 * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/
 * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 *     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 *     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 *     * Neither the name of the OpenSim Project nor the
 *       names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
 *       derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
using log4net;
using Nini.Config;
using Ode.NET;
using OpenSim.Framework;
using OpenSim.Region.Physics.Manager;
using OpenMetaverse;

//using OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin.Meshing;

namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
    /// <summary>
    /// ODE plugin
    /// </summary>
    public class OdePlugin : IPhysicsPlugin
        //private static readonly log4net.ILog m_log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

        private CollisionLocker ode;
        private OdeScene _mScene;

        public OdePlugin()
            ode = new CollisionLocker();

        public bool Init()
            return true;

        public PhysicsScene GetScene()
            if (_mScene == null)
                _mScene = new OdeScene(ode);
            return (_mScene);

        public string GetName()
            return ("OpenDynamicsEngine");

        public void Dispose()

    public enum StatusIndicators : int
        Generic = 0,
        Start = 1,
        End = 2

    public struct sCollisionData
        public uint ColliderLocalId;
        public uint CollidedWithLocalId;
        public int NumberOfCollisions;
        public int CollisionType;
        public int StatusIndicator;
        public int lastframe;

    public enum CollisionCategories : int
        Disabled = 0,
        Geom = 0x00000001,
        Body = 0x00000002,
        Space = 0x00000004,
        Character = 0x00000008,
        Land = 0x00000010,
        Water = 0x00000020,
        Wind = 0x00000040,
        Sensor = 0x00000080,
        Selected = 0x00000100

    public class OdeScene : PhysicsScene
        private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
        // private Dictionary<string, sCollisionData> m_storedCollisions = new Dictionary<string, sCollisionData>();

        CollisionLocker ode;

        protected Random fluidRandomizer = new Random(Environment.TickCount);

        private const uint m_regionWidth = Constants.RegionSize;
        private const uint m_regionHeight = Constants.RegionSize;

        private float ODE_STEPSIZE = 0.020f;
        private float metersInSpace = 29.9f;

        public float gravityx = 0f;
        public float gravityy = 0f;
        public float gravityz = -9.8f;

        private float contactsurfacelayer = 0.001f;

        private int worldHashspaceLow = -4;
        private int worldHashspaceHigh = 128;

        private int smallHashspaceLow = -4;
        private int smallHashspaceHigh = 66;

        private float waterlevel = 0f;
        private int framecount = 0;
        //private int m_returncollisions = 10;

        private IntPtr contactgroup;
        private IntPtr LandGeom;

        private IntPtr WaterGeom;

        private float nmTerrainContactFriction = 255.0f;
        private float nmTerrainContactBounce = 0.1f;
        private float nmTerrainContactERP = 0.1025f;

        private float mTerrainContactFriction = 75f;
        private float mTerrainContactBounce = 0.1f;
        private float mTerrainContactERP = 0.05025f;

        private float nmAvatarObjectContactFriction = 250f;
        private float nmAvatarObjectContactBounce = 0.1f;

        private float mAvatarObjectContactFriction = 75f;
        private float mAvatarObjectContactBounce = 0.1f;

        private float avPIDD = 3200f;
        private float avPIDP = 1400f;
        private float avCapRadius = 0.37f;
        private float avStandupTensor = 2000000f;
        private float avDensity = 80f;
        private float avHeightFudgeFactor = 0.52f;
        private float avMovementDivisorWalk = 1.3f;
        private float avMovementDivisorRun = 0.8f;

        public bool meshSculptedPrim = true;

        public float meshSculptLOD = 32;
        public float MeshSculptphysicalLOD = 16;

        public float geomDefaultDensity = 10.000006836f;

        public int geomContactPointsStartthrottle = 3;
        public int geomUpdatesPerThrottledUpdate = 15;

        public float bodyPIDD = 35f;
        public float bodyPIDG = 25;

        public int geomCrossingFailuresBeforeOutofbounds = 5;

        public float bodyMotorJointMaxforceTensor = 2;

        public int bodyFramesAutoDisable = 20;

        private float[] _heightmap;

        private float[] _watermap;

        // private float[] _origheightmap;

        private d.NearCallback nearCallback;
        public d.TriCallback triCallback;
        public d.TriArrayCallback triArrayCallback;
        private List<OdeCharacter> _characters = new List<OdeCharacter>();
        private List<OdePrim> _prims = new List<OdePrim>();
        private List<OdePrim> _activeprims = new List<OdePrim>();
        private List<OdePrim> _taintedPrim = new List<OdePrim>();
        private List<PhysicsActor> _collisionEventPrim = new List<PhysicsActor>();
        public Dictionary<IntPtr, String> geom_name_map = new Dictionary<IntPtr, String>();
        public Dictionary<IntPtr, PhysicsActor> actor_name_map = new Dictionary<IntPtr, PhysicsActor>();
        private d.ContactGeom[] contacts = new d.ContactGeom[80];

        private d.Contact contact;
        private d.Contact TerrainContact;
        private d.Contact AvatarMovementprimContact;
        private d.Contact AvatarMovementTerrainContact;
        private d.Contact WaterContact;

//Ckrinke: Comment out until used. We declare it, initialize it, but do not use it
//Ckrinke        private int m_randomizeWater = 200;
        private int m_physicsiterations = 10;
        private float m_SkipFramesAtms = 0.40f; // Drop frames gracefully at a 400 ms lag
        private PhysicsActor PANull = new NullPhysicsActor();
        private float step_time = 0.0f;
//Ckrinke: Comment out until used. We declare it, initialize it, but do not use it
//Ckrinke        private int ms = 0;
        public IntPtr world;
        //private bool returncollisions = false;
        // private uint obj1LocalID = 0;
        private uint obj2LocalID = 0;
        //private int ctype = 0;
        private OdeCharacter cc1;
        private OdePrim cp1;
        private OdeCharacter cc2;
        private OdePrim cp2;
        //private int cStartStop = 0;
        //private string cDictKey = "";

        public IntPtr space;

        //private IntPtr tmpSpace;
        // split static geometry collision handling into spaces of 30 meters
        public IntPtr[,] staticPrimspace;

        public static Object OdeLock = new Object();

        public IMesher mesher;

        private IConfigSource m_config;

        public bool physics_logging = false;
        public int physics_logging_interval = 0;
        public bool physics_logging_append_existing_logfile = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initiailizes the scene
        /// Sets many properties that ODE requires to be stable
        /// These settings need to be tweaked 'exactly' right or weird stuff happens.
        /// </summary>
        public OdeScene(CollisionLocker dode)
            ode = dode;
            nearCallback = near;
            triCallback = TriCallback;
            triArrayCallback = TriArrayCallback;

            lock (OdeLock)
                // Create the world and the first space
                world = d.WorldCreate();
                space = d.HashSpaceCreate(IntPtr.Zero);

                contactgroup = d.JointGroupCreate(0);

                d.WorldSetAutoDisableFlag(world, false);

            // zero out a heightmap array float array (single dimention [flattened]))
            _heightmap = new float[514*514];
            _watermap = new float[258 * 258];

            // Zero out the prim spaces array (we split our space into smaller spaces so
            // we can hit test less.

        // Initialize the mesh plugin
        public override void Initialise(IMesher meshmerizer, IConfigSource config)
            mesher = meshmerizer;
            m_config = config;
            // Defaults

            if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix)
                avPIDD = 3200.0f;
                avPIDP = 1400.0f;
                avStandupTensor = 2000000f;
                avPIDD = 2200.0f;
                avPIDP = 900.0f;
                avStandupTensor = 550000f;

            if (m_config != null)
                IConfig physicsconfig = m_config.Configs["ODEPhysicsSettings"];
                if (physicsconfig != null)
                    gravityx = physicsconfig.GetFloat("world_gravityx", 0f);
                    gravityy = physicsconfig.GetFloat("world_gravityy", 0f);
                    gravityz = physicsconfig.GetFloat("world_gravityz", -9.8f);

                    worldHashspaceLow = physicsconfig.GetInt("world_hashspace_low", -4);
                    worldHashspaceHigh = physicsconfig.GetInt("world_hashspace_high", 128);

                    metersInSpace = physicsconfig.GetFloat("meters_in_small_space", 29.9f);
                    smallHashspaceLow = physicsconfig.GetInt("small_hashspace_size_low", -4);
                    smallHashspaceHigh = physicsconfig.GetInt("small_hashspace_size_high", 66);

                    contactsurfacelayer = physicsconfig.GetFloat("world_contact_surface_layer", 0.001f);

                    nmTerrainContactFriction = physicsconfig.GetFloat("nm_terraincontact_friction", 255.0f);
                    nmTerrainContactBounce = physicsconfig.GetFloat("nm_terraincontact_bounce", 0.1f);
                    nmTerrainContactERP = physicsconfig.GetFloat("nm_terraincontact_erp", 0.1025f);

                    mTerrainContactFriction = physicsconfig.GetFloat("m_terraincontact_friction", 75f);
                    mTerrainContactBounce = physicsconfig.GetFloat("m_terraincontact_bounce", 0.1f);
                    mTerrainContactERP = physicsconfig.GetFloat("m_terraincontact_erp", 0.05025f);

                    nmAvatarObjectContactFriction = physicsconfig.GetFloat("objectcontact_friction", 250f);
                    nmAvatarObjectContactBounce = physicsconfig.GetFloat("objectcontact_bounce", 0.2f);

                    mAvatarObjectContactFriction = physicsconfig.GetFloat("m_avatarobjectcontact_friction", 75f);
                    mAvatarObjectContactBounce = physicsconfig.GetFloat("m_avatarobjectcontact_bounce", 0.1f);

                    ODE_STEPSIZE = physicsconfig.GetFloat("world_stepsize", 0.020f);
                    m_physicsiterations = physicsconfig.GetInt("world_internal_steps_without_collisions", 10);

                    avDensity = physicsconfig.GetFloat("av_density", 80f);
                    avHeightFudgeFactor = physicsconfig.GetFloat("av_height_fudge_factor", 0.52f);
                    avMovementDivisorWalk = physicsconfig.GetFloat("av_movement_divisor_walk", 1.3f);
                    avMovementDivisorRun = physicsconfig.GetFloat("av_movement_divisor_run", 0.8f);
                    avCapRadius = physicsconfig.GetFloat("av_capsule_radius", 0.37f);

                    geomContactPointsStartthrottle = physicsconfig.GetInt("geom_contactpoints_start_throttling", 3);
                    geomUpdatesPerThrottledUpdate = physicsconfig.GetInt("geom_updates_before_throttled_update", 15);
                    geomCrossingFailuresBeforeOutofbounds = physicsconfig.GetInt("geom_crossing_faiures_before_outofbounds", 5);

                    geomDefaultDensity = physicsconfig.GetFloat("geometry_default_density", 10.000006836f);
                    bodyFramesAutoDisable = physicsconfig.GetInt("body_frames_auto_disable", 20);

                    bodyPIDD = physicsconfig.GetFloat("body_pid_derivative", 35f);
                    bodyPIDG = physicsconfig.GetFloat("body_pid_gain", 25f);

                    meshSculptedPrim = physicsconfig.GetBoolean("mesh_sculpted_prim", true);
                    meshSculptLOD = physicsconfig.GetFloat("mesh_lod", 32f);
                    MeshSculptphysicalLOD = physicsconfig.GetFloat("mesh_physical_lod", 16f);

                    if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix)
                        avPIDD = physicsconfig.GetFloat("av_pid_derivative_linux", 3200.0f);
                        avPIDP = physicsconfig.GetFloat("av_pid_proportional_linux", 1400.0f);
                        avStandupTensor = physicsconfig.GetFloat("av_capsule_standup_tensor_linux", 2000000f);
                        bodyMotorJointMaxforceTensor = physicsconfig.GetFloat("body_motor_joint_maxforce_tensor_linux", 2f);
                        avPIDD = physicsconfig.GetFloat("av_pid_derivative_win", 2200.0f);
                        avPIDP = physicsconfig.GetFloat("av_pid_proportional_win", 900.0f);
                        avStandupTensor = physicsconfig.GetFloat("av_capsule_standup_tensor_win", 550000f);
                        bodyMotorJointMaxforceTensor = physicsconfig.GetFloat("body_motor_joint_maxforce_tensor_win", 5f);

                    physics_logging = physicsconfig.GetBoolean("physics_logging", false);
                    physics_logging_interval = physicsconfig.GetInt("physics_logging_interval", 0);
                    physics_logging_append_existing_logfile = physicsconfig.GetBoolean("physics_logging_append_existing_logfile", false);

            staticPrimspace = new IntPtr[(int)(300 / metersInSpace), (int)(300 / metersInSpace)];

            // Centeral contact friction and bounce
            contact.surface.mu = nmAvatarObjectContactFriction;
            contact.surface.bounce = nmAvatarObjectContactBounce;

            // Terrain contact friction and Bounce
            // This is the *non* moving version.   Use this when an avatar
            // isn't moving to keep it in place better
            TerrainContact.surface.mode |= d.ContactFlags.SoftERP;
            TerrainContact.surface.mu = nmTerrainContactFriction;
            TerrainContact.surface.bounce = nmTerrainContactBounce;
            TerrainContact.surface.soft_erp = nmTerrainContactERP;

            WaterContact.surface.mode |= (d.ContactFlags.SoftERP | d.ContactFlags.SoftCFM);
            WaterContact.surface.mu = 0f; // No friction
            WaterContact.surface.bounce = 0.0f; // No bounce
            WaterContact.surface.soft_cfm = 0.01f;
            WaterContact.surface.soft_erp = 0.010f;

            // Prim contact friction and bounce
            // THis is the *non* moving version of friction and bounce
            // Use this when an avatar comes in contact with a prim
            // and is moving
            AvatarMovementprimContact.surface.mu = mAvatarObjectContactFriction;
            AvatarMovementprimContact.surface.bounce = mAvatarObjectContactBounce;

            // Terrain contact friction bounce and various error correcting calculations
            // Use this when an avatar is in contact with the terrain and moving.
            AvatarMovementTerrainContact.surface.mode |= d.ContactFlags.SoftERP;
            AvatarMovementTerrainContact.surface.mu = mTerrainContactFriction;
            AvatarMovementTerrainContact.surface.bounce = mTerrainContactBounce;
            AvatarMovementTerrainContact.surface.soft_erp = mTerrainContactERP;

            d.HashSpaceSetLevels(space, worldHashspaceLow, worldHashspaceHigh);

            // Set the gravity,, don't disable things automatically (we set it explicitly on some things)

            d.WorldSetGravity(world, gravityx, gravityy, gravityz);
            d.WorldSetContactSurfaceLayer(world, contactsurfacelayer);

            // Set how many steps we go without running collision testing
            // This is in addition to the step size.
            // Essentially Steps * m_physicsiterations
            d.WorldSetQuickStepNumIterations(world, m_physicsiterations);
            //d.WorldSetContactMaxCorrectingVel(world, 1000.0f);

            for (int i = 0; i < staticPrimspace.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < staticPrimspace.GetLength(1); j++)
                    staticPrimspace[i, j] = IntPtr.Zero;

        internal void waitForSpaceUnlock(IntPtr space)
            //if (space != IntPtr.Zero)
                //while (d.SpaceLockQuery(space)) { } // Wait and do nothing

        /// <summary>
        /// Debug space message for printing the space that a prim/avatar is in.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns which split up space the given position is in.</returns>
        public string whichspaceamIin(PhysicsVector pos)
            return calculateSpaceForGeom(pos).ToString();

        #region Collision Detection

        /// <summary>
        /// This is our near callback.  A geometry is near a body
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="space">The space that contains the geoms.  Remember, spaces are also geoms</param>
        /// <param name="g1">a geometry or space</param>
        /// <param name="g2">another geometry or space</param>
        private void near(IntPtr space, IntPtr g1, IntPtr g2)
            //  no lock here!  It's invoked from within Simulate(), which is thread-locked

            // Test if we're colliding a geom with a space.
            // If so we have to drill down into the space recursively

            if (d.GeomIsSpace(g1) || d.GeomIsSpace(g2))
                if (g1 == IntPtr.Zero || g2 == IntPtr.Zero)
                // Separating static prim geometry spaces.
                // We'll be calling near recursivly if one
                // of them is a space to find all of the
                // contact points in the space
                    d.SpaceCollide2(g1, g2, IntPtr.Zero, nearCallback);
                catch (AccessViolationException)
                    m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Unable to collide test a space");
                //Colliding a space or a geom with a space or a geom. so drill down

                //Collide all geoms in each space..
                //if (d.GeomIsSpace(g1)) d.SpaceCollide(g1, IntPtr.Zero, nearCallback);
                //if (d.GeomIsSpace(g2)) d.SpaceCollide(g2, IntPtr.Zero, nearCallback);

            if (g1 == IntPtr.Zero || g2 == IntPtr.Zero)

            IntPtr b1 = d.GeomGetBody(g1);
            IntPtr b2 = d.GeomGetBody(g2);

            // d.GeomClassID id = d.GeomGetClass(g1);

            String name1 = null;
            String name2 = null;

            if (!geom_name_map.TryGetValue(g1, out name1))
                name1 = "null";
            if (!geom_name_map.TryGetValue(g2, out name2))
                name2 = "null";

            //if (id == d.GeomClassId.TriMeshClass)
                //               m_log.InfoFormat("near: A collision was detected between {1} and {2}", 0, name1, name2);
                //System.Console.WriteLine("near: A collision was detected between {1} and {2}", 0, name1, name2);

            // Figure out how many contact points we have
            int count = 0;
                // Colliding Geom To Geom
                // This portion of the function 'was' blatantly ripped off from BoxStack.cs

                if (g1 == g2)
                    return; // Can't collide with yourself

                if (b1 != IntPtr.Zero && b2 != IntPtr.Zero && d.AreConnectedExcluding(b1, b2, d.JointType.Contact))

                lock (contacts)
                    count = d.Collide(g1, g2, contacts.GetLength(0), contacts, d.ContactGeom.SizeOf);
            catch (SEHException)
                m_log.Error("[PHYSICS]: The Operating system shut down ODE because of corrupt memory.  This could be a result of really irregular terrain.  If this repeats continuously, restart using Basic Physics and terrain fill your terrain.  Restarting the sim.");
            catch (AccessViolationException)
                m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Unable to collide test an object");

            PhysicsActor p1;
            PhysicsActor p2;

            if (!actor_name_map.TryGetValue(g1, out p1))
                p1 = PANull;

            if (!actor_name_map.TryGetValue(g2, out p2))
                p2 = PANull;

            float max_collision_depth = 0f;
            if (p1.CollisionScore + count >= float.MaxValue)
                p1.CollisionScore = 0;
            p1.CollisionScore += count;

            if (p2.CollisionScore + count >= float.MaxValue)
                p2.CollisionScore = 0;
            p2.CollisionScore += count;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                max_collision_depth = (contacts[i].depth > max_collision_depth) ? contacts[i].depth : max_collision_depth;
                //m_log.Warn("[CCOUNT]: " + count);
                IntPtr joint;
                // If we're colliding with terrain, use 'TerrainContact' instead of contact.
                // allows us to have different settings

                // We only need to test p2 for 'jump crouch purposes'
                p2.IsColliding = true;

                //if ((framecount % m_returncollisions) == 0)

                switch (p1.PhysicsActorType)
                    case (int)ActorTypes.Agent:
                        p2.CollidingObj = true;
                    case (int)ActorTypes.Prim:
                        if (p2.Velocity.X > 0 || p2.Velocity.Y > 0 || p2.Velocity.Z > 0)
                            p2.CollidingObj = true;
                    case (int)ActorTypes.Unknown:
                        p2.CollidingGround = true;
                        p2.CollidingGround = true;

                // we don't want prim or avatar to explode

                #region InterPenetration Handling - Unintended physics explosions

                if (contacts[i].depth >= 0.08f)
                    //This is disabled at the moment only because it needs more tweaking
                    //It will eventually be uncommented

                    if (contacts[i].depth >= 1.00f)
                        //m_log.Debug("[PHYSICS]: " + contacts[i].depth.ToString());

                    //If you interpenetrate a prim with an agent
                    if ((p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent &&
                         p1.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Prim) ||
                        (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent &&
                         p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Prim))
                        # region disabled code1
                        //contacts[i].depth = contacts[i].depth * 4.15f;
                        if (p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent)
                            p2.CollidingObj = true;
                            contacts[i].depth = 0.003f;
                            p2.Velocity = p2.Velocity + new PhysicsVector(0, 0, 2.5f);
                            OdeCharacter character = (OdeCharacter) p2;
                            contacts[i].pos = new d.Vector3(contacts[i].pos.X + (p1.Size.X / 2), contacts[i].pos.Y + (p1.Size.Y / 2), contacts[i].pos.Z + (p1.Size.Z / 2));


                            //contacts[i].depth = 0.0000000f;
                        if (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent)

                            p1.CollidingObj = true;
                            contacts[i].depth = 0.003f;
                            p1.Velocity = p1.Velocity + new PhysicsVector(0, 0, 2.5f);
                            contacts[i].pos = new d.Vector3(contacts[i].pos.X + (p2.Size.X / 2), contacts[i].pos.Y + (p2.Size.Y / 2), contacts[i].pos.Z + (p2.Size.Z / 2));
                            OdeCharacter character = (OdeCharacter)p1;

                            //contacts[i].depth = 0.0000000f;

                    // If you interpenetrate a prim with another prim
                    if (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Prim && p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Prim)
                        #region disabledcode2
                        //OdePrim op1 = (OdePrim)p1;
                        //OdePrim op2 = (OdePrim)p2;

                        //if (op1.m_collisionscore > 8000 || op2.m_collisionscore > 8000)
                            //op1.m_taintdisable = true;
                            //op2.m_taintdisable = true;

                        //if (contacts[i].depth >= 0.25f)
                            // Don't collide, one or both prim will expld.

                            //interpenetrations_before_disable = 200;
                            //if (op1.m_interpenetrationcount >= interpenetrations_before_disable)
                                //op1.m_taintdisable = true;
                            //if (op2.m_interpenetrationcount >= interpenetrations_before_disable)
                               // op2.m_taintdisable = true;

                            //contacts[i].depth = contacts[i].depth / 8f;
                            //contacts[i].normal = new d.Vector3(0, 0, 1);
                        //if (op1.m_disabled || op2.m_disabled)
                            //Manually disabled objects stay disabled
                            //contacts[i].depth = 0f;

                    if (contacts[i].depth >= 1.00f)
                        //m_log.Info("[P]: " + contacts[i].depth.ToString());
                        if ((p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent &&
                             p1.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Unknown) ||
                            (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent &&
                             p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Unknown))
                            if (p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent)
                                OdeCharacter character = (OdeCharacter) p2;

                                //p2.CollidingObj = true;
                                contacts[i].depth = 0.00000003f;
                                p2.Velocity = p2.Velocity + new PhysicsVector(0, 0, 0.5f);
                                contacts[i].pos =
                                    new d.Vector3(contacts[i].pos.X + (p1.Size.X/2),
                                                  contacts[i].pos.Y + (p1.Size.Y/2),
                                                  contacts[i].pos.Z + (p1.Size.Z/2));

                            if (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent)
                                OdeCharacter character = (OdeCharacter)p1;

                                //p2.CollidingObj = true;
                                contacts[i].depth = 0.00000003f;
                                p1.Velocity = p1.Velocity + new PhysicsVector(0, 0, 0.5f);
                                contacts[i].pos =
                                    new d.Vector3(contacts[i].pos.X + (p1.Size.X/2),
                                                  contacts[i].pos.Y + (p1.Size.Y/2),
                                                  contacts[i].pos.Z + (p1.Size.Z/2));
                                //contacts[i].depth = 0.0000000f;


                if (contacts[i].depth >= 0f)
                    // If we're colliding against terrain
                    if (name1 == "Terrain" || name2 == "Terrain")
                        // If we're moving
                        if ((p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent) &&
                            (Math.Abs(p2.Velocity.X) > 0.01f || Math.Abs(p2.Velocity.Y) > 0.01f))
                            // Use the movement terrain contact
                            AvatarMovementTerrainContact.geom = contacts[i];
                            joint = d.JointCreateContact(world, contactgroup, ref AvatarMovementTerrainContact);
                            // Use the non moving terrain contact
                            TerrainContact.geom = contacts[i];
                            joint = d.JointCreateContact(world, contactgroup, ref TerrainContact);
                    else if (name1 == "Water" || name2 == "Water")
                        if ((p2.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Prim))

                        //WaterContact.surface.soft_cfm = 0.0000f;
                        //WaterContact.surface.soft_erp = 0.00000f;
                        if (contacts[i].depth > 0.1f)
                            contacts[i].depth *= 52;
                            //contacts[i].normal = new d.Vector3(0, 0, 1);
                            //contacts[i].pos = new d.Vector3(0, 0, contacts[i].pos.Z - 5f);
                        WaterContact.geom = contacts[i];

                        joint = d.JointCreateContact(world, contactgroup, ref WaterContact);

                        //m_log.Info("[PHYSICS]: Prim Water Contact" + contacts[i].depth);
                        // we're colliding with prim or avatar

                        // check if we're moving
                        if ((p2.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Agent) &&
                            (Math.Abs(p2.Velocity.X) > 0.01f || Math.Abs(p2.Velocity.Y) > 0.01f))
                            // Use the Movement prim contact
                            AvatarMovementprimContact.geom = contacts[i];
                            joint = d.JointCreateContact(world, contactgroup, ref AvatarMovementprimContact);
                            // Use the non movement contact
                            contact.geom = contacts[i];
                            joint = d.JointCreateContact(world, contactgroup, ref contact);
                    d.JointAttach(joint, b1, b2);
                collision_accounting_events(p1, p2, max_collision_depth);
                if (count > geomContactPointsStartthrottle)
                    // If there are more then 3 contact points, it's likely
                    // that we've got a pile of objects
                    // We don't want to send out hundreds of terse updates over and over again
                    // so lets throttle them and send them again after it's somewhat sorted out.
                    p2.ThrottleUpdates = true;
                //System.Console.WriteLine("near: A collision was detected between {1} and {2}", 0, name1, name2);

        private void collision_accounting_events(PhysicsActor p1, PhysicsActor p2, float collisiondepth)
            // obj1LocalID = 0;
            //returncollisions = false;
            obj2LocalID = 0;
            //ctype = 0;
            //cStartStop = 0;
            if (!p2.SubscribedEvents() && !p1.SubscribedEvents())

            switch ((ActorTypes)p2.PhysicsActorType)
                case ActorTypes.Agent:
                    cc2 = (OdeCharacter)p2;

                    // obj1LocalID = cc2.m_localID;
                    switch ((ActorTypes)p1.PhysicsActorType)
                        case ActorTypes.Agent:
                            cc1 = (OdeCharacter)p1;
                            obj2LocalID = cc1.m_localID;
                            cc1.AddCollisionEvent(cc2.m_localID, collisiondepth);
                            //ctype = (int)CollisionCategories.Character;

                            //if (cc1.CollidingObj)
                            //cStartStop = (int)StatusIndicators.Generic;
                            //cStartStop = (int)StatusIndicators.Start;

                            //returncollisions = true;
                        case ActorTypes.Prim:
                            cp1 = (OdePrim)p1;
                            obj2LocalID = cp1.m_localID;
                            cp1.AddCollisionEvent(cc2.m_localID, collisiondepth);
                            //ctype = (int)CollisionCategories.Geom;

                            //if (cp1.CollidingObj)
                            //cStartStop = (int)StatusIndicators.Generic;
                            //cStartStop = (int)StatusIndicators.Start;

                            //returncollisions = true;

                        case ActorTypes.Ground:
                        case ActorTypes.Unknown:
                            obj2LocalID = 0;
                            //ctype = (int)CollisionCategories.Land;
                            //returncollisions = true;

                    cc2.AddCollisionEvent(obj2LocalID, collisiondepth);
                case ActorTypes.Prim:
                    cp2 = (OdePrim)p2;

                    // obj1LocalID = cp2.m_localID;
                    switch ((ActorTypes)p1.PhysicsActorType)
                        case ActorTypes.Agent:
                            cc1 = (OdeCharacter)p1;
                            obj2LocalID = cc1.m_localID;
                            cc1.AddCollisionEvent(cp2.m_localID, collisiondepth);
                            //ctype = (int)CollisionCategories.Character;

                            //if (cc1.CollidingObj)
                                //cStartStop = (int)StatusIndicators.Generic;
                                //cStartStop = (int)StatusIndicators.Start;
                            //returncollisions = true;

                        case ActorTypes.Prim:
                            cp1 = (OdePrim)p1;
                            obj2LocalID = cp1.m_localID;
                            cp1.AddCollisionEvent(cp2.m_localID, collisiondepth);
                            //ctype = (int)CollisionCategories.Geom;

                            //if (cp1.CollidingObj)
                                //cStartStop = (int)StatusIndicators.Generic;
                                //cStartStop = (int)StatusIndicators.Start;

                            //returncollisions = true;

                        case ActorTypes.Ground:
                        case ActorTypes.Unknown:
                            obj2LocalID = 0;
                            //ctype = (int)CollisionCategories.Land;

                            //returncollisions = true;

                    cp2.AddCollisionEvent(obj2LocalID, collisiondepth);
            //if (returncollisions)

                //lock (m_storedCollisions)
                    //cDictKey = obj1LocalID.ToString() + obj2LocalID.ToString() + cStartStop.ToString() + ctype.ToString();
                    //if (m_storedCollisions.ContainsKey(cDictKey))
                        //sCollisionData objd = m_storedCollisions[cDictKey];
                        //objd.NumberOfCollisions += 1;
                        //objd.lastframe = framecount;
                        //m_storedCollisions[cDictKey] = objd;
                        //sCollisionData objd = new sCollisionData();
                        //objd.ColliderLocalId = obj1LocalID;
                        //objd.CollidedWithLocalId = obj2LocalID;
                        //objd.CollisionType = ctype;
                        //objd.NumberOfCollisions = 1;
                        //objd.lastframe = framecount;
                        //objd.StatusIndicator = cStartStop;
                        //m_storedCollisions.Add(cDictKey, objd);
           // }

        public int TriArrayCallback(IntPtr trimesh, IntPtr refObject, int[] triangleIndex, int triCount)
            /*            String name1 = null;
                        String name2 = null;

                        if (!geom_name_map.TryGetValue(trimesh, out name1))
                            name1 = "null";
                        if (!geom_name_map.TryGetValue(refObject, out name2))
                            name2 = "null";

                        m_log.InfoFormat("TriArrayCallback: A collision was detected between {1} and {2}", 0, name1, name2);
            return 1;

        public int TriCallback(IntPtr trimesh, IntPtr refObject, int triangleIndex)
            String name1 = null;
            String name2 = null;

            if (!geom_name_map.TryGetValue(trimesh, out name1))
                name1 = "null";

            if (!geom_name_map.TryGetValue(refObject, out name2))
                name2 = "null";

            //            m_log.InfoFormat("TriCallback: A collision was detected between {1} and {2}. Index was {3}", 0, name1, name2, triangleIndex);

            d.Vector3 v0 = new d.Vector3();
            d.Vector3 v1 = new d.Vector3();
            d.Vector3 v2 = new d.Vector3();

            d.GeomTriMeshGetTriangle(trimesh, 0, ref v0, ref v1, ref v2);
            //            m_log.DebugFormat("Triangle {0} is <{1},{2},{3}>, <{4},{5},{6}>, <{7},{8},{9}>", triangleIndex, v0.X, v0.Y, v0.Z, v1.X, v1.Y, v1.Z, v2.X, v2.Y, v2.Z);

            return 1;

        /// <summary>
        /// This is our collision testing routine in ODE
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeStep"></param>
        private void collision_optimized(float timeStep)
            foreach (OdeCharacter chr in _characters)
                // Reset the collision values to false
                // since we don't know if we're colliding yet

                chr.IsColliding = false;
                chr.CollidingGround = false;
                chr.CollidingObj = false;

                // test the avatar's geometry for collision with the space
                // This will return near and the space that they are the closest to
                // And we'll run this again against the avatar and the space segment
                // This will return with a bunch of possible objects in the space segment
                // and we'll run it again on all of them.
                    d.SpaceCollide2(space, chr.Shell, IntPtr.Zero, nearCallback);
                catch (AccessViolationException)
                    m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Unable to space collide");
                //float terrainheight = GetTerrainHeightAtXY(chr.Position.X, chr.Position.Y);
                //if (chr.Position.Z + (chr.Velocity.Z * timeStep) < terrainheight + 10)
                    //chr.Position.Z = terrainheight + 10.0f;
                    //forcedZ = true;

            lock (_activeprims)
                foreach (OdePrim chr in _activeprims)
                    if (d.BodyIsEnabled(chr.Body) && (!chr.m_disabled))
                            lock (chr)
                                if (space != IntPtr.Zero && chr.prim_geom != IntPtr.Zero && chr.m_taintremove == false)
                                    d.SpaceCollide2(space, chr.prim_geom, IntPtr.Zero, nearCallback);
                                    m_log.Debug("[PHYSICS]: unable to collide test active prim against space.  The space was zero, the geom was zero or it was in the process of being removed");
                        catch (AccessViolationException)
                            m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Unable to space collide");


// TODO: unused
//         private float GetTerrainHeightAtXY(float x, float y)
//         {
//             return (float)_origheightmap[(int)y * Constants.RegionSize + (int)x];
//         }

        public void addCollisionEventReporting(PhysicsActor obj)
            lock (_collisionEventPrim)
                if (!_collisionEventPrim.Contains(obj))

        public void remCollisionEventReporting(PhysicsActor obj)
            lock (_collisionEventPrim)
                if (!_collisionEventPrim.Contains(obj))

        #region Add/Remove Entities

        public override PhysicsActor AddAvatar(string avName, PhysicsVector position, PhysicsVector size)
            PhysicsVector pos = new PhysicsVector();
            pos.X = position.X;
            pos.Y = position.Y;
            pos.Z = position.Z;
            OdeCharacter newAv = new OdeCharacter(avName, this, pos, ode, size, avPIDD, avPIDP, avCapRadius, avStandupTensor, avDensity, avHeightFudgeFactor, avMovementDivisorWalk, avMovementDivisorRun);
            return newAv;

        public override void RemoveAvatar(PhysicsActor actor)
            lock (OdeLock)
                ((OdeCharacter) actor).Destroy();
                _characters.Remove((OdeCharacter) actor);

        private PhysicsActor AddPrim(String name, PhysicsVector position, PhysicsVector size, Quaternion rotation,
                                     IMesh mesh, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, bool isphysical)
            PhysicsVector pos = new PhysicsVector(position.X, position.Y, position.Z);
            //pos.X = position.X;
            //pos.Y = position.Y;
            //pos.Z = position.Z;
            PhysicsVector siz = new PhysicsVector();
            siz.X = size.X;
            siz.Y = size.Y;
            siz.Z = size.Z;
            Quaternion rot = rotation;

            OdePrim newPrim;
            lock (OdeLock)
                newPrim = new OdePrim(name, this, pos, siz, rot, mesh, pbs, isphysical, ode);


            return newPrim;

        public void addActivePrim(OdePrim activatePrim)
            // adds active prim..   (ones that should be iterated over in collisions_optimized


        public override PhysicsActor AddPrimShape(string primName, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, PhysicsVector position,
                                                  PhysicsVector size, Quaternion rotation) //To be removed
            return AddPrimShape(primName, pbs, position, size, rotation, false);

        public override PhysicsActor AddPrimShape(string primName, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, PhysicsVector position,
                                                  PhysicsVector size, Quaternion rotation, bool isPhysical)
            PhysicsActor result;
            IMesh mesh = null;

            //switch (pbs.ProfileShape)
            //    case ProfileShape.Square:
            //         //support simple box & hollow box now; later, more shapes
            //        if (needsMeshing(pbs))
            //        {
            //            mesh = mesher.CreateMesh(primName, pbs, size, 32f, isPhysical);
            //        }

            //        break;

            if (needsMeshing(pbs))
                mesh = mesher.CreateMesh(primName, pbs, size, 32f, isPhysical);

            result = AddPrim(primName, position, size, rotation, mesh, pbs, isPhysical);

            return result;

        public void remActivePrim(OdePrim deactivatePrim)
            lock (_activeprims)

        public override void RemovePrim(PhysicsActor prim)
            if (prim is OdePrim)
                lock (OdeLock)
                    OdePrim p = (OdePrim) prim;


        /// <summary>
        /// This is called from within simulate but outside the locked portion
        /// We need to do our own locking here
        /// Essentially, we need to remove the prim from our space segment, whatever segment it's in.
        /// If there are no more prim in the segment, we need to empty (spacedestroy)the segment and reclaim memory
        /// that the space was using.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prim"></param>
        public void RemovePrimThreadLocked(OdePrim prim)
            lock (prim)
                lock (ode)
                    if (prim.prim_geom != IntPtr.Zero)

                        if (prim.IsPhysical)
                        // we don't want to remove the main space

                        // If the geometry is in the targetspace, remove it from the target space

                        //if (prim.m_targetSpace != IntPtr.Zero)
                        //if (d.SpaceQuery(prim.m_targetSpace, prim.prim_geom))

                        //if (d.GeomIsSpace(prim.m_targetSpace))
                        //d.SpaceRemove(prim.m_targetSpace, prim.prim_geom);
                        prim.m_targetSpace = IntPtr.Zero;
                        // m_log.Info("[Physics]: Invalid Scene passed to 'removeprim from scene':" +

                            if (prim.prim_geom != IntPtr.Zero)
                                prim.prim_geom = IntPtr.Zero;
                                m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Unable to remove prim from physics scene");
                        catch (AccessViolationException)
                            m_log.Info("[PHYSICS]: Couldn't remove prim from physics scene, it was already be removed.");

                        //If there are no more geometries in the sub-space, we don't need it in the main space anymore
                        //if (d.SpaceGetNumGeoms(prim.m_targetSpace) == 0)
                        //if (prim.m_targetSpace != null)
                        //if (d.GeomIsSpace(prim.m_targetSpace))
                        //d.SpaceRemove(space, prim.m_targetSpace);
                        // free up memory used by the space.
                        //int[] xyspace = calculateSpaceArrayItemFromPos(prim.Position);
                        //resetSpaceArrayItemToZero(xyspace[0], xyspace[1]);
                        //m_log.Info("[Physics]: Invalid Scene passed to 'removeprim from scene':" +
                        //((OdePrim) prim).m_targetSpace.ToString());


        #region Space Separation Calculation

        /// <summary>
        /// Takes a space pointer and zeros out the array we're using to hold the spaces
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="space"></param>
        public void resetSpaceArrayItemToZero(IntPtr space)
            for (int x = 0; x < staticPrimspace.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < staticPrimspace.GetLength(1); y++)
                    if (staticPrimspace[x, y] == space)
                        staticPrimspace[x, y] = IntPtr.Zero;

        public void resetSpaceArrayItemToZero(int arrayitemX, int arrayitemY)
            staticPrimspace[arrayitemX, arrayitemY] = IntPtr.Zero;

        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a static prim moves.  Allocates a space for the prim based on it's position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geom">the pointer to the geom that moved</param>
        /// <param name="pos">the position that the geom moved to</param>
        /// <param name="currentspace">a pointer to the space it was in before it was moved.</param>
        /// <returns>a pointer to the new space it's in</returns>
        public IntPtr recalculateSpaceForGeom(IntPtr geom, PhysicsVector pos, IntPtr currentspace)
            // Called from setting the Position and Size of an ODEPrim so
            // it's already in locked space.

            // we don't want to remove the main space
            // we don't need to test physical here because this function should
            // never be called if the prim is physical(active)

            // All physical prim end up in the root space
            if (currentspace != space)
                //m_log.Info("[SPACE]: C:" + currentspace.ToString() + " g:" + geom.ToString());
                //if (currentspace == IntPtr.Zero)
                    //int adfadf = 0;
                if (d.SpaceQuery(currentspace, geom) && currentspace != IntPtr.Zero)
                    if (d.GeomIsSpace(currentspace))
                        d.SpaceRemove(currentspace, geom);
                        m_log.Info("[Physics]: Invalid Scene passed to 'recalculatespace':" + currentspace.ToString() +
                                   " Geom:" + geom.ToString());
                    IntPtr sGeomIsIn = d.GeomGetSpace(geom);
                    if (sGeomIsIn != IntPtr.Zero)
                        if (d.GeomIsSpace(currentspace))
                            d.SpaceRemove(sGeomIsIn, geom);
                            m_log.Info("[Physics]: Invalid Scene passed to 'recalculatespace':" +
                                       sGeomIsIn.ToString() + " Geom:" + geom.ToString());

                //If there are no more geometries in the sub-space, we don't need it in the main space anymore
                if (d.SpaceGetNumGeoms(currentspace) == 0)
                    if (currentspace != IntPtr.Zero)
                        if (d.GeomIsSpace(currentspace))
                            d.SpaceRemove(space, currentspace);
                            // free up memory used by the space.

                            m_log.Info("[Physics]: Invalid Scene passed to 'recalculatespace':" +
                                       currentspace.ToString() + " Geom:" + geom.ToString());
                // this is a physical object that got disabled. ;.;
                if (currentspace != IntPtr.Zero && geom != IntPtr.Zero)
                    if (d.SpaceQuery(currentspace, geom))
                        if (d.GeomIsSpace(currentspace))
                            d.SpaceRemove(currentspace, geom);
                            m_log.Info("[Physics]: Invalid Scene passed to 'recalculatespace':" +
                                       currentspace.ToString() + " Geom:" + geom.ToString());
                        IntPtr sGeomIsIn = d.GeomGetSpace(geom);
                        if (sGeomIsIn != IntPtr.Zero)
                            if (d.GeomIsSpace(sGeomIsIn))
                                d.SpaceRemove(sGeomIsIn, geom);
                                m_log.Info("[Physics]: Invalid Scene passed to 'recalculatespace':" +
                                           sGeomIsIn.ToString() + " Geom:" + geom.ToString());

            // The routines in the Position and Size sections do the 'inserting' into the space,
            // so all we have to do is make sure that the space that we're putting the prim into
            // is in the 'main' space.
            int[] iprimspaceArrItem = calculateSpaceArrayItemFromPos(pos);
            IntPtr newspace = calculateSpaceForGeom(pos);

            if (newspace == IntPtr.Zero)
                newspace = createprimspace(iprimspaceArrItem[0], iprimspaceArrItem[1]);
                d.HashSpaceSetLevels(newspace, smallHashspaceLow, smallHashspaceHigh);

            return newspace;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new space at X Y
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iprimspaceArrItemX"></param>
        /// <param name="iprimspaceArrItemY"></param>
        /// <returns>A pointer to the created space</returns>
        public IntPtr createprimspace(int iprimspaceArrItemX, int iprimspaceArrItemY)
            // creating a new space for prim and inserting it into main space.
            staticPrimspace[iprimspaceArrItemX, iprimspaceArrItemY] = d.HashSpaceCreate(IntPtr.Zero);
            d.GeomSetCategoryBits(staticPrimspace[iprimspaceArrItemX, iprimspaceArrItemY], (int)CollisionCategories.Space);
            d.SpaceAdd(space, staticPrimspace[iprimspaceArrItemX, iprimspaceArrItemY]);
            return staticPrimspace[iprimspaceArrItemX, iprimspaceArrItemY];

        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the space the prim should be in by its position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos"></param>
        /// <returns>a pointer to the space. This could be a new space or reused space.</returns>
        public IntPtr calculateSpaceForGeom(PhysicsVector pos)
            int[] xyspace = calculateSpaceArrayItemFromPos(pos);
            //m_log.Info("[Physics]: Attempting to use arrayItem: " + xyspace[0].ToString() + "," + xyspace[1].ToString());
            return staticPrimspace[xyspace[0], xyspace[1]];

        /// <summary>
        /// Holds the space allocation logic
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos"></param>
        /// <returns>an array item based on the position</returns>
        public int[] calculateSpaceArrayItemFromPos(PhysicsVector pos)
            int[] returnint = new int[2];

            returnint[0] = (int) (pos.X/metersInSpace);

            if (returnint[0] > ((int) (259f/metersInSpace)))
                returnint[0] = ((int) (259f/metersInSpace));
            if (returnint[0] < 0)
                returnint[0] = 0;

            returnint[1] = (int) (pos.Y/metersInSpace);
            if (returnint[1] > ((int) (259f/metersInSpace)))
                returnint[1] = ((int) (259f/metersInSpace));
            if (returnint[1] < 0)
                returnint[1] = 0;

            return returnint;


        /// <summary>
        /// Routine to figure out if we need to mesh this prim with our mesher
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pbs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool needsMeshing(PrimitiveBaseShape pbs)
            // most of this is redundant now as the mesher will return null if it cant mesh a prim
            // but we still need to check for sculptie meshing being enabled so this is the most
            // convenient place to do it for now...

        //    //if (pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Primitive.PathCurve.Circle && pbs.ProfileCurve == (byte)Primitive.ProfileCurve.Circle && pbs.PathScaleY <= 0.75f)
        //    //Console.WriteLine("needsMeshing: " + " pathCurve: " + pbs.PathCurve.ToString() + " profileCurve: " + pbs.ProfileCurve.ToString() + " pathScaleY: " + Primitive.UnpackPathScale(pbs.PathScaleY).ToString());
            if (pbs.SculptEntry && !meshSculptedPrim)
                return false;

            // if it's a standard box or sphere with no cuts or hollows or twist, return false since ODE can use an internal representation for the prim
            //if ((pbs.ProfileShape == ProfileShape.Square && pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Straight)
            //    || (pbs.ProfileShape == ProfileShape.HalfCircle && pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve1
            //    && pbs.Scale.X == pbs.Scale.Y && pbs.Scale.Y == pbs.Scale.Z))
            //    if (pbs.ProfileBegin == 0 && pbs.ProfileEnd == 0
            //        && pbs.ProfileHollow == 0
            //        && pbs.PathTwist == 0 && pbs.PathTwistBegin == 0
            //        && pbs.PathBegin == 0 && pbs.PathEnd == 0
            //        //&& pbs.PathTaperX == 0 && pbs.PathTaperY == 0
            //        && pbs.PathScaleX == 100 && pbs.PathScaleY == 100)
            //        return false;

        //    if (pbs.ProfileHollow != 0)
        //        return true;

        //    if (((Int16)pbs.PathTwistBegin != 0) || ((Int16)pbs.PathTwist != 0))
        //        return true;

        //    if ((pbs.ProfileBegin != 0) || pbs.ProfileEnd != 0)
        //        return true;

        //    if ((pbs.PathScaleX != 100) || (pbs.PathScaleY != 100))
        //        return true;

        //    if ((pbs.PathShearX != 0) || (pbs.PathShearY != 0))
        //        return true;

        //    if (pbs.ProfileShape == ProfileShape.Circle && pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Straight)
        //        return true;
        //    //if (pbs.ProfileShape == ProfileShape.HalfCircle && pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve1 && (pbs.Scale.X != pbs.Scale.Y || pbs.Scale.Y != pbs.Scale.Z || pbs.Scale.Z != pbs.Scale.X))
        //    //    return true;

        //    if (pbs.ProfileShape == ProfileShape.HalfCircle && pbs.PathCurve == (byte) Extrusion.Curve1)
        //        return true;

        //    // test for torus
        //    if (pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Primitive.PathCurve.Circle
        //        && (pbs.ProfileCurve & 0x07) == (byte)Primitive.ProfileCurve.Circle
        //        && Primitive.UnpackPathScale(pbs.PathScaleY) <= 0.75f)
        //        return true;

        //    // test for tube
        //    if (pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Primitive.PathCurve.Circle
        //        && (pbs.ProfileCurve & 0x07) == (byte)Primitive.ProfileCurve.EqualTriangle)
        //        return true;

        //    // test for ring
        //    if (pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Primitive.PathCurve.Circle
        //        && (pbs.ProfileCurve & 0x07) == (byte)Primitive.ProfileCurve.EqualTriangle)
        //        return true;

        //    if (pbs.ProfileShape == ProfileShape.EquilateralTriangle)
        //        return true;

        //    return false;

            return true; // assume the mesher will return a default shape or null and later code can deal with this

        /// <summary>
        /// Called after our prim properties are set Scale, position etc.
        /// We use this event queue like method to keep changes to the physical scene occuring in the threadlocked mutex
        /// This assures us that we have no race conditions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prim"></param>
        public override void AddPhysicsActorTaint(PhysicsActor prim)
            if (prim is OdePrim)
                OdePrim taintedprim = ((OdePrim) prim);
                lock (_taintedPrim)
                    if (!(_taintedPrim.Contains(taintedprim)))

        /// <summary>
        /// This is our main simulate loop
        /// It's thread locked by a Mutex in the scene.
        /// It holds Collisions, it instructs ODE to step through the physical reactions
        /// It moves the objects around in memory
        /// It calls the methods that report back to the object owners.. (scenepresence, SceneObjectGroup)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeStep"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override float Simulate(float timeStep)
            if (framecount >= int.MaxValue)
                framecount = 0;


            float fps = 0;
            step_time += timeStep;

            // If We're loaded down by something else,
            // or debugging with the Visual Studio project on pause
            // skip a few frames to catch up gracefully.
            // without shooting the physicsactors all over the place

            if (step_time >= m_SkipFramesAtms)
                // Instead of trying to catch up, it'll do 5 physics frames only
                step_time = ODE_STEPSIZE;
                m_physicsiterations = 5;
                m_physicsiterations = 10;
            lock (OdeLock)
                // Process 10 frames if the sim is running normal..
                // process 5 frames if the sim is running slow
                    //d.WorldSetQuickStepNumIterations(world, m_physicsiterations);
                //catch (StackOverflowException)
                   // m_log.Error("[PHYSICS]: The operating system wasn't able to allocate enough memory for the simulation.  Restarting the sim.");
                   // ode.drelease(world);

                int i = 0;

                // Figure out the Frames Per Second we're going at.
                //(step_time == 0.004f, there's 250 of those per second.   Times the step time/step size
                step_time = 0.09375f;
                fps = (step_time/ODE_STEPSIZE) * 1000;

                while (step_time > 0.0f)
                    //lock (ode)
                        //if (!ode.lockquery())
                           // ode.dlock(world);
                                lock (_characters)
                                    foreach (OdeCharacter actor in _characters)
                                        if (actor != null)

                                bool processedtaints = false;

                                lock (_taintedPrim)
                                    foreach (OdePrim prim in _taintedPrim)
                                        if (prim.m_taintremove)
                                        processedtaints = true;
                                        prim.m_collisionscore = 0;

                                    if (processedtaints)
                                        _taintedPrim = new List<OdePrim>();

                                lock (_activeprims)
                                    foreach (OdePrim prim in _activeprims)
                                        prim.m_collisionscore = 0;

                                //if ((framecount % m_randomizeWater) == 0)
                                   // randomizeWater(waterlevel);


                                lock (_collisionEventPrim)
                                    foreach (PhysicsActor obj in _collisionEventPrim)
                                        if (obj == null)

                                        switch ((ActorTypes)obj.PhysicsActorType)
                                            case ActorTypes.Agent:
                                                OdeCharacter cobj = (OdeCharacter)obj;
                                            case ActorTypes.Prim:
                                                OdePrim pobj = (OdePrim)obj;

                                d.WorldQuickStep(world, ODE_STEPSIZE);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                m_log.ErrorFormat("[PHYSICS]: {0}, {1}, {2}", e.Message, e.TargetSite, e);

                            step_time -= ODE_STEPSIZE;
                            //fps = 0;

                lock (_characters)
                    foreach (OdeCharacter actor in _characters)
                        if (actor != null)

                lock (_activeprims)
                    //if (timeStep < 0.2f)
                        foreach (OdePrim actor in _activeprims)
                            if (actor.IsPhysical && (d.BodyIsEnabled(actor.Body) || !actor._zeroFlag))

                // Finished with all sim stepping. If requested, dump world state to file for debugging.
                // TODO: This call to the export function is already inside lock (OdeLock) - but is an extra lock needed?
                // TODO: This overwrites all dump files in-place. Should this be a growing logfile, or separate snapshots?
                if (physics_logging && (physics_logging_interval>0) && (framecount % physics_logging_interval == 0))
                    string fname = "state-" + world.ToString() + ".DIF"; // give each physics world a separate filename
                    string prefix = "world" + world.ToString(); // prefix for variable names in exported .DIF file

                    if (physics_logging_append_existing_logfile)
                        string header = "-------------- START OF PHYSICS FRAME " + framecount.ToString() + " --------------";
                        TextWriter fwriter = File.AppendText(fname);
                    d.WorldExportDIF(world, fname, physics_logging_append_existing_logfile, prefix);

            return fps;

        public override void GetResults()

        public override bool IsThreaded
            // for now we won't be multithreaded
            get { return (false); }

        #region ODE Specific Terrain Fixes
        public float[] ResizeTerrain512NearestNeighbour(float[] heightMap)
            float[] returnarr = new float[262144];
            float[,] resultarr = new float[m_regionWidth, m_regionHeight];

            // Filling out the array into it's multi-dimentional components
            for (int y = 0; y < m_regionHeight; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < m_regionWidth; x++)
                    resultarr[y, x] = heightMap[y * m_regionWidth + x];

            // Resize using Nearest Neighbour

            // This particular way is quick but it only works on a multiple of the original

            // The idea behind this method can be described with the following diagrams
            // second pass and third pass happen in the same loop really..  just separated
            // them to show what this does.

            // First Pass
            // ResultArr:
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1

            // Second Pass
            // ResultArr2:
            // 1,,1,,1,,1,,1,,1,
            // ,,,,,,,,,,
            // 1,,1,,1,,1,,1,,1,
            // ,,,,,,,,,,
            // 1,,1,,1,,1,,1,,1,
            // ,,,,,,,,,,
            // 1,,1,,1,,1,,1,,1,
            // ,,,,,,,,,,
            // 1,,1,,1,,1,,1,,1,
            // ,,,,,,,,,,
            // 1,,1,,1,,1,,1,,1,

            // Third pass fills in the blanks
            // ResultArr2:
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

            // X,Y = .
            // X+1,y = ^
            // X,Y+1 = *
            // X+1,Y+1 = #

            // Filling in like this;
            // .*
            // ^#
            // 1st .
            // 2nd *
            // 3rd ^
            // 4th #
            // on single loop.

            float[,] resultarr2 = new float[512, 512];
            for (int y = 0; y < m_regionHeight; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < m_regionWidth; x++)
                    resultarr2[y * 2, x * 2] = resultarr[y, x];

                    if (y < m_regionHeight)
                        resultarr2[(y * 2) + 1, x * 2] = resultarr[y, x];
                    if (x < m_regionWidth)
                        resultarr2[y * 2, (x * 2) + 1] = resultarr[y, x];
                    if (x < m_regionWidth && y < m_regionHeight)
                        resultarr2[(y * 2) + 1, (x * 2) + 1] = resultarr[y, x];

            //Flatten out the array
            int i = 0;
            for (int y = 0; y < 512; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 512; x++)
                    if (resultarr2[y, x] <= 0)
                        returnarr[i] = 0.0000001f;
                        returnarr[i] = resultarr2[y, x];


            return returnarr;

        public float[] ResizeTerrain512Interpolation(float[] heightMap)
            float[] returnarr = new float[262144];
            float[,] resultarr = new float[m_regionWidth,m_regionHeight];

            // Filling out the array into it's multi-dimentional components
            for (int y = 0; y < m_regionHeight; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < m_regionWidth; x++)
                    resultarr[y, x] = heightMap[y*m_regionWidth + x];

            // Resize using interpolation

            // This particular way is quick but it only works on a multiple of the original

            // The idea behind this method can be described with the following diagrams
            // second pass and third pass happen in the same loop really..  just separated
            // them to show what this does.

            // First Pass
            // ResultArr:
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1

            // Second Pass
            // ResultArr2:
            // 1,,1,,1,,1,,1,,1,
            // ,,,,,,,,,,
            // 1,,1,,1,,1,,1,,1,
            // ,,,,,,,,,,
            // 1,,1,,1,,1,,1,,1,
            // ,,,,,,,,,,
            // 1,,1,,1,,1,,1,,1,
            // ,,,,,,,,,,
            // 1,,1,,1,,1,,1,,1,
            // ,,,,,,,,,,
            // 1,,1,,1,,1,,1,,1,

            // Third pass fills in the blanks
            // ResultArr2:
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
            // 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

            // X,Y = .
            // X+1,y = ^
            // X,Y+1 = *
            // X+1,Y+1 = #

            // Filling in like this;
            // .*
            // ^#
            // 1st .
            // 2nd *
            // 3rd ^
            // 4th #
            // on single loop.

            float[,] resultarr2 = new float[512,512];
            for (int y = 0; y < m_regionHeight; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < m_regionWidth; x++)
                    resultarr2[y*2, x*2] = resultarr[y, x];

                    if (y < m_regionHeight)
                        if (y + 1 < m_regionHeight)
                            if (x + 1 < m_regionWidth)
                                resultarr2[(y*2) + 1, x*2] = ((resultarr[y, x] + resultarr[y + 1, x] +
                                                               resultarr[y, x + 1] + resultarr[y + 1, x + 1])/4);
                                resultarr2[(y*2) + 1, x*2] = ((resultarr[y, x] + resultarr[y + 1, x])/2);
                            resultarr2[(y*2) + 1, x*2] = resultarr[y, x];
                    if (x < m_regionWidth)
                        if (x + 1 < m_regionWidth)
                            if (y + 1 < m_regionHeight)
                                resultarr2[y*2, (x*2) + 1] = ((resultarr[y, x] + resultarr[y + 1, x] +
                                                               resultarr[y, x + 1] + resultarr[y + 1, x + 1])/4);
                                resultarr2[y*2, (x*2) + 1] = ((resultarr[y, x] + resultarr[y, x + 1])/2);
                            resultarr2[y*2, (x*2) + 1] = resultarr[y, x];
                    if (x < m_regionWidth && y < m_regionHeight)
                        if ((x + 1 < m_regionWidth) && (y + 1 < m_regionHeight))
                            resultarr2[(y*2) + 1, (x*2) + 1] = ((resultarr[y, x] + resultarr[y + 1, x] +
                                                                 resultarr[y, x + 1] + resultarr[y + 1, x + 1])/4);
                            resultarr2[(y*2) + 1, (x*2) + 1] = resultarr[y, x];
            //Flatten out the array
            int i = 0;
            for (int y = 0; y < 512; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 512; x++)
                    if (Single.IsNaN(resultarr2[y, x]) || Single.IsInfinity(resultarr2[y, x]))
                        m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Non finite heightfield element detected.  Setting it to 0");
                        resultarr2[y, x] = 0;

                    if (resultarr2[y, x] <= 0)
                        returnarr[i] = 0.0000001f;

                        returnarr[i] = resultarr2[y, x];


            return returnarr;


        public override void SetTerrain(float[] heightMap)
            // this._heightmap[i] = (double)heightMap[i];
            // dbm (danx0r) -- creating a buffer zone of one extra sample all around
            // _origheightmap = heightMap;
            const uint heightmapWidth = m_regionWidth + 2;
            const uint heightmapHeight = m_regionHeight + 2;
            const uint heightmapWidthSamples = 2*m_regionWidth + 2;
            const uint heightmapHeightSamples = 2*m_regionHeight + 2;
            const float scale = 1.0f;
            const float offset = 0.0f;
            const float thickness = 0.2f;
            const int wrap = 0;

            //Double resolution
            heightMap = ResizeTerrain512Interpolation(heightMap);

            for (int x = 0; x < heightmapWidthSamples; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < heightmapHeightSamples; y++)
                    int xx = Util.Clip(x - 1, 0, 511);
                    int yy = Util.Clip(y - 1, 0, 511);

                    float val = heightMap[yy*512 + xx];
                    _heightmap[x*heightmapHeightSamples + y] = val;

            lock (OdeLock)
                if (LandGeom != IntPtr.Zero)
                    d.SpaceRemove(space, LandGeom);
                IntPtr HeightmapData = d.GeomHeightfieldDataCreate();
                d.GeomHeightfieldDataBuildSingle(HeightmapData, _heightmap, 0, heightmapWidth, heightmapHeight,
                                                 (int) heightmapWidthSamples, (int) heightmapHeightSamples, scale,
                                                 offset, thickness, wrap);
                d.GeomHeightfieldDataSetBounds(HeightmapData, m_regionWidth, m_regionHeight);
                LandGeom = d.CreateHeightfield(space, HeightmapData, 1);
                if (LandGeom != IntPtr.Zero)
                    d.GeomSetCategoryBits(LandGeom, (int)(CollisionCategories.Land));
                    d.GeomSetCollideBits(LandGeom, (int)(CollisionCategories.Space));

                geom_name_map[LandGeom] = "Terrain";

                d.Matrix3 R = new d.Matrix3();

                Quaternion q1 = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), 1.5707f);
                Quaternion q2 = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 1.5707f);
                //Axiom.Math.Quaternion q3 = Axiom.Math.Quaternion.FromAngleAxis(3.14f, new Axiom.Math.Vector3(0, 0, 1));

                q1 = q1*q2;
                //q1 = q1 * q3;
                Vector3 v3;
                float angle;
                q1.GetAxisAngle(out v3, out angle);

                d.RFromAxisAndAngle(out R, v3.X, v3.Y, v3.Z, angle);
                d.GeomSetRotation(LandGeom, ref R);
                d.GeomSetPosition(LandGeom, 128, 128, 0);

        public override void DeleteTerrain()

        public override void SetWaterLevel(float baseheight)
            waterlevel = baseheight;

        public void randomizeWater(float baseheight)
            const uint heightmapWidth = m_regionWidth + 2;
            const uint heightmapHeight = m_regionHeight + 2;
            const uint heightmapWidthSamples = m_regionWidth + 2;
            const uint heightmapHeightSamples = m_regionHeight + 2;
            const float scale = 1.0f;
            const float offset = 0.0f;
            const float thickness = 2.9f;
            const int wrap = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < (258 * 258); i++)
                _watermap[i] = (baseheight-0.1f) + ((float)fluidRandomizer.Next(1,9) / 10f);
               // m_log.Info((baseheight - 0.1f) + ((float)fluidRandomizer.Next(1, 9) / 10f));

            lock (OdeLock)
                if (WaterGeom != IntPtr.Zero)
                    d.SpaceRemove(space, WaterGeom);
                IntPtr HeightmapData = d.GeomHeightfieldDataCreate();
                d.GeomHeightfieldDataBuildSingle(HeightmapData, _watermap, 0, heightmapWidth, heightmapHeight,
                                                 (int)heightmapWidthSamples, (int)heightmapHeightSamples, scale,
                                                 offset, thickness, wrap);
                d.GeomHeightfieldDataSetBounds(HeightmapData, m_regionWidth, m_regionHeight);
                WaterGeom = d.CreateHeightfield(space, HeightmapData, 1);
                if (WaterGeom != IntPtr.Zero)
                    d.GeomSetCategoryBits(WaterGeom, (int)(CollisionCategories.Water));
                    d.GeomSetCollideBits(WaterGeom, (int)(CollisionCategories.Space));

                geom_name_map[WaterGeom] = "Water";

                d.Matrix3 R = new d.Matrix3();

                Quaternion q1 = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), 1.5707f);
                Quaternion q2 = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 1.5707f);
                //Axiom.Math.Quaternion q3 = Axiom.Math.Quaternion.FromAngleAxis(3.14f, new Axiom.Math.Vector3(0, 0, 1));

                q1 = q1 * q2;
                //q1 = q1 * q3;
                Vector3 v3;
                float angle;
                q1.GetAxisAngle(out v3, out angle);

                d.RFromAxisAndAngle(out R, v3.X, v3.Y, v3.Z, angle);
                d.GeomSetRotation(WaterGeom, ref R);
                d.GeomSetPosition(WaterGeom, 128, 128, 0);


        public override void Dispose()
            lock (OdeLock)
                foreach (OdePrim prm in _prims)

                //foreach (OdeCharacter act in _characters)
        public override Dictionary<uint, float> GetTopColliders()
            Dictionary<uint, float> returncolliders = new Dictionary<uint, float>();
            int cnt = 0;
            lock (_prims)
                foreach (OdePrim prm in _prims)
                    if (prm.CollisionScore > 0)
                        returncolliders.Add(prm.m_localID, prm.CollisionScore);
                        prm.CollisionScore = 0f;
                        if (cnt > 25)
            return returncolliders;