=== The Quick Guide to OpenSim Unit Testing ===
== Running Tests ==
On Linux:
> nant test
This will print out to the console the test state.
On Windows: Please see the TESTING ON WINDOWS section below.
Also, every checkin will run tests that are kicked off by bamboo.
Results are posted here: http://www.opensimulator.org:8085/ as well as
to #opensim-dev IRC channel.
== Writing Tests ==
Tests are written to run under NUnit. For more information on NUnit
please see: http://www.nunit.org/index.php
== Adding Tests ==
Tests should not be added to production assemblies. They should
instead be added to assemblies of the name
My.Production.Assembly.Tests.dll. This lets them easily be removed
from production environments that don't want the bloat.
Tests should be as close to the code as possible. It is recommended
that if you are writing tests they end up in a "Tests" sub-directory
of the directory where the code you are testing resides.
If you have added a new test assembly that hasn't existed before you
must list it in both ".nant/local.include" and ".nant/bamboo.build"
for it to be accessible to Linux users and to the continuous
integration system.
=== The Gory Details ===
The following is the original document which started off this
document. It should probably be better integrated with the new info.
The text immediately following is an update to the testing documentation. The
update is written on 2008.08.30 and is copied from an email to the opensim-dev
mailing list[1]. The information below the update, beginning with the section
titled TESTING, is still relevant, so please read this document in its
Mike Mazur
[1] https://lists.berlios.de/pipermail/opensim-dev/2008-August/002695.html
The tests are contained in certain DLLs. At the time of writing, these DLLs
have tests in them:
OpenSim.Framework.Tests.dll OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.dll
The console command used to run the tests is `nunit-console` (or
`nunit-console2` on some systems). This command takes a listing of DLLs to
inspect for tests.
Currently Bamboo's[3] build file (.nant/bamboo.build) lists only those DLLs
for nunit-console to use. However it would be equally correct to simply pass
in all DLLs in bin/; those without tests are just skipped.
The nunit-console command generates a file TestResults.txt by default. This is
an XML file containing a listing of all DLLs inspected, tests executed,
successes, failures, etc. If nunit-console is passed in all DLLs in bin/, this
file bloats with lots of entries like this:
Therefore it makes more sense to me to specify the DLLs when running
[2] Note that OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin.dll is in bin/Physics/ and
needs to be first copied to bin/ before nunit-console is executed.
[3] http://opensimulator.org:8085/
To use nunit testing on opensim code, you have a variety of methods. The
easiast methods involve using IDE capabilities to test code. Using
VS2005/2008 I recommend using the testing capabilities of Resarper(commercial)
or TestDriven.Net(free). Both will recognize nunit tests within your
application and allow you to test them individually, or all at once, etc. You
will also be able to step into debug mode into a test through these add-ins
enabling a developer to jump right in and see how a specific
test-case/scenerio works.
Additionally, it is my understanding that sharpdevelop and monodevelop have
their own nunit testing plugins within their IDE. Though I am not certain of
their exact feature set or stability.
== Using NUnit Directly ==
The NUnit project is a very mature testing application. It can be obtained
from www.nunit.org are via various package distrobutions for Linux. Please be
sure to get a .Net 2.0 version of Nunit, as OpenSim makes use of .Net 2.0
Nunit comes with 2 tools that will enable you to run tests from assembly
inputs. Nunit-gui and nunit-console. NUnit-gui is a console that will let
you view the execution of various tests within your assemblies and give visual
indication of teir success or failure. This is a useful tool for those who
lack IDE addins ( or lack IDEs at all ).
Nunit console allows you to execute the nunit tests of assemblies via console.
Its output will show test failures and successes and a summary of what
happened. This is very useful for a quick overview and/or automated testing.
Windows version of nunit-console is by default .Net 2.0 if you downloaded the
.Net 2.0 version of Nunit. Be sure to setup your PATH environment variable.
Linux & OSX
On these operating systems you will have to use the command "nunit-console2"
nunit-console2 OpenSim.Framework.Tests.dll (on linux)
nunit-console OpenSim.Framework.Tests.dll (on windows)
For more information on testing contact the autor of this testing readme: Daedius Moskvitch ( daedius @@@@ daedius com)