// DIRTY HACK ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// The following code shows the vital importance of the r69 revision of the original gareth/ branch

// This file parses URLs of the format:
// usersessions/key/userid/data
// where key is the key to authenticate with the grid, userid is the user's LLUUID and data is the data about the user's session being requested
// if the data requested is left out, an XML response will be sent

error_reporting(E_ALL); // Remember kids, PHP errors kill XML-RPC responses and REST too! will the slaughter ever end?


// Parse out the parameters from the URL
$params = str_replace($grid_home,'', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$params = str_replace("index.php/","",$params);
$params = split('/',$params);

// Die if the key doesn't match
if($params[1]!=$sim_recvkey) {

$link = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpasswd)
 OR die("Unable to connect to database");

 or die("Unable to select database");

$agent_id = strtolower($params[2]);
$query = "SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE agent_id='$agent_id' AND session_active=1";

// if we have 4 params, then param 4 is the command
if(count($params)==4) {
} else if(count($params)==5) {
        $cmd=$params[4];              // otherwise, 5 is the command and 4 is the circuit code

$result = mysql_query($query);
if(mysql_num_rows($result)>0) {
        $circuit_code = $info['circuit_code'];
        if($circuit_code == 0) $circuit_code=$params['4'];

        $query = "SELECT * FROM local_user_profiles WHERE userprofile_LLUUID='$agent_id'";
} else {

// if only 3 params, assume we are sending an XML response
if(count($params)==3) {
            'authkey' => $sim_sendkey,
            'circuit_code' => $circuit_code,
            'agent_id' => $agent_id,
            'session_id' => $session_id,
            'secure_session_id' => $secure_session_id,
            'firstname' => $firstname,
            'lastname' => $lastname

switch($cmd) {
	case 'exists':
		echo $exists;
        case 'delete':
                $query = "UPDATE sessions SET session_active=0, session_end=NOW() WHERE agent_id='$agent_id' LIMIT 1";
                $deleteresult = mysql_query($query);