/* * Copyright (c) OpenSim project, http://sim.opensecondlife.org/ * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY <copyright holder> ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <copyright holder> BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using libsecondlife; using System.Collections; using libsecondlife.Packets; using libsecondlife.AssetSystem; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Timers; //really hacked , messy code namespace OpenSim { /// <summary> /// Description of Server. /// </summary> public interface ServerCallback { //should replace with delegates void MainCallback(Packet pack, User_Agent_info User_info); void NewUserCallback(User_Agent_info User_info); void ErrorCallback(string text); } public class Server { /// <summary>A public reference to the client that this Simulator object /// is attached to</summary> //public SecondLife Client; /// <summary>The Region class that this Simulator wraps</summary> // public Region Region; /// <summary> /// Used internally to track sim disconnections, do not modify this /// variable /// </summary> public bool DisconnectCandidate = false; /// <summary> /// The ID number associated with this particular connection to the /// simulator, used to emulate TCP connections. This is used /// internally for packets that have a CircuitCode field /// </summary> public uint CircuitCode { get { return circuitCode; } set { circuitCode = value; } } /// <summary> /// The IP address and port of the server /// </summary> public IPEndPoint IPEndPoint { get { return ipEndPoint; } } /// <summary> /// A boolean representing whether there is a working connection to the /// simulator or not /// </summary> public bool Connected { get { return connected; } } private ServerCallback CallbackObject; //private NetworkManager Network; // private Dictionary<PacketType, List<NetworkManager.PacketCallback>> Callbacks; private uint Sequence = 0; private object SequenceLock = new object(); private byte[] RecvBuffer = new byte[4096]; private byte[] ZeroBuffer = new byte[8192]; private byte[] ZeroOutBuffer = new byte[4096]; private Socket Connection = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); private AsyncCallback ReceivedData; // Packets we sent out that need ACKs from the simulator // private Dictionary<uint, Packet> NeedAck = new Dictionary<uint, Packet>(); // Sequence numbers of packets we've received from the simulator // private Queue<uint> Inbox; // ACKs that are queued up to be sent to the simulator //private Dictionary<uint, uint> PendingAcks = new Dictionary<uint, uint>(); private bool connected = false; private uint circuitCode; private IPEndPoint ipEndPoint; private EndPoint endPoint; private IPEndPoint ipeSender; private EndPoint epSender; private System.Timers.Timer AckTimer; private Server_Settings Settings=new Server_Settings(); public ArrayList User_agents=new ArrayList(); /// <summary> /// Constructor for Simulator /// </summary> /// <param name="client"></param> /// <param name="callbacks"></param> /// <param name="circuit"></param> /// <param name="ip"></param> /// <param name="port"></param> public Server(ServerCallback s_callback) { this.CallbackObject=s_callback; // Client = client; // Network = client.Network; // Callbacks = callbacks; // Region = new Region(client); // circuitCode = circuit; // Inbox = new Queue<uint>(Settings.INBOX_SIZE); AckTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(Settings.NETWORK_TICK_LENGTH); AckTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(AckTimer_Elapsed); // Initialize the callback for receiving a new packet ReceivedData = new AsyncCallback(this.OnReceivedData); // Client.Log("Connecting to " + ip.ToString() + ":" + port, Helpers.LogLevel.Info); try { // Create an endpoint that we will be communicating with (need it in two // types due to .NET weirdness) // ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ip, port); ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, Globals.Instance.IpPort); endPoint = (EndPoint)ipEndPoint; // Associate this simulator's socket with the given ip/port and start listening Connection.Bind(endPoint); ipeSender = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); //The epSender identifies the incoming clients epSender = (EndPoint) ipeSender; Connection.BeginReceiveFrom(RecvBuffer, 0, RecvBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref epSender, ReceivedData, null); // Start the ACK timer AckTimer.Start(); // Track the current time for timeout purposes //int start = Environment.TickCount; /* while (true) { if (connected || Environment.TickCount - start > Settings.SIMULATOR_TIMEOUT) { return; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); }*/ } catch (Exception e) { // Client.Log(e.ToString(), Helpers.LogLevel.Error); System.Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } /// <summary> /// Disconnect a Simulator /// </summary> public void Disconnect() { if (connected) { connected = false; AckTimer.Stop(); // Send the CloseCircuit notice CloseCircuitPacket close = new CloseCircuitPacket(); if (Connection.Connected) { try { // Connection.Send(close.ToBytes()); } catch (SocketException) { // There's a high probability of this failing if the network is // disconnecting, so don't even bother logging the error } } try { // Shut the socket communication down // Connection.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); } catch (SocketException) { } } } /// <summary> /// Sends a packet /// </summary> /// <param name="packet">Packet to be sent</param> /// <param name="incrementSequence">Increment sequence number?</param> public void SendPacket(Packet packet, bool incrementSequence, User_Agent_info User_info) { byte[] buffer; int bytes; if (!connected && packet.Type != PacketType.UseCircuitCode) { // Client.Log("Trying to send a " + packet.Type.ToString() + " packet when the socket is closed", // Helpers.LogLevel.Info); return; } if (packet.Header.AckList.Length > 0) { // Scrub any appended ACKs since all of the ACK handling is done here packet.Header.AckList = new uint[0]; } packet.Header.AppendedAcks = false; // Keep track of when this packet was sent out packet.TickCount = Environment.TickCount; if (incrementSequence) { // Set the sequence number lock (SequenceLock) { if (Sequence > Settings.MAX_SEQUENCE) Sequence = 1; else Sequence++; packet.Header.Sequence = Sequence; } if (packet.Header.Reliable) { lock (User_info.NeedAck) { if (!User_info.NeedAck.ContainsKey(packet.Header.Sequence)) { User_info.NeedAck.Add(packet.Header.Sequence, packet); } else { // Client.Log("Attempted to add a duplicate sequence number (" + // packet.Header.Sequence + ") to the NeedAck dictionary for packet type " + // packet.Type.ToString(), Helpers.LogLevel.Warning); } } // Don't append ACKs to resent packets, in case that's what was causing the // delivery to fail if (!packet.Header.Resent) { // Append any ACKs that need to be sent out to this packet lock (User_info.PendingAcks) { if (User_info.PendingAcks.Count > 0 && User_info.PendingAcks.Count < Settings.MAX_APPENDED_ACKS && packet.Type != PacketType.PacketAck && packet.Type != PacketType.LogoutRequest) { packet.Header.AckList = new uint[User_info.PendingAcks.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (uint ack in User_info.PendingAcks.Values) { packet.Header.AckList[i] = ack; i++; } User_info.PendingAcks.Clear(); packet.Header.AppendedAcks = true; } } } } } // Serialize the packet buffer = packet.ToBytes(); bytes = buffer.Length; try { // Zerocode if needed if (packet.Header.Zerocoded) { lock (ZeroOutBuffer) { bytes = Helpers.ZeroEncode(buffer, bytes, ZeroOutBuffer); Connection.SendTo(ZeroOutBuffer, bytes, SocketFlags.None,User_info.endpoint); } } else { Connection.SendTo(buffer, bytes, SocketFlags.None,User_info.endpoint); } } catch (SocketException) { //Client.Log("Tried to send a " + packet.Type.ToString() + " on a closed socket", // Helpers.LogLevel.Warning); Disconnect(); } } /// <summary> /// Send a raw byte array payload as a packet /// </summary> /// <param name="payload">The packet payload</param> /// <param name="setSequence">Whether the second, third, and fourth bytes /// should be modified to the current stream sequence number</param> /* public void SendPacket(byte[] payload, bool setSequence) { if (connected) { try { if (setSequence && payload.Length > 3) { lock (SequenceLock) { payload[1] = (byte)(Sequence >> 16); payload[2] = (byte)(Sequence >> 8); payload[3] = (byte)(Sequence % 256); Sequence++; } } Connection.Send(payload, payload.Length, SocketFlags.None); } catch (SocketException e) { // Client.Log(e.ToString(), Helpers.LogLevel.Error); } } else { // Client.Log("Attempted to send a " + payload.Length + " byte payload when " + // "we are disconnected", Helpers.LogLevel.Warning); } } */ /// <summary> /// Returns Simulator Name as a String /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override string ToString() { return( " (" + ipEndPoint.ToString() + ")"); } /// <summary> /// Sends out pending acknowledgements /// </summary> private void SendAcks(User_Agent_info User_info) { lock (User_info.PendingAcks) { if (connected && User_info.PendingAcks.Count > 0) { if (User_info.PendingAcks.Count > 250) { // FIXME: Handle the odd case where we have too many pending ACKs queued up //Client.Log("Too many ACKs queued up!", Helpers.LogLevel.Error); return; } int i = 0; PacketAckPacket acks = new PacketAckPacket(); acks.Packets = new PacketAckPacket.PacketsBlock[User_info.PendingAcks.Count]; foreach (uint ack in User_info.PendingAcks.Values) { acks.Packets[i] = new PacketAckPacket.PacketsBlock(); acks.Packets[i].ID = ack; i++; } acks.Header.Reliable = false; SendPacket(acks, true,User_info); User_info.PendingAcks.Clear(); } } } /// <summary> /// Resend unacknowledged packets /// </summary> private void ResendUnacked(User_Agent_info User_info) { if (connected) { int now = Environment.TickCount; lock (User_info.NeedAck) { foreach (Packet packet in User_info.NeedAck.Values) { if (now - packet.TickCount > Settings.RESEND_TIMEOUT) { // Client.Log("Resending " + packet.Type.ToString() + " packet, " + // (now - packet.TickCount) + "ms have passed", Helpers.LogLevel.Info); packet.Header.Resent = true; SendPacket(packet, false,User_info); } } } } } /// <summary> /// Callback handler for incomming data /// </summary> /// <param name="result"></param> private void OnReceivedData(IAsyncResult result) { ipeSender = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); epSender = (EndPoint)ipeSender; Packet packet = null; int numBytes; // If we're receiving data the sim connection is open connected = true; // Update the disconnect flag so this sim doesn't time out DisconnectCandidate = false; User_Agent_info User_info=null; lock (RecvBuffer) { // Retrieve the incoming packet try { numBytes = Connection.EndReceiveFrom(result, ref epSender); //find user_agent_info int packetEnd = numBytes - 1; packet = Packet.BuildPacket(RecvBuffer, ref packetEnd, ZeroBuffer); //should check if login/useconnection packet first if (packet.Type == PacketType.UseCircuitCode) { UseCircuitCodePacket cir_pack=(UseCircuitCodePacket)packet; User_Agent_info new_user=new User_Agent_info(); new_user.circuitCode=cir_pack.CircuitCode.Code; new_user.AgentID=cir_pack.CircuitCode.ID; new_user.SessionID=cir_pack.CircuitCode.SessionID; new_user.endpoint=epSender; new_user.Inbox = new Queue<uint>(Settings.INBOX_SIZE); this.CallbackObject.NewUserCallback(new_user); this.User_agents.Add(new_user); } User_Agent_info temp_agent=null; IPEndPoint send_ip=(IPEndPoint)epSender; // this.callback_object.error("incoming: address is "+send_ip.Address +"port number is: "+send_ip.Port.ToString()); for(int ii=0; ii<this.User_agents.Count ; ii++) { temp_agent=(User_Agent_info)this.User_agents[ii]; IPEndPoint ag_ip=(IPEndPoint)temp_agent.endpoint; //this.callback_object.error("searching: address is "+ag_ip.Address +"port number is: "+ag_ip.Port.ToString()); if((ag_ip.Address.ToString()==send_ip.Address.ToString()) && (ag_ip.Port.ToString()==send_ip.Port.ToString())) { //this.callback_object.error("found user"); User_info=temp_agent; break; } } Connection.BeginReceiveFrom(RecvBuffer, 0, RecvBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref epSender, ReceivedData, null); } catch (SocketException) { // Client.Log(endPoint.ToString() + " socket is closed, shutting down " + this.Region.Name, // Helpers.LogLevel.Info); connected = false; //Network.DisconnectSim(this); return; } } if(User_info==null) { //error finding agent this.CallbackObject.ErrorCallback("no user found"); return; } // Fail-safe check if (packet == null) { this.CallbackObject.ErrorCallback("couldn't build packet"); // Client.Log("Couldn't build a message from the incoming data", Helpers.LogLevel.Warning); return; } //this.callback_object.error("past tests"); // Track the sequence number for this packet if it's marked as reliable if (packet.Header.Reliable) { if (User_info.PendingAcks.Count > Settings.MAX_PENDING_ACKS) { SendAcks(User_info); } // Check if we already received this packet if (User_info.Inbox.Contains(packet.Header.Sequence)) { //Client.Log("Received a duplicate " + packet.Type.ToString() + ", sequence=" + // packet.Header.Sequence + ", resent=" + ((packet.Header.Resent) ? "Yes" : "No") + // ", Inbox.Count=" + Inbox.Count + ", NeedAck.Count=" + NeedAck.Count, // Helpers.LogLevel.Info); // Send an ACK for this packet immediately //SendAck(packet.Header.Sequence); // TESTING: Try just queuing up ACKs for resent packets instead of immediately triggering an ACK lock (User_info.PendingAcks) { uint sequence = (uint)packet.Header.Sequence; if (!User_info.PendingAcks.ContainsKey(sequence)) { User_info.PendingAcks[sequence] = sequence; } } // Avoid firing a callback twice for the same packet // this.callback_object.error("avoiding callback"); return; } else { lock (User_info.PendingAcks) { uint sequence = (uint)packet.Header.Sequence; if (!User_info.PendingAcks.ContainsKey(sequence)) { User_info.PendingAcks[sequence] = sequence; } } } } // Add this packet to our inbox lock (User_info.Inbox) { while (User_info.Inbox.Count >= Settings.INBOX_SIZE) { User_info.Inbox.Dequeue(); } User_info.Inbox.Enqueue(packet.Header.Sequence); } // Handle appended ACKs if (packet.Header.AppendedAcks) { lock (User_info.NeedAck) { foreach (uint ack in packet.Header.AckList) { User_info.NeedAck.Remove(ack); } } } // Handle PacketAck packets if (packet.Type == PacketType.PacketAck) { PacketAckPacket ackPacket = (PacketAckPacket)packet; lock (User_info.NeedAck) { foreach (PacketAckPacket.PacketsBlock block in ackPacket.Packets) { User_info.NeedAck.Remove(block.ID); } } } // this.callback_object.error("calling callback"); this.CallbackObject.MainCallback(packet,User_info); // this.callback_object.error("finished"); // Fire the registered packet events #region FireCallbacks /* if (Callbacks.ContainsKey(packet.Type)) { List<NetworkManager.PacketCallback> callbackArray = Callbacks[packet.Type]; // Fire any registered callbacks foreach (NetworkManager.PacketCallback callback in callbackArray) { if (callback != null) { try { callback(packet, this); } catch (Exception e) { Client.Log("Caught an exception in a packet callback: " + e.ToString(), Helpers.LogLevel.Error); } } } } if (Callbacks.ContainsKey(PacketType.Default)) { List<NetworkManager.PacketCallback> callbackArray = Callbacks[PacketType.Default]; // Fire any registered callbacks foreach (NetworkManager.PacketCallback callback in callbackArray) { if (callback != null) { try { callback(packet, this); } catch (Exception e) { Client.Log("Caught an exception in a packet callback: " + e.ToString(), Helpers.LogLevel.Error); } } } } */ #endregion FireCallbacks } private void AckTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs ea) { if (connected) { //TODO for each user_agent_info for(int i=0; i<this.User_agents.Count; i++) { User_Agent_info user=(User_Agent_info)this.User_agents[i]; SendAcks(user); ResendUnacked(user); } } } } public class Server_Settings { /// <summary>The version of libsecondlife (not the SL protocol itself)</summary> public string VERSION = "libsecondlife 0.0.9"; /// <summary>XML-RPC login server to connect to</summary> public string LOGIN_SERVER = "https://login.agni.lindenlab.com/cgi-bin/login.cgi"; /// <summary>Millisecond interval between ticks, where all ACKs are /// sent out and the age of unACKed packets is checked</summary> public readonly int NETWORK_TICK_LENGTH = 500; /// <summary>The maximum value of a packet sequence number. After that /// we assume the sequence number just rolls over? Or maybe the /// protocol isn't able to sustain a connection past that</summary> public readonly int MAX_SEQUENCE = 0xFFFFFF; /// <summary>Number of milliseconds before a teleport attempt will time /// out</summary> public readonly int TELEPORT_TIMEOUT = 18 * 1000; /// <summary>Number of milliseconds before NetworkManager.Logout() will time out</summary> public int LOGOUT_TIMEOUT = 5 * 1000; /// <summary>Number of milliseconds for xml-rpc to timeout</summary> public int LOGIN_TIMEOUT = 30 * 1000; /// <summary>The maximum size of the sequence number inbox, used to /// check for resent and/or duplicate packets</summary> public int INBOX_SIZE = 100; /// <summary>Milliseconds before a packet is assumed lost and resent</summary> public int RESEND_TIMEOUT = 4000; /// <summary>Milliseconds before the connection to a simulator is /// assumed lost</summary> public int SIMULATOR_TIMEOUT = 15000; /// <summary>Maximum number of queued ACKs to be sent before SendAcks() /// is forced</summary> public int MAX_PENDING_ACKS = 10; /// <summary>Maximum number of ACKs to append to a packet</summary> public int MAX_APPENDED_ACKS = 10; /// <summary>Cost of uploading an asset</summary> public int UPLOAD_COST { get { return priceUpload; } } private int priceUpload = 0; public Server_Settings() { } } public class User_Agent_info { public EndPoint endpoint; public LLUUID AgentID; public LLUUID SessionID; public uint circuitCode; public string name; public uint localID; public string first_name; public string last_name; public Dictionary<uint, Packet> NeedAck = new Dictionary<uint, Packet>(); // Sequence numbers of packets we've received from the simulator public Queue<uint> Inbox; // ACKs that are queued up to be sent to the simulator public Dictionary<uint, uint> PendingAcks = new Dictionary<uint, uint>(); public User_Agent_info() { } } }