#!/bin/bash NAME=$1 LOCATION=$2 URL=$3 IP=$4 SIZE=$5 OSPATH="/opt/opensim" cd $OSPATH/config k=0 for i in $(seq 50 99) do j=$(printf "sim%02d" $i) if [ -e "$j" ] then k=$i fi done if [ "x$NAME" = "x" ] then NAME="No name sim $RANDOM" # Should be unique per grid. echo "WARNING setting the sim name to [$NAME], this may not be what you want." fi # Sanitize the name. Not removing [ or ], couldn't get that to work, only important for Windows. sim=$(echo "${NAME}" | sed -e 's/[\\/:\*\?"<>\|@#$%&\0\x01-\x1F\x27\x40\x60\x7F. ]/_/g' -e 's/^$/NONAME/') if [ "x$LOCATION" = "x" ] then LOCATION="$RANDOM,$RANDOM" # again UNIQUE (i.e. ONLY ONE) per grid in THIS case! echo "WARNING setting the Location to $LOCATION, this may not be what you want." fi if [ "x$IP" = "x" ] then # will work for a single sim per physical machine, otherwise we need the real internal IP. IP="" echo "WARNING setting the InternalAddress to $IP, this may not be what you want." # echo " will work for a single sim per physical machine, otherwise we need the real internal IP." # According to the OpenSim docs, means to listen on all NICs the machine has, which should work fine. fi # Here we make use of an external IP finding service. Careful, it may move. if [ "x$URL" = "x" ] then # URL=$(wget -q http://automation.whatismyip.com/n09230945.asp -O -) # URL is best (without the HTTP://), but IP (e.g. works too. URL="SYSTEMIP" echo "WARNING setting the ExternalHostName to $URL, this may not be what you want." fi if [ "x$SIZE" = "x" ] then SIZE="256" fi NUM=$(printf "%02d" $(($k + 1)) ) PORT=$(( 9005 + ($k * 5) )) # 9002 is used for HTTP/UDP so START with port 9003! CAUTION Diva/D2 starts at port 9000. UUID=$(uuidgen) echo "Creating sim$NUM on port $PORT @ $LOCATION - $NAME." cp -r sim_skeleton sim$NUM cd sim$NUM mv My_sim.xml ${sim}.xml sed -i "s@SIM_NAME@$NAME@g" ${sim}.xml sed -i "s@SIM_UUID@$UUID@g" ${sim}.xml sed -i "s@SIM_POS@$LOCATION@g" ${sim}.xml sed -i "s@SIM_IP@$IP@g" ${sim}.xml sed -i "s@SIM_INT_PORT@$(( $PORT + 1 ))@g" ${sim}.xml sed -i "s@SIM_URL@$URL@g" ${sim}.xml sed -i "s@SIM_SIZE@$SIZE@g" ${sim}.xml ln -s ../../current/scripts/common.sh common.sh ln -s ../../current/scripts/start-sim start-sim cp -P start-sim backup-sim cp -P start-sim stop-sim sed -i "s@SIM_NUMBER@$NUM@g" ThisSim.ini sed -i "s@SIM_PORT@$PORT@g" ${sim}.xml cp ../../current/scripts/opensim-monit.conf opensim-monit.conf sed -i "s@SIM_NUMBER@$NUM@g" opensim-monit.conf sudo chown -R opensim:opensim .. sudo chmod -R g+w ..