using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Reflection; namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Common { public class Executor: MarshalByRefObject { /* TODO: * * Needs to be common for all AppDomains - share memory too? * Needs to have an instance in each AppDomain, and some way of referring it. * Need to know what AppDomain a script is in so we know where to find our instance. * */ private IScript m_Script; public Executor(IScript Script) { m_Script = Script; } public void ExecuteEvent(string FunctionName, object[] args) { // IMPORTANT: Types and MemberInfo-derived objects require a LOT of memory. // Instead use RuntimeTypeHandle, RuntimeFieldHandle and RunTimeHandle (IntPtr) instead! //foreach (MemberInfo mi in this.GetType().GetMembers()) //{ //if (mi.ToString().ToLower().Contains("default")) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Member found: " + mi.ToString()); //} //} Type type = m_Script.GetType(); Console.WriteLine("ScriptEngine Executor.ExecuteEvent: \"" + m_Script.State() + "_event_" + FunctionName + "\""); try { type.InvokeMember(m_Script.State() + "_event_" + FunctionName, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, m_Script, args); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: Send to correct place Console.WriteLine("ScriptEngine Exception attempting to executing script function: " + e.ToString()); } } } }