/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSim Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS AS IS AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using Axiom.Math; using libsecondlife; using OpenSim.Framework; using OpenSim.Region.Environment.Interfaces; using OpenSim.Region.Environment.Scenes; using OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Common; using OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL; namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler { // // !!!IMPORTANT!!! // // REMEMBER TO UPDATE http://opensimulator.org/wiki/LlFunction_implementation_status // /// /// Contains all LSL ll-functions. This class will be in Default AppDomain. /// public class LSL_BuiltIn_Commands : MarshalByRefObject, LSL_BuiltIn_Commands_Interface { private ASCIIEncoding enc = new ASCIIEncoding(); private ScriptEngine m_ScriptEngine; private SceneObjectPart m_host; private uint m_localID; private LLUUID m_itemID; private bool throwErrorOnNotImplemented = true; public LSL_BuiltIn_Commands(ScriptEngine ScriptEngine, SceneObjectPart host, uint localID, LLUUID itemID) { m_ScriptEngine = ScriptEngine; m_host = host; m_localID = localID; m_itemID = itemID; //MainLog.Instance.Notice("ScriptEngine", "LSL_BaseClass.Start() called. Hosted by [" + m_host.Name + ":" + m_host.UUID + "@" + m_host.AbsolutePosition + "]"); } private string m_state = "default"; public string State() { return m_state; } // Object never expires public override Object InitializeLifetimeService() { //Console.WriteLine("LSL_BuiltIn_Commands: InitializeLifetimeService()"); // return null; ILease lease = (ILease) base.InitializeLifetimeService(); if (lease.CurrentState == LeaseState.Initial) { lease.InitialLeaseTime = TimeSpan.Zero; // TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); // lease.SponsorshipTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2); // lease.RenewOnCallTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2); } return lease; } public Scene World { get { return m_ScriptEngine.World; } } //These are the implementations of the various ll-functions used by the LSL scripts. //starting out, we use the System.Math library for trig functions. - ckrinke 8-14-07 public double llSin(double f) { return (double) Math.Sin(f); } public double llCos(double f) { return (double) Math.Cos(f); } public double llTan(double f) { return (double) Math.Tan(f); } public double llAtan2(double x, double y) { return (double) Math.Atan2(y, x); } public double llSqrt(double f) { return (double) Math.Sqrt(f); } public double llPow(double fbase, double fexponent) { return (double) Math.Pow(fbase, fexponent); } public int llAbs(int i) { return (int) Math.Abs(i); } public double llFabs(double f) { return (double) Math.Abs(f); } public double llFrand(double mag) { lock (Util.RandomClass) { return Util.RandomClass.NextDouble() * mag; } } public int llFloor(double f) { return (int) Math.Floor(f); } public int llCeil(double f) { return (int) Math.Ceiling(f); } public int llRound(double f) { return (int) Math.Round(f, 0); } //This next group are vector operations involving squaring and square root. ckrinke public double llVecMag(LSL_Types.Vector3 v) { return (v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llVecNorm(LSL_Types.Vector3 v) { double mag = v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z; LSL_Types.Vector3 nor = new LSL_Types.Vector3(); nor.x = v.x/mag; nor.y = v.y/mag; nor.z = v.z/mag; return nor; } public double llVecDist(LSL_Types.Vector3 a, LSL_Types.Vector3 b) { double dx = a.x - b.x; double dy = a.y - b.y; double dz = a.z - b.z; return Math.Sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); } //Now we start getting into quaternions which means sin/cos, matrices and vectors. ckrinke public LSL_Types.Vector3 llRot2Euler(LSL_Types.Quaternion r) { //This implementation is from http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=LibraryRotationFunctions. ckrinke LSL_Types.Quaternion t = new LSL_Types.Quaternion(r.x*r.x, r.y*r.y, r.z*r.z, r.r*r.r); double m = (t.x + t.y + t.z + t.r); if (m == 0) return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); double n = 2*(r.y*r.r + r.x*r.z); double p = m*m - n*n; if (p > 0) return new LSL_Types.Vector3(Math.Atan2(2.0*(r.x*r.r - r.y*r.z), (-t.x - t.y + t.z + t.r)), Math.Atan2(n, Math.Sqrt(p)), Math.Atan2(2.0*(r.z*r.r - r.x*r.y), (t.x - t.y - t.z + t.r))); else if (n > 0) return new LSL_Types.Vector3(0.0, Math.PI/2, Math.Atan2((r.z*r.r + r.x*r.y), 0.5 - t.x - t.z)); else return new LSL_Types.Vector3(0.0, -Math.PI/2, Math.Atan2((r.z*r.r + r.x*r.y), 0.5 - t.x - t.z)); } public LSL_Types.Quaternion llEuler2Rot(LSL_Types.Vector3 v) { //this comes from from http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=LibraryRotationFunctions but is incomplete as of 8/19/07 float err = 0.00001f; double ax = Math.Sin(v.x/2); double aw = Math.Cos(v.x/2); double by = Math.Sin(v.y/2); double bw = Math.Cos(v.y/2); double cz = Math.Sin(v.z/2); double cw = Math.Cos(v.z/2); LSL_Types.Quaternion a1 = new LSL_Types.Quaternion(0.0, 0.0, cz, cw); LSL_Types.Quaternion a2 = new LSL_Types.Quaternion(0.0, by, 0.0, bw); LSL_Types.Quaternion a3 = new LSL_Types.Quaternion(ax, 0.0, 0.0, aw); //This multiplication doesnt compile, yet. a = a1 * a2 * a3; LSL_Types.Quaternion b = new LSL_Types.Quaternion(ax*bw*cw + aw*by*cz, aw*by*cw - ax*bw*cz, aw*bw*cz + ax*by*cw, aw*bw*cw - ax*by*cz); LSL_Types.Quaternion c = new LSL_Types.Quaternion(); //This addition doesnt compile yet c = a + b; LSL_Types.Quaternion d = new LSL_Types.Quaternion(); //This addition doesnt compile yet d = a - b; if ((Math.Abs(c.x) > err && Math.Abs(d.x) > err) || (Math.Abs(c.y) > err && Math.Abs(d.y) > err) || (Math.Abs(c.z) > err && Math.Abs(d.z) > err) || (Math.Abs(c.r) > err && Math.Abs(d.r) > err)) { //return a new Quaternion that is null until I figure this out // return b; // return a; } return new LSL_Types.Quaternion(); } public LSL_Types.Quaternion llAxes2Rot(LSL_Types.Vector3 fwd, LSL_Types.Vector3 left, LSL_Types.Vector3 up) { return new LSL_Types.Quaternion(); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llRot2Fwd(LSL_Types.Quaternion r) { return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llRot2Left(LSL_Types.Quaternion r) { return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llRot2Up(LSL_Types.Quaternion r) { return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public LSL_Types.Quaternion llRotBetween(LSL_Types.Vector3 start, LSL_Types.Vector3 end) { return new LSL_Types.Quaternion(); } public void llWhisper(int channelID, string text) { World.SimChat(Helpers.StringToField(text), ChatTypeEnum.Whisper, channelID, m_host.AbsolutePosition, m_host.Name, m_host.UUID); IWorldComm wComm = m_ScriptEngine.World.RequestModuleInterface(); wComm.DeliverMessage(m_host.UUID.ToString(), ChatTypeEnum.Whisper, channelID, m_host.Name, text); } public void llSay(int channelID, string text) { World.SimChat(Helpers.StringToField(text), ChatTypeEnum.Say, channelID, m_host.AbsolutePosition, m_host.Name, m_host.UUID); IWorldComm wComm = m_ScriptEngine.World.RequestModuleInterface(); wComm.DeliverMessage(m_host.UUID.ToString(), ChatTypeEnum.Say, channelID, m_host.Name, text); } public void llShout(int channelID, string text) { World.SimChat(Helpers.StringToField(text), ChatTypeEnum.Shout, channelID, m_host.AbsolutePosition, m_host.Name, m_host.UUID); IWorldComm wComm = m_ScriptEngine.World.RequestModuleInterface(); wComm.DeliverMessage(m_host.UUID.ToString(), ChatTypeEnum.Shout, channelID, m_host.Name, text); } public int llListen(int channelID, string name, string ID, string msg) { if (ID == "") { ID = LLUUID.Zero.ToString(); } IWorldComm wComm = m_ScriptEngine.World.RequestModuleInterface(); return wComm.Listen(m_localID, m_itemID, m_host.UUID, channelID, name, ID, msg); } public void llListenControl(int number, int active) { IWorldComm wComm = m_ScriptEngine.World.RequestModuleInterface(); wComm.ListenControl(number, active); } public void llListenRemove(int number) { IWorldComm wComm = m_ScriptEngine.World.RequestModuleInterface(); wComm.ListenRemove(number); } public void llSensor(string name, string id, int type, double range, double arc) { NotImplemented("llSensor"); return; } public void llSensorRepeat(string name, string id, int type, double range, double arc, double rate) { NotImplemented("llSensorRepeat"); return; } public void llSensorRemove() { NotImplemented("llSensorRemove"); return; } public string llDetectedName(int number) { NotImplemented("llDetectedName"); return ""; } public string llDetectedKey(int number) { NotImplemented("llDetectedKey"); return ""; } public string llDetectedOwner(int number) { NotImplemented("llDetectedOwner"); return ""; } public int llDetectedType(int number) { NotImplemented("llDetectedType"); return 0; } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llDetectedPos(int number) { NotImplemented("llDetectedPos"); return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llDetectedVel(int number) { NotImplemented("llDetectedVel"); return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llDetectedGrab(int number) { NotImplemented("llDetectedGrab"); return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public LSL_Types.Quaternion llDetectedRot(int number) { NotImplemented("llDetectedRot"); return new LSL_Types.Quaternion(); } public int llDetectedGroup(int number) { NotImplemented("llDetectedGroup"); return 0; } public int llDetectedLinkNumber(int number) { NotImplemented("llDetectedLinkNumber"); return 0; } public void llDie() { World.DeleteSceneObjectGroup(m_host.ParentGroup); return; } public double llGround(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset) { NotImplemented("llGround"); return 0; } public double llCloud(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset) { NotImplemented("llCloud"); return 0; } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llWind(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset) { NotImplemented("llWind"); return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public void llSetStatus(int status, int value) { NotImplemented("llSetStatus"); return; } public int llGetStatus(int status) { NotImplemented("llGetStatus"); return 0; } public void llSetScale(LSL_Types.Vector3 scale) { // TODO: this needs to trigger a persistance save as well LLVector3 tmp = m_host.Scale; tmp.X = (float) scale.x; tmp.Y = (float) scale.y; tmp.Z = (float) scale.z; m_host.Scale = tmp; m_host.SendFullUpdateToAllClients(); return; } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetScale() { return new LSL_Types.Vector3(m_host.Scale.X, m_host.Scale.Y, m_host.Scale.Z); } public void llSetColor(LSL_Types.Vector3 color, int face) { LLObject.TextureEntry tex = new LLObject.TextureEntry(m_host.Shape.TextureEntry, 0, m_host.Shape.TextureEntry.Length); LLColor texcolor; if (face > -1) { texcolor = tex.CreateFace((uint)face).RGBA; texcolor.R = (float)Math.Abs(color.x - 1); texcolor.G = (float)Math.Abs(color.y - 1); texcolor.B = (float)Math.Abs(color.z - 1); tex.FaceTextures[face].RGBA = texcolor; m_host.UpdateTexture(tex); return; } else if (face == -1) { texcolor = tex.DefaultTexture.RGBA; texcolor.R = (float)Math.Abs(color.x - 1); texcolor.G = (float)Math.Abs(color.y - 1); texcolor.B = (float)Math.Abs(color.z - 1); tex.DefaultTexture.RGBA = texcolor; for (uint i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (tex.FaceTextures[i] != null) { texcolor = tex.FaceTextures[i].RGBA; texcolor.R = (float)Math.Abs(color.x - 1); texcolor.G = (float)Math.Abs(color.y - 1); texcolor.B = (float)Math.Abs(color.z - 1); tex.FaceTextures[i].RGBA = texcolor; } } m_host.UpdateTexture(tex); return; } NotImplemented("llSetColor"); return; } public double llGetAlpha(int face) { LLObject.TextureEntry tex = new LLObject.TextureEntry(m_host.Shape.TextureEntry, 0, m_host.Shape.TextureEntry.Length); if (face == -1) // TMP: Until we can determine number of sides, ALL_SIDES (-1) will return default color { return (double)((tex.DefaultTexture.RGBA.A * 255) / 255); } if (face > -1) { return (double)((tex.GetFace((uint)face).RGBA.A * 255) / 255); } return 0; } public void llSetAlpha(double alpha, int face) { LLObject.TextureEntry tex = new LLObject.TextureEntry(m_host.Shape.TextureEntry, 0, m_host.Shape.TextureEntry.Length); LLColor texcolor; if (face > -1) { texcolor = tex.CreateFace((uint)face).RGBA; texcolor.A = (float)Math.Abs(alpha - 1); tex.FaceTextures[face].RGBA = texcolor; m_host.UpdateTexture(tex); return; } else if (face == -1) { texcolor = tex.DefaultTexture.RGBA; texcolor.A = (float)Math.Abs(alpha - 1); tex.DefaultTexture.RGBA = texcolor; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (tex.FaceTextures[i] != null) { texcolor = tex.FaceTextures[i].RGBA; texcolor.A = (float)Math.Abs(alpha - 1); tex.FaceTextures[i].RGBA = texcolor; } } m_host.UpdateTexture(tex); return; } NotImplemented("llSetAlpha"); return; } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetColor(int face) { LLObject.TextureEntry tex = new LLObject.TextureEntry(m_host.Shape.TextureEntry, 0, m_host.Shape.TextureEntry.Length); LLColor texcolor; LSL_Types.Vector3 rgb; if (face == -1) // TMP: Until we can determine number of sides, ALL_SIDES (-1) will return default color { texcolor = tex.DefaultTexture.RGBA; rgb.x = (255 - (texcolor.R * 255)) / 255; rgb.y = (255 - (texcolor.G * 255)) / 255; rgb.z = (255 - (texcolor.B * 255)) / 255; return rgb; } if (face > -1) { texcolor = tex.GetFace((uint)face).RGBA; rgb.x = (255 - (texcolor.R * 255)) / 255; rgb.y = (255 - (texcolor.G * 255)) / 255; rgb.z = (255 - (texcolor.B * 255)) / 255; return rgb; } NotImplemented("llGetColor"); return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public void llSetTexture(string texture, int face) { LLObject.TextureEntry tex = new LLObject.TextureEntry(m_host.Shape.TextureEntry, 0, m_host.Shape.TextureEntry.Length); if (face > -1) { LLObject.TextureEntryFace texface = tex.CreateFace((uint)face); texface.TextureID = new LLUUID(texture); tex.FaceTextures[face] = texface; m_host.UpdateTexture(tex); return; } else if (face == -1) { for (uint i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (tex.FaceTextures[i] != null) { tex.FaceTextures[i].TextureID = new LLUUID(texture); } } tex.DefaultTexture.TextureID = new LLUUID(texture); m_host.UpdateTexture(tex); return; } NotImplemented("llSetTexture"); return; } public void llScaleTexture(double u, double v, int face) { LLObject.TextureEntry tex = new LLObject.TextureEntry(m_host.Shape.TextureEntry, 0, m_host.Shape.TextureEntry.Length); if (face > -1) { LLObject.TextureEntryFace texface = tex.CreateFace((uint)face); texface.RepeatU = (float)u; texface.RepeatV = (float)v; tex.FaceTextures[face] = texface; m_host.UpdateTexture(tex); return; } if (face == -1) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (tex.FaceTextures[i] != null) { tex.FaceTextures[i].RepeatU = (float)u; tex.FaceTextures[i].RepeatV = (float)v; } } tex.DefaultTexture.RepeatU = (float)u; tex.DefaultTexture.RepeatV = (float)v; m_host.UpdateTexture(tex); return; } NotImplemented("llScaleTexture"); return; } public void llOffsetTexture(double u, double v, int face) { LLObject.TextureEntry tex = new LLObject.TextureEntry(m_host.Shape.TextureEntry, 0, m_host.Shape.TextureEntry.Length); if (face > -1) { LLObject.TextureEntryFace texface = tex.CreateFace((uint)face); texface.OffsetU = (float)u; texface.OffsetV = (float)v; tex.FaceTextures[face] = texface; m_host.UpdateTexture(tex); return; } if (face == -1) { LLObject.TextureEntryFace texface; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (tex.FaceTextures[i] != null) { tex.FaceTextures[i].OffsetU = (float)u; tex.FaceTextures[i].OffsetV = (float)v; } } tex.DefaultTexture.OffsetU = (float)u; tex.DefaultTexture.OffsetV = (float)v; m_host.UpdateTexture(tex); return; } NotImplemented("llOffsetTexture"); return; } public void llRotateTexture(double rotation, int face) { LLObject.TextureEntry tex = new LLObject.TextureEntry(m_host.Shape.TextureEntry, 0, m_host.Shape.TextureEntry.Length); if (face > -1) { LLObject.TextureEntryFace texface = tex.CreateFace((uint)face); texface.Rotation = (float)rotation; tex.FaceTextures[face] = texface; m_host.UpdateTexture(tex); return; } if (face == -1) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (tex.FaceTextures[i] != null) { tex.FaceTextures[i].Rotation = (float)rotation; } } tex.DefaultTexture.Rotation = (float)rotation; m_host.UpdateTexture(tex); return; } NotImplemented("llRotateTexture"); return; } public string llGetTexture(int face) { LLObject.TextureEntry tex = new LLObject.TextureEntry(m_host.Shape.TextureEntry, 0, m_host.Shape.TextureEntry.Length); if (face == -1) { face = 0; } if (face > -1) { LLObject.TextureEntryFace texface; texface = tex.GetFace((uint)face); return texface.TextureID.ToStringHyphenated(); } NotImplemented("llGetTexture"); return ""; } public void llSetPos(LSL_Types.Vector3 pos) { if (m_host.ParentID != 0) { m_host.UpdateOffSet(new LLVector3((float) pos.x, (float) pos.y, (float) pos.z)); } else { m_host.UpdateGroupPosition(new LLVector3((float) pos.x, (float) pos.y, (float) pos.z)); } } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetPos() { return new LSL_Types.Vector3(m_host.AbsolutePosition.X, m_host.AbsolutePosition.Y, m_host.AbsolutePosition.Z); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetLocalPos() { if (m_host.ParentID != 0) { return new LSL_Types.Vector3(m_host.OffsetPosition.X, m_host.OffsetPosition.Y, m_host.OffsetPosition.Z); } else { return new LSL_Types.Vector3(m_host.AbsolutePosition.X, m_host.AbsolutePosition.Y, m_host.AbsolutePosition.Z); } } public void llSetRot(LSL_Types.Quaternion rot) { m_host.UpdateRotation(new LLQuaternion((float) rot.x, (float) rot.y, (float) rot.z, (float) rot.r)); } public LSL_Types.Quaternion llGetRot() { LLQuaternion q = m_host.RotationOffset; return new LSL_Types.Quaternion(q.X, q.Y, q.Z, q.W); } public LSL_Types.Quaternion llGetLocalRot() { NotImplemented("llGetLocalRot"); return new LSL_Types.Quaternion(); } public void llSetForce(LSL_Types.Vector3 force, int local) { NotImplemented("llSetForce"); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetForce() { NotImplemented("llGetForce"); return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public int llTarget(LSL_Types.Vector3 position, double range) { NotImplemented("llTarget"); return 0; } public void llTargetRemove(int number) { NotImplemented("llTargetRemove"); } public int llRotTarget(LSL_Types.Quaternion rot, double error) { NotImplemented("llRotTarget"); return 0; } public void llRotTargetRemove(int number) { NotImplemented("llRotTargetRemove"); } public void llMoveToTarget(LSL_Types.Vector3 target, double tau) { NotImplemented("llMoveToTarget"); } public void llStopMoveToTarget() { NotImplemented("llStopMoveToTarget"); } public void llApplyImpulse(LSL_Types.Vector3 force, int local) { NotImplemented("llApplyImpulse"); } public void llApplyRotationalImpulse(LSL_Types.Vector3 force, int local) { NotImplemented("llApplyRotationalImpulse"); } public void llSetTorque(LSL_Types.Vector3 torque, int local) { NotImplemented("llSetTorque"); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetTorque() { NotImplemented("llGetTorque"); return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public void llSetForceAndTorque(LSL_Types.Vector3 force, LSL_Types.Vector3 torque, int local) { NotImplemented("llSetForceAndTorque"); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetVel() { NotImplemented("llGetVel"); return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetAccel() { NotImplemented("llGetAccel"); return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetOmega() { NotImplemented("llGetOmega"); return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public double llGetTimeOfDay() { NotImplemented("llGetTimeOfDay"); return 0; } public double llGetWallclock() { return DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds; } public double llGetTime() { NotImplemented("llGetTime"); return 0; } public void llResetTime() { NotImplemented("llResetTime"); } public double llGetAndResetTime() { NotImplemented("llGetAndResetTime"); return 0; } public void llSound() { NotImplemented("llSound"); } public void llPlaySound(string sound, double volume) { NotImplemented("llPlaySound"); } public void llLoopSound(string sound, double volume) { NotImplemented("llLoopSound"); } public void llLoopSoundMaster(string sound, double volume) { NotImplemented("llLoopSoundMaster"); } public void llLoopSoundSlave(string sound, double volume) { NotImplemented("llLoopSoundSlave"); } public void llPlaySoundSlave(string sound, double volume) { NotImplemented("llPlaySoundSlave"); } public void llTriggerSound(string sound, double volume) { NotImplemented("llTriggerSound"); } public void llStopSound() { NotImplemented("llStopSound"); } public void llPreloadSound(string sound) { NotImplemented("llPreloadSound"); } public string llGetSubString(string src, int start, int end) { return src.Substring(start, end); } public string llDeleteSubString(string src, int start, int end) { return src.Remove(start, end - start); } public string llInsertString(string dst, int position, string src) { return dst.Insert(position, src); } public string llToUpper(string src) { return src.ToUpper(); } public string llToLower(string src) { return src.ToLower(); } public int llGiveMoney(string destination, int amount) { NotImplemented("llGiveMoney"); return 0; } public void llMakeExplosion() { NotImplemented("llMakeExplosion"); } public void llMakeFountain() { NotImplemented("llMakeFountain"); } public void llMakeSmoke() { NotImplemented("llMakeSmoke"); } public void llMakeFire() { NotImplemented("llMakeFire"); } public void llRezObject(string inventory, LSL_Types.Vector3 pos, LSL_Types.Quaternion rot, int param) { NotImplemented("llRezObject"); } public void llLookAt(LSL_Types.Vector3 target, double strength, double damping) { NotImplemented("llLookAt"); } public void llStopLookAt() { NotImplemented("llStopLookAt"); } public void llSetTimerEvent(double sec) { // Setting timer repeat m_ScriptEngine.m_LSLLongCmdHandler.SetTimerEvent(m_localID, m_itemID, sec); } public void llSleep(double sec) { Thread.Sleep((int) (sec*1000)); } public double llGetMass() { NotImplemented("llGetMass"); return 0; } public void llCollisionFilter(string name, string id, int accept) { NotImplemented("llCollisionFilter"); } public void llTakeControls(int controls, int accept, int pass_on) { NotImplemented("llTakeControls"); } public void llReleaseControls() { NotImplemented("llReleaseControls"); } public void llAttachToAvatar(int attachment) { NotImplemented("llAttachToAvatar"); } public void llDetachFromAvatar() { NotImplemented("llDetachFromAvatar"); } public void llTakeCamera() { NotImplemented("llTakeCamera"); } public void llReleaseCamera() { NotImplemented("llReleaseCamera"); } public string llGetOwner() { return m_host.ObjectOwner.ToStringHyphenated(); } public void llInstantMessage(string user, string message) { NotImplemented("llInstantMessage"); // We may be able to use ClientView.SendInstantMessage here, but we need a client instance. // InstantMessageModule.OnInstantMessage searches through a list of scenes for a client matching the toAgent, // but I don't think we have a list of scenes available from here. // (We also don't want to duplicate the code in OnInstantMessage if we can avoid it.) // TODO: figure out values for client, fromSession, and imSessionID // client.SendInstantMessage(m_host.UUID, fromSession, message, user, imSessionID, m_host.Name, AgentManager.InstantMessageDialog.MessageFromAgent, (uint)Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch()); } public void llEmail(string address, string subject, string message) { NotImplemented("llEmail"); } public void llGetNextEmail(string address, string subject) { NotImplemented("llGetNextEmail"); } public string llGetKey() { return m_host.UUID.ToStringHyphenated(); } public void llSetBuoyancy(double buoyancy) { NotImplemented("llSetBuoyancy"); } public void llSetHoverHeight(double height, int water, double tau) { NotImplemented("llSetHoverHeight"); } public void llStopHover() { NotImplemented("llStopHover"); } public void llMinEventDelay(double delay) { NotImplemented("llMinEventDelay"); } public void llSoundPreload() { NotImplemented("llSoundPreload"); } public void llRotLookAt(LSL_Types.Quaternion target, double strength, double damping) { NotImplemented("llRotLookAt"); } public int llStringLength(string str) { if (str.Length > 0) { return str.Length; } else { return 0; } } public void llStartAnimation(string anim) { NotImplemented("llStartAnimation"); } public void llStopAnimation(string anim) { NotImplemented("llStopAnimation"); } public void llPointAt() { NotImplemented("llPointAt"); } public void llStopPointAt() { NotImplemented("llStopPointAt"); } public void llTargetOmega(LSL_Types.Vector3 axis, double spinrate, double gain) { NotImplemented("llTargetOmega"); } public int llGetStartParameter() { NotImplemented("llGetStartParameter"); return 0; } public void llGodLikeRezObject(string inventory, LSL_Types.Vector3 pos) { NotImplemented("llGodLikeRezObject"); } public void llRequestPermissions(string agent, int perm) { NotImplemented("llRequestPermissions"); } public string llGetPermissionsKey() { NotImplemented("llGetPermissionsKey"); return ""; } public int llGetPermissions() { NotImplemented("llGetPermissions"); return 0; } public int llGetLinkNumber() { NotImplemented("llGetLinkNumber"); return 0; } public void llSetLinkColor(int linknumber, LSL_Types.Vector3 color, int face) { NotImplemented("llSetLinkColor"); } public void llCreateLink(string target, int parent) { NotImplemented("llCreateLink"); } public void llBreakLink(int linknum) { NotImplemented("llBreakLink"); } public void llBreakAllLinks() { NotImplemented("llBreakAllLinks"); } public string llGetLinkKey(int linknum) { NotImplemented("llGetLinkKey"); return ""; } public void llGetLinkName(int linknum) { NotImplemented("llGetLinkName"); } public int llGetInventoryNumber(int type) { NotImplemented("llGetInventoryNumber"); return 0; } public string llGetInventoryName(int type, int number) { NotImplemented("llGetInventoryName"); return ""; } public void llSetScriptState(string name, int run) { NotImplemented("llSetScriptState"); } public double llGetEnergy() { return 1.0f; } public void llGiveInventory(string destination, string inventory) { NotImplemented("llGiveInventory"); } public void llRemoveInventory(string item) { NotImplemented("llRemoveInventory"); } public void llSetText(string text, LSL_Types.Vector3 color, double alpha) { Vector3 av3 = new Vector3((float) color.x, (float) color.y, (float) color.z); m_host.SetText(text, av3, alpha); } public double llWater(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset) { NotImplemented("llWater"); return 0; } public void llPassTouches(int pass) { NotImplemented("llPassTouches"); } public string llRequestAgentData(string id, int data) { NotImplemented("llRequestAgentData"); return ""; } public string llRequestInventoryData(string name) { NotImplemented("llRequestInventoryData"); return ""; } public void llSetDamage(double damage) { NotImplemented("llSetDamage"); } public void llTeleportAgentHome(string agent) { NotImplemented("llTeleportAgentHome"); } public void llModifyLand(int action, int brush) { } public void llCollisionSound(string impact_sound, double impact_volume) { NotImplemented("llCollisionSound"); } public void llCollisionSprite(string impact_sprite) { NotImplemented("llCollisionSprite"); } public string llGetAnimation(string id) { NotImplemented("llGetAnimation"); return ""; } public void llResetScript() { m_ScriptEngine.m_ScriptManager.ResetScript(m_localID, m_itemID); } public void llMessageLinked(int linknum, int num, string str, string id) { } public void llPushObject(string target, LSL_Types.Vector3 impulse, LSL_Types.Vector3 ang_impulse, int local) { } public void llPassCollisions(int pass) { } public string llGetScriptName() { return ""; } public int llGetNumberOfSides() { return 0; } public LSL_Types.Quaternion llAxisAngle2Rot(LSL_Types.Vector3 axis, double angle) { return new LSL_Types.Quaternion(); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llRot2Axis(LSL_Types.Quaternion rot) { return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public void llRot2Angle() { } public double llAcos(double val) { return (double) Math.Acos(val); } public double llAsin(double val) { return (double) Math.Asin(val); } public double llAngleBetween(LSL_Types.Quaternion a, LSL_Types.Quaternion b) { return 0; } public string llGetInventoryKey(string name) { return ""; } public void llAllowInventoryDrop(int add) { } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetSunDirection() { return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetTextureOffset(int face) { LLObject.TextureEntry tex = new LLObject.TextureEntry(m_host.Shape.TextureEntry, 0, m_host.Shape.TextureEntry.Length); LSL_Types.Vector3 offset; if (face == -1) { face = 0; } offset.x = tex.GetFace((uint)face).OffsetU; offset.y = tex.GetFace((uint)face).OffsetV; offset.z = 0.0; return offset; } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetTextureScale(int side) { LLObject.TextureEntry tex = new LLObject.TextureEntry(m_host.Shape.TextureEntry, 0, m_host.Shape.TextureEntry.Length); LSL_Types.Vector3 scale; if (side == -1) { side = 0; } scale.x = tex.GetFace((uint)side).RepeatU; scale.y = tex.GetFace((uint)side).RepeatV; scale.z = 0.0; return scale; } public double llGetTextureRot(int face) { LLObject.TextureEntry tex = new LLObject.TextureEntry(m_host.Shape.TextureEntry, 0, m_host.Shape.TextureEntry.Length); if (face == -1) { face = 0; } return tex.GetFace((uint)face).Rotation; } public int llSubStringIndex(string source, string pattern) { return source.IndexOf(pattern); } public string llGetOwnerKey(string id) { NotImplemented("llGetOwnerKey"); return ""; } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetCenterOfMass() { NotImplemented("llGetCenterOfMass"); return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public List llListSort(List src, int stride, int ascending) { SortedList> sorted = new SortedList>(); // Add chunks to an array int s = stride; if (s < 1) s = 1; int c = 0; List chunk = new List(); string chunkString = ""; foreach (string element in src) { c++; if (c > s) { sorted.Add(chunkString, chunk); chunkString = ""; chunk = new List(); c = 0; } chunk.Add(element); chunkString += element.ToString(); } if (chunk.Count > 0) sorted.Add(chunkString, chunk); List ret = new List(); foreach (List ls in sorted.Values) { ret.AddRange(ls); } if (ascending == LSL_BaseClass.TRUE) return ret; ret.Reverse(); return ret; } public int llGetListLength(List src) { return src.Count; } public int llList2Integer(List src, int index) { return Convert.ToInt32(src[index]); } public double llList2double(List src, int index) { return Convert.ToDouble(src[index]); } public float llList2Float(List src, int index) { return Convert.ToSingle(src[index]); } public string llList2String(List src, int index) { return src[index]; } public string llList2Key(List src, int index) { //return OpenSim.Framework.ToStringHyphenated(src[index]); return src[index].ToString(); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llList2Vector(List src, int index) { return new LSL_Types.Vector3(double.Parse(src[index]), double.Parse(src[index + 1]), double.Parse(src[index + 2])); } public LSL_Types.Quaternion llList2Rot(List src, int index) { return new LSL_Types.Quaternion(double.Parse(src[index]), double.Parse(src[index + 1]), double.Parse(src[index + 2]), double.Parse(src[index + 3])); } public List llList2List(List src, int start, int end) { if (end > start) { // Simple straight forward chunk return src.GetRange(start, end - start); } else { // Some of the end + some of the beginning // First chunk List ret = new List(); ret.AddRange(src.GetRange(start, src.Count - start)); ret.AddRange(src.GetRange(0, end)); return ret; } } public List llDeleteSubList(List src, int start, int end) { List ret = new List(src); ret.RemoveRange(start, end - start); return ret; } public int llGetListEntryType(List src, int index) { NotImplemented("llGetListEntryType"); return 0; } public string llList2CSV(List src) { string ret = ""; foreach (string s in src) { if (s.Length > 0) ret += ","; ret += s; } return ret; } public List llCSV2List(string src) { List ret = new List(); foreach (string s in src.Split(",".ToCharArray())) { ret.Add(s); } return ret; } public List llListRandomize(List src, int stride) { int s = stride; if (s < 1) s = 1; // This is a cowardly way of doing it ;) // TODO: Instead, randomize and check if random is mod stride or if it can not be, then array.removerange List> tmp = new List>(); // Add chunks to an array int c = 0; List chunk = new List(); foreach (string element in src) { c++; if (c > s) { tmp.Add(chunk); chunk = new List(); c = 0; } chunk.Add(element); } if (chunk.Count > 0) tmp.Add(chunk); // Decreate (<- what kind of word is that? :D ) array back into a list int rnd; List ret = new List(); while (tmp.Count > 0) { rnd = Util.RandomClass.Next(tmp.Count); foreach (string str in tmp[rnd]) { ret.Add(str); } tmp.RemoveAt(rnd); } return ret; } public List llList2ListStrided(List src, int start, int end, int stride) { List ret = new List(); int s = stride; if (s < 1) s = 1; int sc = s; for (int i = start; i < src.Count; i++) { sc--; if (sc == 0) { sc = s; // Addthis ret.Add(src[i]); } if (i == end) break; } return ret; } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetRegionCorner() { return new LSL_Types.Vector3(World.RegionInfo.RegionLocX*256, World.RegionInfo.RegionLocY*256, 0); } public List llListInsertList(List dest, List src, int start) { List ret = new List(dest); //foreach (string s in src.Reverse()) for (int ci = src.Count - 1; ci > -1; ci--) { ret.Insert(start, src[ci]); } return ret; } public int llListFindList(List src, List test) { foreach (string s in test) { for (int ci = 0; ci < src.Count; ci++) { if (s == src[ci]) return ci; } } return -1; } public string llGetObjectName() { return m_host.Name; } public void llSetObjectName(string name) { m_host.Name = name; } public string llGetDate() { DateTime date = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(); string result = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); return result; } public int llEdgeOfWorld(LSL_Types.Vector3 pos, LSL_Types.Vector3 dir) { NotImplemented("llEdgeOfWorld"); return 0; } public int llGetAgentInfo(string id) { NotImplemented("llGetAgentInfo"); return 0; } public void llAdjustSoundVolume(double volume) { NotImplemented("llAdjustSoundVolume"); } public void llSetSoundQueueing(int queue) { NotImplemented("llSetSoundQueueing"); } public void llSetSoundRadius(double radius) { NotImplemented("llSetSoundRadius"); } public string llKey2Name(string id) { NotImplemented("llKey2Name"); return ""; } public void llSetTextureAnim(int mode, int face, int sizex, int sizey, double start, double length, double rate) { NotImplemented("llSetTextureAnim"); } public void llTriggerSoundLimited(string sound, double volume, LSL_Types.Vector3 top_north_east, LSL_Types.Vector3 bottom_south_west) { NotImplemented("llTriggerSoundLimited"); } public void llEjectFromLand(string pest) { NotImplemented("llEjectFromLand"); } public void llParseString2List() { NotImplemented("llParseString2List"); } public int llOverMyLand(string id) { NotImplemented("llOverMyLand"); return 0; } public string llGetLandOwnerAt(LSL_Types.Vector3 pos) { NotImplemented("llGetLandOwnerAt"); return ""; } public string llGetNotecardLine(string name, int line) { NotImplemented("llGetNotecardLine"); return ""; } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetAgentSize(string id) { NotImplemented("llGetAgentSize"); return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public int llSameGroup(string agent) { NotImplemented("llSameGroup"); return 0; } public void llUnSit(string id) { NotImplemented("llUnSit"); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGroundSlope(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset) { NotImplemented("llGroundSlope"); return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGroundNormal(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset) { NotImplemented("llGroundNormal"); return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGroundContour(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset) { NotImplemented("llGroundContour"); return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public int llGetAttached() { NotImplemented("llGetAttached"); return 0; } public int llGetFreeMemory() { NotImplemented("llGetFreeMemory"); return 0; } public string llGetRegionName() { return World.RegionInfo.RegionName; } public double llGetRegionTimeDilation() { return 1.0f; } public double llGetRegionFPS() { return 10.0f; } /* particle system rules should be coming into this routine as doubles, that is rule[0] should be an integer from this list and rule[1] should be the arg for the same integer. wiki.secondlife.com has most of this mapping, but some came from http://www.caligari-designs.com/p4u2 We iterate through the list for 'Count' elements, incrementing by two for each iteration and set the members of Primitive.ParticleSystem, one at a time. */ public enum PrimitiveRule : int { PSYS_PART_FLAGS = 0, PSYS_PART_START_COLOR = 1, PSYS_PART_START_ALPHA = 2, PSYS_PART_END_COLOR = 3, PSYS_PART_END_ALPHA = 4, PSYS_PART_START_SCALE = 5, PSYS_PART_END_SCALE = 6, PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE = 7, PSYS_SRC_ACCEL = 8, PSYS_SRC_PATTERN = 9, PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE = 12, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RATE = 13, PSYS_SRC_BURST_PART_COUNT = 15, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RADIUS = 16, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MIN = 17, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MAX = 18, PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE = 19, PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY = 20, PSYS_SRC_OMEGA = 21, PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_BEGIN = 22, PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_END = 23 } public void llParticleSystem(List rules) { Primitive.ParticleSystem prules = new Primitive.ParticleSystem(); for (int i = 0; i < rules.Count; i += 2) { switch ((int) rules[i]) { case (int) LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_PART_FLAGS: prules.PartFlags = (uint) rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_PART_START_COLOR: prules.PartStartColor = (LLColor) rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_PART_START_ALPHA: //what is the cast? prules.PartStartColor = (LSL_Types.Vec)rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_PART_END_COLOR: prules.PartEndColor = (LLColor) rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_PART_END_ALPHA: //what is the cast? prules.PartStartColor = (LLColor)rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_PART_START_SCALE: //what is the cast? prules.PartStartColor = (LLColor)rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_PART_END_SCALE: //what is the cast? prules.PartStartColor = (LLColor)rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE: prules.MaxAge = (float) rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_SRC_ACCEL: //what is the cast? prules.PartStartColor = (LLColor)rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_SRC_PATTERN: //what is the cast? prules.PartStartColor = (LLColor)rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE: prules.Texture = (LLUUID) rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_SRC_BURST_RATE: prules.BurstRate = (float) rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_SRC_BURST_PART_COUNT: prules.BurstPartCount = (byte) rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_SRC_BURST_RADIUS: prules.BurstRadius = (float) rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MIN: prules.BurstSpeedMin = (float) rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MAX: prules.BurstSpeedMax = (float) rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE: prules.MaxAge = (float) rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY: prules.Target = (LLUUID) rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_SRC_OMEGA: //cast?? prules.MaxAge = (float)rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_BEGIN: prules.InnerAngle = (float) rules[i + 1]; break; case (int)LSL_BaseClass.PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_END: prules.OuterAngle = (float) rules[i + 1]; break; } } m_host.AddNewParticleSystem(prules); } public void llGroundRepel(double height, int water, double tau) { NotImplemented("llGroundRepel"); } public void llGiveInventoryList() { NotImplemented("llGiveInventoryList"); } public void llSetVehicleType(int type) { NotImplemented("llSetVehicleType"); } public void llSetVehicledoubleParam(int param, double value) { NotImplemented("llSetVehicledoubleParam"); } public void llSetVehicleVectorParam(int param, LSL_Types.Vector3 vec) { NotImplemented("llSetVehicleVectorParam"); } public void llSetVehicleRotationParam(int param, LSL_Types.Quaternion rot) { NotImplemented("llSetVehicleRotationParam"); } public void llSetVehicleFlags(int flags) { NotImplemented("llSetVehicleFlags"); } public void llRemoveVehicleFlags(int flags) { NotImplemented("llRemoveVehicleFlags"); } public void llSitTarget(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset, LSL_Types.Quaternion rot) { NotImplemented("llSitTarget"); } public string llAvatarOnSitTarget() { NotImplemented("llAvatarOnSitTarget"); return ""; } public void llAddToLandPassList(string avatar, double hours) { NotImplemented("llAddToLandPassList"); } public void llSetTouchText(string text) { m_host.TouchName = text; } public void llSetSitText(string text) { m_host.SitName = text; } public void llSetCameraEyeOffset(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset) { NotImplemented("llSetCameraEyeOffset"); } public void llSetCameraAtOffset(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset) { NotImplemented("llSetCameraAtOffset"); } public void llDumpList2String() { NotImplemented("llDumpList2String"); } public void llScriptDanger(LSL_Types.Vector3 pos) { NotImplemented("llScriptDanger"); } public void llDialog(string avatar, string message, List buttons, int chat_channel) { NotImplemented("llDialog"); } public void llVolumeDetect(int detect) { NotImplemented("llVolumeDetect"); } public void llResetOtherScript(string name) { NotImplemented("llResetOtherScript"); } public int llGetScriptState(string name) { NotImplemented("llGetScriptState"); return 0; } public void llRemoteLoadScript() { NotImplemented("llRemoteLoadScript"); } public void llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin(int pin) { NotImplemented("llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin"); } public void llRemoteLoadScriptPin(string target, string name, int pin, int running, int start_param) { NotImplemented("llRemoteLoadScriptPin"); } // remote_data(integer type, key channel, key message_id, string sender, integer ival, string sval) // Not sure where these constants should live: // REMOTE_DATA_CHANNEL = 1 // REMOTE_DATA_REQUEST = 2 // REMOTE_DATA_REPLY = 3 public void llOpenRemoteDataChannel() { IXMLRPC xmlrpcMod = m_ScriptEngine.World.RequestModuleInterface(); LLUUID channelID = xmlrpcMod.OpenXMLRPCChannel(m_localID, m_itemID); object[] resobj = new object[] {1, channelID.ToString(), LLUUID.Zero.ToString(), "", 0, ""}; m_ScriptEngine.m_EventQueueManager.AddToScriptQueue(m_localID, m_itemID, "remote_data", resobj); } public string llSendRemoteData(string channel, string dest, int idata, string sdata) { NotImplemented("llSendRemoteData"); return ""; } public void llRemoteDataReply(string channel, string message_id, string sdata, int idata) { IXMLRPC xmlrpcMod = m_ScriptEngine.World.RequestModuleInterface(); xmlrpcMod.RemoteDataReply(channel, message_id, sdata, idata); } public void llCloseRemoteDataChannel(string channel) { IXMLRPC xmlrpcMod = m_ScriptEngine.World.RequestModuleInterface(); xmlrpcMod.CloseXMLRPCChannel(channel); } public string llMD5String(string src, int nonce) { return Util.Md5Hash(src + ":" + nonce.ToString()); } public void llSetPrimitiveParams(List rules) { NotImplemented("llSetPrimitiveParams"); } public string llStringToBase64(string str) { try { byte[] encData_byte = new byte[str.Length]; encData_byte = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str); string encodedData = Convert.ToBase64String(encData_byte); return encodedData; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error in base64Encode" + e.Message); } } public string llBase64ToString(string str) { UTF8Encoding encoder = new UTF8Encoding(); Decoder utf8Decode = encoder.GetDecoder(); try { byte[] todecode_byte = Convert.FromBase64String(str); int charCount = utf8Decode.GetCharCount(todecode_byte, 0, todecode_byte.Length); char[] decoded_char = new char[charCount]; utf8Decode.GetChars(todecode_byte, 0, todecode_byte.Length, decoded_char, 0); string result = new String(decoded_char); return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error in base64Decode" + e.Message); } } public void llXorBase64Strings() { throw new Exception("Command deprecated! Use llXorBase64StringsCorrect instead."); } public void llRemoteDataSetRegion() { NotImplemented("llRemoteDataSetRegion"); } public double llLog10(double val) { return (double) Math.Log10(val); } public double llLog(double val) { return (double) Math.Log(val); } public List llGetAnimationList(string id) { NotImplemented("llGetAnimationList"); return new List(); } public void llSetParcelMusicURL(string url) { NotImplemented("llSetParcelMusicURL"); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetRootPosition() { NotImplemented("llGetRootPosition"); return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public LSL_Types.Quaternion llGetRootRotation() { NotImplemented("llGetRootRotation"); return new LSL_Types.Quaternion(); } public string llGetObjectDesc() { return m_host.Description; } public void llSetObjectDesc(string desc) { m_host.Description = desc; } public string llGetCreator() { return m_host.ObjectCreator.ToStringHyphenated(); } public string llGetTimestamp() { return DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffZ"); } public void llSetLinkAlpha(int linknumber, double alpha, int face) { NotImplemented("llSetLinkAlpha"); } public int llGetNumberOfPrims() { NotImplemented("llGetNumberOfPrims"); return 0; } public string llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(string name) { NotImplemented("llGetNumberOfNotecardLines"); return ""; } public List llGetBoundingBox(string obj) { NotImplemented("llGetBoundingBox"); return new List(); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetGeometricCenter() { NotImplemented("llGetGeometricCenter"); return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public void llGetPrimitiveParams() { NotImplemented("llGetPrimitiveParams"); } public string llIntegerToBase64(int number) { NotImplemented("llIntegerToBase64"); return ""; } public int llBase64ToInteger(string str) { NotImplemented("llBase64ToInteger"); return 0; } public double llGetGMTclock() { return DateTime.UtcNow.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds; } public string llGetSimulatorHostname() { return System.Environment.MachineName; } public void llSetLocalRot(LSL_Types.Quaternion rot) { NotImplemented("llSetLocalRot"); } public List llParseStringKeepNulls(string src, List seperators, List spacers) { NotImplemented("llParseStringKeepNulls"); return new List(); } public void llRezAtRoot(string inventory, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 velocity, LSL_Types.Quaternion rot, int param) { NotImplemented("llRezAtRoot"); } public int llGetObjectPermMask(int mask) { NotImplemented("llGetObjectPermMask"); return 0; } public void llSetObjectPermMask(int mask, int value) { NotImplemented("llSetObjectPermMask"); } public void llGetInventoryPermMask(string item, int mask) { NotImplemented("llGetInventoryPermMask"); } public void llSetInventoryPermMask(string item, int mask, int value) { NotImplemented("llSetInventoryPermMask"); } public string llGetInventoryCreator(string item) { NotImplemented("llGetInventoryCreator"); return ""; } public void llOwnerSay(string msg) { NotImplemented("llOwnerSay"); } public void llRequestSimulatorData(string simulator, int data) { NotImplemented("llRequestSimulatorData"); } public void llForceMouselook(int mouselook) { NotImplemented("llForceMouselook"); } public double llGetObjectMass(string id) { NotImplemented("llGetObjectMass"); return 0; } public void llListReplaceList() { NotImplemented("llListReplaceList"); } public void llLoadURL(string avatar_id, string message, string url) { LLUUID avatarId = new LLUUID(avatar_id); m_ScriptEngine.World.SendUrlToUser(avatarId, m_host.Name, m_host.UUID, m_host.ObjectOwner, false, message, url); } public void llParcelMediaCommandList(List commandList) { NotImplemented("llParcelMediaCommandList"); } public void llParcelMediaQuery() { NotImplemented("llParcelMediaQuery"); } public int llModPow(int a, int b, int c) { Int64 tmp = 0; Int64 val = Math.DivRem(Convert.ToInt64(Math.Pow(a, b)), c, out tmp); return Convert.ToInt32(tmp); } public int llGetInventoryType(string name) { NotImplemented("llGetInventoryType"); return 0; } public void llSetPayPrice(int price, List quick_pay_buttons) { NotImplemented("llSetPayPrice"); } public LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetCameraPos() { NotImplemented("llGetCameraPos"); return new LSL_Types.Vector3(); } public LSL_Types.Quaternion llGetCameraRot() { NotImplemented("llGetCameraRot"); return new LSL_Types.Quaternion(); } public void llSetPrimURL() { NotImplemented("llSetPrimURL"); } public void llRefreshPrimURL() { NotImplemented("llRefreshPrimURL"); } public string llEscapeURL(string url) { try { return Uri.EscapeUriString(url); } catch (Exception ex) { return "llEscapeURL: " + ex.ToString(); } } public string llUnescapeURL(string url) { try { return Uri.UnescapeDataString(url); } catch (Exception ex) { return "llUnescapeURL: " + ex.ToString(); } } public void llMapDestination(string simname, LSL_Types.Vector3 pos, LSL_Types.Vector3 look_at) { NotImplemented("llMapDestination"); } public void llAddToLandBanList(string avatar, double hours) { NotImplemented("llAddToLandBanList"); } public void llRemoveFromLandPassList(string avatar) { NotImplemented("llRemoveFromLandPassList"); } public void llRemoveFromLandBanList(string avatar) { NotImplemented("llRemoveFromLandBanList"); } public void llSetCameraParams(List rules) { NotImplemented("llSetCameraParams"); } public void llClearCameraParams() { NotImplemented("llClearCameraParams"); } public double llListStatistics(int operation, List src) { NotImplemented("llListStatistics"); return 0; } public int llGetUnixTime() { return Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch(); } public int llGetParcelFlags(LSL_Types.Vector3 pos) { NotImplemented("llGetParcelFlags"); return 0; } public int llGetRegionFlags() { NotImplemented("llGetRegionFlags"); return 0; } public string llXorBase64StringsCorrect(string str1, string str2) { string ret = ""; string src1 = llBase64ToString(str1); string src2 = llBase64ToString(str2); int c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < src1.Length; i++) { ret += src1[i] ^ src2[c]; c++; if (c > src2.Length) c = 0; } return llStringToBase64(ret); } public void llHTTPRequest(string url, List parameters, string body) { m_ScriptEngine.m_LSLLongCmdHandler.StartHttpRequest(m_localID, m_itemID, url, parameters, body); } public void llResetLandBanList() { NotImplemented("llResetLandBanList"); } public void llResetLandPassList() { NotImplemented("llResetLandPassList"); } public int llGetParcelPrimCount(LSL_Types.Vector3 pos, int category, int sim_wide) { NotImplemented("llGetParcelPrimCount"); return 0; } public List llGetParcelPrimOwners(LSL_Types.Vector3 pos) { NotImplemented("llGetParcelPrimOwners"); return new List(); } public int llGetObjectPrimCount(string object_id) { NotImplemented("llGetObjectPrimCount"); return 0; } public int llGetParcelMaxPrims(LSL_Types.Vector3 pos, int sim_wide) { NotImplemented("llGetParcelMaxPrims"); return 0; } public List llGetParcelDetails(LSL_Types.Vector3 pos, List param) { NotImplemented("llGetParcelDetails"); return new List(); } // // OpenSim functions // public string osSetDynamicTextureURL(string dynamicID, string contentType, string url, string extraParams, int timer) { if (dynamicID == "") { IDynamicTextureManager textureManager = World.RequestModuleInterface(); LLUUID createdTexture = textureManager.AddDynamicTextureURL(World.RegionInfo.RegionID, m_host.UUID, contentType, url, extraParams, timer); return createdTexture.ToStringHyphenated(); } else { //TODO update existing dynamic textures } return LLUUID.Zero.ToStringHyphenated(); } private void NotImplemented(string Command) { if (throwErrorOnNotImplemented) throw new NotImplementedException("Command not implemented: " + Command); } } }