/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2008, Jeff Thompson * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.YieldProlog { /// /// YP has static methods for general functions in Yield Prolog such as /// and . /// public class YP { private static Fail _fail = new Fail(); private static Repeat _repeat = new Repeat(); private static Dictionary> _predicatesStore = new Dictionary>(); private static TextWriter _outputStream = System.Console.Out; private static TextReader _inputStream = System.Console.In; private static List _operatorTable = null; /// /// An IClause is used so that dynamic predicates can call match. /// public interface IClause { IEnumerable match(object[] args); } public static object getValue(object value) { if (value is Variable) return ((Variable)value).getValue(); else return value; } public static IEnumerable unify(object arg1, object arg2) { arg1 = getValue(arg1); arg2 = getValue(arg2); if (arg1 is IUnifiable) return ((IUnifiable)arg1).unify(arg2); else if (arg2 is IUnifiable) return ((IUnifiable)arg2).unify(arg1); else { // Arguments are "normal" types. if (arg1.Equals(arg2)) return new Succeed(); else return _fail; } } /// /// This is used for the lookup key in _factStore. /// public struct NameArity { public readonly Atom _name; public readonly int _arity; public NameArity(Atom name, int arity) { _name = name; _arity = arity; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj is NameArity) { NameArity nameArity = (NameArity)obj; return nameArity._name.Equals(_name) && nameArity._arity.Equals(_arity); } else { return false; } } public override int GetHashCode() { return _name.GetHashCode() ^ _arity.GetHashCode(); } } /// /// Convert term to an int. /// If term is a single-element List, use its first element /// (to handle the char types like "a"). If can't convert, throw an exception. /// /// /// public static int convertInt(object term) { term = YP.getValue(term); if (term is Functor2 && ((Functor2)term)._name == Atom.DOT && YP.getValue(((Functor2)term)._arg2) == Atom.NIL) // Assume it is a char type like "a". term = YP.getValue(((Functor2)term)._arg1); return (int)term; } /// /// Convert term to a double. This may convert an int to a double, etc. /// If term is a single-element List, use its first element /// (to handle the char types like "a"). If can't convert, throw an exception. /// /// /// public static double convertDouble(object term) { term = YP.getValue(term); if (term is Functor2 && ((Functor2)term)._name == Atom.DOT && YP.getValue(((Functor2)term)._arg2) == Atom.NIL) // Assume it is a char type like "a". term = YP.getValue(((Functor2)term)._arg1); if (term is Variable) throw new PrologException(Atom.a("instantiation_error"), "Expected a number but the argument is an unbound variable"); return Convert.ToDouble(term); } /// /// If term is an integer, set intTerm. /// If term is a single-element List, use its first element /// (to handle the char types like "a"). Return true for success, false if can't convert. /// We use a success return value because throwing an exception is inefficient. /// /// /// public static bool getInt(object term, out int intTerm) { term = YP.getValue(term); if (term is Functor2 && ((Functor2)term)._name == Atom.DOT && YP.getValue(((Functor2)term)._arg2) == Atom.NIL) // Assume it is a char type like "a". term = YP.getValue(((Functor2)term)._arg1); if (term is int) { intTerm = (int)term; return true; } intTerm = 0; return false; } public static bool equal(object x, object y) { x = YP.getValue(x); if (x is DateTime) return (DateTime)x == (DateTime)YP.getValue(y); // Assume convertDouble converts an int to a double perfectly. return YP.convertDouble(x) == YP.convertDouble(y); } public static bool notEqual(object x, object y) { x = YP.getValue(x); if (x is DateTime) return (DateTime)x != (DateTime)YP.getValue(y); // Assume convertDouble converts an int to a double perfectly. return YP.convertDouble(x) != YP.convertDouble(y); } public static bool greaterThan(object x, object y) { x = YP.getValue(x); if (x is DateTime) return (DateTime)x > (DateTime)YP.getValue(y); // Assume convertDouble converts an int to a double perfectly. return YP.convertDouble(x) > YP.convertDouble(y); } public static bool lessThan(object x, object y) { x = YP.getValue(x); if (x is DateTime) return (DateTime)x < (DateTime)YP.getValue(y); // Assume convertDouble converts an int to a double perfectly. return YP.convertDouble(x) < YP.convertDouble(y); } public static bool greaterThanOrEqual(object x, object y) { x = YP.getValue(x); if (x is DateTime) return (DateTime)x >= (DateTime)YP.getValue(y); // Assume convertDouble converts an int to a double perfectly. return YP.convertDouble(x) >= YP.convertDouble(y); } public static bool lessThanOrEqual(object x, object y) { x = YP.getValue(x); if (x is DateTime) return (DateTime)x <= (DateTime)YP.getValue(y); // Assume convertDouble converts an int to a double perfectly. return YP.convertDouble(x) <= YP.convertDouble(y); } public static object negate(object x) { int intX; if (getInt(x, out intX)) return -intX; return -convertDouble(x); } public static object abs(object x) { int intX; if (getInt(x, out intX)) return Math.Abs(intX); return Math.Abs(convertDouble(x)); } public static object sign(object x) { int intX; if (getInt(x, out intX)) return Math.Sign(intX); return Math.Sign(convertDouble(x)); } /// /// The ISO standard returns an int. /// /// /// public static object floor(object x) { return (int)Math.Floor(convertDouble(x)); } /// /// The ISO standard returns an int. /// /// /// public static object truncate(object x) { return (int)Math.Truncate(convertDouble(x)); } /// /// The ISO standard returns an int. /// /// /// public static object round(object x) { return (int)Math.Round(convertDouble(x)); } /// /// The ISO standard returns an int. /// /// /// public static object ceiling(object x) { return (int)Math.Ceiling(convertDouble(x)); } public static object sin(object x) { return Math.Sin(YP.convertDouble(x)); } public static object cos(object x) { return Math.Cos(YP.convertDouble(x)); } public static object atan(object x) { return Math.Atan(YP.convertDouble(x)); } public static object exp(object x) { return Math.Exp(YP.convertDouble(x)); } public static object log(object x) { return Math.Log(YP.convertDouble(x)); } public static object sqrt(object x) { return Math.Sqrt(convertDouble(x)); } public static object bitwiseComplement(object x) { return ~YP.convertInt(x); } public static object add(object x, object y) { int intX, intY; if (getInt(x, out intX) && getInt(y, out intY)) return intX + intY; return convertDouble(x) + convertDouble(y); } public static object subtract(object x, object y) { int intX, intY; if (getInt(x, out intX) && getInt(y, out intY)) return intX - intY; return convertDouble(x) - convertDouble(y); } public static object multiply(object x, object y) { int intX, intY; if (getInt(x, out intX) && getInt(y, out intY)) return intX * intY; return convertDouble(x) * convertDouble(y); } /// /// Return floating point, even if both arguments are integer. /// /// /// /// public static object divide(object x, object y) { return convertDouble(x) / convertDouble(y); } public static object intDivide(object x, object y) { int intX, intY; if (getInt(x, out intX) && getInt(y, out intY)) return intX / intY; // Still allow passing a double, but treat as an int. return (int)convertDouble(x) / (int)convertDouble(y); } public static object mod(object x, object y) { int intX, intY; if (getInt(x, out intX) && getInt(y, out intY)) return intX % intY; // Still allow passing a double, but treat as an int. return (int)convertDouble(x) % (int)convertDouble(y); } public static object pow(object x, object y) { return Math.Pow(YP.convertDouble(x), YP.convertDouble(y)); } public static object bitwiseShiftRight(object x, object y) { return YP.convertInt(x) >> YP.convertInt(y); } public static object bitwiseShiftLeft(object x, object y) { return YP.convertInt(x) << YP.convertInt(y); } public static object bitwiseAnd(object x, object y) { return YP.convertInt(x) & YP.convertInt(y); } public static object bitwiseOr(object x, object y) { return YP.convertInt(x) | YP.convertInt(y); } public static object min(object x, object y) { int intX, intY; if (getInt(x, out intX) && getInt(y, out intY)) return Math.Min(intX, intY); return Math.Min(convertDouble(x), convertDouble(y)); } public static object max(object x, object y) { int intX, intY; if (getInt(x, out intX) && getInt(y, out intY)) return Math.Max(intX, intY); return Math.Max(convertDouble(x), convertDouble(y)); } public static IEnumerable copy_term(object inTerm, object outTerm) { return YP.unify(outTerm, YP.makeCopy(inTerm, new Variable.CopyStore())); } public static void addUniqueVariables(object term, List variableSet) { term = YP.getValue(term); if (term is IUnifiable) ((IUnifiable)term).addUniqueVariables(variableSet); } public static object makeCopy(object term, Variable.CopyStore copyStore) { term = YP.getValue(term); if (term is IUnifiable) return ((IUnifiable)term).makeCopy(copyStore); else // term is a "normal" type. Assume it is ground. return term; } /// /// Sort the array in place according to termLessThan. This does not remove duplicates /// /// public static void sortArray(object[] array) { Array.Sort(array, YP.compareTerms); } /// /// Sort the array in place according to termLessThan. This does not remove duplicates /// /// public static void sortArray(List array) { array.Sort(YP.compareTerms); } /// /// Sort List according to termLessThan, remove duplicates and unify with Sorted. /// /// /// /// public static IEnumerable sort(object List, object Sorted) { object[] array = ListPair.toArray(List); if (array == null) return YP.fail(); if (array.Length > 1) sortArray(array); return YP.unify(Sorted, ListPair.makeWithoutRepeatedTerms(array)); } /// /// Use YP.unify to unify each of the elements of the two arrays, and yield /// once if they all unify. /// /// /// /// public static IEnumerable unifyArrays(object[] array1, object[] array2) { if (array1.Length != array2.Length) yield break; IEnumerator[] iterators = new IEnumerator[array1.Length]; bool gotMatch = true; int nIterators = 0; // Try to bind all the arguments. for (int i = 0; i < array1.Length; ++i) { IEnumerator iterator = YP.unify(array1[i], array2[i]).GetEnumerator(); iterators[nIterators++] = iterator; // MoveNext() is true if YP.unify succeeds. if (!iterator.MoveNext()) { gotMatch = false; break; } } try { if (gotMatch) yield return false; } finally { // Manually finalize all the iterators. for (int i = 0; i < nIterators; ++i) iterators[i].Dispose(); } } /// /// Return an iterator (which you can use in a for-in loop) which does /// zero iterations. This returns a pre-existing iterator which is /// more efficient than letting the compiler generate a new one. /// /// public static IEnumerable fail() { return _fail; } /// /// Return an iterator (which you can use in a for-in loop) which does /// one iteration. This returns a pre-existing iterator which is /// more efficient than letting the compiler generate a new one. /// /// public static IEnumerable succeed() { return new Succeed(); } /// /// Return an iterator (which you can use in a for-in loop) which repeats /// indefinitely. This returns a pre-existing iterator which is /// more efficient than letting the compiler generate a new one. /// /// public static IEnumerable repeat() { return _repeat; } public static IEnumerable univ(object Term, object List) { Term = YP.getValue(Term); List = YP.getValue(List); if (nonvar(Term)) return YP.unify(new ListPair (getFunctorName(Term), ListPair.make(getFunctorArgs(Term))), List); Variable Name = new Variable(); Variable ArgList = new Variable(); // disable warning: don't see how we can code this differently short // of rewriting the whole thing #pragma warning disable 0168 foreach (bool l1 in new ListPair(Name, ArgList).unify(List)) { object[] args = ListPair.toArray(ArgList); if (args == null) throw new Exception("Expected a list. Got: " + ArgList.getValue()); if (args.Length == 0) // Return the Name, even if it is not an Atom. return YP.unify(Term, Name); if (!atom(Name)) throw new Exception("Expected an atom. Got: " + Name.getValue()); return YP.unify(Term, Functor.make((Atom)YP.getValue(Name), args)); } #pragma warning restore 0168 return YP.fail(); } public static IEnumerable functor(object Term, object FunctorName, object Arity) { Term = YP.getValue(Term); FunctorName = YP.getValue(FunctorName); Arity = YP.getValue(Arity); if (!(Term is Variable)) { // disable warning: don't see how we can code this differently short // of rewriting the whole thing #pragma warning disable 0168 foreach (bool l1 in YP.unify(FunctorName, getFunctorName(Term))) { foreach (bool l2 in YP.unify(Arity, getFunctorArgs(Term).Length)) yield return false; } #pragma warning restore 0168 } else throw new NotImplementedException("Debug: must finish functor/3"); } public static IEnumerable arg(object ArgNumber, object Term, object Value) { if (YP.var(ArgNumber)) throw new NotImplementedException("Debug: must finish arg/3"); else { int argNumberInt = convertInt(ArgNumber); if (argNumberInt < 0) throw new Exception("ArgNumber must be non-negative"); object[] termArgs = YP.getFunctorArgs(Term); // Silently fail if argNumberInt is out of range. if (argNumberInt >= 1 && argNumberInt <= termArgs.Length) { // The first ArgNumber is at 1, not 0. // disable warning: don't see how we can code this differently short // of rewriting the whole thing #pragma warning disable 0168 foreach (bool l1 in YP.unify(Value, termArgs[argNumberInt - 1])) yield return false; #pragma warning restore 0168 } } } public static bool termEqual(object Term1, object Term2) { Term1 = YP.getValue(Term1); if (Term1 is IUnifiable) return ((IUnifiable)Term1).termEqual(Term2); return Term1.Equals(YP.getValue(Term2)); } public static bool termNotEqual(object Term1, object Term2) { return !termEqual(Term1, Term2); } public static bool termLessThan(object Term1, object Term2) { Term1 = YP.getValue(Term1); Term2 = YP.getValue(Term2); int term1TypeCode = getTypeCode(Term1); int term2TypeCode = getTypeCode(Term2); if (term1TypeCode != term2TypeCode) return term1TypeCode < term2TypeCode; // The terms are the same type code. if (term1TypeCode == -2) { // Variable. // We always check for equality first because we want to be sure // that less than returns false if the terms are equal, in // case that the less than check really behaves like less than or equal. if ((Variable)Term1 != (Variable)Term2) // The hash code should be unique to a Variable object. return Term1.GetHashCode() < Term2.GetHashCode(); return false; } if (term1TypeCode == 0) return ((Atom)Term1)._name.CompareTo(((Atom)Term2)._name) < 0; if (term1TypeCode == 1) return ((Functor1)Term1).lessThan((Functor1)Term2); if (term1TypeCode == 2) return ((Functor2)Term1).lessThan((Functor2)Term2); if (term1TypeCode == 3) return ((Functor3)Term1).lessThan((Functor3)Term2); if (term1TypeCode == 4) return ((Functor)Term1).lessThan((Functor)Term2); // Type code is -1 for general objects. First compare their type names. // Note that this puts Double before Int32 as required by ISO Prolog. string term1TypeName = Term1.GetType().ToString(); string term2TypeName = Term2.GetType().ToString(); if (term1TypeName != term2TypeName) return term1TypeName.CompareTo(term2TypeName) < 0; // The terms are the same type name. if (Term1 is int) return (int)Term1 < (int)Term2; else if (Term1 is double) return (double)Term1 < (double)Term2; else if (Term1 is DateTime) return (DateTime)Term1 < (DateTime)Term2; else if (Term1 is String) return ((String)Term1).CompareTo((String)Term2) < 0; // Debug: Should we try arrays, etc.? if (!Term1.Equals(Term2)) // Could be equal or greater than. return Term1.GetHashCode() < Term2.GetHashCode(); return false; } /// /// Type code is -2 if term is a Variable, 0 if it is an Atom, /// 1 if it is a Functor1, 2 if it is a Functor2, 3 if it is a Functor3, /// 4 if it is Functor. /// Otherwise, type code is -1. /// This does not call YP.getValue(term). /// /// /// private static int getTypeCode(object term) { if (term is Variable) return -2; else if (term is Atom) return 0; else if (term is Functor1) return 1; else if (term is Functor2) return 2; else if (term is Functor3) return 3; else if (term is Functor) return 4; else return -1; } public static bool termLessThanOrEqual(object Term1, object Term2) { if (YP.termEqual(Term1, Term2)) return true; return YP.termLessThan(Term1, Term2); } public static bool termGreaterThan(object Term1, object Term2) { return !YP.termLessThanOrEqual(Term1, Term2); } public static bool termGreaterThanOrEqual(object Term1, object Term2) { // termLessThan should ensure that it returns false if terms are equal, // so that this would return true. return !YP.termLessThan(Term1, Term2); } public static int compareTerms(object Term1, object Term2) { if (YP.termEqual(Term1, Term2)) return 0; else if (YP.termLessThan(Term1, Term2)) return -1; else return 1; } public static bool ground(object Term) { Term = YP.getValue(Term); if (Term is IUnifiable) return ((IUnifiable)Term).ground(); return true; } public static IEnumerable current_op (object Priority, object Specifier, object Operator) { if (_operatorTable == null) { // Initialize. _operatorTable = new List(); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 1200, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a(":-") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 1200, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a("-->") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 1200, Atom.a("fx"), Atom.a(":-") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 1200, Atom.a("fx"), Atom.a("?-") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 1100, Atom.a("xfy"), Atom.a(";") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 1050, Atom.a("xfy"), Atom.a("->") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 1000, Atom.a("xfy"), Atom.a(",") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 900, Atom.a("fy"), Atom.a("\\+") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 700, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a("=") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 700, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a("\\=") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 700, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a("==") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 700, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a("\\==") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 700, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a("@<") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 700, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a("@=<") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 700, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a("@>") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 700, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a("@>=") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 700, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a("=..") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 700, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a("is") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 700, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a("=:=") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 700, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a("=\\=") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 700, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a("<") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 700, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a("=<") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 700, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a(">") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 700, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a(">=") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 600, Atom.a("xfy"), Atom.a(":") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 500, Atom.a("yfx"), Atom.a("+") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 500, Atom.a("yfx"), Atom.a("-") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 500, Atom.a("yfx"), Atom.a("/\\") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 500, Atom.a("yfx"), Atom.a("\\/") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 400, Atom.a("yfx"), Atom.a("*") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 400, Atom.a("yfx"), Atom.a("/") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 400, Atom.a("yfx"), Atom.a("//") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 400, Atom.a("yfx"), Atom.a("rem") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 400, Atom.a("yfx"), Atom.a("mod") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 400, Atom.a("yfx"), Atom.a("<<") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 400, Atom.a("yfx"), Atom.a(">>") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 200, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a("**") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 200, Atom.a("xfy"), Atom.a("^") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 200, Atom.a("fy"), Atom.a("-") }); _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 200, Atom.a("fy"), Atom.a("\\") }); // Debug: This is hacked in to run the Prolog test suite until we implement op/3. _operatorTable.Add(new object[] { 20, Atom.a("xfx"), Atom.a("<--") }); } object[] args = new object[] { Priority, Specifier, Operator }; foreach (object[] answer in _operatorTable) { // disable warning: don't see how we can code this differently short // of rewriting the whole thing #pragma warning disable 0168 foreach (bool l1 in YP.unifyArrays(args, answer)) yield return false; #pragma warning restore 0168 } } public static IEnumerable atom_length(object atom, object Length) { return YP.unify(Length, ((Atom)YP.getValue(atom))._name.Length); } public static IEnumerable atom_concat(object Start, object End, object Whole) { // Debug: Should implement for var(Start) which is a kind of search. // Debug: Should we try to preserve the _declaringClass? return YP.unify(Whole, Atom.a(((Atom)YP.getValue(Start))._name + ((Atom)YP.getValue(End))._name)); } public static IEnumerable sub_atom (object atom, object Before, object Length, object After, object Sub_atom) { // Debug: Should implement for var(atom) which is a kind of search. // Debug: Should we try to preserve the _declaringClass? Atom atomAtom = (Atom)YP.getValue(atom); int beforeInt = YP.convertInt(Before); int lengthInt = YP.convertInt(Length); if (beforeInt < 0) throw new Exception("Before must be non-negative"); if (lengthInt < 0) throw new Exception("Length must be non-negative"); int afterInt = atomAtom._name.Length - (beforeInt + lengthInt); if (afterInt >= 0) { // disable warning: don't see how we can code this differently short // of rewriting the whole thing #pragma warning disable 0168 foreach (bool l1 in YP.unify(After, afterInt)) { foreach (bool l2 in YP.unify (Sub_atom, Atom.a(atomAtom._name.Substring(beforeInt, lengthInt)))) yield return false; } #pragma warning restore 0168 } } public static IEnumerable atom_codes(object atom, object List) { atom = YP.getValue(atom); List = YP.getValue(List); if (nonvar(atom)) { string name = ((Atom)atom)._name; object codeList = Atom.NIL; // Start from the back to make the list. for (int i = name.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) codeList = new ListPair((int)name[i], codeList); return YP.unify(List, codeList); } { object[] codeArray = ListPair.toArray(List); char[] charArray = new char[codeArray.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < codeArray.Length; ++i) charArray[i] = (char)YP.convertInt(codeArray[i]); return YP.unify(atom, Atom.a(new String(charArray))); } } public static IEnumerable number_codes(object number, object List) { number = YP.getValue(number); List = YP.getValue(List); if (nonvar(number)) { string numberString = null; // Try converting to an int first. int intNumber; if (YP.getInt(number, out intNumber)) numberString = intNumber.ToString(); else numberString = YP.doubleToString(YP.convertDouble(number)); object codeList = Atom.NIL; // Start from the back to make the list. for (int i = numberString.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) codeList = new ListPair((int)numberString[i], codeList); return YP.unify(List, codeList); } { object[] codeArray = ListPair.toArray(List); char[] charArray = new char[codeArray.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < codeArray.Length; ++i) charArray[i] = (char)YP.convertInt(codeArray[i]); String numberString = new String(charArray); // Debug: Is there a way in C# to ask if a string parses as int without throwing an exception? try { // Try an int first. return YP.unify(number, Convert.ToInt32(numberString)); } catch (FormatException) { } return YP.unify(number, Convert.ToDouble(numberString)); } } /// /// If term is an Atom or functor type, return its name. /// Otherwise, return term. /// /// /// public static object getFunctorName(object term) { term = YP.getValue(term); if (term is Functor1) return ((Functor1)term)._name; else if (term is Functor2) return ((Functor2)term)._name; else if (term is Functor3) return ((Functor3)term)._name; else if (term is Functor) return ((Functor)term)._name; else return term; } /// /// If term is an Atom or functor type, return an array of its args. /// Otherwise, return an empty array. /// /// /// public static object[] getFunctorArgs(object term) { term = YP.getValue(term); if (term is Functor1) { Functor1 functor = (Functor1)term; return new object[] { functor._arg1 }; } else if (term is Functor2) { Functor2 functor = (Functor2)term; return new object[] { functor._arg1, functor._arg2 }; } else if (term is Functor3) { Functor3 functor = (Functor3)term; return new object[] { functor._arg1, functor._arg2, functor._arg3 }; } else if (term is Functor) { Functor functor = (Functor)term; return functor._args; } else return new object[0]; } public static bool var(object Term) { return YP.getValue(Term) is Variable; } public static bool nonvar(object Term) { return !YP.var(Term); } public static bool atom(object Term) { return YP.getValue(Term) is Atom; } public static bool integer(object Term) { // Debug: Should exhaustively check for all integer types. return getValue(Term) is int; } // Use isFloat instead of float because it is a reserved keyword. public static bool isFloat(object Term) { // Debug: Should exhaustively check for all float types. return getValue(Term) is double; } public static bool number(object Term) { return YP.integer(Term) || YP.isFloat(Term); } public static bool atomic(object Term) { return YP.atom(Term) || YP.number(Term); } public static bool compound(object Term) { Term = getValue(Term); return Term is Functor1 || Term is Functor2 || Term is Functor3 || Term is Functor; } public static void see(object input) { input = YP.getValue(input); if (input is TextReader) { _inputStream = (TextReader)input; return; } else if (input is Atom) { _inputStream = new StreamReader(((Atom)input)._name); return; } else if (input is String) { _inputStream = new StreamReader((String)input); return; } else throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't open stream for " + input); } public static void seen() { if (_inputStream == Console.In) return; _inputStream.Close(); _inputStream = Console.In; } public static void tell(object output) { output = YP.getValue(output); if (output is TextWriter) { _outputStream = (TextWriter)output; return; } else if (output is Atom) { _outputStream = new StreamWriter(((Atom)output)._name); return; } else if (output is String) { _outputStream = new StreamWriter((String)output); return; } else throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't open stream for " + output); } public static void told() { if (_outputStream == Console.Out) return; _outputStream.Close(); _outputStream = Console.Out; } public static IEnumerable current_output(object Stream) { return YP.unify(Stream, _outputStream); } public static void write(object x) { x = YP.getValue(x); if (x is double) _outputStream.Write(doubleToString((double)x)); else _outputStream.Write(x.ToString()); } /// /// Format x as a string, making sure that it will parse as an int later. I.e., for 1.0, don't just /// use "1" which will parse as an int. /// /// /// private static string doubleToString(double x) { string xString = x.ToString(); // Debug: Is there a way in C# to ask if a string parses as int without throwing an exception? try { Convert.ToInt32(xString); // The string will parse as an int, not a double, so re-format so that it does. // Use float if possible, else exponential if it would be too big. return x.ToString(x >= 100000.0 ? "E1" : "f1"); } catch (FormatException) { // Assume it will parse as a double. } return xString; } public static void put_code(object x) { _outputStream.Write((char)YP.convertInt(x)); } public static void nl() { _outputStream.WriteLine(); } public static IEnumerable get_code(object code) { return YP.unify(code, _inputStream.Read()); } public static void asserta(object Term, Type declaringClass) { assertDynamic(Term, declaringClass, true); } public static void assertz(object Term, Type declaringClass) { assertDynamic(Term, declaringClass, false); } public static void assertDynamic(object Term, Type declaringClass, bool prepend) { Term = getValue(Term); if (Term is Variable) throw new PrologException("instantiation_error", "Term to assert is an unbound variable"); Variable.CopyStore copyStore = new Variable.CopyStore(); object TermCopy = makeCopy(Term, copyStore); object Head, Body; if (TermCopy is Functor2 && ((Functor2)TermCopy)._name == Atom.RULE) { Head = YP.getValue(((Functor2)TermCopy)._arg1); Body = YP.getValue(((Functor2)TermCopy)._arg2); } else { Head = TermCopy; Body = Atom.a("true"); } Atom name = getFunctorName(Head) as Atom; if (name == null) // name is a non-Atom, such as a number. throw new PrologException (new Functor2("type_error", Atom.a("callable"), Head), "Term to assert is not callable"); object[] args = getFunctorArgs(Head); if (!isDynamic(name, args.Length)) throw new PrologException (new Functor3("permission_error", Atom.a("modify"), Atom.a("static_procedure"), new Functor2(Atom.SLASH, name, args.Length)), "Assert cannot modify static predicate " + name + "/" + args.Length); if (copyStore.getNUniqueVariables() == 0 && Body == Atom.a("true")) { // Debug: Until IndexedAnswers supports prepend, compile the fact so we can prepend it below. if (!prepend) { // This is a fact with no unbound variables // assertFact uses IndexedAnswers, so don't we don't need to compile. assertFact(name, args); return; } } IClause clause = YPCompiler.compileAnonymousClause(Head, Body, declaringClass); // Add the clause to the entry in _predicatesStore. NameArity nameArity = new NameArity(name, args.Length); List clauses; if (!_predicatesStore.TryGetValue(nameArity, out clauses)) // Create an entry for the nameArity. _predicatesStore[nameArity] = (clauses = new List()); if (prepend) clauses.Insert(0, clause); else clauses.Add(clause); } private static bool isDynamic(Atom name, int arity) { if (arity == 2 && (name == Atom.a(",") || name == Atom.a(";") || name == Atom.DOT)) return false; // Use the same mapping to static predicates in YP as the compiler. // disable warning: don't see how we can code this differently short // of rewriting the whole thing #pragma warning disable 0168 foreach (bool l1 in YPCompiler.functorCallYPFunctionName(name, arity, new Variable())) return false; // Debug: Do we need to check if name._module is null? #pragma warning restore 0168 return true; } /// /// Assert values at the end of the set of facts for the predicate with the /// name and with arity values.Length. /// /// must be an Atom /// the array of arguments to the fact predicate. /// It is an error if an value has an unbound variable. public static void assertFact(Atom name, object[] values) { NameArity nameArity = new NameArity(name, values.Length); List clauses; IndexedAnswers indexedAnswers; if (!_predicatesStore.TryGetValue(nameArity, out clauses)) { // Create an IndexedAnswers as the first clause of the predicate. _predicatesStore[nameArity] = (clauses = new List()); clauses.Add(indexedAnswers = new IndexedAnswers()); } else { indexedAnswers = clauses[clauses.Count - 1] as IndexedAnswers; if (indexedAnswers == null) // The latest clause is not an IndexedAnswers, so add one. clauses.Add(indexedAnswers = new IndexedAnswers()); } indexedAnswers.addAnswer(values); } /// /// Match all clauses of the dynamic predicate with the name and with arity /// arguments.Length. /// It is an error if the predicate is not defined. /// /// must be an Atom /// an array of arity number of arguments /// an iterator which you can use in foreach public static IEnumerable matchDynamic(Atom name, object[] arguments) { List clauses; if (!_predicatesStore.TryGetValue(new NameArity(name, arguments.Length), out clauses)) throw new UndefinedPredicateException ("Undefined fact: " + name + "/" + arguments.Length, name, arguments.Length); if (clauses.Count == 1) // Usually there is only one clause, so return it without needing to wrap it in an iterator. return clauses[0].match(arguments); else return matchAllClauses(clauses, arguments); } /// /// Call match(arguments) for each IClause in clauses. We make this a separate /// function so that matchDynamic itself does not need to be an iterator object. /// /// /// /// private static IEnumerable matchAllClauses(List clauses, object[] arguments) { // Debug: If the clause asserts another clause into this same predicate, the iterator // over clauses will be corrupted. Should we take the time to copy clauses? foreach (IClause clause in clauses) { foreach (bool lastCall in clause.match(arguments)) { yield return false; if (lastCall) // This happens after a cut in a clause. yield break; } } } /// /// This is deprecated and just calls matchDynamic. This matches all clauses, /// not just the ones defined with assertFact. /// /// /// /// public static IEnumerable matchFact(Atom name, object[] arguments) { return matchDynamic(name, arguments); } /// /// This actually searches all clauses, not just /// the ones defined with assertFact, but we keep the name for /// backwards compatibility. /// /// must be an Atom /// an array of arity number of arguments public static void retractFact(Atom name, object[] arguments) { NameArity nameArity = new NameArity(name, arguments.Length); List clauses; if (!_predicatesStore.TryGetValue(nameArity, out clauses)) // Can't find, so ignore. return; foreach (object arg in arguments) { if (!YP.var(arg)) throw new InvalidOperationException("All arguments must be unbound"); } // Set to a fresh empty IndexedAnswers. _predicatesStore[nameArity] = (clauses = new List()); clauses.Add(new IndexedAnswers()); } public static IEnumerable current_predicate(object NameSlashArity) { NameSlashArity = YP.getValue(NameSlashArity); // First check if Name and Arity are nonvar so we can do a direct lookup. if (YP.ground(NameSlashArity)) { if (NameSlashArity is Functor2) { Functor2 NameArityFunctor = (Functor2)NameSlashArity; if (NameArityFunctor._name == Atom.SLASH) { if (_predicatesStore.ContainsKey(new NameArity ((Atom)YP.getValue(NameArityFunctor._arg1), (int)YP.getValue(NameArityFunctor._arg2)))) // The predicate is defined. yield return false; } } yield break; } foreach (NameArity key in _predicatesStore.Keys) { // disable warning: don't see how we can code this differently short // of rewriting the whole thing #pragma warning disable 0168 foreach (bool l1 in YP.unify (new Functor2(Atom.SLASH, key._name, key._arity), NameSlashArity)) yield return false; #pragma warning restore 0168 } } /// /// Use YP.getFunctorName(Goal) and invoke the static method of this name in the /// declaringClass, using arguments from YP.getFunctorArgs(Goal). /// Note that Goal must be a simple functor, not a complex expression. /// If not found, this throws UndefinedPredicateException. /// /// /// the class for looking up default function references /// public static IEnumerable getIterator(object Goal, Type declaringClass) { Goal = YP.getValue(Goal); if (Goal is Variable) throw new PrologException("instantiation_error", "Goal to call is an unbound variable"); #if true List variableSetList = new List(); addUniqueVariables(Goal, variableSetList); Variable[] variableSet = variableSetList.ToArray(); // Use Atom.F since it is ignored. return YPCompiler.compileAnonymousClause (Functor.make(Atom.F, variableSet), Goal, declaringClass).match(variableSet); #else Atom name; object[] args; while (true) { name = (Atom)YP.getFunctorName(Goal); args = YP.getFunctorArgs(Goal); if (name == Atom.HAT && args.Length == 2) // Assume this is called from a bagof operation. Skip the leading qualifiers. Goal = YP.getValue(((Functor2)Goal)._arg2); else break; } try { return (IEnumerable)declaringClass.InvokeMember (name._name, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, args); } catch (TargetInvocationException exception) { throw exception.InnerException; } catch (MissingMethodException) { throw new UndefinedPredicateException ("Cannot find predicate function: " + name + "/" + args.Length + " in " + declaringClass.FullName, name, args.Length); } #endif } public static void throwException(object Term) { throw new PrologException(Term); } /// /// script_event calls hosting script with events as a callback method. /// /// /// /// public static void script_event(object script_event, object script_params) { // string function = ((Atom)YP.getValue(script_event))._name; object[] array = ListPair.toArray(script_params); if (array == null) return; // YP.fail(); if (array.Length > 1) { //m_CmdManager.m_ScriptEngine.m_EventQueManager.AddToScriptQueue //(localID, itemID, function, array); // sortArray(array); } //return YP.unify(Sorted, ListPair.makeWithoutRepeatedTerms(array)); } /// /// An enumerator that does zero loops. /// private class Fail : IEnumerator, IEnumerable { public bool MoveNext() { return false; } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return (IEnumerator)this; } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); } public bool Current { get { return true; } } object IEnumerator.Current { get { return true; } } public void Dispose() { } public void Reset() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } /// /// An enumerator that does one iteration. /// private class Succeed : IEnumerator, IEnumerable { private bool _didIteration = false; public bool MoveNext() { if (!_didIteration) { _didIteration = true; return true; } else return false; } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return (IEnumerator)this; } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); } public bool Current { get { return false; } } object IEnumerator.Current { get { return false; } } public void Dispose() { } public void Reset() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } /// /// An enumerator that repeats forever. /// private class Repeat : IEnumerator, IEnumerable { public bool MoveNext() { return true; } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return (IEnumerator)this; } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); } public bool Current { get { return false; } } object IEnumerator.Current { get { return false; } } public void Dispose() { } public void Reset() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } /// /// An enumerator that wraps another enumerator in order to catch a PrologException. /// public class Catch : IEnumerator, IEnumerable { private IEnumerator _enumerator; private PrologException _exception = null; public Catch(IEnumerable iterator) { _enumerator = iterator.GetEnumerator(); } /// /// Call _enumerator.MoveNext(). If it throws a PrologException, set _exception /// and return false. After this returns false, call unifyExceptionOrThrow. /// Assume that, after this returns false, it will not be called again. /// /// public bool MoveNext() { try { return _enumerator.MoveNext(); } catch (PrologException exception) { _exception = exception; return false; } } /// /// Call this after MoveNext() returns false to check for an exception. If /// MoveNext did not get a PrologException, don't yield. /// Otherwise, unify the exception with Catcher and yield so the caller can /// do the handler code. However, if can't unify with Catcher then throw the exception. /// /// /// public IEnumerable unifyExceptionOrThrow(object Catcher) { if (_exception != null) { bool didUnify = false; // disable warning: don't see how we can code this differently short // of rewriting the whole thing #pragma warning disable 0168 foreach (bool l1 in YP.unify(_exception._term, Catcher)) { didUnify = true; yield return false; } #pragma warning restore 0168 if (!didUnify) throw _exception; } } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return (IEnumerator)this; } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); } public bool Current { get { return _enumerator.Current; } } object IEnumerator.Current { get { return _enumerator.Current; } } public void Dispose() { _enumerator.Dispose(); } public void Reset() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } } }