; This file shows initialization defaults for OpenSimulator. If you want to override these ; please copy/rename this file from .ini.example file to .ini. For example ; ; chat.ini.example => chat.ini ; ; or you can copy and paste the settings from this file directly to bin/OpenSim.ini ; [DataSnapshot] ; The following set of configs pertains to search. ; Set index_sims to true to enable search engines to index your searchable data ; If false, no data will be exposed, DataSnapshot module will be off, and you can ignore the rest of these search-related configs ; default is false index_sims = false ; The variable data_exposure controls what the regions expose: ; minimum: exposes only things explicitly marked for search ; all: exposes everything data_exposure = minimum ; If search is on, change this to your grid name; will be ignored for standalones gridname = "OSGrid" ; Period between data snapshots, in seconds. 20 minutes, for starters, so that you see the initial changes fast. ; Later, you may want to increase this to 3600 (1 hour) or more default_snapshot_period = 1200 ; This will be created in bin, if it doesn't exist already. It will hold the data snapshots. snapshot_cache_directory = "DataSnapshot" ; This semicolon-separated string serves to notify specific data services about the existence ; of this sim. Uncomment if you want to index your data with this and/or other search providers. ;data_services="http://metaverseink.com/cgi-bin/register.py"