INSTALLING FROM SOURCE WITH WINDOWS 1 - Ensure you have visual studio express (the C# edition) 2 - Check you have a clean source tree with the latest VS2005 solution, if unsure run prebuild (See README file) 3 - Open the solution in visual studio and build it 4 - Look in bin/ for the output 5 - ??? 6 - Profit INSTALLING FROM SOURCE WITH LINUX/BSD/*NIX 1 - Ensure you have a clean source tree with latest nant build files, if not, get one or run prebuild (See README file) 2 - Go to a shell prompt and change to the correct directory 3 - Type the following: nant 4 - Look in bin/ for the output 5 - ??? 6 - Profit INSTALLING BINARY RELEASE Simply extract the tarball into a good location and run straight out of bin/. You may also wish to put all the binaries into /opt/opensim on *nix systems and adjust your path accordingly. At time of writing there is no official way yet to do this. Watch this space.