/* Copyright (c) OpenSim project, http://osgrid.org/ * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using libsecondlife; using libsecondlife.Packets; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.IO; using System.Threading; using System.Timers; using OpenSim.GridServers; using OpenSim.world; namespace OpenSim { /// /// Handles new client connections /// Constructor takes a single Packet and authenticates everything /// public class OpenSimClient { public LLUUID AgentID; public LLUUID SessionID; public uint CircuitCode; public world.Avatar ClientAvatar; private UseCircuitCodePacket cirpack; private Thread ClientThread; public EndPoint userEP; private BlockingQueue PacketQueue; private Dictionary PendingAcks = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary NeedAck = new Dictionary(); private System.Timers.Timer AckTimer; private uint Sequence = 0; private object SequenceLock = new object(); private const int MAX_APPENDED_ACKS = 10; private const int RESEND_TIMEOUT = 4000; private const int MAX_SEQUENCE = 0xFFFFFF; public void ack_pack(Packet Pack) { //libsecondlife.Packets.PacketAckPacket ack_it = new PacketAckPacket(); //ack_it.Packets = new PacketAckPacket.PacketsBlock[1]; //ack_it.Packets[0] = new PacketAckPacket.PacketsBlock(); //ack_it.Packets[0].ID = Pack.Header.ID; //ack_it.Header.Reliable = false; //OutPacket(ack_it); if (Pack.Header.Reliable) { lock (PendingAcks) { uint sequence = (uint)Pack.Header.Sequence; if (!PendingAcks.ContainsKey(sequence)) { PendingAcks[sequence] = sequence; } } } } public void ProcessInPacket(Packet Pack) { ack_pack(Pack); switch(Pack.Type) { case PacketType.CompleteAgentMovement: ClientAvatar.CompleteMovement(OpenSim_Main.local_world); ClientAvatar.SendInitialPosition(); break; case PacketType.RegionHandshakeReply: OpenSim_Main.local_world.SendLayerData(this); break; case PacketType.AgentWearablesRequest: ClientAvatar.SendInitialAppearance(); foreach(OpenSimClient client in OpenSim_Main.sim.ClientThreads.Values) { if(client.AgentID != this.AgentID) { ObjectUpdatePacket objupdate = client.ClientAvatar.CreateUpdatePacket(); this.OutPacket(objupdate); client.ClientAvatar.SendAppearanceToOtherAgent(this); } } OpenSim_Main.local_world.GetInitialPrims(this); break; case PacketType.ObjectAdd: OpenSim_Main.local_world.AddNewPrim((ObjectAddPacket)Pack, this); break; case PacketType.MultipleObjectUpdate : MultipleObjectUpdatePacket multipleupdate = (MultipleObjectUpdatePacket)Pack; for( int i = 0; i < multipleupdate.ObjectData.Length; i++ ) { if( multipleupdate.ObjectData[ i ].Type == 9 ) //change position { libsecondlife.LLVector3 pos = new LLVector3(multipleupdate.ObjectData[ i ].Data, 0 ); foreach (Entity ent in OpenSim_Main.local_world.Entities.Values) { if(ent.localid == multipleupdate.ObjectData[ i ].ObjectLocalID) { ent.position = pos; ((OpenSim.world.Primitive)ent).UpdateFlag = true; } } //should update stored position of the prim } else if(multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].Type == 10 )//rotation { libsecondlife.LLQuaternion rot = new LLQuaternion(multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].Data, 0, true); foreach (Entity ent in OpenSim_Main.local_world.Entities.Values) { if(ent.localid == multipleupdate.ObjectData[ i ].ObjectLocalID) { ent.rotation = new Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion(rot.W, rot.X, rot.Y, rot.W); ((OpenSim.world.Primitive)ent).UpdateFlag = true; } } } } break; case PacketType.TransferRequest: //Console.WriteLine("OpenSimClient.cs:ProcessInPacket() - Got transfer request"); TransferRequestPacket transfer = (TransferRequestPacket)Pack; OpenSim_Main.sim.assetCache.AddAssetRequest(this, transfer); break; case PacketType.AgentUpdate: ClientAvatar.HandleUpdate((AgentUpdatePacket)Pack); break; case PacketType.LogoutRequest: ServerConsole.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("OpenSimClient.cs:ProcessInPacket() - Got a logout request"); OpenSim_Main.gridServers.GridServer.LogoutSession(this.SessionID, this.AgentID, this.CircuitCode); lock(OpenSim_Main.local_world.Entities) { OpenSim_Main.local_world.Entities.Remove(this.AgentID); } //need to do other cleaning up here too this.ClientThread.Abort(); break; case PacketType.ChatFromViewer: ChatFromViewerPacket inchatpack = (ChatFromViewerPacket)Pack; if(Helpers.FieldToString(inchatpack.ChatData.Message)=="") break; System.Text.Encoding _enc = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII; libsecondlife.Packets.ChatFromSimulatorPacket reply = new ChatFromSimulatorPacket(); reply.ChatData.Audible = 1; reply.ChatData.Message = inchatpack.ChatData.Message; reply.ChatData.ChatType = 1; reply.ChatData.SourceType = 1; reply.ChatData.Position = this.ClientAvatar.position; reply.ChatData.FromName = _enc.GetBytes(this.ClientAvatar.firstname + " " + this.ClientAvatar.lastname + "\0"); reply.ChatData.OwnerID = this.AgentID; reply.ChatData.SourceID = this.AgentID; foreach(OpenSimClient client in OpenSim_Main.sim.ClientThreads.Values) { client.OutPacket(reply); } break; } } private void ResendUnacked() { int now = Environment.TickCount; lock (NeedAck) { foreach (Packet packet in NeedAck.Values) { if (now - packet.TickCount > RESEND_TIMEOUT) { ServerConsole.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Resending " + packet.Type.ToString() + " packet, " + (now - packet.TickCount) + "ms have passed"); packet.Header.Resent = true; OutPacket(packet); } } } } private void SendAcks() { lock (PendingAcks) { if (PendingAcks.Count > 0) { if (PendingAcks.Count > 250) { // FIXME: Handle the odd case where we have too many pending ACKs queued up ServerConsole.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Too many ACKs queued up!"); return; } ServerConsole.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("Sending PacketAck"); int i = 0; PacketAckPacket acks = new PacketAckPacket(); acks.Packets = new PacketAckPacket.PacketsBlock[PendingAcks.Count]; foreach (uint ack in PendingAcks.Values) { acks.Packets[i] = new PacketAckPacket.PacketsBlock(); acks.Packets[i].ID = ack; i++; } acks.Header.Reliable = false; OutPacket(acks); PendingAcks.Clear(); } } } private void AckTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs ea) { SendAcks(); ResendUnacked(); } public void ProcessOutPacket(Packet Pack) { // Keep track of when this packet was sent out Pack.TickCount = Environment.TickCount; if (!Pack.Header.Resent) { // Set the sequence number lock (SequenceLock) { if (Sequence >= MAX_SEQUENCE) Sequence = 1; else Sequence++; Pack.Header.Sequence = Sequence; } if (Pack.Header.Reliable) //DIRTY HACK { lock (NeedAck) { if (!NeedAck.ContainsKey(Pack.Header.Sequence)) { NeedAck.Add(Pack.Header.Sequence, Pack); } else { // Client.Log("Attempted to add a duplicate sequence number (" + // packet.Header.Sequence + ") to the NeedAck dictionary for packet type " + // packet.Type.ToString(), Helpers.LogLevel.Warning); } } // Don't append ACKs to resent packets, in case that's what was causing the // delivery to fail if (!Pack.Header.Resent) { // Append any ACKs that need to be sent out to this packet lock (PendingAcks) { if (PendingAcks.Count > 0 && PendingAcks.Count < MAX_APPENDED_ACKS && Pack.Type != PacketType.PacketAck && Pack.Type != PacketType.LogoutRequest) { Pack.Header.AckList = new uint[PendingAcks.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (uint ack in PendingAcks.Values) { Pack.Header.AckList[i] = ack; i++; } PendingAcks.Clear(); Pack.Header.AppendedAcks = true; } } } } } //ServerConsole.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("OUT: \n" + Pack.ToString()); byte[] ZeroOutBuffer = new byte[4096]; byte[] sendbuffer; sendbuffer = Pack.ToBytes(); try { if (Pack.Header.Zerocoded) { int packetsize = Helpers.ZeroEncode(sendbuffer, sendbuffer.Length, ZeroOutBuffer); OpenSim_Main.Server.SendTo(ZeroOutBuffer, packetsize, SocketFlags.None,userEP); } else { OpenSim_Main.Server.SendTo(sendbuffer, sendbuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None,userEP); } } catch (Exception) { ServerConsole.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("OpenSimClient.cs:ProcessOutPacket() - WARNING: Socket exception occurred on connection " + userEP.ToString() + " - killing thread"); ClientThread.Abort(); } } public void InPacket(Packet NewPack) { // Handle appended ACKs if (NewPack.Header.AppendedAcks) { lock (NeedAck) { foreach (uint ack in NewPack.Header.AckList) { NeedAck.Remove(ack); } } } // Handle PacketAck packets if (NewPack.Type == PacketType.PacketAck) { PacketAckPacket ackPacket = (PacketAckPacket)NewPack; lock (NeedAck) { foreach (PacketAckPacket.PacketsBlock block in ackPacket.Packets) { NeedAck.Remove(block.ID); } } } else if( ( NewPack.Type == PacketType.StartPingCheck ) ) { //reply to pingcheck libsecondlife.Packets.StartPingCheckPacket startPing = (libsecondlife.Packets.StartPingCheckPacket)NewPack; libsecondlife.Packets.CompletePingCheckPacket endPing = new CompletePingCheckPacket(); endPing.PingID.PingID = startPing.PingID.PingID; OutPacket(endPing); } else { QueItem item = new QueItem(); item.Packet = NewPack; item.Incoming = true; this.PacketQueue.Enqueue(item); } } public void OutPacket(Packet NewPack) { QueItem item = new QueItem(); item.Packet = NewPack; item.Incoming = false; this.PacketQueue.Enqueue(item); } public OpenSimClient(EndPoint remoteEP, UseCircuitCodePacket initialcirpack) { ServerConsole.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("OpenSimClient.cs - Started up new client thread to handle incoming request"); cirpack = initialcirpack; userEP = remoteEP; PacketQueue = new BlockingQueue(); AckTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(500); AckTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(AckTimer_Elapsed); AckTimer.Start(); ClientThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(AuthUser)); ClientThread.IsBackground = true; ClientThread.Start(); } private void ClientLoop() { ServerConsole.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("OpenSimClient.cs:ClientLoop() - Entered loop"); while(true) { QueItem nextPacket = PacketQueue.Dequeue(); if(nextPacket.Incoming) { //is a incoming packet ProcessInPacket(nextPacket.Packet); } else { //is a out going packet ProcessOutPacket(nextPacket.Packet); } } } private void InitNewClient() { ServerConsole.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("OpenSimClient.cs:InitNewClient() - Adding viewer agent to world"); OpenSim_Main.local_world.AddViewerAgent(this); world.Entity tempent=OpenSim_Main.local_world.Entities[this.AgentID]; this.ClientAvatar=(world.Avatar)tempent; } private void AuthUser() { AuthenticateResponse sessionInfo = OpenSim_Main.gridServers.GridServer.AuthenticateSession(cirpack.CircuitCode.SessionID, cirpack.CircuitCode.ID, cirpack.CircuitCode.Code); if(!sessionInfo.Authorised) { //session/circuit not authorised ServerConsole.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("OpenSimClient.cs:AuthUser() - New user request denied to " + userEP.ToString()); ClientThread.Abort(); } else { ServerConsole.MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("OpenSimClient.cs:AuthUser() - Got authenticated connection from " + userEP.ToString()); //session is authorised this.AgentID=cirpack.CircuitCode.ID; this.SessionID=cirpack.CircuitCode.SessionID; this.CircuitCode=cirpack.CircuitCode.Code; InitNewClient(); this.ClientAvatar.firstname = sessionInfo.LoginInfo.First; this.ClientAvatar.lastname = sessionInfo.LoginInfo.Last; ClientLoop(); } } } }