View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000031opensim-SCFeaturepublic2019-07-27 14:54
Reporteronefang Assigned Toonefang  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version0.9.0.1 RC0 
Summary0000031: Add my virtual 'Gabba code.
DescriptionI'll have to make it more generic.

Double check the limits of the photos.

Call it SledjDozr? Leave SledShovl for a smaller scale terrain editor.
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-06-02 05:41 onefang New Issue
2019-06-02 05:41 onefang Status new => assigned
2019-06-02 05:41 onefang Assigned To => onefang
2019-07-27 14:52 onefang Category TODO => Feature
2019-07-27 14:54 onefang Target Version RC0 =>