path: root/ClientHamr
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authorDavid Walter Seikel2014-04-22 14:51:57 +1000
committerDavid Walter Seikel2014-04-22 14:51:57 +1000
commit29c25cb913fde0a8320bca9b9ea2cc82fbe2ec94 (patch)
treebf30c64b37e6d8e928d91b1b30f1073f036cad98 /ClientHamr
parentMove LuaSL source up one directory. (diff)
Move most of the README's and other docs into the new docs directory.
Diffstat (limited to 'ClientHamr')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 872 deletions
diff --git a/ClientHamr/BVJ/README b/ClientHamr/BVJ/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 456154a..0000000
--- a/ClientHamr/BVJ/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
1Refer to - http://www.infinitegrid.org/drupal/content/BVJ
3BVJ is extensions to the BVH animation format used by SL technology.
4It's in the ClientHamr section coz on the server side, they are just
5dealt with as blobs to be sent to the viewers. This may change if we
6implement animating link sets, and interaction with the sim physics.
diff --git a/ClientHamr/GuiLua/README b/ClientHamr/GuiLua/README
deleted file mode 100644
index f60d7b2..0000000
--- a/ClientHamr/GuiLua/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,581 +0,0 @@
1GuiLua is basically a redo of my ancient Java based matrix-RAD system,
2but using Lua and EFL. Lua is entirely different from Java, and Lua
3doesn't run in web browsers, so this version has similar concepts, and
4similar names, it's not exactly the same. It's more accurate to say
5this is in the spirit of matrix-RAD.
7The ultimate goal is for the various ClientHamr parts to be able to
8either host their own UI, or have it hosted in the in world 3D window.
9Matrix-RAD's ability to run either server or client side, with no change
10to the code, is great for this sort of thing. If I can manage the
11ability to "tear off" windows, in other words, pull them out of the 3D
12window to be real windows, then that's something people have been asking
13for from LL forever.
15Stdin/out might be good to use. Extantz starts up "client" programs,
16with a "use stdin/out" argument, the clients pass skang commands (open
17this internal window with these widgets) to extantz through their
18stdout, extantz passes skang commands (these values where set by these
19widgets) back through their stdin. With no "use stdin/out" argument,
20the programs host their own UI. Perhaps extantz can just pass the UI
21skang stuff back to the client, which will mean "draw your own window",
22to support the "tear off" feature. If I remember skang had suitable
23serialization stuff to support this. Lua does anyway. B-)
25Naturally, like matrix-RAD, all this UI stuff can happen across a socket
26as well as through stdin/out. Should be transparent to the user proggy.
28I can redesign skang to be more Lua like, to take advantage of Lua's
29meta language capabilities. Since no one used skang anyway, I can get
30away with this. Also should add a Lua friendly wrapper around nails, so
31that addons for Extantz can be supplied entirely as Lua scripts. In
32other words, LuaSL scripts. On top of all that, should also allow
33access to the Edje Lua stuff I've already written, but drag it outside
34of an edje file.
36This pretty much means that GuiLua should be a shared library, coz in
37the ClientHamr use case, several programs are gonna be using it at once.
38Should also be separate modules for development stuff like the skin
39editor, which could be just another proggy using GuiLua.
41Initially GuiLua can wrap elementary / evas, with the goal of wrapping
42NAWS, just like matrix-RAD was originally planned. Then I can put off
43writing NAWS for another decade. lol
45Might be nice to have a wrapper that is a web server that generates
46standard HTML forms. No JavaScript, no HTML5, just plain old,
47compatible with everything, HTML forms.
50Design notes
53Edje Lua does not wrap elementary widgets, and is not likely to due to
54elementary being compiled after edje. Smart objects and swallows
55probably can deal with that though, I'm not familiar enough with them to
56know. Eo on the other hand allegedly offers introspection, which was
57always the corner stone of matrix-RAD. So access to elementary widgets
58via Eo might be possible. That's kinda the entire hook I'm hoping will
59help to make matrix-RAD style stuff work as well as it did there.
60Apparently when they promised introspection with Eo, they meant compile
61time, not run time.
63Edje Lua is restricted to scripts in edje files, AND sandboxed to those
64edje files as well. We want to step outside that sandbox, and run stand
65alone Lua scripts, as well as GuiLua / LuaSL scripts internal to
66extantz. Some merging of LuaSL and Edje Lua, leaving room for GuiLua,
67would be great, but I might have to convince Raster. Note that the
68socket idea wont work in sandboxed edje Lua scripts, unless the socket
69is in C code, that uses edje messages as the internal transport.
71Just so it's easier to find, I'll repeat a bit from the Enlightenment
72mailing list here, the result of discussions with raster and other
73interested parties -
75"First step is to write edje functions for generically bundling up one
76or more Lua tables into a message, sending that message, then unpacking
77it again. This will be able to be done from edje, from C, and from Lua
78directly. Perhaps adding that as one more edje messege type. This is
79for sending Lua tables between threads. A later addition will be to
80send them through the 'net, probably as eet.
82Host apps can register arbitrary functions with edje Lua, using a more
83generic version of the code I already wrote for letting edje register
84lua functions. These host functions are by default not thread safe.
85Edje puts a wrapper function around the host app, and registers that
86wrapper function with Lua. The wrapper function, when called from Lua,
87does this -
90call the host app callback();
93The first alternative, which the host app must request, is for the
94wrapper function to use the table message functions to marshal the
95arguments, send it to the main thread, wait for the response (or do
96something else), then unmarshal the result before sending it back to
99The second alternative, which the host app must REALLY request, is for
100the host app to say "I'm REALLY going out of my way to be threadsafe,
101just call me direct". No edje wrapper function, BUT the host app still
102has to use edje to register this function.
104The first two might be done this way -
106host_cb = edje_lua2_functions_add(...);
107edje_lua2_function_marshal_set(host_cb, function);
109The last one could be -
111host_cb = edje_lua2_threadsafe_function_add(...);
113Note the difference between _functions_ and _function_. The first call
114registers an entire metatable full of functions, in the same way that
115edje does for it's functions. These are the default sort of
116functions. The second call references one of those previously
117registered functions, and makes it marshal arguments and results. The
118third one registers a single function, but it could be added to an
119existing metatable registered by the first function."
121and -
123"We are actually half way there. Anticipating that there would be way
124more edje and evas stuff to add to the edje Lua API in the future, I
125created generic wrapper functions to make that easier. Implementing
126this would mean exposing those static functions, and writing more of
127these generic wrapper stuff.
129Lua already provides a mechanism for this sort of thing, but we
130currently sandbox that out. We can provide a very limited version of
131the package module, that only lets the Lua script load modules that the
132host app explicitly provides. This keeps edje Lua in it's strictly
133sandboxed state."
135Raster also wants to thread lots of edje, likely including having edje
136Lua scripts as threads, much like I'm doing with LuaSL already. Plus
140Skang notes
143So, what will this variation of skang look like? For a start, the
144syntax will have to be more Lua like, so that's a real basic change.
145Can't use a space as an argument separator, Lua allows only ',' and
146';'. Strings can still use single or double quotes.
148The magic "_123" system I used before to specify "position / size in
149characters instead of pixels" just wont work in Lua. Using _ as a table
150name with a meta table means that this syntax now becomes "_.123", which
151is kinda acceptable. Note that _.123 is syntax sugar for _["123"], so
152I'm not sure if using a number there works. An alternative is to just
153use a string -
155foo = widget.label(0, "1", 100, 0, 'Text goes here")
157Uses as many characters, and ends up being a value instead of an index,
158which is the right thing to do. While on this subject, anything less
159than 1, but more than 0, can be used as a percentage, maybe combined
160with "character" mode (this is a new thing) -
162foo = widget.label(0, "0.1", 0.5, 0, 'Text goes here")
164This could even allow relative placement as mentioned in the skang TODO -
166foo = widget.label(0, "otherWidget+0.1", 0.5, 0, 'Text goes here")
169"widget" would be a table with functions for dealing with widgets. It
170would include metatable stuff for widget set introspection. So
171"widget.label" would introspect in our widget set for a widget type of
172"label", and return a widget type table. So we could do -
174foo = widget.label(0, "0.1", 0.5, 0, 'Text goes here :")
175foo:colour(255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 100, 255, 0)
179Also allow access via table elements -
181foo.action = "skang.load('some/skang/file.skang')"
182foo.colour.r = 123
184foo.help = 'This is a widget for labelling some foo.'
186We can use the concat operator (..) to append things to widgets, like
187adding choices in a drop down, rows in a grid, etc.
189Hmm, need a skang table as well -
197I don't think we need variable introspection as much, since in this case
198Lua is both the skang and the underlaying language, the variables can
199just be accessed directly. Not sure on this, need to experiment. This
200is what we normally need variable introspection for -
202foo = 'bar' -- Using the metatable to override '=' to set the actual value of the widget, say the text of a label or edit widget.
203bar = foo -- The reverse of the above. Though perhaps these can't be done?
204foo = foo .. 'stuff' .. 'more stuff' .. 'another line of the dropdown or whatever'
206OK, first two can't be done, metatable only overides that for table elements. The third one can only be (I might be wrong there) -
208foo.value = 'stuff' .. 'more stuff'
209foo.value = foo.value .. 'another line of the dropdown or whatever'
211Skang relied on the use of the set command to make sure that any
212matching widgets and variables got updated. And the get command.
215bar = foo:get()
217On the other hand, given the module / package stuff mentioned below, and
218some metatable magic, we could do -
220local other = require('otherPackageName')
221other.foo = 'stuff'
222bar = other.foo
224Sooo, how does that squeeze into a "skang" file?
226#!skang myApp.skang -- This is Lua, so this might not work.
227-- There's an implied local this = require('myApp')
228-- There's an implied local skang = require('skang')
229local widget = require('EvasWidgets')
230local other = require('otherPackageName')
232skang.window(200, 200, "G'day planet.")
233quitter = widget.button('Quit', 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
234quitter:action('quit') -- 'quit' is looked up in ThingSpcae.commands, and translated into the Lua 'skang.quit()'.
235other.foo = 'stuff'
236this.bar = other.foo
239Original Skang infrastructure
242Skang starts with a Thing as the base. In Java it's a base object for
243everything else, with a bunch of methods and elements. We can probably
244use a Thing metatable and replicate most of it. The widget used in the
245previous section is built on top of Thing. Things are stored in
246ThingSpace, which is a BonsaiTree of LeafLike Things. Java's version of
247multiple inheritance was used. Commands are a Thing.
249ThingSpace is per users session. classCache stores cached class
250lookukps, command stores commands, module stores loaded modules, param
251stores variables and their values, widget stores widgets and their value
252/ state.
254Skanglet is a generated mapping between actual methods / variables in a
255class, and skang. Each method or variable that ends up in the skanglet
256was marked by special javadoc tags. It also included some meta data
257like version and the default skang. For variables it defined -
259"Name", "Field/Method()", "Required", "Shortcut", "Default", "Help text"
261... and for methods -
263"Name", "Method", "Syntax", "Help text"
265In both cases the "Name" was the skang name, it could be different from
266the Java name specified in the second field. Likely we can do away with
267the need to generate these skanglet files, and just add stuff to the
268Thing. Modules wrap Skanglets, and takes care of loading them into ThingSpace.
270Module are used for -
271 loading the Skanglet for the Thing currently running (match java class name to skang file name).
272 loading the AWT interface in skang files.
273 loading OTHER skanglet based Things
274 loading Squeal, StuffSkang, and Who from java when needed.
276So in Lua, we can use the package system. First require(moduleName) to
277load up the skang module. Require can return a table, the Lua package
278called ends with "return someTable". See LuaLSL for an example. This
279package is actually run, so it can figure out what to put in the
280returned table. So for instance it could use inlined methods and such -
282local skang = require('skang')
283local result = {};
284result.author = 'onefang'
285result.version = '0.72 alpha 2004-11-19 16:28:00'
286local foo
287-- The first argument would be the name of a local variable / method. Which could be accessed via _G?
288-- Not sure if we could use a global foo, AND use it directly.
289result.foo = skang.newParam('foo', "Required", "Shortcut", "Default", "Help text")
290result.func = skang.newCommand('arg1_type,arg2_type', 'Help Text', function (arg1, arg2)
293return result;
296Stuff is the base class used to track database rows and other multi
297value things. Would still need to deal with variable sub things, though
298that's likely just using tables. SquealStuff is the database version,
299using Squeal as the database driver wrapper. Squeal could wrap
303The pre tokenized structure thingy I had planned in the TODO just wont
304work, as it uses symbols. On the other hand, we will be using Lua
305tables anyway. B-)
311NAWS was always planned, but never actually written. Though some stuff
312was kinda prototyped, especially UberMatrix stuff. I think this time
313around, NAWS should be written in C, based on pure Evas + Edje. Perhaps
314with direct support for introspection? After EO settles down, I might
315use that to.
318Edje_Lua notes
321Edje_Lua is sandboxed firmly inside of edje files. This makes it
322unsuitable for our use, as we want to step outside that sandbox.
323However, we still want to wrap Lua around EFL stuff, preferably using
324the same API. Raster fought against using this new eolian stuff to
325generate edje_lua2.c, and seems to be against having a "no sandbox" flag
326in edje_lua2.c. For now I'll let q66 go ahead with his Edje Lua via
327LuaJIT FFI conversion that uses a variation of eolian written in Lua.
328Seems like much more work than my way of doing it. shrugs
330Unfortunately, this might not be ready soon enough for me, AND it might
331not even be suitable. While I agree that LuaJIT FFI stuff might be a
332good idea, if I read the docs correctly FFI simply wraps around C
333headers and libraries directly, making it less suitable for sandboxes
334and other environments where you want to wrap those library functions
337So, I might have to go ahead with my own plan anyway. On the other
338hand, for skang, I want to wrap things a bit differently. Might be best
339to do that wrapping C side. In other words, the skang and widget Lua
340packages get written in C, and are different from edje_lua2.c.
342On the gripping hand, there might be use in including edje_lua2.c style
343bindings in GuiLua as an edje package, evas package, elementary package,
344etc. This could be done by going ahead with my plans to modify
345edje_lua2.c to include the "no sandbox" flag, then compile it with that
346flag turned on to produce a standard Lua package. Then get eolian to
347produce evas_lua.c, elementary_lua.c, etc.
349Another idea worth investigating is to rewrite edje_lua2.c to use
350introspection directly to figure out it's "combined set and get" style
354Introspected EFL notes
357See below for the basic EO notes, where I come to the conclusion that
358the other EFL devs wont be adding introspection to EO themselves. It's
359all too hard they say. Pffft
361So, I might have to do this myself, call it "entro"....
363Write a patch against eolian that outputs introspection data. That data
364is C code for a hash of EO class names. Each hash points to a data
365structure that includes a hash of method names for that class, and a
366pointer to the class description. Each of those hashes points to a data
367structure that includes an array of argument types and names. The
368method ID should be in that structure to, and maybe even the doc text.
369Might even include an Eo internal data structure that links Op IDs to
370that method structure (I dunno what they call that). The final output
371is a library of that C code, that includes functions for doing the
372actual introspection.
374See? Not to hard at all, all described in a paragraph. lol
376One function we could include is a way to "compile" eo_do arguments.
377That would be an array (va_list actually) of method ID's followed by the
378arguments for that method. Some of those arguments might be pointers to
379memory structures, so this is not suitable for storing on disk.
380Instead, it could be used for "compiling" commonly used code or hot
381paths to get the introspection overhead out of the way early. Could
382also compile parameterized versions, with numbered place holders that
383get filled in later. Certainly we need a Lua interface to eo_do of some
386In the same way that Java skang cached the results of introspection in
387ThingSpace.CLASS, we could use cache introspection lookups to speed
388things up. Not a great saving, one hash lookup versus two. Caching the
389"class.method" string that points to the method structure for any method
390we have used already.
392NAWS could use the compile function to create eo_do commands needed to
393create each of it's widget types, and the window. Yes, I know, NAWS
394only has two "widget types". B-)
397For quick and dirty early testing, I'll probably write a widget package
398that has hard coded mappings between some basic "label", "button", etc.
399and ordinary elementary widgets. Proper introspection can come later.
402LuaJIT FFI notes
405LuaJIT 2.0 FFI needs to have cleaned up versions of C header files
406included in the Lua scripts that use it. This is messy. Version 2.1
407(or perhaps 3.0) has on it's road map to include a C pre processor,
408which should help that problem.
411EO notes
414tl;dr - eo introspection doesn't actually exist, even though it was
415"promised" years ago, but looks trivial to add. On the other hand, the
416other EFL devs seem to be fighting against it, so I might need to write
417my own. sigh
419object = eo_add(EVAS_OBJ_LINE_CLASS, canvas);
420 evas_line.eo.h -> #define EVAS_OBJ_LINE_CLASS evas_obj_line_class_get()
421 -> const Eo_Class *evas_obj_line_class_get(void) EINA_CONST;
422 evas_line.eo.c -> EO_DEFINE_CLASS(evas_obj_line_class_get, &_evas_line_class_desc, EVAS_OBJ_CLASS, NULL);
423 Eo.h -> EO_DEFINE_CLASS is a macro that basically wraps eo_class_new(), and returns it's result.
425So Eo_Class is the type of a class, but it's A) opaque, B) deprecated!
426It includes a pointor to the Eo_Class_Description, which includes the
427actual name. I'm not seeing anywhere the names of the get/set
428paramaters being passed into the system, or any way to look up a class
429based on name. Not even a way to get to the public Eo_Class_Description
430from the opaque Eo_Class.
432Eo_Class_Description is at least public. It includes
433Eo_Op_Description's and Eo_Event_Description's. Eo_Op_ and Eo_Event_
434include the name and documentation of the op / event. The macro used to
435generate Eo_Op_ does NOT pass the name, just the ID number as a string.
436There is also Eo_Op_Func_Description, which does not include a name, it
437seems to be generated in the constructor. The same Eo_Op_ ID number is
438used to index it. Seems to be no direct link between Eo_Class and
439Eo_Op_func_, just the same Eo_Op_ ID numbers used internally somehow.
441eo_do(obj, evas_obj_line_xy_set(200, 200, 300, 300));
442 evas_line.eo.h -> #define evas_obj_line_xy_set(x1, y1, x2, y2) EVAS_OBJ_LINE_ID(EVAS_OBJ_LINE_SUB_ID_XY_SET), EO_TYPECHECK(Evas_Coord , x1), EO_TYPECHECK(Evas_Coord , y1), EO_TYPECHECK(Evas_Coord , x2), EO_TYPECHECK(Evas_Coord , y2)
443 #define EVAS_OBJ_LINE_ID(sub_id) (EVAS_OBJ_LINE_BASE_ID + sub_id)
446 enum
447 {
451 };
452 evas_line.eo.c -> EAPI Eo_Op EVAS_OBJ_LINE_BASE_ID = EO_NOOP;
453 static void _gen_evas_line_class_constructor(Eo_Class *klass)
454 {
455 const Eo_Op_Func_Description func_desc[] = {
456 EO_OP_FUNC(EO_BASE_ID(EO_BASE_SUB_ID_CONSTRUCTOR), _eo_obj_evas_line_constructor),
457 EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_LINE_ID(EVAS_OBJ_LINE_SUB_ID_XY_SET), _eo_obj_evas_line_xy_set),
458 EO_OP_FUNC(EVAS_OBJ_LINE_ID(EVAS_OBJ_LINE_SUB_ID_XY_GET), _eo_obj_evas_line_xy_get),
460 };
461 eo_class_funcs_set(klass, func_desc);
462 }
464 static void
465 _eo_obj_evas_line_xy_set(Eo *obj, void *_pd, va_list *list)
466 {
467 Evas_Coord x1 = va_arg(*list, Evas_Coord);
468 Evas_Coord y1 = va_arg(*list, Evas_Coord);
469 Evas_Coord x2 = va_arg(*list, Evas_Coord);
470 Evas_Coord y2 = va_arg(*list, Evas_Coord);
471 _evas_line_xy_set(obj, _pd, x1, y1, x2, y2);
472 }
474 void _evas_line_xy_set(Eo *obj, Evas_Line_Data *pd, Evas_Coord x1, Evas_Coord y1, Evas_Coord x2, Evas_Coord y2);
476 evas_object_line.c -> EOLIAN static void _evas_line_xy_set(Eo *eo_obj, Evas_Line_Data *_pd, Evas_Coord x1, Evas_Coord y1, Evas_Coord x2, Evas_Coord y2)
479Evas_Object_Line *o = eo_data_scope_get(obj, EVAS_OBJ_LINE_CLASS);
480Evas_Object_Line *o = eo_data_ref(obj, EVAS_OBJ_LINE_CLASS);
483.. evas_line.eo
485class Evas_Line (Evas_Object)
487 legacy_prefix: evas_object_line;
488 eo_prefix: evas_obj_line;
489 properties {
490 xy {
491 set {
492 /*@
493 @since 1.8
495 Sets the coordinates of the end points of the given evas line object. */
496 }
497 get {
498 /*@
499 Retrieves the coordinates of the end points of the given evas line object.
500 second end point. */
501 }
502 values {
503 Evas_Coord x1; /*@ The X coordinate of the first point. */
504 Evas_Coord y1; /*@ The Y coordinate of the first point. */
505 Evas_Coord x2; /*@ The X coordinate of the second point. */
506 Evas_Coord y2; /*@ The Y coordinate of the second point. */
507 }
508 }
509 }
510 implements {
511 Eo_Base::constructor;
512 }
516... evas_line.eo.c
518EAPI void
519evas_object_line_xy_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord x1, Evas_Coord y1, Evas_Coord x2, Evas_Coord y2)
521 eo_do((Eo *) obj, evas_obj_line_xy_set(x1, y1, x2, y2));
522 return ;
526static const Eo_Class_Description _evas_line_class_desc = {
528 "Evas_Line",
531 _evas_line_event_desc,
532 sizeof(Evas_Line_Data),
533 _gen_evas_line_class_constructor,
534 NULL
538skang vs edje vs LL shit
542Verbose, complex.
543Used to place and decorate widget parts.
544Can be used to place entire widgets through externals and swallows.
545Basic parts relative to each other.
546Signals and messages.
547Embryo scripts.
548Lua scripts (sandboxed).
552Tight, simple.
553Used to place widgets, and describe actions.
554Can include some really basic scripting.
555Widgets in a fixed position, but included stuff for relative placement in the TODO.
556Automated associations between widget name and variable (and method?) via introspection.
558Looks (could easily be extended to edje groups).
560Can be used to pass values around.
564Verbose, even worse, XML, more crap than is needed.
566Windows with widgets relative to each other.
567 Basically nested rectangles.
568Manual association of widgets to methods.
569Can include tool tip string, enabled, visible, hover cursor, bounding rectangle?, mouse opaque?, tab groups, font (name, size, style, and alignment).
570 More stuff, typically hidden in the OO somewhere. sigh
571Generally uses fixed image and colour names, which skins overide.
572Skins can also overide the XML files.
573Translations provide override XML files that need only override the text bits.
576old notes
579See if it's possible to disable the Emerald/Phoenix/Firestorm LSL bridge
580when connecting to OpenSim. Actually, they finally came to their senses
581and support OpenSim now, so that should be sorted already.
diff --git a/ClientHamr/IAE/README b/ClientHamr/IAE/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c0e46c..0000000
--- a/ClientHamr/IAE/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
1Refer to - http://www.infinitegrid.org/drupal/content/InworldAnimationEditor
3IAE is an idea to put an animation editor in world, much like the link set editor.
diff --git a/ClientHamr/README b/ClientHamr/README
deleted file mode 100644
index c82b1ba..0000000
--- a/ClientHamr/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
1Refer to - http://www.infinitegrid.org/drupal/content/ClientHamr
3ClientHamr is the concept that we can apply the unix philosophy to the
4viewer. Use individual tools that are good at their job to split off
5bits of the big bad blob that is the viewer. Using standard protocals
6and tools where we can.
diff --git a/ClientHamr/XMPP/README b/ClientHamr/XMPP/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 53058b2..0000000
--- a/ClientHamr/XMPP/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
1Viewer integration with XMPP, and using it for as many services as it can.
3XMPP / jabber is a good protocol to base presence, IM, groups, and other
4related stuff on. We should do so.
diff --git a/ClientHamr/bGod/README b/ClientHamr/bGod/README
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index ec48d61..0000000
--- a/ClientHamr/bGod/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
1A front end to grid admin tools, though generally OS/SL specific tools.
3The name is a reference to SL's god mode, and the Men at Work song "Be
4Good Johnny", which itself is a reference to Chuck Berry's "Johnny B.
diff --git a/ClientHamr/extantz/README b/ClientHamr/extantz/README
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index 5fb1d5f..0000000
--- a/ClientHamr/extantz/README
+++ /dev/null
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1Extantz is the main virtual world front end. Also, during this
2experimental phase of development, this will be a test bed for all the
3GUI stuff. Eventually lots of it will be split off to separate
6Extantz is a made up word. The challenge was to find a word beginning
7with E, is as traditional with EFL (Enlightenment Foundation Library)
8projects, that has not been done to death, and thus has some reasonable
9chance to turn up in google searches. It also helps if it somehow or
10other reflects what the project actually is. lol
12Extant means "still existing, surviving", or the more archaic meaning,
13from it's original Latin roots "standing out, be visible, exist".
15Extent means "an area or volume, the range over which a thing extends"
16among other things.
18So I hope to invoke thoughts of a volume that exists and stands out. In
19other words, virtual worlds. Meh, I'm not that artsy, it needed a name.
22Extantz will handle all the 3D rendering. The other parts can use nails
23to control the world that is rendered, and GuiLua to present their UI
24on top of the rendered world.
diff --git a/ClientHamr/extantz/WindowSharing.txt b/ClientHamr/extantz/WindowSharing.txt
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index 1ccd3bb..0000000
--- a/ClientHamr/extantz/WindowSharing.txt
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@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
1EnLichtIrrnment. B-)
3Elementary and Irrlicht don't like to share windows.
5Irrlicht can be told to create a device from a pre existing window, but this is Windows only.
6 Perhaps it already works for Linux, just the docs are out of date?
7 It works, sorta.
9IVideoDriver::getExposedVideoData() can provide a structure with raw OS level window pointers.
10 This implies that it's theoretically possible to create a device from things other than Windows windows.
11 Wont provide any valid info when using the software renderer.
13Elementary can provide an Ecore_Wl_Window or an Ecore_X_Window of one of it's windows. elm_win_wl_window_get() and elm_win_xwindow_get().
15Ecore_evas can provide an Ecore_Window with ecore_evas_window_get().
17Ecore_X_Window ecore_x_window_new()
19http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=31350&sid=0eb6d64c84ec7043fd48103f8e63e930 may help. A little.
22"For using OpenGL with an Evas canvas, there is two possibilities in my
23opinion. Either put the canvas in a texture and give it to the 3D
24engine, or use EvasGL API and make the 3D engine integrate inside
25Evas. It is possible to have a direct rendering path with EvasGL and
26so have a fastest possible path.
28Cedric BAIL"
31Apparently Irrlicht's method of providing an external window actually works. Mostly. -
36Though seems that bug was marked as a duplicate with the duplicate having a better patch, but NO FUCKING LINK to that duplicate. What a horrid bug tracker.
39There is also this which gives clues -http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=26506
58http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=18941 I think is ancient and might just be similar to what's in there already.
67http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=38656 may be of some interest.
69http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=46983 where the question I want is not answered.
73I could run sed over COpenGLDriver.cpp to turn it into CEvasGLDriver.cpp, then tweak it a bit.
75evas_gl_make_current(gld->evasgl, gld->sfc, gld->ctx);
76glFoo() -> glapi->glFoo()
79Hmm, there will be some source files with random gl() calls, and I'd
80need to tweak a few other things to suit. So this wont be a clean "just
81drop in this source file" patch. B-(
83Probably a lot easier to just figure out what what brand of glue to use
84to get Irrlicht using Evas created GL surface and context.
diff --git a/ClientHamr/libpurple/README b/ClientHamr/libpurple/README
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index 4e14b9b..0000000
--- a/ClientHamr/libpurple/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
1Viewer integration with libpurple, using it for generic IM services.
3Libpurple is a modular IM system, we could just add a libpurple based IM
4system to the viewer, and use that for the XMPP integration.
diff --git a/ClientHamr/mumble/README b/ClientHamr/mumble/README
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index 1010f18..0000000
--- a/ClientHamr/mumble/README
+++ /dev/null
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1Viewer integration with mumble and whisper, and using it for as many
2audio services as it can.
4Mumble is a voice system designed for networked 3D game usage. Sounds
5perfect, just what we need. B-)
diff --git a/ClientHamr/woMan/README b/ClientHamr/woMan/README
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index 1b3bbe0..0000000
--- a/ClientHamr/woMan/README
+++ /dev/null
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1WoMan is a virtual world account and viewer manager, mostly of the SL
2(Second Life) variety since that's my focus. Most SL style virtual
3world viewers can be invoked with options to start them logging on, and
4skipping the login screen. So this project aims to be that login
5screen, doing all the things that can be done from the meta-impy login
6screen, plus more. Once the user hits the login button, woMan figures
7out what parameters to pass to what viewer, then starts it up and gets
8out of the way. Following the ClientHamr philosophy of breaking the
9viewer up into modules that do simpler tasks, and do them well. So that
10means that meta-impy will eventually loose it's login screen, to be
11replaced by woMan.
13WoMan starts off looking like any other viewers login screen, showing
14the login page of the default, or last visited grid, a small menu at the
15top with the usual functions, and the usual login buttons at the bottom.
16Added to that will be a better grid manager, with proper user
17management, suitable for people with more than one account per grid.
18The user will have the ability to choose a virtual world viewer to be
19the default, and even to associate a particular viewer with a particular
20grid. This is useful, for instance, for grids that have their own
21custom viewers, but the user wants to use a more generic viewer for all
22the other grids. Or if the user wants to use one viewer for OpenSim
23grids, but another for LL (Linden Labs) grids. Coz perhaps their chosen
24viewer is not TPVP (Third Party Viewer Policy, an LL thing) compliant,
25and LL are just more anal than the rest of the universe.
27NOTE: since I started this, LL in their *cough* infinite wisdom *cough*,
28decided that support of OpenSIm was a Really Bad Thing, so their viewers
29are no longer capable of dealing with other grids. LL have even gone as
30far as try to get other viewers to not support other grids. As far as
31woMan is concerned, this just means that LL viewers, and viewers that
32drank the LL koolaid, are less functional. shrugs
34The grid manager will also include some sort of search capability, as is
35currently being discussed by various people in the OpenSim universe.
36There might even be several search systems in place, so supporting
37existing ones, and the ability to add more might be useful. WoMan
38should be the only thing registered to handle hop:// and other such URLs
39in whatever web browsers you are using. Though most viewers want to
40register themselves, so tends to be that which ever one you started up
41last, or first, gets that privilege. That's a whole can of worms, sane
42policy and code should help.
44It might be useful to have woMan be able to download viewers,
45including checking for updates and offering to download them. As well
46as updates to common things like viewer tag definition files.
48WoMan, unlike the LL viewer code base, will be designed for relogging.
49Once the viewer it starts quits (or crashes), WoMan, which was still
50running, can pop again and let the user relog, or log to some other
51grid, or same grid as different a user, or even same grid as same user
52with a different viewer.
54Viewers can be made woMan aware, like meta-impy will be (since it's
55handing it's login screen functionality to woMan). A few more things
56make sense to be added in this case. For instance, you might want to
57have some or all of your LMs (LandMarks) be usable at the log in
58screen, so you can log directly to them. The user might want the choice
59when they HG (HyperGrid teleport) to actually start up a new viewer and
60just login to the other grid instead (if they already have an account
61there). While HGed to some new grid, the user might want to add that
62grid to the woMan grid manager at a simple click of a button, perhaps
63complete with an LM for their current position. The grid searching
64capabilities mentioned earlier might be needed while in world.
65Certainly the grid manager functions in meta-impy will be handled by
66woMan, even if in world.
68In order to display the login page of a grid, which is a web page, a web
69browser will be built into woMan. It could be used to display web
70pages within an woMan aware viewer. Though perhaps not for MOAP
71(Media On A Prim), unless woMan grows the ability to incorporate
72itself into the viewers 3D landscape as part of a prim. Which is a good
73idea, then meta-impy no longer needs a web browser. Though other things
74in the viewer are implemented as web pages, and LL are moving more stuff
75to the web.
77One of the things on the login screen is the menu option to start up the
78preferences window and change the viewers preferences. Viewers use XML
79files that not only store the preferences, but also a description of
80them. The preferences window and it's various parts are also stored as
81XML files. There is a bit missing that is in the viewer source code
82that ties all of this together. So it might not be possible to do this
83for all viewers. WoMan aware viewers can naturally provide the
84missing bits to woMan, even if not running, or even pass that entire
85functionality to woMan, just like meta-impy will do.
87For the purposes of keeping resource usage low, it should be possible
88for the user to configure woMan to go away when it starts a viewer.
89Might be a good idea even for woMan aware viewers, that can start it
90up again if it's functionality is needed while in world. Note this "go
91away" means to stop running and free up any resources it was using;
92which is different from the "gets out of the way" it usually does, still
93running, just not on screen.
96The problem with the web.
99At least that's the theory. In practice, a web browser takes up almost
100one third of the viewer, and is only used for three things. Login
101pages, simple built in browser window, and MOAP (Media On A Prim). For
102the first two full blown web browsers are massive overkill. MOAP is not
103supported by meta-impy yet anyway.
105WebKit is a pain to compile at the moment, for reasons I wont go into
106right now. At the opposite of the spectrum is dillo, which is not quite
107up to spec enough for login pages that have fancy stuff. There does not
108appear to be any middle ground. So right now, I'll work on using random
109web browsers as external windows. That will suffice for everything but
110MOAP, which I can leave until later. Just discovered netsurf, a little
111smaller than dillo, but perhaps better featured? Might be useful.
113The web is a bloated mess, so it's not surprising that a fully featured
114web browser component like WebKit is also a bloated mess.
120A thin window on the left.
122Menus across the top.
123View tabs.
124 Grids Accounts Viewers Landmarks
126Grids tab is the grid manager, though you can also drill down / tree out
127the accounts list per grid.
129Accounts shows accounts, though can drill down to grid list per account.
130Also consider launching thin viewers, text only ones and such. The
131account view is almost a natural for extending into a IM style thingy.
133Viewers lists the installed viewers, can install more, and allows
134preferences editing. It can handle viewer installs, upgrades, even
135compiling them from source.
137Landmarks manages LMs from viewers, or log in spots, or SLURLs etc.
139A user configurable web browser can open up to fill the right of the
142Log file management features, including viewer stdout, check if only
143Linux viewers do that. Including chat logs.
145Dillo and uzbl can insert themselves into the windows of others. Should
146check that out. Netsurf is allegedly easy to port to things, might be
147able to port it to EFL.