

ODE_API dWorldID dWorldCreate (void)
 Create a new, empty world and return its ID number.
ODE_API void dWorldDestroy (dWorldID world)
 Destroy a world and everything in it.
ODE_API void dWorldSetGravity (dWorldID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
 Set the world's global gravity vector.
ODE_API void dWorldGetGravity (dWorldID, dVector3 gravity)
 Get the gravity vector for a given world.
ODE_API void dWorldSetERP (dWorldID, dReal erp)
 Set the global ERP value, that controls how much error correction is performed in each time step.
ODE_API dReal dWorldGetERP (dWorldID)
 Get the error reduction parameter.
ODE_API void dWorldSetCFM (dWorldID, dReal cfm)
 Set the global CFM (constraint force mixing) value.
ODE_API dReal dWorldGetCFM (dWorldID)
 Get the constraint force mixing value.
ODE_API void dWorldStep (dWorldID, dReal stepsize)
 Step the world.
ODE_API void dWorldImpulseToForce (dWorldID, dReal stepsize, dReal ix, dReal iy, dReal iz, dVector3 force)
 Converts an impulse to a force.
ODE_API void dWorldQuickStep (dWorldID w, dReal stepsize)
 Step the world.
ODE_API void dWorldSetQuickStepNumIterations (dWorldID, int num)
 Set the number of iterations that the QuickStep method performs per step.
ODE_API int dWorldGetQuickStepNumIterations (dWorldID)
 Get the number of iterations that the QuickStep method performs per step.
ODE_API void dWorldSetQuickStepW (dWorldID, dReal over_relaxation)
 Set the SOR over-relaxation parameter.
ODE_API dReal dWorldGetQuickStepW (dWorldID)
 Get the SOR over-relaxation parameter.
ODE_API void dWorldSetContactMaxCorrectingVel (dWorldID, dReal vel)
 Set the maximum correcting velocity that contacts are allowed to generate.
ODE_API dReal dWorldGetContactMaxCorrectingVel (dWorldID)
 Get the maximum correcting velocity that contacts are allowed to generated.
ODE_API void dWorldSetContactSurfaceLayer (dWorldID, dReal depth)
 Set the depth of the surface layer around all geometry objects.
ODE_API dReal dWorldGetContactSurfaceLayer (dWorldID)
 Get the depth of the surface layer around all geometry objects.
ODE_API void dWorldStepFast1 (dWorldID, dReal stepsize, int maxiterations)
 Step the world using the StepFast1 algorithm.

Detailed Description

The world object is a container for rigid bodies and joints. Objects in different worlds can not interact, for example rigid bodies from two different worlds can not collide.

All the objects in a world exist at the same point in time, thus one reason to use separate worlds is to simulate systems at different rates. Most applications will only need one world.

Function Documentation

ODE_API dWorldID dWorldCreate ( void   ) 

Create a new, empty world and return its ID number.

an identifier

ODE_API void dWorldDestroy ( dWorldID  world  ) 

Destroy a world and everything in it.

This includes all bodies, and all joints that are not part of a joint group. Joints that are part of a joint group will be deactivated, and can be destroyed by calling, for example, dJointGroupEmpty().

world the identifier for the world the be destroyed.

ODE_API dReal dWorldGetCFM ( dWorldID   ) 

Get the constraint force mixing value.

CFM value

ODE_API dReal dWorldGetContactSurfaceLayer ( dWorldID   ) 

Get the depth of the surface layer around all geometry objects.

the depth

ODE_API dReal dWorldGetERP ( dWorldID   ) 

Get the error reduction parameter.

ERP value

ODE_API int dWorldGetQuickStepNumIterations ( dWorldID   ) 

Get the number of iterations that the QuickStep method performs per step.

nr of iterations

ODE_API dReal dWorldGetQuickStepW ( dWorldID   ) 

Get the SOR over-relaxation parameter.

the over-relaxation setting

ODE_API void dWorldImpulseToForce ( dWorldID  ,
dReal  stepsize,
dReal  ix,
dReal  iy,
dReal  iz,
dVector3  force 

Converts an impulse to a force.

If you want to apply a linear or angular impulse to a rigid body, instead of a force or a torque, then you can use this function to convert the desired impulse into a force/torque vector before calling the BodyAdd... function. The current algorithm simply scales the impulse by 1/stepsize, where stepsize is the step size for the next step that will be taken. This function is given a dWorldID because, in the future, the force computation may depend on integrator parameters that are set as properties of the world.

ODE_API void dWorldQuickStep ( dWorldID  w,
dReal  stepsize 

Step the world.

This uses an iterative method that takes time on the order of m*N and memory on the order of m, where m is the total number of constraint rows N is the number of iterations. For large systems this is a lot faster than dWorldStep(), but it is less accurate.

QuickStep is great for stacks of objects especially when the auto-disable feature is used as well. However, it has poor accuracy for near-singular systems. Near-singular systems can occur when using high-friction contacts, motors, or certain articulated structures. For example, a robot with multiple legs sitting on the ground may be near-singular.

There are ways to help overcome QuickStep's inaccuracy problems:

  • Increase CFM.
  • Reduce the number of contacts in your system (e.g. use the minimum number of contacts for the feet of a robot or creature).
  • Don't use excessive friction in the contacts.
  • Use contact slip if appropriate
  • Avoid kinematic loops (however, kinematic loops are inevitable in legged creatures).
  • Don't use excessive motor strength. force-based motors instead of velocity-based motors.
Increasing the number of QuickStep iterations may help a little bit, but it is not going to help much if your system is really near singular.

ODE_API void dWorldSetCFM ( dWorldID  ,
dReal  cfm 

Set the global CFM (constraint force mixing) value.

cfm Typical values are in the range {10^{-9}} -- 1. The default is 10^-5 if single precision is being used, or 10^-10 if double precision is being used.

ODE_API void dWorldSetContactMaxCorrectingVel ( dWorldID  ,
dReal  vel 

Set the maximum correcting velocity that contacts are allowed to generate.

vel The default value is infinity (i.e. no limit).
Reducing this value can help prevent "popping" of deeply embedded objects.

ODE_API void dWorldSetContactSurfaceLayer ( dWorldID  ,
dReal  depth 

Set the depth of the surface layer around all geometry objects.

Contacts are allowed to sink into the surface layer up to the given depth before coming to rest.
depth The default value is zero.
Increasing this to some small value (e.g. 0.001) can help prevent jittering problems due to contacts being repeatedly made and broken.

ODE_API void dWorldSetERP ( dWorldID  ,
dReal  erp 

Set the global ERP value, that controls how much error correction is performed in each time step.

dWorldID the identifier of the world.
erp Typical values are in the range 0.1--0.8. The default is 0.2.

ODE_API void dWorldSetGravity ( dWorldID  ,
dReal  x,
dReal  y,
dReal  z 

Set the world's global gravity vector.

The units are m/s^2, so Earth's gravity vector would be (0,0,-9.81), assuming that +z is up. The default is no gravity, i.e. (0,0,0).

ODE_API void dWorldSetQuickStepNumIterations ( dWorldID  ,
int  num 

Set the number of iterations that the QuickStep method performs per step.

More iterations will give a more accurate solution, but will take longer to compute.
num The default is 20 iterations.

ODE_API void dWorldSetQuickStepW ( dWorldID  ,
dReal  over_relaxation 

Set the SOR over-relaxation parameter.

over_relaxation value to use by SOR

ODE_API void dWorldStep ( dWorldID  ,
dReal  stepsize 

Step the world.

This uses a "big matrix" method that takes time on the order of m^3 and memory on the order of m^2, where m is the total number of constraint rows. For large systems this will use a lot of memory and can be very slow, but this is currently the most accurate method.

stepsize The number of seconds that the simulation has to advance.

ODE_API void dWorldStepFast1 ( dWorldID  ,
dReal  stepsize,
int  maxiterations 

Step the world using the StepFast1 algorithm.

stepsize the nr of seconds to advance the simulation.
maxiterations The number of iterations to perform.

Generated on Fri Oct 12 08:36:51 2007 for Open Dynamics Engine by  doxygen 1.5.3