View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000533apt-panopticonTODOpublic2024-11-28 23:51
Reporteronefang Assigned Toonefang  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Summary0000533: Check that apt multiple slashes bug.
DescriptionSee if that's in any version we still support, see if currently supported apt's will deal properly with some user putting them in sources.

If URL sanity is no longer relevant, I'm happy to yank the test. B-)
TagsNo tags attached.




2024-11-28 23:51

administrator   ~0000663

On the other hand, if I keep the test ...

I suspect the failures are nginx using the merge_slashes option, which defaults to on. On is good, but apparently there's reasons for turning it off. Which should be done where there's reasons, no reasons for Devuan mirrors.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-08-09 10:03 onefang New Issue
2024-08-09 10:03 onefang Status new => assigned
2024-08-09 10:03 onefang Assigned To => onefang
2024-11-28 23:51 onefang Note Added: 0000663