; This file shows initialization defaults for OpenSimulator. If you want to override these ; please copy/rename this file from .ini.example file to .ini. For example ; ; chat.ini.example => chat.ini ; ; or you can copy and paste the settings from this file directly to bin/OpenSim.ini ; [AsteriskVoice] ; PLEASE NOTE that we don't have voice support in OpenSim quite yet - these configuration options are stubs enabled = false ; SIP account server domain sip_domain = testserver.com ; SIP conf server domain conf_domain = testserver.com ; URL of the asterisk opensim frontend asterisk_frontend = http://testserver.com:49153/ ; password for the asterisk frontend XmlRpc calls asterisk_password = bah-humbug ; timeout for XmlRpc calls to asterisk front end (in ms) asterisk_timeout = 3000 ; salt for asterisk nonces asterisk_salt = paluempalum