#This file updates the tables used by OpenSimSearch to the latest schema. #Use this file if you are updating an existing installation of the search #module. If you are doing a first time install, use the ossearch.sql file. #SVN revision 126 BEGIN; ALTER TABLE `parcelsales` CHANGE `mature` `mature` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'PG'; COMMIT; #SVN revision 142 BEGIN; ALTER TABLE `hostsregister` DROP `lastcheck`; ALTER TABLE `hostsregister` ADD `nextcheck` int(10) NOT NULL AFTER `register`; ALTER TABLE `hostsregister` ADD `checked` tinyint(1) NOT NULL AFTER `nextcheck`; ALTER TABLE `hostsregister` CHANGE `failcounter` `failcounter` int(10) NOT NULL; COMMIT; #SVN revision 149 BEGIN; ALTER TABLE `events` DROP `mature`; ALTER TABLE `events` CHANGE `eventflags` `eventflags` tinyint(1) NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `parcels` ADD `mature` VARCHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `parcelsales` CHANGE `mature` `mature` VARCHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'PG'; ALTER TABLE `popularplaces` CHANGE `has_picture` `has_picture` tinyint(1) NOT NULL; COMMIT; #SVN revision 153 BEGIN; ALTER TABLE `parcels` CHANGE `mature` `mature` VARCHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'PG'; COMMIT; #SVN revision 154 BEGIN; ALTER TABLE `events` CHANGE `dateUTC` `dateUTC` int(10) NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `events` CHANGE `covercharge` `covercharge` tinyint(1) NOT NULL; COMMIT;