boxes ===== A test bed for a generic editor / pager thingy for the toybox project. The toybox project is at and boxes is covered by the same license that toybox is. Basically that's a two clause BSD license, but see the LICENSE file from toybox for details. This is a work in progress, proof of concept, playground, packaged up as one big toy, to be self contained until the mess is cleaned up. This "boxes" toy itself will go away, to be replaced by individual editor / pager toys and library bits. Nothing is set in stone, lots of mess inside, there's bugs, but at least it shows the general direction my mind is wandering in. As a bonus, it actually works, you can edit stuff. Please don't actually include this in toybox. Just look at it and sneer / giggle, depending on your nature. Drop it into the toys directory to try it out, it's just one big toy. If you want to see how it can be used to build specific editors, start at the end and work backwards. Reading the lengthy comments at the beginning would also be useful. I've not even looked at it in the last month, just thought it was past time to show the code. I'll get back to working on it when I can. Toybox uses mecurial instead of git, but I keep all my stuff on github. Boxes will hopefully be incorporated into toybox in a highly altered form some day in the future. So this is just a temporary git repo for my convenience. If and when boxes migrates to toybox, this repo will be retired.