#!/usr/bin/env python import os, os.path, popen2, re, string, sys def textfile(file): return { "svn:eol-style" : "native" } def script(file): return { "svn:eol-style" : "native", "svn:executable" : "*" } def executable(file): return { "svn:executable" : "*", "svn:mime-type" : "application/octet-stream" } def binary(file): return { "svn:mime-type" : "application/octet-stream" } def is_binary(file): f = open(file) data = f.read() f.close() for c in data: if c not in string.printable: return True return False def binary_or_text(file): if is_binary(file): return binary(file) else: return textfile(file) property_map = { ".bat" : script, ".config" : textfile, ".cs" : textfile, ".csproj" : textfile, ".dat" : binary_or_text, ".dll" : binary, ".dylib" : binary, ".example" : textfile, ".exe" : executable, ".fxcop" : textfile, ".ico" : binary, ".include" : textfile, ".ini" : textfile, ".j2c" : binary, ".jp2" : binary, ".lsl" : textfile, ".mdp" : textfile, ".mds" : textfile, ".nsi" : textfile, ".pdb" : binary, ".php" : script, ".pidb" : binary, ".pl" : script, ".png" : binary, ".py" : script, ".rb" : script, ".resx" : textfile, ".settings" : textfile, ".stetic" : textfile, ".sh" : script, ".snk" : binary, ".so" : binary, ".sql" : textfile, ".txt" : textfile, ".userprefs" : textfile, ".usertasks" : textfile, ".xml" : textfile, ".xsd" : textfile } def propset(file, property, value): os.system('svn propset %s "%s" "%s"' % (property, value, file)) def propdel(file, property): os.system('svn propdel %s "%s"' % (property, file)) def propget(file, property): output, input, error = popen2.popen3('svn propget %s "%s"' % (property, file)) err = error.read() if err != "": output.close() error.close() input.close() return "" result = output.read() output.close() error.close() input.close() return result.strip() def proplist(file): output, input, error = popen2.popen3('svn proplist "%s"' % file) err = error.read() if err != "": output.close() error.close() input.close() return None result = output.readlines() output.close() error.close() input.close() if len(result) > 0 and re.match("^Properties on .*:$", result[0]) is not None: return [r.strip() for r in result[1:]] else: return "" def update_file(file, properties): current_props = proplist(file) if current_props is None: # svn error occurred -- probably an unversioned file return for p in current_props: if not properties.has_key(p): propdel(file, p) for p in properties: if p not in current_props or propget(file, p) != properties[p]: propset(file, p, properties[p]) def update(dir): for f in os.listdir(dir): fullpath = os.path.join(dir, f) if os.path.isdir(fullpath): if not os.path.islink(fullpath): update(fullpath) else: extension = os.path.splitext(fullpath)[1].lower() if property_map.has_key(extension): update_file(fullpath, property_map[extension](fullpath)) elif extension != "" and proplist(fullpath) is not None: print "Warning: No properties defined for %s files (%s)" % (extension, fullpath) def main(argv = None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv update(".") if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())