using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using libsecondlife; using libsecondlife.Packets; using Axiom.MathLib; namespace { public class Avatar : Entity { public string firstname; public string lastname; public OpenSimClient ControllingClient; public uint CurrentKeyMask; private libsecondlife.Packets.ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock AvatarTemplate; public Avatar(OpenSimClient TheClient) { Console.WriteLine("Avatar.cs - Loading details from grid (DUMMY)"); ControllingClient=TheClient; SetupTemplate("avatar-template.dat"); position = new LLVector3(100.0f,100.0f,60.0f); } public override void update() { lock(this) { base.update(); Console.WriteLine("KeyMask: " + this.CurrentKeyMask); if((this.CurrentKeyMask & (uint)MainAvatar.AgentUpdateFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_AT_POS) != 0) { Vector3 tmpVelocity = this.rotation * new Vector3(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f); tmpVelocity.Normalize(); tmpVelocity = tmpVelocity * 0.3f; this.velocity.X = tmpVelocity.x; this.velocity.Y = tmpVelocity.y; this.velocity.Z = tmpVelocity.z; Console.WriteLine("Walking at "+ this.velocity.ToString()); } else { this.velocity.X=0; this.velocity.Y=0; this.velocity.Z=0; } } } private void SetupTemplate(string name) { int i = 0; FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(name); long numBytes = fInfo.Length; FileStream fStream = new FileStream(name, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fStream); byte [] data1 = br.ReadBytes((int)numBytes); br.Close(); fStream.Close(); libsecondlife.Packets.ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock objdata = new libsecondlife.Packets.ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock(data1, ref i); System.Text.Encoding enc = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII; libsecondlife.LLVector3 pos = new LLVector3(objdata.ObjectData, 16); pos.X = 100f; objdata.ID = this.localid; objdata.NameValue = enc.GetBytes("FirstName STRING RW SV Test \nLastName STRING RW SV User \0"); libsecondlife.LLVector3 pos2 = new LLVector3(100f,100f,23f); //objdata.FullID=user.AgentID; byte[] pb = pos.GetBytes(); Array.Copy(pb, 0, objdata.ObjectData, 16, pb.Length); AvatarTemplate = objdata; } public void CompleteMovement(World RegionInfo) { Console.WriteLine("Avatar.cs:CompleteMovement() - Constructing AgentMovementComplete packet"); AgentMovementCompletePacket mov = new AgentMovementCompletePacket(); mov.AgentData.SessionID = this.ControllingClient.SessionID; mov.AgentData.AgentID = this.ControllingClient.AgentID; mov.Data.RegionHandle = OpenSim_Main.cfg.RegionHandle; // TODO - dynamicalise this stuff mov.Data.Timestamp = 1172750370; mov.Data.Position = new LLVector3((float)this.position.X, (float)this.position.Y, (float)this.position.Z); mov.Data.LookAt = new LLVector3(0.99f, 0.042f, 0); Console.WriteLine("Sending AgentMovementComplete packet"); ControllingClient.OutPacket(mov); } public void SendInitialPosition() { System.Text.Encoding _enc = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII; //send a objectupdate packet with information about the clients avatar ObjectUpdatePacket objupdate = new ObjectUpdatePacket(); objupdate.RegionData.RegionHandle = OpenSim_Main.cfg.RegionHandle; objupdate.RegionData.TimeDilation = 64096; objupdate.ObjectData = new libsecondlife.Packets.ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock[1]; objupdate.ObjectData[0] = AvatarTemplate; //give this avatar object a local id and assign the user a name objupdate.ObjectData[0].ID = this.localid; //"Test"+this.local_numer+" User"; objupdate.ObjectData[0].FullID = ControllingClient.AgentID; objupdate.ObjectData[0].NameValue = _enc.GetBytes("FirstName STRING RW SV " + firstname + "\nLastName STRING RW SV " + lastname + " \0"); libsecondlife.LLVector3 pos2 = new LLVector3((float)this.position.X, (float)this.position.Y, (float)this.position.Z); byte[] pb = pos2.GetBytes(); Array.Copy(pb, 0, objupdate.ObjectData[0].ObjectData, 16, pb.Length); OpenSim_Main.local_world._localNumber++; this.ControllingClient.OutPacket(objupdate); } public override ImprovedTerseObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock CreateTerseBlock() { byte[] bytes = new byte[60]; int i=0; ImprovedTerseObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock dat = new ImprovedTerseObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock(); dat.TextureEntry = AvatarTemplate.TextureEntry; libsecondlife.LLVector3 pos2 = new LLVector3(this.position.X, this.position.Y, this.position.Z); uint ID = this.localid; bytes[i++] = (byte)(ID % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ID >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ID >> 16) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ID >> 24) % 256); bytes[i++] = 0; bytes[i++] = 1; i += 14; bytes[i++] = 128; bytes[i++] = 63; byte[] pb = pos2.GetBytes(); Array.Copy(pb, 0, bytes, i, pb.Length); i += 12; ushort ac = 32767; bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); // avatar.InternVelocityX bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac>> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); // avatar.InternVelocityY bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); // avatar.InternVelocityZ bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); //accel bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); //rot bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); //rotation vel bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); dat.Data=bytes; return(dat); } public void SendInitialAppearance() { AgentWearablesUpdatePacket aw = new AgentWearablesUpdatePacket(); aw.AgentData.AgentID = this.ControllingClient.AgentID; aw.AgentData.SerialNum = 0; aw.AgentData.SessionID = ControllingClient.SessionID; aw.WearableData = new AgentWearablesUpdatePacket.WearableDataBlock[13]; AgentWearablesUpdatePacket.WearableDataBlock awb = new AgentWearablesUpdatePacket.WearableDataBlock(); awb.WearableType = (byte)0; awb.AssetID = new LLUUID("66c41e39-38f9-f75a-024e-585989bfab73"); awb.ItemID = LLUUID.Random(); aw.WearableData[0] = awb; for(int i=1; i<13; i++) { awb = new AgentWearablesUpdatePacket.WearableDataBlock(); awb.WearableType = (byte)i; awb.AssetID = new LLUUID("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); awb.ItemID = new LLUUID("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); aw.WearableData[i] = awb; } ControllingClient.OutPacket(aw); } public void SendRegionHandshake(World RegionInfo) { Console.WriteLine("Avatar.cs:SendRegionHandshake() - Creating empty RegionHandshake packet"); System.Text.Encoding _enc = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII; RegionHandshakePacket handshake = new RegionHandshakePacket(); Console.WriteLine("Avatar.cs:SendRegionhandshake() - Filling in RegionHandshake details"); handshake.RegionInfo.BillableFactor = 0; handshake.RegionInfo.IsEstateManager = false; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainHeightRange00 = 60; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainHeightRange01 = 60; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainHeightRange10 = 60; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainHeightRange11 = 60; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainStartHeight00 = 10; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainStartHeight01 = 10; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainStartHeight10 = 10; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainStartHeight11 = 10; handshake.RegionInfo.SimAccess = 13; handshake.RegionInfo.WaterHeight = 5; handshake.RegionInfo.RegionFlags = 72458694; handshake.RegionInfo.SimName = _enc.GetBytes(OpenSim_Main.cfg.RegionName + "\0"); handshake.RegionInfo.SimOwner = new LLUUID("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainBase0 = new LLUUID("b8d3965a-ad78-bf43-699b-bff8eca6c975"); handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainBase1 = new LLUUID("abb783e6-3e93-26c0-248a-247666855da3"); handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainBase2 = new LLUUID("179cdabd-398a-9b6b-1391-4dc333ba321f"); handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainBase3 = new LLUUID("beb169c7-11ea-fff2-efe5-0f24dc881df2"); handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainDetail0 = new LLUUID("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainDetail1 = new LLUUID("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainDetail2 = new LLUUID("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainDetail3 = new LLUUID("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); handshake.RegionInfo.CacheID = new LLUUID("545ec0a5-5751-1026-8a0b-216e38a7ab37"); Console.WriteLine("Avatar.cs:SendRegionHandshake() - Sending RegionHandshake packet"); this.ControllingClient.OutPacket(handshake); } public void HandleAgentUpdate(AgentUpdatePacket update) { lock(this) { // FIXME: shouldn't update these direction this.rotation = new Quaternion(update.AgentData.BodyRotation.W, update.AgentData.BodyRotation.X, update.AgentData.BodyRotation.Y, update.AgentData.BodyRotation.Z); this.CurrentKeyMask = update.AgentData.ControlFlags; this.needupdate = true; } } } }