/************************************************************************* * * * Open Dynamics Engine, Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Russell L. Smith. * * All rights reserved. Email: russ@q12.org Web: www.q12.org * * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of EITHER: * * (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at * * your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser * * General Public License is included with this library in the * * file LICENSE.TXT. * * (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in * * the file LICENSE-BSD.TXT. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files * * LICENSE.TXT and LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. * * * *************************************************************************/ // main window and event handling for X11 #include <ode/config.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xatom.h> #include <X11/keysym.h> #include <GL/glx.h> #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H #include <sys/time.h> #endif #include <drawstuff/drawstuff.h> #include <drawstuff/version.h> #include "internal.h" //*************************************************************************** // error handling for unix static void printMessage (char *msg1, char *msg2, va_list ap) { fflush (stderr); fflush (stdout); fprintf (stderr,"\n%s: ",msg1); vfprintf (stderr,msg2,ap); fprintf (stderr,"\n"); fflush (stderr); } extern "C" void dsError (char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap,msg); printMessage ("Error",msg,ap); exit (1); } extern "C" void dsDebug (char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap,msg); printMessage ("INTERNAL ERROR",msg,ap); // *((char *)0) = 0; ... commit SEGVicide ? abort(); } extern "C" void dsPrint (char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap,msg); vprintf (msg,ap); } //*************************************************************************** // openGL window // X11 display info static Display *display=0; static int screen=0; static XVisualInfo *visual=0; // best visual for openGL static Colormap colormap=0; // window's colormap static Atom wm_protocols_atom = 0; static Atom wm_delete_window_atom = 0; // window and openGL static Window win=0; // X11 window, 0 if not initialized static int width=0,height=0; // window size static GLXContext glx_context=0; // openGL rendering context static int last_key_pressed=0; // last key pressed in the window static int run=1; // 1 if simulation running static int pause=0; // 1 if in `pause' mode static int singlestep=0; // 1 if single step key pressed static int writeframes=0; // 1 if frame files to be written static void createMainWindow (int _width, int _height) { // create X11 display connection display = XOpenDisplay (NULL); if (!display) dsError ("can not open X11 display"); screen = DefaultScreen(display); // get GL visual static int attribList[] = {GLX_RGBA, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE,16, GLX_RED_SIZE,4, GLX_GREEN_SIZE,4, GLX_BLUE_SIZE,4, None}; visual = glXChooseVisual (display,screen,attribList); if (!visual) dsError ("no good X11 visual found for OpenGL"); // create colormap colormap = XCreateColormap (display,RootWindow(display,screen), visual->visual,AllocNone); // initialize variables win = 0; width = _width; height = _height; glx_context = 0; last_key_pressed = 0; if (width < 1 || height < 1) dsDebug (0,"bad window width or height"); // create the window XSetWindowAttributes attributes; attributes.background_pixel = BlackPixel(display,screen); attributes.colormap = colormap; attributes.event_mask = ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask | PointerMotionHintMask | StructureNotifyMask; win = XCreateWindow (display,RootWindow(display,screen),50,50,width,height, 0,visual->depth, InputOutput,visual->visual, CWBackPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask,&attributes); // associate a GLX context with the window glx_context = glXCreateContext (display,visual,0,GL_TRUE); if (!glx_context) dsError ("can't make an OpenGL context"); // set the window title XTextProperty window_name; window_name.value = (unsigned char *) "Simulation"; window_name.encoding = XA_STRING; window_name.format = 8; window_name.nitems = strlen((char *) window_name.value); XSetWMName (display,win,&window_name); // participate in the window manager 'delete yourself' protocol wm_protocols_atom = XInternAtom (display,"WM_PROTOCOLS",False); wm_delete_window_atom = XInternAtom (display,"WM_DELETE_WINDOW",False); if (XSetWMProtocols (display,win,&wm_delete_window_atom,1)==0) dsError ("XSetWMProtocols() call failed"); // pop up the window XMapWindow (display,win); XSync (display,win); } static void destroyMainWindow() { glXDestroyContext (display,glx_context); XDestroyWindow (display,win); XSync (display,0); XCloseDisplay(display); display = 0; win = 0; glx_context = 0; } static void handleEvent (XEvent &event, dsFunctions *fn) { static int mx=0,my=0; // mouse position static int mode = 0; // mouse button bits switch (event.type) { case ButtonPress: { if (event.xbutton.button == Button1) mode |= 1; if (event.xbutton.button == Button2) mode |= 2; if (event.xbutton.button == Button3) mode |= 4; mx = event.xbutton.x; my = event.xbutton.y; } return; case ButtonRelease: { if (event.xbutton.button == Button1) mode &= (~1); if (event.xbutton.button == Button2) mode &= (~2); if (event.xbutton.button == Button3) mode &= (~4); mx = event.xbutton.x; my = event.xbutton.x; } return; case MotionNotify: { if (event.xmotion.is_hint) { Window root,child; unsigned int mask; XQueryPointer (display,win,&root,&child,&event.xbutton.x_root, &event.xbutton.y_root,&event.xbutton.x,&event.xbutton.y, &mask); } dsMotion (mode, event.xmotion.x - mx, event.xmotion.y - my); mx = event.xmotion.x; my = event.xmotion.y; } return; case KeyPress: { KeySym key; XLookupString (&event.xkey,NULL,0,&key,0); if ((event.xkey.state & ControlMask) == 0) { if (key >= ' ' && key <= 126 && fn->command) fn->command (key); } else if (event.xkey.state & ControlMask) { switch (key) { case 't': case 'T': dsSetTextures (dsGetTextures() ^ 1); break; case 's': case 'S': dsSetShadows (dsGetShadows() ^ 1); break; case 'x': case 'X': run = 0; break; case 'p': case 'P': pause ^= 1; singlestep = 0; break; case 'o': case 'O': if (pause) singlestep = 1; break; case 'v': case 'V': { float xyz[3],hpr[3]; dsGetViewpoint (xyz,hpr); printf ("Viewpoint = (%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f)\n", xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2],hpr[0],hpr[1],hpr[2]); break; } case 'w': case 'W': writeframes ^= 1; if (writeframes) printf ("Now writing frames to PPM files\n"); break; } } last_key_pressed = key; // a kludgy place to put this... } return; case KeyRelease: { // hmmmm... } return; case ClientMessage: if (event.xclient.message_type == wm_protocols_atom && event.xclient.format == 32 && Atom(event.xclient.data.l[0]) == wm_delete_window_atom) { run = 0; return; } return; case ConfigureNotify: width = event.xconfigure.width; height = event.xconfigure.height; return; } } // return the index of the highest bit static int getHighBitIndex (unsigned int x) { int i = 0; while (x) { i++; x >>= 1; } return i-1; } // shift x left by i, where i can be positive or negative #define SHIFTL(x,i) (((i) >= 0) ? ((x) << (i)) : ((x) >> (-i))) static void captureFrame (int num) { fprintf (stderr,"capturing frame %04d\n",num); char s[100]; sprintf (s,"frame/frame%04d.ppm",num); FILE *f = fopen (s,"wb"); if (!f) dsError ("can't open \"%s\" for writing",s); fprintf (f,"P6\n%d %d\n255\n",width,height); XImage *image = XGetImage (display,win,0,0,width,height,~0,ZPixmap); int rshift = 7 - getHighBitIndex (image->red_mask); int gshift = 7 - getHighBitIndex (image->green_mask); int bshift = 7 - getHighBitIndex (image->blue_mask); for (int y=0; y<height; y++) { for (int x=0; x<width; x++) { unsigned long pixel = XGetPixel (image,x,y); unsigned char b[3]; b[0] = SHIFTL(pixel & image->red_mask,rshift); b[1] = SHIFTL(pixel & image->green_mask,gshift); b[2] = SHIFTL(pixel & image->blue_mask,bshift); fwrite (b,3,1,f); } } fclose (f); XDestroyImage (image); } void dsPlatformSimLoop (int window_width, int window_height, dsFunctions *fn, int initial_pause) { pause = initial_pause; createMainWindow (window_width, window_height); glXMakeCurrent (display,win,glx_context); dsStartGraphics (window_width,window_height,fn); static bool firsttime=true; if (firsttime) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" "Simulation test environment v%d.%02d\n" " Ctrl-P : pause / unpause (or say `-pause' on command line).\n" " Ctrl-O : single step when paused.\n" " Ctrl-T : toggle textures (or say `-notex' on command line).\n" " Ctrl-S : toggle shadows (or say `-noshadow' on command line).\n" " Ctrl-V : print current viewpoint coordinates (x,y,z,h,p,r).\n" " Ctrl-W : write frames to ppm files: frame/frameNNN.ppm\n" " Ctrl-X : exit.\n" "\n" "Change the camera position by clicking + dragging in the window.\n" " Left button - pan and tilt.\n" " Right button - forward and sideways.\n" " Left + Right button (or middle button) - sideways and up.\n" "\n",DS_VERSION >> 8,DS_VERSION & 0xff ); firsttime = false; } if (fn->start) fn->start(); int frame = 1; run = 1; while (run) { // read in and process all pending events for the main window XEvent event; while (run && XPending (display)) { XNextEvent (display,&event); handleEvent (event,fn); } dsDrawFrame (width,height,fn,pause && !singlestep); singlestep = 0; glFlush(); glXSwapBuffers (display,win); XSync (display,0); // capture frames if necessary if (pause==0 && writeframes) { captureFrame (frame); frame++; } }; if (fn->stop) fn->stop(); dsStopGraphics(); destroyMainWindow(); } extern "C" void dsStop() { run = 0; } extern "C" double dsElapsedTime() { #if HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY static double prev=0.0; timeval tv ; gettimeofday(&tv, 0); double curr = tv.tv_sec + (double) tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0 ; if (!prev) prev=curr; double retval = curr-prev; prev=curr; if (retval>1.0) retval=1.0; if (retval<dEpsilon) retval=dEpsilon; return retval; #else return 0.01666; // Assume 60 fps #endif }