;; Please don't change this file.
;; All optional settings are in StandaloneCommon.ini.example,
;; which you can copy and change.

    AssetServices           = "LocalAssetServicesConnector"
    InventoryServices       = "LocalInventoryServicesConnector"
    NeighbourServices       = "LocalNeighbourServicesConnector"
    AuthenticationServices  = "LocalAuthenticationServicesConnector"
    AuthorizationServices	= "LocalAuthorizationServicesConnector"
    GridServices            = "LocalGridServicesConnector"
    PresenceServices        = "LocalPresenceServicesConnector"
    UserProfilesServices    = "LocalUserProfilesServicesConnector"
    UserAccountServices     = "LocalUserAccountServicesConnector"
    GridUserServices        = "LocalGridUserServicesConnector"
    SimulationServices      = "LocalSimulationConnectorModule"
    AvatarServices          = "LocalAvatarServicesConnector"
    EntityTransferModule    = "BasicEntityTransferModule"
    InventoryAccessModule   = "BasicInventoryAccessModule"
    MapImageService			= "MapImageServiceModule"
    SearchModule			= "BasicSearchModule"

    LibraryModule              = true
    LLLoginServiceInConnector  = true
    GridInfoServiceInConnector = true
    MapImageServiceInConnector = true

    ; This is the protocol version which the simulator advertises to the source destination when acting as a target destination for a teleport
    ; It is used to control the teleport handoff process.
    ; Valid values are 
    ; "SIMULATION/0.3" 
    ;   - This is the default, and it supports teleports to variable-sized regions
    ;   - Older versions can teleport to this one, but only if the destination region
    ;     is 256x256
    ; "SIMULATION/0.2"
    ;   - A source simulator which only implements "SIMULATION/0.1" can still teleport with that protocol
    ;   - this protocol is more efficient than "SIMULATION/0.1"
    ; "SIMULATION/0.1" 
    ;   - this is an older teleport protocol used in OpenSimulator 0.7.5 and before.
    ConnectorProtocolVersion = "SIMULATION/0.3"

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.Connectors.dll:SimulationDataService"

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.Connectors.dll:EstateDataService"

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AssetService.dll:AssetService"

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.InventoryService.dll:XInventoryService"

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.InventoryService.dll:LibraryService"
    LibraryName = "OpenSim Library"
    DefaultLibrary = "./inventory/Libraries.xml"

    LocalServiceModule    = "OpenSim.Services.AvatarService.dll:AvatarService"

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.GridService.dll:GridService"
    Realm = "regions"
    StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.Null.dll"

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.PresenceService.dll:PresenceService"
    StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.Null.dll"

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService"

    ;; These are for creating new accounts
    AuthenticationService = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"
    GridUserService = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:GridUserService"
    GridService = "OpenSim.Services.GridService.dll:GridService"
    InventoryService = "OpenSim.Services.InventoryService.dll:XInventoryService"
    AvatarService = "OpenSim.Services.AvatarService.dll:AvatarService"

    ;; This switch creates the minimum set of body parts and avatar entries for a viewer 2 to show a default "Ruth" avatar rather than a cloud.
    CreateDefaultAvatarEntries = true

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:GridUserService"

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.FriendsService.dll"

    Connector = "OpenSim.Services.FriendsService.dll"

    LocalServiceModule    = "OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService.dll:LLLoginService"
    UserAccountService    = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService"
    GridUserService       = "OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:GridUserService"
    AuthenticationService = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"
    InventoryService      = "OpenSim.Services.InventoryService.dll:XInventoryService"
    PresenceService       = "OpenSim.Services.PresenceService.dll:PresenceService"
    GridService           = "OpenSim.Services.GridService.dll:GridService"
    AvatarService         = "OpenSim.Services.AvatarService.dll:AvatarService"
    FriendsService        = "OpenSim.Services.FriendsService.dll:FriendsService"

    WelcomeMessage = "Welcome, Avatar!"

    ;# {DSTZone} {} {Override Daylight Saving Time rules} {* none local} "America/Los_Angeles;Pacific Standard Time"
    ;; Viewers do not receive timezone information from the server - almost all (?) default to Pacific Standard Time
    ;; However, they do rely on the server to tell them whether it's Daylight Saving Time or not.
    ;; Hence, calculating DST based on a different timezone can result in a misleading viewer display and inconsistencies between grids.
    ;; By default, this setting uses various timezone names to calculate DST with regards to the viewer's standard PST.
    ;; Options are 
    ;;   "none"     no DST 
    ;;   "local"    use the server's only timezone to calculate DST.  This is previous OpenSimulator behaviour.
    ;;   "America/Los_Angeles;Pacific Standard Time" use these timezone names to look up Daylight savings.
    ;;      'America/Los_Angeles' is used on Linux/Mac systems whilst 'Pacific Standard Time' is used on Windows
    DSTZone = "America/Los_Angeles;Pacific Standard Time"

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.MapImageService.dll:MapImageService"

;; This should always be the very last thing on this file
    Include-Common = "config-include/StandaloneCommon.ini"