; This file shows initialization defaults for OpenSimulator. If you want to override these ; please copy/rename this file from .ini.example file to .ini. For example ; ; chat.ini.example => chat.ini ; ; or you can copy and paste the settings from this file directly to bin/OpenSim.ini ; [Concierge] ; Enable concierge module ; Default is false enabled = false ; name of the concierge whoami = "jeeves" ; password for updating the welcome message templates via XmlRpc password = SECRET ; regex specifying for which regions concierge service is desired; if ; empty, then for all regions = "^MeetingSpace-" ; for each region that matches the regions regexp you can provide ; (optionally) a welcome template using format substitution: ; {0} is replaced with the name of the avatar entering the region ; {1} is replaced with the name of the region ; {2} is replaced with the name of the concierge (whoami variable above) welcomes = /path/to/welcome/template/directory ; Concierge can send attendee lists to an event broker whenever an ; avatar enters or leaves a concierged region. the URL is subject ; to format substitution: ; {0} is replaced with the region's name ; {1} is replaced with the region's UUID broker = "http://broker.place.com/{1}"