[Startup] gridmode = true physics = basicphysics ; Prim Storage ; if you would like to use sqlite uncomment the following line (and ; comment the NullStorage line) storage_plugin = "OpenSim.DataStore.MonoSqlite.dll" ;storage_plugin = "OpenSim.DataStore.NullStorage.dll" startup_console_commands_file = "startup_commands.txt" serverside_object_permissions = false ; asset_database = "db4o" ; to try sqlite as the asset database , comment out the above line, and uncomment following one asset_database = "sqlite" [StandAlone] accounts_authenticate = true welcome_message = "Welcome to OpenSim" inventory_plugin = "OpenSim.Framework.Data.SQLite.dll" ; userDatabase_plugin = "OpenSim.Framework.Data.DB4o.dll" userDatabase_plugin = "OpenSim.Framework.Data.SQLite.dll" default_location_x = 1000 default_location_y = 1000 [Network] http_listener_port = 9000 remoting_listener_port = 8895 grid_server_url = "http://osgrid.org:8001/" grid_send_key = "1234" grid_recv_key = "1234" user_server_url = "http://osgrid.org:8002/" user_send_key = "1234" user_recv_key = "1234" asset_server_url = "http://osgrid.org:8003/"