diff options
authordvs12025-01-01 19:04:47 +1000
committerdvs12025-01-01 19:04:47 +1000
commitd0800b74d4835cb94d84d665938e39788a9f5e7d (patch)
parentMostly fix up the footer. (diff)
not Yet Another reWrite plus TODO--
Fixed up most of the linking stuff, and got the favicon / logo inheritance working.
2 files changed, 214 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/TODO.md b/TODO.md
index 1a87d89..2e2b14f 100644
--- a/TODO.md
+++ b/TODO.md
@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@ pagehistory: https://sledjhamr.org/cgit/notYetAnotherWiki/log/TODO.md
5--- 5---
6## Do these 6## Do these
7 7
8Clean up the favicon and logo stuff.
9 Have one in a root directory that the pages in sub directories point to, instead of the current symlinks.
10 Apply the same solution to default.template.
12Clean up docs and bump to version 0.0. RELEASE!!!????!!!!???? 8Clean up docs and bump to version 0.0. RELEASE!!!????!!!!????
13 9
14See the conversion therapy section below. 10See the conversion therapy section below.
diff --git a/notYetAnotherWiki.lua b/notYetAnotherWiki.lua
index 2faf285..1343739 100755
--- a/notYetAnotherWiki.lua
+++ b/notYetAnotherWiki.lua
@@ -6,223 +6,264 @@ local lcmark = require("lcmark")
6 6
7local globalData = { 7local globalData = {
8 ['_'] = ' ', ['dlr'] = '$', ['karenpurple'] = '#8800ff', 8 ['_'] = ' ', ['dlr'] = '$', ['karenpurple'] = '#8800ff',
9 favicon = 'nYAW_icon.png', logo = 'nYAW.png', header = '', menu = '', 9 favicon = 'nYAW_icon.png', logo = 'nYAW.png', header = '', --menu = '',
10 history = '', footer = 'Powered by <a href="https://sledjhamr.org/cgit/notYetAnotherWiki/about/">notYetAnotherWiki</a> Version -0.1. &nbsp;', 10 history = '', footer = 'Powered by <a href="https://sledjhamr.org/cgit/notYetAnotherWiki/about/">notYetAnotherWiki</a> Version -0.1. &nbsp;',
11} 11}
12local sites = {} 12local Sites, Files, Subs = {}, {}, {}
13 13
14 14
15 15local copyTable = function(t, strip)
16local directory = arg[1] 16 -- A simple table.subtable = subtable wont work, you end up with a reference so that changes to the later get applaid to the former.
17if nil == directory then directory = '.' end 17 local argh = {}
18local all = {} 18 for l, y in ipairs(t) do
19if '.' ~= directory then 19 if (l ~= y.name) and strip then table.insert(argh, y) end
20 for l in io.popen('find . -name "*.md" -type f,l -printf "%P\n"'):lines() do
21 all[l] = l
22 end 20 end
23end 21 return argh
24for l in io.popen('find ' .. directory .. ' -name "*.md" -type f,l -printf "%P\n"'):lines() do
25 if nil == all[l] then all[l] = l end
26end 22end
27 23
28for i, l in pairs(all) do 24local stringBits = function(l)
29 local dir, file, parent, path = '', '', '', '', ''
30 local bits = {} 25 local bits = {}
31 local last = 1 26 local last = 1
32 for j = 1, #l do 27 for j = 1, #l do
33 local c = string.sub(l, j, j) 28 if '/' == string.sub(l, j, j) then
34 if '/' == c then
35 table.insert(bits, string.sub(l, last, j - 1)) 29 table.insert(bits, string.sub(l, last, j - 1))
36 last = j + 1 30 last = j + 1
37 end 31 end
38 end 32 end
39 file = string.sub(l, last) 33 return bits, string.sub(l, last)
40 file = string.gsub(file, '%.md$', '') 34end
41 36
42 local ln = #bits
43 if 0 < ln then
44 dir = bits[ln]
45 path = table.concat(bits, '/', 1, ln)
46 if 1 < ln then parent = table.concat(bits, '/', 1, ln - 1) end
47 end
48 37
49 local files = {name = file, URL = '<p><a href="' .. file .. '.HTML">' .. file .. '</a></p>', } 38local directory = arg[1]
50 if nil == sites[path] then sites[path] = {files = {files}} 39if nil == directory then directory = '.' end
51 elseif nil == sites[path].files then sites[path].files = {files} 40if '.' ~= directory then
52 else table.insert(sites[path].files, files) 41 for l in io.popen('find . -name "*.md" -type f,l -printf "%P\n"'):lines() do
42 Files[string.gsub(l, '%.md$', '')] = {}
53 end 43 end
45for l in io.popen('find ' .. directory .. ' -name "*.md" -type f,l -printf "%P\n"'):lines() do
46 local n = string.gsub(l, '%.md$', '')
47 if nil == Files[n] then Files[n] = {} end
54 49
55 if '' ~= dir then 50-- Gotta figure out all the files and subs first. File and sub metadata comes along for the ride.
56-- FIXME - not sure why this is needed anymore, but it fails building subs without it. Just slows things down otherwise. 51Subs[''] = {files = {}, subs = {}, bits = {}}
57 files = {name = dir, URL = '<a href="' .. dir .. '/">' .. dir .. '</a> &nbsp; ', } 52for name, file in pairs(Files) do
58 if nil == sites[parent] then sites[parent] = {subs = {[files.name] = files}} 53 local bitter, path = '', ''
59 elseif nil == sites[parent].subs then sites[parent].subs = {[files.name] = files} 54 local bits, bit = stringBits(name)
60 else sites[parent].subs[files.name] = files 55 local ln = #bits
61 end 56
57 Files[name].bits = bits
58 Files[name].bit = bit
59 if ln > 0 then bitter = bits[1] end
60 if '' ~= bitter then Subs[''].subs[bitter] = bitter end -- "bitter end" was entirely by accident, I'm keeping it. B-)
61 for i, d in ipairs(bits) do
62 if '' ~= path then path = path .. '/' end
63 path = path .. d
64 if nil == Subs[path] then Subs[path] = {files = {}, subs = {}} end
65 if i < ln then Subs[path].subs[bits[i + 1]] = bits[i + 1] end
66 Subs[path].bits = copyTable(bits, true)
67 if i < ln then table.remove(Subs[path].bits, #bits) end
62 end 68 end
63 69
70 print('Parsing ' .. name .. '.md')
71 local h = io.open(name .. '.md', 'r')
72-- TODO - should bail here on error?
73 if nil ~= h then file.cm = h:read('*a') ; h:close() else print('oops! No such name ' .. name) end
74 local body, metadata, err = lcmark.convert(file.cm, "html", {smart = true, yaml_metadata = true, columns = 0})
75 if nil == body then print('oops! ' .. err)
76 elseif '' == body then
77 Subs[path].metadata = metadata
78 Files[name] = nil
79 else
80 file.metadata = metadata
81 file.body = body
82 table.insert(Subs[path].files, bit)
83 end
64end 84end
65 85
66for k, v in pairs(sites) do 86
67 local bit, dir, file, parent, path = '', '', '', '', '' 87
68 local bits = {} 88-- These functions assume the above file and sub scan has completed.
69 local last = 1 89local whichPage = function(f)
70 for j = 1, #k do 90 local fl = ''
71 local c = string.sub(k, j, j) 91 if (nil ~= Subs[f]) then
72 if '/' == c then 92 if 1 == #(Subs[f].files) then fl = Subs[f].files[1] .. '.HTML' else
73 table.insert(bits, string.sub(k, last, j - 1)) 93 for i, v in ipairs{'README', 'readme', 'INDEX', 'index'} do
74 last = j + 1 94 for j, w in ipairs(Subs[f].files) do
95 if v == w then
96 print('FOUND ' .. v .. '.HTML')
97 fl = v .. '.HTML'
98 break
99 end
100 end
101 if '' ~= fl then break end
102 end
75 end 103 end
76 end 104 end
77 sites[k].parent = table.concat(bits, '/') 105 return fl
78 table.insert(bits, string.sub(k, last)) 106end
79 sites[k].bits = bits 107
80 if nil ~= sites[k].files then table.sort(sites[k].files, function(a, b) return (a.name <= b.name) end) end 108
81 109local linkFrom = function(source, dest)
82 dir = bits[#bits - 1] 110 local depth = 0
83 file = bits[#bits] 111 local link = ''
84 if nil ~= sites[dir] then 112 if source ~= dest then
85 if nil == sites[dir].subs then sites[dir].subs = {} end 113 for i, v in ipairs(Subs[source].bits) do
86 last = nil 114 if v ~= Subs[dest].bits[i] then
87 for j, g in pairs(sites[dir].subs) do 115 depth = i
88 if (g.name == dir) or (g.name == file) then
89 last = j
90 break 116 break
91 end 117 end
92 end 118 end
93 if nil == last then 119 depth = #(Subs[source].bits) - depth
94 sites[dir].subs[file] = {name = file, URL = '<a href="' .. file .. '/">' .. file .. '</a> &nbsp; '} 120 depth = depth + 1
95 end 121 link = string.rep('../', depth)
96 end 122 if (0 == depth) or (depth > #(Subs[dest].bits)) then
97 123 for i, v in ipairs(Subs[dest].bits) do
98 bits = {} 124 if i >= depth then
99 if nil ~= v.subs then 125 if '' ~= link then link = link .. '/' end
100 for l, w in pairs(v.subs) do 126 link = link .. Subs[dest].bits[i]
101 table.insert(bits, w) 127 end
128 end
102 end 129 end
103 table.sort(bits, function(a, b) return (a.name <= b.name) end)
104 v.subs = bits
105 end 130 end
131 return link
106end 132end
107 133
108 134
109for k, v in pairs(sites) do
110 135
111 if nil ~= v.files then 136for name, file in pairs(Files) do
112 for l, w in pairs(v.files) do 137 local path, result = '', ''
113 local path = v.parent 138 local body, metadata = Files[name].body, Files[name].metadata
114 if '' ~= path then path = path .. '/' end 139 local bits, bit = Files[name].bits, Files[name].bit
115 path = path .. v.bits[#(v.bits)] 140 local ln = #bits
116 if '' ~= path then path = path .. '/' end
117 local file = path .. w.name .. '.md'
118 if (nil ~= file) and ('' ~= file) then io.write('Parsing ' .. file .. ' -> ') end
119 141
120 local h = io.open(file, 'r') 142 path = table.concat(bits, '/', 1, ln)
121 if nil ~= h then
122 local cm = h:read('*a')
123 local result = ''
124 local body, metadata, err = lcmark.convert(cm, "html", {smart = true, yaml_metadata = true, columns = 0})
126 if nil == body then print('oops! ' .. err) else
129 if '' == body then
130 -- A simple v.metadata = metadata wont work, you end up with a reference so that changes to metadata get applied to v.metadata.
131 v.metadata = {}
132 for l, y in pairs(metadata) do
133 v.metadata[l] = y
134 end
135 local argh = {}
136 for l, y in ipairs(v.files) do
137 if w.name ~= y.name then table.insert(argh, y) end
138 end
139 v.files = argh
140 print('')
141 else
143 local bod, err = lcmark.compile_template(body)
144 if nil == bod then print('oops! ' .. err) else
145 local templateFile = metadata.template
146 if nil == file then
147 templateFile = nil
148 else
149 if nil == templateFile then templateFile = 'default' end
150 templateFile = templateFile .. '.template'
151 for m, x in pairs(globalData) do if nil == metadata[m] then metadata[m] = x else print('metadata already has ' .. m) end end
152 if nil ~= v.metadata then
153 for m, x in pairs(v.metadata) do if nil == metadata[m] then metadata[m] = x else print('metadata already has ' .. m) end end
154 end
155 end
157 if nil ~= v.files then
158 for m, x in ipairs(v.files) do
159 metadata.menu = metadata.menu .. x.URL .. '\n'
160 end
161 end
162 if nil ~= v.subs then
163 for m, x in pairs(v.subs) do
164 metadata.header = metadata.header .. x.URL
165 end
166 end
168 local num = #(v.bits)
169 local trail = '<a href="' .. string.rep('../', num) .. '">home</a> &nbsp; '
170 local p = v.parent
171 for i = 1, num do
172 trail = trail .. '<a href="' .. string.rep('../', num - i) .. '">' .. v.bits[i] .. '</a> &nbsp; '
173 end
174 trail = trail .. w.name
175 metadata.trail = trail
177 if nil ~= metadata.pagehistory then metadata.history = '<p>Page&nbsp;<a href="' .. metadata.pagehistory .. '">history</a></p>' end
178 if nil ~= metadata.sourcecode then metadata.footer = '<a href="' .. metadata.sourcecode .. '">source code</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; ' .. metadata.footer end
179 if nil ~= metadata.feedatom then metadata.footer = '<a href="' .. metadata.feedatom .. '">atom feed</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; ' .. metadata.footer end
180 if metadata.footer ~= globalData.footer then metadata.footer = 'Web site ' .. metadata.footer end
181 metadata.footer = '<p>' .. metadata.footer .. '</p>'
182 metadata.body = lcmark.apply_template(bod, metadata)
184 local tm = ''
185 if nil ~= templateFile then
186 local h = io.open(templateFile, 'r')
187 if nil ~= h then
188 tm = tm .. h:read('*a')
189 h:close()
190 else
191 print('oops! No such file ' .. templateFile)
192 end
194 local template, err = lcmark.compile_template(tm)
195 if nil == template then print('oops! ' .. err) else
196 result = lcmark.apply_template(template, metadata)
197 end
198 else
199 result = body
200 end
202 if ('' ~= result) and (nil ~= file) then
203 local base = path .. w.name .. '.HTML'
204 print(base)
205 local a, e = io.open(base, 'w')
206 if nil == a then print('Could not open ' .. base .. ' - ' .. e) else
207 a:write(result)
208 a:close()
209 end
210 else
211 print('')
212 end
213 end
214 143
144 if '' ~= body then
145 local bod, err = lcmark.compile_template(body)
146 if nil == bod then print('oops! ' .. err) else
147 local templateFile = metadata.template
148 if nil == templateFile then templateFile = 'default' end
149 file.template = templateFile .. '.template'
150 end
152 local pth = ''
153 for i, d in ipairs(bits) do
154 if '' ~= pth then pth = pth .. '/' end
155 pth = pth .. d
156 if nil ~= Subs[pth] then
157 if nil ~= Subs[pth].metadata then
158 for m, x in pairs(Subs[pth].metadata) do
159 if nil == metadata[m] then
160 metadata[m] = x
161 else
215 end 162 end
163 end
164 end
165 end
166 end
168 if nil ~= Subs[''].metadata then
169 for m, x in pairs(Subs[''].metadata) do if nil == metadata[m] then metadata[m] = x end end
170 end
171 for m, x in pairs(globalData) do if nil == metadata[m] then metadata[m] = x end end
172 for n, y in ipairs{'favicon', 'logo'} do
173 local pith = ''
174 if nil ~= metadata[y] then
175 local pth = ''
176 for m, x in ipairs(bits) do
177 if '' ~= pth then pth = pth .. '/' end
178 pth = pth .. x
179 if (nil ~= Subs[pth].metadata) and (nil ~= Subs[pth].metadata[y]) then pith = pth end
180 end
181 if ('' == pith) and (nil ~= Subs[''].metadata) and (nil ~= Subs[''].metadata[y]) then pith = pth end
182 if '' == pith then metadata[y] = linkFrom(path, pith) .. globalData[y]
183 else metadata[y] = linkFrom(path, pith) .. metadata[y]
216 end 184 end
185 end
186 end
188 metadata.header = ''
189 local pth = ''
190 for i, f in pairs(Subs[path].subs) do
191 local fl = ''
192 if '' ~= path then
193 if '' ~= pth then pth = pth .. '/' end
194 pth = pth .. f
195 fl = whichPage(pth)
196 else
197 fl = whichPage(f)
198 end
200-- if '' == fl then
201-- metadata.header = metadata.header .. f .. '</a> &nbsp; '
202-- else
203 metadata.header = metadata.header .. '<a href="' .. f .. '/' .. fl .. '">' .. f .. '</a> &nbsp; '
204-- end
205 end
207 metadata.menu = ''
208 if nil ~= Subs[path].files then table.sort(Subs[path].files) end
209 for i, f in ipairs(Subs[path].files) do
210 if name == f then
211 metadata.menu = metadata.menu .. '<p>' .. f .. '</p>'
212 else
213 metadata.menu = metadata.menu .. '<p><a href="' .. f .. '.HTML">' .. f .. '</a></p>'
214 end
215 end
217 metadata.trail = ''
218 for i, b in ipairs(bits) do
219 if i < #bits then
220 metadata.trail = metadata.trail .. '<a href="' .. linkFrom(path, table.concat(bits, '/', 1, i)) .. whichPage(b) .. '">' .. b .. '</a> &nbsp; '
221 linkFrom(path, table.concat(bits, '/', 1, i))
222 else
223 metadata.trail = metadata.trail .. b .. ' &nbsp; '
224 end
225 end
226-- if '' == metadata.trail then metadata.trail = '<a href="' .. string.rep('../', ln) .. '/' .. whichPage('') .. '">home</a> &nbsp; ' end
217 227
228 if nil ~= metadata.pagehistory then metadata.history = '<p>Page&nbsp;<a href="' .. metadata.pagehistory .. '">history</a></p>' end
229 if nil ~= metadata.sourcecode then metadata.footer = '<a href="' .. metadata.sourcecode .. '">source code</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; ' .. metadata.footer end
230 if nil ~= metadata.feedatom then metadata.footer = '<a href="' .. metadata.feedatom .. '">atom feed</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; ' .. metadata.footer end
231 if metadata.footer ~= globalData.footer then metadata.footer = 'Web site ' .. metadata.footer end
232 metadata.footer = '<p>' .. metadata.footer .. '</p>'
234 metadata.body = lcmark.apply_template(bod, metadata)
236 local tm = ''
237 if nil ~= file.template then
238 local h = io.open(file.template, 'r')
239 if nil ~= h then
240 tm = tm .. h:read('*a')
218 h:close() 241 h:close()
219 else 242 else
220 print('oops! No such file ' .. file) 243 print('oops! No such file ' .. file.template)
221 end 244 end
222 245
246 local template, err = lcmark.compile_template(tm)
247 if nil == template then print('oops! ' .. err) else
248 result = lcmark.apply_template(template, metadata)
249 end
250 else
251 result = body
223 end 252 end
224 end
225 253
254 if '' ~= result then
255 local base = name .. '.HTML'
256 print('From ' .. name .. '.md -> ' .. base)
257 local a, e = io.open(base, 'w')
258 if nil == a then print('Could not open ' .. base .. ' - ' .. e) else
259 a:write(result)
260 a:close()
261 end
262 end
264 else
265 print('')
266 end
226end 267end
227 268
228 269