; This file shows initialization defaults for OpenSimulator. If you want to override these ; please copy/rename this file from .ini.example file to .ini. For example ; ; chat.ini.example => chat.ini ; ; or you can copy and paste the settings from this file directly to bin/OpenSim.ini ; [Startup] ; Set this to true if you want to log crashes to disk ; this can be useful when submitting bug reports. save_crashes = false ; Directory to save crashes to if above is enabled ; (eg default is /opensimdir/crashes/*.txt or C:\opensim\crashes\*.txt) crash_dir = "crashes" ; Http proxy support for llHTTPRequest and dynamic texture loading ; Set HttpProxy to the URL for your proxy server if you would like ; to proxy llHTTPRequests through a firewall ; HttpProxy = "http://proxy.com" ; Set HttpProxyExceptions to a list of regular expressions for ; URLs that you don't want going through the proxy such as servers ; inside your firewall, separate patterns with a ';' ; HttpProxyExceptions = ".mydomain.com;localhost" ; Set this to true if you are connecting your OpenSimulator regions to a grid ; Set this to false if you are running OpenSimulator in standalone mode gridmode = false startup_console_commands_file = "startup_commands.txt" shutdown_console_commands_file = "shutdown_commands.txt" ; To run a script every few minutes, set the script filename here ; timer_Script = "filename" ; ## ; ## CLIENTS ; ## ; Enables EventQueueGet Service. EventQueue = true ; Set this to the DLL containig the client stack to use. clientstack_plugin="OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP.dll" ; ## ; ## REGIONS ; ## ; Determine where OpenSimulator looks for the files which tell it which regions to server ; Defaults to "filesystem" if this setting isn't present region_info_source = "filesystem" ; region_info_source = "web" ; Determines where the region XML files are stored if you are loading these from the filesystem. ; Defaults to bin/Regions in your OpenSimulator installation directory ; regionload_regionsdir="C:\somewhere\xmlfiles\" ; Determines the page from which regions xml is retrieved if you are loading these from the web ; The XML here has the same format as it does on the filesystem (including the tag), ; except that everything is also enclosed in a tag. ; regionload_webserver_url = "http://example.com/regions.xml"; ; Draw objects on maptile. This step might take a long time if you've got a huge amount of ; objects, so you can turn it off here if you'd like. DrawPrimOnMapTile = true ; Use terrain texture for maptiles if true, use shaded green if false TextureOnMapTile = false ; Maximum total size, and maximum size where a prim can be physical NonPhysicalPrimMax = 256 PhysicalPrimMax = 10 ClampPrimSize = false ; Region crossing AllowScriptCrossing = false ; If you set this to "true", any region that can teleport to you can ; inject ARBITRARY BINARY CODE into your system. Use at your own risk. ; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! TrustBinaries = false ; ## ; ## STORAGE ; ## ; *** Prim Storage - only leave one storage_plugin uncommented *** ; --- Null stores nothing - effectively disabling persistence: ;storage_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.Null.dll" ; --- To use sqlite as region storage: storage_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll" storage_connection_string="URI=file:OpenSim.db,version=3"; ; --- To use MySQL storage, supply your own connectionstring (this is only an example): ; note that the supplied account needs create privilegies if you want it to auto-create needed tables. ; storage_plugin="OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll" ; storage_connection_string="Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=*****;"; ; If you want to use a different database/server for estate data, then ; uncomment and change this connect string. Defaults to the above if not set ; estate_connection_string="Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=*****;"; ; Select whether you want to use local or grid asset storage. ; ; If you're running in standalone, you definitely want local, since there is no grid (hence this is redundant, and should ; really be eliminated). The database itself is defined in asset_plugin below ; ; If you're running a region server connecting to a grid, you probably want grid mode, since this will use the ; grid asset server. If you select local in grid mode, then you will use a database as specified in asset_plugin to store assets ; locally. This will mean you won't be able to take items using your assets to other people's regions. ; asset_database can be default, local or grid. This controls where assets (textures, scripts, etc.) are stored for your region ; ; If set to default, then ; In standalone mode the local database based asset service will be used ; In grid mode the grid asset service will be used for asset storage ; This is probably the setting that you want. ; ; If set to local then the local database based asset service will be used in standalone and grid modes ; If set to grid then the grid based asset service will be used in standalone and grid modes ; All other values will cause a search for a matching assembly that contains an asset server client. ; See also: AssetCache asset_database = "default" ; Persistence of changed objects happens during regular sweeps. The following control that behaviour to ; prevent frequently changing objects from heavily loading the region data store. ; If both of these values are set to zero then persistence of all changed objects will happen on every sweep. ; ; Objects will be considered for persistance in the next sweep when they have not changed for this number of seconds MinimumTimeBeforePersistenceConsidered = 60 ; Objects will always be considered for persistance in the next sweep if the first change occurred this number of seconds ago MaximumTimeBeforePersistenceConsidered = 600 ; Should avatars in neighbor sims see objects in this sim? see_into_this_sim_from_neighbor = True ; ## ; ## PHYSICS ; ## ; if you would like to allow prims to be physical and move by physics with the physical checkbox in the client set this to true. physical_prim = true ; Select a mesher here. ZeroMesher is save and fast. ; ZeroMesher also means that the physics engine models the physics of prims ; sticking to the basic shapes the engine does support. Usually this is only a box. ; Meshmerizer gives a better handling of complex prims by using triangle meshes. ; Note, that only ODE physics currently deals with meshed prims in a satisfactoring way ; meshing = ZeroMesher ;meshing = Meshmerizer ; Choose one of the physics engines below physics = basicphysics ;physics = POS ;physics = OpenDynamicsEngine ;physics = modified_BulletX ; ## ; ## PERMISSIONS ; ## ;permissionmodules = "DefaultPermissionsModule" ; If set to false, then, in theory, the server never carries out permission checks (allowing anybody to copy ; any item, etc. This may not yet be implemented uniformally. ; If set to true, then all permissions checks are carried out ; Default is false serverside_object_permissions = false allow_grid_gods = false ; This allows somne control over permissions ; please note that this still doesn't duplicate SL, and is not intended to ;region_owner_is_god = true ;parcel_owner_is_god = true ; Control user types that are allowed to create new scripts ; Only enforced if serviceside_object_permissions is true ; ; Current possible values are ; all - anyone can create scripts (subject to normal permissions) ; gods - only administrators can create scripts (as long as allow_grid_gods is true) ; Default value is all ; allowed_script_creators = all ; Control user types that are allowed to edit (save) scripts ; Only enforced if serviceside_object_permissions is true ; ; Current possible values are ; all - anyone can edit scripts (subject to normal permissions) ; gods - only administrators can edit scripts (as long as allow_grid_gods is true) ; Default value is all ; allowed_script_editors = all ; ## ; ## SCRIPT ENGINE ; ## ;DefaultScriptEngine = "ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine" DefaultScriptEngine = "XEngine" ; ## ; ## WORLD MAP ; ## ;WorldMapModule = "WorldMap" ;MapImageModule = "MapImageModule" ; ## ; ## Customized Cache Implementation ; ## ; ; The AssetCache value allows the name of an alternative caching ; implementation to be specified. This can normally be omitted. ; This value corresponds to the provider value associated with the ; intended cache implementation plugin. ; See also: asset_database ; AssetCache = "OpenSim.Framework.Communications.Cache.AssetCache" ; ## ; ## EMAIL MODULE ; ## ;emailmodule = DefaultEmailModule [StandAlone] accounts_authenticate = true welcome_message = "Welcome to OpenSimulator" ; Asset database provider asset_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll" ; asset_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll" ; for mysql ; asset_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.NHibernate.dll" ; for nhibernate ; the Asset DB source. This only works for sqlite, mysql, and nhibernate for now ; Asset source SQLite example asset_source = "URI=file:Asset.db,version=3" ; Asset Source NHibernate example (DIALECT;DRIVER;CONNECTSTRING) ; asset_source = "SQLiteDialect;SqliteClientDriver;URI=file:Asset.db,version=3" ; Asset Source MySQL example ;asset_source = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=****;" ; Inventory database provider inventory_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll" ; inventory_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll" ; inventory_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.NHibernate.dll" ; for nhibernate ; Inventory source SQLite example inventory_source = "URI=file:inventoryStore.db,version=3" ; Inventory Source NHibernate example (DIALECT;DRIVER;CONNECTSTRING) ; inventory_source = "SQLiteDialect;SqliteClientDriver;URI=file:Inventory.db,version=3" ; Inventory Source MySQL example ;inventory_source = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=****;" ; User Data Database provider ; ; Multiple providers can be specified by separating them with commas (whitespace is unimportant) ; If multiple providers are specified then if a profile is requested, each is queried until one ; provides a valid profile, or until all providers have been queried. ; Unfortunately the order of querying is currently undefined (it may not be the order in which ; providers are specified here). This needs to be fixed ; userDatabase_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll" ; userDatabase_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll" ; userDatabase_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.NHibernate.dll" ; for nhibernate ; User source SQLite example user_source = "URI=file:userprofiles.db,version=3" ; User Source NHibernate Example (DIALECT;DRIVER;CONNECTSTRING) ; user_source = "SQLiteDialect;SqliteClientDriver;URI=file:User.db,version=3" ; User Source MySQL example ;user_source = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=****;" ; Specifies the location and filename of the default inventory library control file. The path can be relative or absolute ; Default is ./inventory/Libraries.xml LibrariesXMLFile="./inventory/Libraries.xml" ; Specifies the location and filename of the inventory library assets control file. The path can be relative or absolute ; Setting is optional. Default is ./assets/AssetSets.xml AssetSetsXMLFile="./assets/AssetSets.xml" dump_assets_to_file = false [Network] http_listener_port = 9000 default_location_x = 1000 default_location_y = 1000 ; ssl config: Experimental! The auto https config only really works definately on windows XP now ; you need a Cert Request/Signed pair installed in the MY store with the CN specified below ; you can use https on other platforms, but you'll need to configure the httpapi yourself for now http_listener_ssl = false ; Also create a SSL server http_listener_cn = "localhost" ; Use the cert with the common name http_listener_sslport = 9001 ; Use this port for SSL connections http_listener_ssl_cert = "" ; Currently unused, but will be used for OSHttpServer ; Uncomment below to enable llRemoteData/remote channels ; remoteDataPort = 20800 grid_server_url = "" grid_send_key = "null" grid_recv_key = "null" user_server_url = "" user_send_key = "null" user_recv_key = "null" asset_server_url = "" inventory_server_url = "" ; The MessagingServer is a companion of the UserServer. It uses ; user_send_key and user_recv_key, too messaging_server_url = "" ; What is reported as the "X-Secondlife-Shard" ; Defaults to the user server url if not set ; The old default is "OpenSim", set here fro compatibility shard = "OpenSim" ; What is reported as the "User-Agent" when using llHTTPRequest ; Defaults to not sent if not set here. See the notes section in the wiki at ; http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlHTTPRequest for comments on adding ; " (Mozilla Compatible)" to the text where there are problems with a web server ;user_agent = "OpenSim LSL (Mozilla Compatible)"