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  In My Dreams

I have touched you so many times in my dreams
Held your hand and walked with you
Laughed with you and cried with you
In my dreams I’ve held you close to me and we have loved

We’ve lived together in my dreams
In the house you built for us
Shared many Christmases and other holidays
Talked for hours about life and its expectations

I’ve watched you work your forge in my dreams
Playing with the hot steel as if it were some toy
Manipulating it into what you would have it to be
Much in the same way you have forged your love in my heart

My mind tells me that reality would not be as sweet
But they are after all my dreams
My heart tells me otherwise and
It’s my heart that speaks to me loudest of all

I’ve had many dreams
And some how even before I knew you
There you were in them
A soft and ever gentle presence
In my dreams

By Diana

Content by DIANA SHELDON copyright 2014.