; This file shows initialization defaults for OpenSimulator. If you want to override these ; please copy/rename this file from .ini.example file to .ini. For example ; ; chat.ini.example => chat.ini ; ; or you can copy and paste the settings from this file directly to bin/OpenSim.ini ; [ClientStack.LindenUDP] ; This is the multiplier applied to all client throttles for outgoing UDP network data ; If it is set to 1, then we obey the throttle settings as given to us by the client. If it is set to 3, for example, then we ; multiply that setting by 3 (e.g. if the client gives us a setting of 250 kilobits per second then we ; will actually push down data at a maximum rate of 750 kilobits per second). ; ; In principle, setting a multiplier greater than 1 will allow data to be pushed down to a client much faster ; than its UI allows the setting to go. This may be okay in some situations, such as standalone OpenSim ; applications on a LAN. However, the greater the multipler, the higher the risk of packet drop, resulting ; in symptoms such as missing terrain or objects. A much better solution is to change the client UI to allow ; higher network bandwidth settings directly, though this isn't always possible. ; ; Currently this setting is 2 by default because we currently send much more texture data than is strictly ; necessary. A setting of 1 could result in slow texture transfer. This will be fixed when the transfer ; of textures at different levels of quality is improved. ; ; Pre r7113, this setting was not exposed but was effectively 8. You may want to try this if you encounter ; unexpected difficulties client_throttle_multiplier = 2;