OpenMetaverse.Utilities Amount of time to wait for the voice daemon to respond. The value needs to stay relatively high because some of the calls require the voice daemon to make remote queries before replying Does not appear to be working Returns the new user ID or throws an exception containing the error code The error codes can be found here: New user account to create The UUID of the new user account See or for description Aims at the specified position, enters mouselook, presses and releases the left mouse button, and leaves mouselook Target to shoot at Enters mouselook, presses and releases the left mouse button, and leaves mouselook A psuedo-realistic chat function that uses the typing sound and animation, types at three characters per second, and randomly pauses. This function will block until the message has been sent A reference to the client that will chat The chat message to send A psuedo-realistic chat function that uses the typing sound and animation, types at a given rate, and randomly pauses. This function will block until the message has been sent A reference to the client that will chat The chat message to send The chat type (usually Normal, Whisper or Shout) Characters per second rate for chatting Unknown voice service level Spatialized local chat Remote multi-party chat One-to-one and small group chat