[Config] ; The port number for the asset server to listen on. If a valid SSL certificate ; file is given for SSLCertFile, the HTTPS protocol will be used. Otherwise, the ; HTTP protocol is used. ListenPort = 8003 ; An SSL certificate file for the server. If a valid raw certificate or PKCS#12 ; file is given the server will run in HTTPS mode. ;SSLCertFile = server.p12 [Extensions] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Storage Providers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Simple storage is a very basic storage system for the purposes of illustrating ; a storage backend example. The assets are stored in SimpleAssets/ and ; TempAssets/ (which is deleted when the server shuts down). Metadata is ; generated for all of the files at startup and when new assets are uploaded. ;SimpleStorage ; OpenSimMySQL storage connects to a MySQL server that has an assets table created ; by OpenSim. Open the AssetServer_Config.xml file from OpenSim and use the ; database connection string for the database_connect option in the MySQL section ; below. This backend combined with the OpenSimFrontend will allow the asset ; server to be used as a drop-in replacement for OpenSim.Grid.AssetServer.exe, ; while also allowing other frontends to run. OpenSimMySQLStorage ; Uses Amazon.com's Simple Storage Service (http://aws.amazon.com/s3/) to store ; asset data and metadata. This backend does not handle any data requests, as the ; data is stored remotely and metadata replies will contain the amazon.com URL ; holding the actual asset data. Your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key must be ; set in the [Amazon] section below for this backend to function. If ; UseCloudFront is true and your Amazon account has CloudFront enabled, ; CloudFront URLs will be returned in metadata instead of normal S3 URLs. ;AmazonS3Storage ; Uses memcached (http://www.danga.com/memcached/) as a caching layer on top of ; another storage backend. If you use this, make sure you enable another storage ; provider as the actual backend, and that the MemcacheStorage line appears in ; this config file after the other storage provider. ;MemcachedStorage ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Inventory Providers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Simple inventory is a very basic inventory storage system for the purposes of ; illustrating an inventory backend example. The inventory is stored in ; SimpleInventory/ by creating a folder for each agent that contains all of the ; inventory items and folders serialized as XML files. ;SimpleInventory ; OpenSimMySQL inventory connects to a MySQL server that has an inventory table ; created by OpenSim. If the OpenSimMySQLStorage backend is also being used, the ; inventory and asset tables must be stored in the same database. The ; database_connect string in the MySQL section below is used to connect to the ; database. This backend combined with the OpenSimInventoryFrontend will allow ; the server to be used as a drop-in replacement for ; OpenSim.Grid.InventoryServer.exe, while also allowing other frontends to run. OpenSimMySQLInventory ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Authentication Providers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; OpenID provides a direct method of authenticating with the asset server. Users ; can provide credentials and receive a session token directly from the asset ; server. The OpenIdAuth module provides a browser-based form login and an ; XML-based API, both accessible through the URL /authenticate. ;OpenIdAuth NullAuthentication ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Authorization Providers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Authorize all is a dummy authorization module that allows all requests for ; metadata, data, and asset creation. Use this extension if your primary ; storage provider or front-end interface does not support authentication. AuthorizeAll ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Metrics Providers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; NullMetrics contains empty logging functions. Use this metrics provider if ; you want to disable metrics collection and reporting. NullMetrics ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Frontends ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; A simple frontend that provides three basic REST methods. /assetid/metadata ; will return the metadata for an asset (currently in LLSD format, that will ; change soon). /assetid/data will return the raw asset data with proper ; Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers to make downloading assets in a ; web browser easy. ReferenceFrontend ; A frontend that matches the existing OpenSim XML for transferring grid ; assets. This will allow the asset server to function as a drop-in replacement ; for OpenSim.Grid.AssetServer.exe, and can be combined with OpenSimMySQLStorage ; to provide an identical replacement or any other storage backend. OpenSimFrontend ; A frontend that matches the existing OpenSim XML for handling inventory ; transactions. This will allow the asset server to function as a drop-in ; replacement for OpenSim.Grid.InventoryServer.exe, and can be combined with ; OpenSimMySQLInventory to provide an identical replacement or any other ; inventory backend. OpenSimInventoryFrontend ; An HTML interface for browsing through the asset store BrowseFrontend [MySQL] ; Database connection string used by the OpenSim MySQL backend. If this line is ; commented out or missing, the server will look for an AssetServer_Config.xml ; in the current working directory. This file is generated by ; OpenSim.Grid.AssetServer.exe and can be used without modification. database_connect = "Server=localhost; Database=opensim; User=changeme; Password=changeme;" [Amazon] ; Get these values by logging in to your Amazon S3 account and going to ; https://aws-portal.amazon.com/gp/aws/developer/account/index.html?ie=UTF8&action=access-key AccessKeyID = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SecretAccessKey = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; The bucket, or namespace, in your Amazon S3 account for storing assets in. ; Bucket names on S3 are global identifiers, and must be unique. Think up ; something clever or random. BucketName = changeme ; Amazon CloudFront is a Content Distribution Network for S3 stores. If this is ; set to true, AmazonS3Storage will try to locate the first available CloudFront ; distribution tied to the active S3 bucket. If no usable distribution is found, ; a new one will be created. UseCloudFront = true [Memcached] ; A comma-separated list of the memcached servers that make up your caching ; pool. Each server is a hostname or IP address, optionally followed by a ; colon and port number if the server is not listening on the default 11211 ; port. Servers = localhost