence[0] || buffer[0])
424 {
425 char b[strlen(sequence) + strlen(buffer) + 1];
427 sprintf(b, "%s%s", sequence, buffer);
428 event.type = HK_KEYS;
429 event.sequence = b;
430 event.isTranslated = (0 != sequence[0]);
431 if (handle_event(extra, &event))
432 {
433 buffer[0] = buffIndex = 0;
434 sequence[0] = 0;
435 }
436 }
437 }
439 sigaction(SIGWINCH, &oldSigAction, NULL);
442void handle_keys_quit()
444 stillRunning = 0;