[Gloebit] ;;;;;; ENABLE GLOBALLY OR FOR INDIVIDUAL REGIONS ;;;;; ;# {Enabled} {[Startup]economymodule:Gloebit} {Enable Gloebit Money Module Globally?} {false, true} false ;; Set to true to enable GMM for all regions controlled by this OpenSim process. ;; Requires that "economymodule = Gloebit" is set in [Economy] or [Startup] section of opensim.ini ;; If set to false, can be enabled for individual regions - see GLBEnabledOnlyInRegions below Enabled = false ;# {GLBEnabledOnlyInRegions} {Enabled:false} {Enable Gloebit Money Module in specific regions by region UUID (space delimited list)?} {*} "" ;; If Enabled is false above, you can enable for individual regions controlled by this OpenSim process. ;; Set this variable to a whitespace delimited list of region UUIDs ; GLBEnabledOnlyInRegions = ;;;;;; CONFIGURE ENVIRONMENT AND APPLICATION ;;;;;; ;; Configure GMM to environment and Gloebit application on that environment to interact with ;; see http://dev.gloebit.com/opensim/configuration-instructions/ for more details. ;; Environments: ;; sandbox - connects to sandbox.gloebit.com; fake/sandboxed payments and gloebits; ;; https://sandbox.gloebit.com/signup/ - create sandbox account ;; https://sandbox.gloebit.com/merchant-signup/ - request ability to create apps ;; https://sandbox.gloebit.com/merchant-tools/ - create app and retrieve Key and Secret ;; production - connects to www.gloebit.com; real payments and gloebits; ;; https://www.gloebit.com/signup/ - create production account ;; https://www.gloebit.com/merchant-signup/ - request ability to create apps ;; (requires manual approval on production before gaining access to merchant tools) ;; https://www.gloebit.com/merchant-tools/ - create app and retrieve Key and Secret GLBEnvironment = sandbox ;; Application the GMM on this process will connect to within the environment specified above ;; Fill in GLBKey and GLBSecret with values from app created at https://sandbox.gloebit.com/merchant-tools/ ;; See http://dev.gloebit.com/opensim/configuration-instructions/ for more details. GLBKey = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 GLBSecret = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ;; GLBKeyAlias is optional and can be left out. ;; If included, this will be used to make some URLs more user-friendly and human-readalbe ;; To use, fill this with the OAuth Key Alias registered for this application on Gloebit ; GLBKeyAlias = ;;;;;; CONFIGURE HELPFUL ERROR CONTACT INFO FOR USER MESSAGES ;;;;;; ;; The following are supplied to users in error messages for certain errors for which they should ;; contact the person who configured this GMM and app and may need to fix something ;; Those messages will include a trailing instruction string formatted like: ;; Please contact GLBOnwerName at GLBOwnerEmail if this problem persists. ;; GLBOwnerName should be replaced with the neme of the person or avatar which manages this OpenSim process. GLBOwnerName = Region or Grid Owner ;; GLBOwnerEmail should be replaced with the email address (or other contact mechanism) for the person who manages this OpenSim process. ; GLBOwnerEmail = Manager@example.com ;;;;; CONFIGURE NEW SESSION MESSAGING ;;;;; ;; The following determine if a user receives messaging at the start of a new session ;; A new session is defined as the first time a user enters a Gloebit enabled region for a Gloebit app during a viewer login ;# {GLBShowNewSessionPurchaseIM} {Show purchase gloebits IM to user at session start?} {false, true} false ; GLBShowNewSessionPurchaseIM = false ;# {GLBShowNewSessionAuthIM} {Show auth app IM to user at session start?} {false, true} true ; GLBShowNewSessionAuthIM = true ;;;;; CONFIGURE SINGLE GLOEBIT DB FOR APP OR GRID ;;;;;; ;; Optional - If not configured here, Gloebit will use the DataService ;; ConnectionString ;; ;; Purpose - If each Sim process uses it's own database and separate ;; set of DB tables from each other sim, then a user will have ;; to authorize Gloebit form every sim process and will receive ;; our welcome message upon entering every Sim process each ;; session. However, if you configure the Gloebit system on every ;; sim to point to a single DB either here, or if that is your default ;; configuration for your sim, then your users will only have to authorize ;; Gloebit once for your app and will only receive our welcome message ;; once each session, the first time they enter a gloebit enabled region. ;; ;; Both of these settings must be configured together. See StandaloneCommon.ini.example ;; for ConnectionString examples and availiable StorageProviders ;GLBSpecificStorageProvider = OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll ;GLBSpecificConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=***;Old Guids=true;" ;GLBSpecificStorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.PGSQL.dll" ;GLBSpecificConnectionString = "Server=localhost;Database=opensim;User Id=opensim; password=***;"