using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Xml; using System.Threading; using libsecondlife; using libsecondlife.Packets; using libsecondlife.AssetSystem; namespace libsecondlife.TestClient { public class LoginDetails { public string FirstName; public string LastName; public string Password; public string StartLocation; public string MasterName; public LLUUID MasterKey; public string LoginURI; } public class StartPosition { public string sim; public int x; public int y; public int z; public StartPosition() { this.sim = null; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.z = 0; } } public class ClientManager { public Dictionary<LLUUID, SecondLife> Clients = new Dictionary<LLUUID, SecondLife>(); public Dictionary<Simulator, Dictionary<uint, Primitive>> SimPrims = new Dictionary<Simulator, Dictionary<uint, Primitive>>(); public bool Running = true; string contactPerson = String.Empty; private LLUUID resolvedMasterKey = LLUUID.Zero; private ManualResetEvent keyResolution = new ManualResetEvent(false); /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="accounts"></param> public ClientManager(List<LoginDetails> accounts, string c) { this.contactPerson = c; foreach (LoginDetails account in accounts) Login(account); } public ClientManager(List<LoginDetails> accounts, string c, string s) { this.contactPerson = c; char sep = '/'; string[] startbits = s.Split(sep); foreach (LoginDetails account in accounts) { account.StartLocation = NetworkManager.StartLocation(startbits[0], Int32.Parse(startbits[1]), Int32.Parse(startbits[2]), Int32.Parse(startbits[3])); Login(account); } } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="account"></param> /// <returns></returns> public TestClient Login(LoginDetails account) { // Check if this client is already logged in foreach (TestClient c in Clients.Values) { if (c.Self.FirstName == account.FirstName && c.Self.LastName == account.LastName) { Logout(c); break; } } TestClient client = new TestClient(this); // Optimize the throttle client.Throttle.Wind = 0; client.Throttle.Cloud = 0; client.Throttle.Land = 1000000; client.Throttle.Task = 1000000; client.SimPrims = SimPrims; client.MasterName = account.MasterName; client.MasterKey = account.MasterKey; libsecondlife.NetworkManager.LoginParams loginParams = new NetworkManager.LoginParams(); loginParams.FirstName = account.FirstName; loginParams.LastName = account.LastName; loginParams.Password = account.Password; loginParams.UserAgent = "MassTestClient"; loginParams.Start = account.StartLocation; loginParams.Author = contactPerson; loginParams.URI = account.LoginURI; if (!client.Network.Login(loginParams)) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to login " + account.FirstName + " " + account.LastName + ": " + client.Network.LoginMessage); } if (client.Network.Connected) { if (account.MasterKey == LLUUID.Zero && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(account.MasterName)) { Console.WriteLine("Resolving {0}'s UUID", account.MasterName); // Find master's key from name DirectoryManager.DirPeopleReplyCallback callback = new DirectoryManager.DirPeopleReplyCallback(KeyResolvHandler); client.Directory.OnDirPeopleReply += callback; client.Directory.StartPeopleSearch(DirectoryManager.DirFindFlags.People, account.MasterName, 0); if (keyResolution.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), false)) { account.MasterKey = resolvedMasterKey; Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\" resolved to {1}", account.MasterName, account.MasterKey); } else { Console.WriteLine("Unable to obtain UUID for \"{0}\". No master will be used. Try specifying a key with --masterkey.", account.MasterName); } client.Directory.OnDirPeopleReply -= callback; keyResolution.Reset(); } client.MasterKey = account.MasterKey; Clients[client.Network.AgentID] = client; Console.WriteLine("Logged in " + client.ToString()); } return client; } private void KeyResolvHandler(LLUUID queryid, List<DirectoryManager.AgentSearchData> matches) { LLUUID master = matches[0].AgentID; if (matches.Count > 1) { Console.WriteLine("Possible masters:"); for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; ++i) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", i, matches[i].FirstName + " " + matches[i].LastName); } Console.Write("Ambiguous master, choose one:"); string read = Console.ReadLine(); while (read != null) { int choice = 0; if (int.TryParse(read, out choice)) { master = matches[choice].AgentID; break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Responce misunderstood."); Console.Write("Type the corresponding number:"); } read = Console.ReadLine(); } } resolvedMasterKey = master; keyResolution.Set(); } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> /// <returns></returns> public TestClient Login(string[] args) { LoginDetails account = new LoginDetails(); account.FirstName = args[0]; account.LastName = args[1]; account.Password = args[2]; if (args.Length == 4) { account.StartLocation = NetworkManager.StartLocation(args[3], 128, 128, 40); } return Login(account); } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public void Run(List<string> massTestCommands) { Console.WriteLine("Type quit to exit. Type help for a command list."); if (massTestCommands.Count == 0) { while (Running) { PrintPrompt(); string input = Console.ReadLine(); DoCommandAll(input, null, null); } } else { int currentCommand = 0; while (Running) { DoCommandAll(massTestCommands[currentCommand], null, null); currentCommand++; if (massTestCommands.Count >= currentCommand) { currentCommand = 0; } } } foreach (SecondLife client in Clients.Values) { if (client.Network.Connected) client.Network.Logout(); } } private void PrintPrompt() { int online = 0; foreach (SecondLife client in Clients.Values) { if (client.Network.Connected) online++; } Console.Write(online + " avatars online> "); } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="cmd"></param> /// <param name="fromAgentID"></param> /// <param name="imSessionID"></param> public void DoCommandAll(string cmd, LLUUID fromAgentID, LLUUID imSessionID) { string[] tokens = cmd.Trim().Split(new char[] { ' ', '\t' }); string firstToken = tokens[0].ToLower(); if (tokens.Length == 0) return; if (firstToken == "login") { // Special login case: Only call it once, and allow it with // no logged in avatars string[] args = new string[tokens.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(tokens, 1, args, 0, args.Length); Login(args); } else if (firstToken == "quit") { Quit(); Console.WriteLine("All clients logged out and program finished running."); } else { // make a copy of the clients list so that it can be iterated without fear of being changed during iteration Dictionary<LLUUID, SecondLife> clientsCopy = new Dictionary<LLUUID, SecondLife>(Clients); foreach (TestClient client in clientsCopy.Values) client.DoCommand(cmd, fromAgentID, imSessionID); } } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="client"></param> public void Logout(TestClient client) { Clients.Remove(client.Network.AgentID); client.Network.Logout(); } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public void LogoutAll() { // make a copy of the clients list so that it can be iterated without fear of being changed during iteration Dictionary<LLUUID, SecondLife> clientsCopy = new Dictionary<LLUUID, SecondLife>(Clients); foreach (TestClient client in clientsCopy.Values) Logout(client); } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public void Quit() { LogoutAll(); Running = false; // TODO: It would be really nice if we could figure out a way to abort the ReadLine here in so that Run() will exit. } } }