BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterMore template tweaks.dvs118 min.
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
18 min.More template tweaks.HEADmasterdvs11-12/+15
71 min.Lower priority of fixing the lunamark random list bug.dvs11-1/+2
85 min.Work around lunamark's random list bug by giving it less random list triggers.dvs11-1/+1
92 min.Add some ideas to the TODO.dvs11-5/+21
93 min.bug++dvs12-0/+11
4 hoursWhite spacedvs11-1/+1
4 hoursMore cleanup of Foswiki profiles.dvs11-0/+1
4 hoursAttempt to tame the CSS.dvs12-22/+33
20 hoursShrink some parts of the footer.dvs12-2/+2
21 hoursRemove the "edit" link from Foswiki profiles.dvs11-0/+1