; ** ; * The Const section allows us to define some basic information that we ; * will use throughout our configuration. We will provide examples for ; * setting the base url of the Robust server and the public and private ports ; * it uses. Changing the values of the constants will set the operating ; * parameters thoughout the configuration. Other constants that may prove ; * to be useful may be added to the followin section. They may be ; * referenced anywhere in the configuration by using ${Const|Name}. One ; * such use is providing a base path for setting locations that Robust ; * uses to write data. ; Also put grid specific stuff here. [Paths] AssetsPath = "../../AssetFiles" BackupPath = "../../backups" CachePath = "../../caches" DbPath = "../../db" LogPath = "../../logs" [Const] ; MOTD = "onefang needs a little coding or sysadmin work to keep IG going. Please help me find some." MOTD = "More members are coming, slowly. Invite your friends to." GridName = "Infinite Grid" ShortGridName = "IG" ; For a grid these will usually be the externally accessible IP/DNS ; name and use default public port 8002 and default private port 8003 ; For a standalone this will usually be the externally accessible IP/DNS ; name and use default public port 9000. The private port is not used ; in the configuration for a standalone. ;# {BaseURL} {} {BaseURL} {"http://example.com" ""} "" BaseHostname = "http://grid.infinitegrid.org" HostName = "grid.infinitegrid.org" BaseURL = http://grid.infinitegrid.org GridURL = http://grid.infinitegrid.org ;# {PublicPort} {} {PublicPort} {8002 9000} "8002" PublicPort = "8002" ;# {PrivatePort} {} {PrivatePort} {8003} "8003" PrivatePort = "8003" DataProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll" ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=****;User ID=****;Password=****;Old Guids=true;" ; The public port of the Robust server -- THIS IS SPECIAL PORT FOR ASSSET SERVER AssetServerPort = "8003"