0000413: [TODO] Remove --debug and valgrind. (onefang)
0000388: [Bug] Update log4net (onefang)
0000362: [Bug] GITAR system is broken. (onefang)
0000323: [TODO] Actually test BoM. (onefang)
0000345: [General] Various startup issues with the new system. (onefang)
0000249: [TODO] Ability for the website to pull statistics from the grid (onefang)
0000030: [Feature] Rewrite the bash scripts in Lua. (onefang)
       0000148: [Feature] Console grouping sanity. (onefang)
0000243: [Bug] Allow people to teleport themselves. (onefang)
0000324: [Feature] Configure the base port number for sim autogenerated ports. (onefang)
0000116: [Bug] Blank out passwords from commands in the logs. (onefang)
0000270: [Feature] New backup regime. (onefang)
0000327: [Bug] Starting up at boot time seems to work, but I can't connect to the tmux that creates. (onefang)
0000326: [Bug] sledjchisl -m runs leak, but similar sim runs don't. (onefang)
0000325: [Bug] When one sledjChisl ends, the web one stops responding. (onefang)
0000247: [Bug] Anyone can drag stuff out of boxes they don't own, to places they have no create rights, then edit them. (onefang)
0000276: [TODO] Remove boiler plate from sim .ini files. (onefang)
0000242: [Feature] Auto group joiner for any avatar (onefang)
0000114: [Feature] iar saves need sanity in the IAR file default name. (onefang)
0000223: [Bug] GRID SERVICES is an actual user, the default, but save IAR on it crashes. (onefang)
0000218: [Bug] Not being able to find an IAR file should not result in a stack trace. (onefang)
0000244: [Bug] Group autojoin should only work on root agents. (onefang)
0000215: [Feature] In the "show users" console list, mark NPCs in the "root/child" column. (onefang)
0000273: [Feature] Add name of approver to account Lua records. (onefang)
0000156: [Feature] Allow startup priority by RegionType (onefang)
0000233: [Feature] Auto figure out things like simXX and port numbers. (onefang)
0000220: [Feature] Make the sim ini files polyglot. (onefang)
0000262: [TODO] Put the rules in the validation emails. (onefang)
0000230: [Feature] Use the name of the sim ini files as the tmux tab name. (onefang)
0000207: [Feature] Count CPU cores, start up sims in parallel. (onefang)
0000209: [Bug] No groups. (onefang)
31 issues View Issues