path: root/apt-panopticon.lua
diff options
authoronefang2019-11-05 15:38:24 +1000
committeronefang2019-11-05 15:38:24 +1000
commitcc872d3eba68f08ee365b8771d8504c28da9020d (patch)
tree2083ec34d871381a04f7fb26c5ce9ec7062ae39f /apt-panopticon.lua
parentCreate a persistant table with the results. (diff)
Rename project to apt-panopticon.
It used to be mirror-checker-lua.
Diffstat (limited to 'apt-panopticon.lua')
1 files changed, 634 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apt-panopticon.lua b/apt-panopticon.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c68ec48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apt-panopticon.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
1#!/usr/bin/env luajit
4local args = {...}
6--[[ TODO - What to do about HTTPS://deb.devuan.org/ redirects.
7 Some mirrors give a 404.
8 Sledjhamr gives a 404, coz it's not listening on 443 for deb.devuan.org.
9 Some mirrors give a 200.
10 They shouldn't have the proper certificate, but are giving a result anyway.
13origin = false
14verbosity = -1
15keep = false
16-- TODO - Should actually implement this.
17fork = true
18options =
20 referenceSite =
21 {
22 typ = "string",
23 help = "",
24 value = "pkgmaster.devuan.org",
25 },
26 roundRobin =
27 {
28 typ = "string",
29 help = "",
30 value = "deb.devuan.org",
31 },
32 tests =
33 {
34 typ = "table",
35 help = "",
36 value =
37 {
38 "IPv4",
39 "IPv6",
40-- "ftp",
41 "http",
42 "https",
43-- "rsync",
44-- "DNS-RR",
45 "Protocol",
46-- "URL-Sanity",
47-- "Integrity",
48-- "Updated",
49 },
50 },
53local defaultURL = {scheme = "http"}
54local downloadLock = "flock -n results/wget-"
55local download = "wget --timeout=300 -np -N -r -P results " -- Note wget has a default read timeout of 900 seconds (15 minutes).
56local releases = {"jessie", "ascii", "beowulf", "ceres"}
57local releaseFiles =
59 -- Release file.
60 "/Release",
61 "/InRelease",
62 "/main/binary-all/Packages.gz",
63 -- Contents files.
64 "/main/Contents-all.gz",
65 "/main/Contents-amd64.gz",
66 "/main/Contents-arm64.gz",
67 "-security/main/Contents-all.gz",
68 "-security/main/Contents-amd64.gz",
69 "-security/main/Contents-arm64.gz",
71local notExist =
73 "ceres-security" -- This will never exist, it's our code name for the testing suite.
75local referenceDebs =
77 -- Debian package.
78 "merged/pool/DEBIAN/main/d/dash/dash_0.5.8-2.4_amd64.deb",
79 -- Debian security package. NOTE this one should always be redirected?
80 "merged/pool/DEBIAN-SECURITY/updates/main/a/apt/apt-transport-https_1.4.9_amd64.deb",
82local referenceDevs =
84 -- Devuan package. NOTE this one should not get redirected, but that's more a warning than an error.
85 "merged/pool/DEVUAN/main/d/desktop-base/desktop-base_2.0.3_all.deb",
86-- "merged/pool/DEVUAN/main/u/util-linux/util-linux_2.32.1-0.1+devuan2.1_amd64.deb",
88local arg = {}
89local sendArgs = ""
90local logFile
93local socket = require 'socket'
94local ftp = require 'socket.ftp'
95local http = require 'socket.http'
96local https = require 'ssl.https' -- See https://github.com/brunoos/luasec/wiki/LuaSec-0.6 for docs.
97local url = require 'socket.url'
100-- Use this to dump a table to a string.
101dumpTable = function (table, space, name)
102 local r = ""
103 if "" == space then r = r .. space .. name .. " =\n" else r = r .. space .. "[" .. name .. "] =\n" end
104 r = r .. space .. "{\n"
105 r = r .. dumpTableSub(table, space .. " ")
106 if "" == space then r = r .. space .. "}\n" else r = r .. space .. "},\n" end
107 return r
109dumpTableSub = function (table, space)
110 local r = ""
111 for k, v in pairs(table) do
112 if type(k) == "string" then k = '"' .. k .. '"' end
113 if type(v) == "table" then
114 r = r .. dumpTable(v, space, k)
115 elseif type(v) == "string" then
116 r = r .. space .. "[" .. k .. "] = '" .. v .. "';\n"
117 elseif type(v) == "function" then
118 r = r .. space .. "[" .. k .. "] = function ();\n"
119 elseif type(v) == "userdata" then
120 r = r .. space .. "userdata " .. "[" .. k .. "];\n"
121 elseif type(v) == "boolean" then
122 if (v) then
123 r = r .. space .. "[" .. k .. "] = true;\n"
124 else
125 r = r .. space .. "[" .. k .. "] = false;\n"
126 end
127 else
128 r = r .. space .. "[" .. k .. "] = " .. v .. ";\n"
129 end
130 end
131 return r
134local ip = ""
135local results = {}
137local log = function(v, t, s, prot, test, host)
138 local x = ""
139 if nil == prot then prot = "" end
140 if nil ~= test then x = x .. test else test = "" end
141 if nil ~= host then
142 if #x > 0 then x = x .. " " end
143 x = x .. host
144 end
145 if #x > 0 then
146 t = t .. "(" .. x .. ")"
147 if "" == test then
148 if v == 0 then results[prot].errors = results[prot].errors + 1 end
149 if v == 1 then results[prot].warnings = results[prot].warnings + 1 end
150 else
151 if v == 0 then results[prot][test].errors = results[prot][test].errors + 1 end
152 if v == 1 then results[prot][test].warnings = results[prot][test].warnings + 1 end
153 end
154 end
155 if v <= verbosity then
156 if 3 <= verbosity then t = os.date() .. " " .. t end
157 print(t .. ": " .. s)
158 end
159 if nil ~= logFile then
160 logFile:write(os.date() .. " " .. t .. ": " .. s .. "\n")
161 logFile:flush()
162 end
164local D = function(s) log(3, "DEBUG ", s) end
165local I = function(s) log(2, "INFO ", s) end
166local W = function(s, p, t, h) log(1, "WARNING ", s, p, t, h) end
167local E = function(s, p, t, h) log(0, "ERROR ", s, p, t, h) end
168local C = function(s) log(-1, "CRITICAL", s) end
170local mirrors = {}
172local testing = function(t, host)
173 for i, v in pairs(options.tests.value) do
174 if t == v then
175 local h = mirrors[host]
176 if nil == h then return true end
177 if true == h["Protocols"][t] then return true else D("Skipping " .. t .. " checks for " .. host) end
178 end
179 end
180 return false
183local checkExes = function (exe)
184 local count = io.popen('ps x | grep "' .. exe .. '" | grep -v " grep " | wc -l'):read("*l")
185 D(count .. " " .. exe .. " commands still running.")
186 return tonumber(count)
189local repoExists = function (r)
190 r = r:match("([%a-]*)")
191 if nil == r then return false end
192 for k, v in pairs(notExist) do
193 if v == r then return false end
194 end
195 return true
198local IP = {}
199gatherIPs = function (host)
200 if nil == IP[host] then
201 local IPs
202 local dig = io.popen('dig +keepopen +noall +nottlid +answer ' .. host .. ' A ' .. host .. ' AAAA ' .. host .. ' CNAME ' .. host .. ' SRV | sort -r | uniq')
203 repeat
204 IPs = dig:read("*l")
205 if nil ~= IPs then
206 for k, t, v in IPs:gmatch("([%w_%-%.]*)%.%s*IN%s*(%a*)%s*(.*)") do
207 if "." == v:sub(-1, -1) then v = v:sub(1, -2) end
208 if nil == IP[k] then IP[k] = {} end
209 IP[k][v] = t
210 D(" DNS record " .. host .. " == " .. k .. " type " .. t .. " -> " .. v)
211 if t == "CNAME" then
212 gatherIPs(v)
213 IP[k][v] = IP[v]
214 elseif v == "SRV" then
215 print("SVR record found, now what do we do?")
216 end
217 end
218 end
219 until nil == IPs
220 end
223-- Returns FTP directory listing
224local nlst = function (u)
225 local t = {}
226 local p = url.parse(u)
227 p.command = "nlst"
228 p.sink = ltn12.sink.table(t)
229 local r, e = ftp.get(p)
230 return r and table.concat(t), e
233local timeouts = 0;
234checkHEAD = function (host, URL, r, retry)
235 if nil == r then r = 0 end
236 if nil == retry then retry = 0 end
237 local check = "Checking file"
238 local PU = url.parse(URL, defaultURL)
239 local pu = url.parse(PU.scheme .. "://" .. host, defaultURL)
240 if 0 < r then
241 check = "Redirecting to"
242 end
243 if 0 < retry then
244 os.execute("sleep " .. math.random(1, 4))
245 check = "Retry " .. retry .. " " .. check
246 end
247 if 3 < timeouts then
248 E("too many timeouts! " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL, PU.scheme, "", host)
249 return
250 end
251 if 20 < r then
252 E("too many redirects! " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL, PU.scheme, "", host)
253 return
254 end
255 if 4 < retry then
256 E("too many retries! " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL, PU.scheme, "", host)
257 return
258 end
259 D(PU.scheme .. " :// " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL)
260 if not testing(PU.scheme, host) then D("Not testing " .. PU.scheme .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL); return end
261 -- TODO - Perhaps we should try it anyway, and mark it as a warning if it DOES work?
262 if "https" == PU.scheme and options.roundRobin.value == host then D("Not testing " .. PU.scheme .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL .. " mirrors shouldn't have the correct cert."); return end
263 local hd = {}
264 if pu.host ~= PU.host then hd = {Host = host} end
265 local htp = http;
266 if PU.scheme == "https" then htp = https end
267 -- NOTE - the docs for lua-sec say that redirect isn't supported is version 0.6, no idea if that means it ignores redirections like we want.
268 -- TODO - find out!
269 -- The protocol and options are lua-sec specific arguments.
270 local p, c, h, s = htp.request{method = "HEAD", redirect = false, url = URL, headers = hd, protocol = "any", options = "all"}
271 if nil == s then s = "" end
272 if nil == p then
273 E(" " .. c .. " " .. s .. "! " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL, PU.scheme, "", host)
274 -- So far the only errors are "timeout", "Network is unreachable", and "closed", and I suspect "closed" is due to saturating my bandwidth.
275 if "timeout" == c then timeouts = timeouts + 1 end
276 if ("closed" == c) or ("Network is unreachable" == c) or ("timeout" == c) then checkHEAD(host, URL, r, retry + 1, timeouts) end
277 else
278 if ("4" == tostring(c):sub(1, 1)) or ("5" == tostring(c):sub(1, 1)) then
279 E(" " .. c .. " " .. s .. ". " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL, PU.scheme, "", host)
280 else
281 I(" " .. c .. " " .. s .. ". " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL)
282 timeouts = timeouts - 1 -- Backoff the timeouts count if we managed to get through.
283 end
284 l = h.location
285 if nil ~= l then
286 pu = url.parse(l, defaultURL)
287 if (pu.scheme ~= PU.scheme) then
288 if testing("Protocol") then W(" protocol changed during redirect! " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL .. " -> " .. l, PU.scheme, "Protocol", host) end
289 if (pu.host == host) and pu.path == PU.path then D("Not testing protocol change " .. URL .. " -> " .. l); return end
290 end
292 if l == URL then
293 E(" redirect loop! " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL, PU.scheme, PU.scheme, host)
294 elseif nil == pu.host then
295 I(" relative redirect. " .. check .. " " .. host .. " -> " .. URL .. " -> " .. l)
296 checkHEAD(host, PU.scheme .. "://" .. PU.host .. l, r + 1)
297 elseif (PU.host == pu.host) or (host == pu.host) then
298 checkHEAD(pu.host, l, r + 1)
299 else
300 --[[ The hard part here is that we end up throwing ALL of the test files at the redirected location.
301 Not good for deb.debian.org, which we should only be throwing .debs at.
302 What we do is loop through the DNS entries, and only test the specific protocol & file being tested here.
304 This is what I came up with for checking if we are already testing a specific URL.
305 Still duplicates a tiny bit, but much less than the previous find based method.
306 ]]
307 local file = pu.host .. "://" .. pu.path
308 local f = io.popen(string.format('if [ ! -f results/%s.check ] ; then touch results/%s.check; echo -n "check"; fi', file:gsub("/", "_"), file:gsub("/", "_") )):read("*a")
309 if (nil == f) or ("check" == f) then
310 I(" Now checking redirected host " .. file)
311 checkHost(pu.host, pu.host, nil, "redir", pu.path)
312 else
313 D(" Already checking " .. file)
314 end
315 end
316 end
317 end
320local checkFiles = function (host, ip, path, file)
321 if nil == path then path = "" end
322 if nil ~= file then
323 if "redir" == ip then ip = host end
324 I(" Checking IP for file " .. host .. " -> " .. ip .. " " .. path .. " " .. file)
325 if testing("http", host) then checkHEAD(host, "http://" .. ip .. path .. "/" .. file) end
326 if testing("https", host) then checkHEAD(host, "https://" .. ip .. path .. "/" .. file) end
327 else
328 I(" Checking IP " .. host .. " -> " .. ip .. " " .. path)
329 for i, s in pairs(referenceDevs) do
330 if testing("http", host) then checkHEAD(host, "http://" .. ip .. path .. "/" .. s) end
331 if 3 < timeouts then return end
332 if testing("https", host) then checkHEAD(host, "https://" .. ip .. path .. "/" .. s) end
333 if 3 < timeouts then return end
334 end
336 for i, s in pairs(releases) do
337 for j, k in pairs(releaseFiles) do
338 if repoExists(s .. k) then
339 if testing("http", host) then checkHEAD(host, "http://" .. ip .. path .. "/merged/dists/" .. s .. k) end
340 if 3 < timeouts then return end
341 if testing("https", host) then checkHEAD(host, "https://" .. ip .. path .. "/merged/dists/" .. s .. k) end
342 if 3 < timeouts then return end
343 end
344 end
345 end
346 end
349local execute = function (s)
350 D(" executing " .. s)
351 os.execute(s)
354checkHost = function (orig, host, path, ip, file)
355 if nil == host then host = orig end
356 if nil == path then path = "" end
357 if nil == file then file = "" end
358 local ph = url.parse("http://" .. host)
359 if (nil ~= ip) and ("redir" ~= ip) then
360 local po = url.parse("http://" .. orig)
361 if "" ~= file then
362 D("checking redirected file " .. po.host .. " " .. file)
363 checkFiles(po.host, ip, path, file)
364 else
365 checkFiles(po.host, ip, path)
366 end
367 else
368 if orig == host then
369 D("checkHost " .. orig .. "" .. file)
370 if testing("IPv4") then execute("ionice -c3 ./apt-panopticon.lua " .. sendArgs .. " -o " .. orig .. path .. " " .. file .." &") end
371 else D("checkHost " .. orig .. " -> " .. host) end
372 local h = mirrors[ph.host]
373 if nil == h then return end
374 for k, v in pairs(h.IPs) do
375 if "table" == type(v) then
376 for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do
377 if v1 == "A" then
378 if testing("IPv4") then execute("ionice -c3 ./apt-panopticon.lua " .. sendArgs .. " " .. orig .. path .. " " .. k1 .. " " .. file .." &") end
379 elseif v1 == "AAAA" then
380 if testing("IPv6") then execute("ionice -c3 ./apt-panopticon.lua " .. sendArgs .. " " .. orig .. path .. " [" .. k1 .. "] " .. file .. " &") end
381 end
382 end
383 else
384 if v == "A" then
385 if testing("IPv4") then execute("ionice -c3 ./apt-panopticon.lua " .. sendArgs .. " " .. orig .. path .. " " .. k .. " " .. file .." &") end
386 elseif v == "AAAA" then
387 if testing("IPv6") then execute("ionice -c3 ./apt-panopticon.lua " .. sendArgs .. " " .. orig .. path .. " [" .. k .. "] " .. file .. " &") end
388 end
389 end
390 end
391 end
394local downloads = function (cut, host, URL)
395 if 0 ~= cut then cd = " --cut-dirs=" .. cut .. " " else cd = "" end
396 if nil == URL then URL = "/" end
397 local lock = "%s-" .. host .. ".log "
398 local log = " --rejected-log=results/wget-%s_REJECTS-" .. host .. ".log -a results/wget-%s-" .. host .. ".log "
399 I("starting file download commands for " .. host .. " " .. URL)
400 local cm = "ionice -c3 " .. downloadLock .. lock:format("debs") .. download .. log:format("debs", "debs") .. cd
401 for i, s in pairs(referenceDevs) do
402 cm = cm .. " https://" .. host .. URL .. "/" .. s
403 end
404 for i, s in pairs(referenceDebs) do
405 cm = cm .. " https://" .. host .. URL .. "/" .. s
406 end
407 for i, s in pairs(releases) do
408 execute(cm .. " &")
409 cm = "ionice -c3 " .. downloadLock .. lock:format(s) .. download .. log:format(s, s) .. cd
410 if repoExists(s .. k) then
411 for j, k in pairs(releaseFiles) do
412 cm = cm .. " https://" .. host .. URL .. "/merged/dists/" .. s .. k
413 end
414 end
415 end
416 execute(cm .. " &")
419local getMirrors = function ()
420 local mirrors = {}
421 local host = ""
422 local m = {}
423 local active = true
424 local URL = "https://" .. options.referenceSite.value .. "/mirror_list.txt"
425 I("getting mirrors.")
426 local p, c, h = http.request(URL)
427 if nil == p then E(c .. " fetching " .. URL) else
428 for l in p:gmatch("\n*([^\n]+)\n*") do
429 local t, d = l:match("(%a*):%s*(.*)")
430 d = string.lower(d)
431 if "FQDN" == t then
432 if "" ~= host then
433 if active then mirrors[host] = m end
434 m = {}
435 active = true
436 end
437 host = d
438 m[t] = d
439 gatherIPs(host)
440 m["IPs"] = IP[host]
441 elseif "Protocols" == t then
442 local prot = {}
443 for w in d:gmatch("(%w+)") do
444 prot[w] = true;
445 end
446 m[t] = prot
447 elseif "Active" == t and nil == d:find("yes", 1, true) then
448 W("Mirror " .. host .. " is not active - " .. d)
449 active = false
450-- TODO - Should do some input validation on BaseURL, and everything else.
451 else
452 m[t] = d
453 end
454 end
455 if "" ~= host and active then
456 mirrors[host] = m
457 end
458 end
459 mirrors[options.roundRobin.value] = { ["Protocols"] = { ["http"] = true; ["https"] = true; }; ["FQDN"] = 'deb.devuan.org'; ["Active"] = 'yes'; ["BaseURL"] = 'deb.devuan.org'; }
460 gatherIPs(options.roundRobin.value)
461 mirrors[options.roundRobin.value].IPs = IP[options.roundRobin.value]
462 local file, e = io.open("results/mirrors.lua", "w+")
463 if nil == file then C("opening mirrors file - " .. e) else
464 file:write(dumpTable(mirrors, "", "mirrors") .. "\nreturn mirrors\n")
465 file:close()
466 end
467 return mirrors
471if 0 ~= #args then
472 local option = ""
473 for i, a in pairs(args) do
474 if ("--help" == a) or ("-h" == a) then
475 print("I should write some docs, huh? Read README.md for instructions.")
476 elseif "--version" == a then
477 print("apt-panopticon version 0.1 WIP development version")
478 elseif "-v" == a then
479 verbosity = verbosity + 1
480 sendArgs = sendArgs .. a .. " "
481 elseif "-q" == a then
482 verbosity = -1
483 sendArgs = sendArgs .. a .. " "
484 elseif "-k" == a then
485 keep = true
486 elseif "-n" == a then
487 fork = false
488 elseif "-o" == a then
489 origin = true
490 elseif "--" == a:sub(1, 2) then
491 local s, e = a:find("=")
492 if nil == s then e = -1 end
493 option = a:sub(3, e - 1)
494 local o = options[option]
495 if nil == o then
496 print("Unknown option --" .. option)
497 option = ""
498 else
499 option = a
500 sendArgs = sendArgs .. a .. " "
501 local s, e = a:find("=")
502 if nil == s then e = 0 end
503 option = a:sub(3, e - 1)
504 if "table" == options[option].typ then
505 local result = {}
506 for t in (a:sub(e + 1) .. ","):gmatch("([+%-]?%w*),") do
507 local f = t:sub(1, 1)
508 local n = t:sub(2, -1)
509 if ("+" ~= f) and ("-" ~= f) then
510 table.insert(result, t)
511 end
512 end
513 if 0 ~= #result then
514 options[option].value = result
515 else
516 for t in (a:sub(e + 1) .. ","):gmatch("([+%-]?%w*),") do
517 local f = t:sub(1, 1)
518 local n = t:sub(2, -1)
519 if "+" == f then
520 table.insert(options[option].value, n)
521 elseif "-" == f then
522 local r = {}
523 for i, k in pairs(options[option].value) do
524 if k ~= n then table.insert(r, k) end
525 end
526 options[option].value = r
527 end
528 end
529 end
530 else
531 options[option].value = a
532 end
533 option = ""
534 end
535 elseif "-" == a:sub(1, 1) then
536 print("Unknown option " .. a)
537 else
538 table.insert(arg, a)
539 end
540 end
543--print(dumpTable(options.tests.value, "", "tests"))
545execute("mkdir -p results")
547if 0 < #arg then
548 if "/" == arg[1]:sub(-1, -1) then
549 W("slash at end of path! " .. arg[1])
550 arg[1] = arg[1]:sub(1, -2)
551 end
552 if " " == arg[1]:sub(-1, -1) then
553 W("space at end of path! " .. arg[1])
554 arg[1] = arg[1]:sub(1, -2)
555 end
556 local pu = url.parse("http://" .. arg[1])
557 if nil ~= arg[2] then
558 logFile, e = io.open("results/" .. pu.host .. "_" .. arg[2] .. ".log", "a+")
559 else
560 logFile, e = io.open("results/" .. pu.host .. ".log", "a+")
561 end
562 if nil == logFile then C("opening log file - " .. e); return end
563 I("Starting tests for " ..arg[1] .. " with these tests - " .. table.concat(options.tests.value, ", "))
564 mirrors = loadfile("results/mirrors.lua")()
565 if nil ~= arg[2] then I(" Using IP " .. arg[2]); ip = arg[2] end
566 if nil ~= arg[3] then I(" Using file " .. arg[3]); end
568 for k, v in pairs{"ftp", "http", "https", "rsync"} do
569 if testing(v) then
570 local tests = {errors = 0; warnings = 0}
571 if testing("Integrity") then tests.Integrity = {errors = 0; warnings = 0} end
572 if testing("Protocol") then tests.Protocol = {errors = 0; warnings = 0} end
573 if testing("Updated") then tests.Updated = {errors = 0; warnings = 0} end
574 if testing("URL-Sanity") then tests.URL_Sanity = {errors = 0; warnings = 0} end
575 results[v] = tests
576 end
577 end
579 if testing("Integrity") or testing("Updated") then
580 if nil == arg[3] then
581 if not keep then execute("rm -fr results/" .. pu.host) end
582 cut = 0
583 for t in arg[1]:gmatch("(/)") do
584 cut = cut + 1
585 end
586 downloads(cut, pu.host, pu.path)
587 checkExes("apt-panopticon.lua " .. sendArgs)
588 checkExes(downloadLock)
589 end
590 end
591 if origin then
592 checkFiles(pu.host, pu.host, pu.path);
593 else
594 checkHost(pu.host, pu.host, pu.path, arg[2], arg[3])
595 end
596 logFile:close()
597 local rfile, e = io.open("results/" .. pu.host .. "_" .. ip .. ".lua", "w+")
598 if nil == rfile then C("opening results file - " .. e) else
599 rfile:write(dumpTable(results, "", "results") .. "\nreturn results\n")
600 rfile:close()
601 end
603 if not keep then os.execute("rm -f results/*.log") end
604 os.execute("rm -f results/*.check")
605 os.execute("mkdir -p results; touch results/stamp")
606 logFile, e = io.open("results/apt-panopticon.log", "a+")
607 if nil == logFile then C("opening log file - " .. e); return end
608 I("Starting tests " .. table.concat(options.tests.value, ", "))
609 execute("mkdir -p results")
610 mirrors = getMirrors()
611 checkHost(options.referenceSite.value)
612 for k, m in pairs(mirrors) do
613 if "/" == m.BaseURL:sub(-1, -1) then
614 W("slash at end of BaseURL in mirror_list.txt! " .. m.BaseURL)
615 m.BaseURL = m.BaseURL:sub(1, -2)
616 end
617 if " " == m.BaseURL:sub(-1, -1) then
618 W("space at end of BaseURL in mirror_list.txt! " .. m.BaseURL)
619 m.BaseURL = m.BaseURL:sub(1, -2)
620 end
621 local pu = url.parse("http://" .. m.BaseURL)
622 if options.referenceSite.value ~= pu.host then
623 checkHost(m.BaseURL)
624 checkExes("apt-panopticon.lua " .. sendArgs)
625 if testing("Integrity") or testing("Updated") then checkExes(downloadLock) end
626 end
627 end
628 while 1 <= checkExes("apt-panopticon.lua " .. sendArgs) do os.execute("sleep 10") end
629 if testing("Integrity") or testing("Updated") then
630 while 0 < checkExes(downloadLock) do os.execute("sleep 10") end
631 end
632 os.execute("rm -f results/*.check")
633 logFile:close()