using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Axiom.Math;
using Ode.NET;
using OpenSim.Framework;
using OpenSim.Framework.Console;
using OpenSim.Region.Physics.Manager;

namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin

    public class OdePrim : PhysicsActor
        public PhysicsVector _position;
        private PhysicsVector _velocity;
        private PhysicsVector m_lastVelocity = new PhysicsVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        private PhysicsVector m_lastposition = new PhysicsVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        private PhysicsVector m_rotationalVelocity;
        private PhysicsVector _size;
        private PhysicsVector _acceleration;
        private Quaternion _orientation;
        private PhysicsVector m_taintposition;
        private PhysicsVector m_taintsize;
        private Quaternion m_taintrot;
        private bool m_taintshape = false;
        private bool m_taintPhysics = false;
        public bool m_taintremove = false;

        private IMesh _mesh;
        private PrimitiveBaseShape _pbs;
        private OdeScene _parent_scene;
        public IntPtr m_targetSpace = (IntPtr)0;
        public IntPtr prim_geom;
        public IntPtr _triMeshData;
        private bool iscolliding = false;
        private bool m_isphysical = false;
        private bool m_throttleUpdates = false;
        private int throttleCounter = 0;
        public bool outofBounds = false;

        public bool _zeroFlag = false;
        private bool m_lastUpdateSent = false;

        public IntPtr Body = (IntPtr)0;
        private String m_primName;
        private PhysicsVector _target_velocity;
        public d.Mass pMass;
        private const float MassMultiplier = 150f; //  Ref: Water: 1000kg..  this iset to 500
        private int debugcounter = 0;

        public OdePrim(String primName, OdeScene parent_scene, IntPtr targetSpace, PhysicsVector pos, PhysicsVector size,
                       Quaternion rotation, IMesh mesh, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, bool pisPhysical)
            _velocity = new PhysicsVector();
            _position = pos;
            m_taintposition = pos;
            if (_position.X > 257)
                _position.X = 257;
            if (_position.X < 0)
                _position.X = 0;
            if (_position.Y > 257)
                _position.Y = 257;
            if (_position.Y < 0)
                _position.Y = 0;

            _size = size;
            m_taintsize = _size;
            _acceleration = new PhysicsVector();
            m_rotationalVelocity = PhysicsVector.Zero;
            _orientation = rotation;
            m_taintrot = _orientation;
            _mesh = mesh;
            _pbs = pbs;

            _parent_scene = parent_scene;
            m_targetSpace = targetSpace;

            if (pos.Z < 0)
                m_isphysical = false;
                m_isphysical = pisPhysical;
                // If we're physical, we need to be in the master space for now.
                // linksets *should* be in a space together..  but are not currently
                if (m_isphysical)
                    m_targetSpace =;

            m_primName = primName;

            lock (OdeScene.OdeLock)
                if (mesh != null)
                    setMesh(parent_scene, mesh);
                    prim_geom = d.CreateBox(m_targetSpace, _size.X, _size.Y, _size.Z);

                d.GeomSetPosition(prim_geom, _position.X, _position.Y, _position.Z);
                d.Quaternion myrot = new d.Quaternion();
                myrot.W = rotation.w;
                myrot.X = rotation.x;
                myrot.Y = rotation.y;
                myrot.Z = rotation.z;
                d.GeomSetQuaternion(prim_geom, ref myrot);

                if (m_isphysical && Body == (IntPtr)0)
                parent_scene.geom_name_map[prim_geom] = primName;
                parent_scene.actor_name_map[prim_geom] = (PhysicsActor)this;
                //  don't do .add() here; old geoms get recycled with the same hash
        public override int PhysicsActorType
            get { return (int)ActorTypes.Prim; }
            set { return; }
        public override bool SetAlwaysRun
            get { return false; }
            set { return; }
        public void enableBody()
            // Sets the geom to a body
            Body = d.BodyCreate(;

            d.BodySetPosition(Body, _position.X, _position.Y, _position.Z);
            d.Quaternion myrot = new d.Quaternion();
            myrot.W = _orientation.w;
            myrot.X = _orientation.x;
            myrot.Y = _orientation.y;
            myrot.Z = _orientation.z;
            d.BodySetQuaternion(Body, ref myrot);
            d.GeomSetBody(prim_geom, Body);
            d.BodySetAutoDisableFlag(Body, true);
            d.BodySetAutoDisableSteps(Body, 20);

        public void setMass()
            //Sets Mass based on member MassMultiplier.   
            if (Body != (IntPtr)0)
                d.MassSetBox(out pMass, (_size.X * _size.Y * _size.Z * MassMultiplier), _size.X, _size.Y, _size.Z);
                d.BodySetMass(Body, ref pMass);
        public void disableBody()
            //this kills the body so things like 'mesh' can re-create it.
            if (Body != (IntPtr)0)
                Body = (IntPtr)0;
        public void setMesh(OdeScene parent_scene, IMesh mesh)
            //Kill Body so that mesh can re-make the geom
            if (IsPhysical && Body != (IntPtr)0)
            float[] vertexList = mesh.getVertexListAsFloatLocked(); // Note, that vertextList is pinned in memory
            int[] indexList = mesh.getIndexListAsIntLocked(); // Also pinned, needs release after usage
            int VertexCount = vertexList.GetLength(0) / 3;
            int IndexCount = indexList.GetLength(0);

            _triMeshData = d.GeomTriMeshDataCreate();

            d.GeomTriMeshDataBuildSimple(_triMeshData, vertexList, 3 * sizeof(float), VertexCount, indexList, IndexCount,
                                         3 * sizeof(int));

            prim_geom = d.CreateTriMesh(m_targetSpace, _triMeshData, parent_scene.triCallback, null, null);

            if (IsPhysical && Body == (IntPtr)0)
                // Recreate the body
        public void ProcessTaints(float timestep)
            if (m_taintposition != _position)

            if (m_taintrot != _orientation)

            if (m_taintPhysics != m_isphysical)

            if (m_taintsize != _size)

            if (m_taintshape)

        public void Move(float timestep)
            if (m_isphysical)
                // This is a fallback..   May no longer be necessary.
                if (Body == (IntPtr)0)
                //Prim auto disable after 20 frames, 
                ///if you move it, re-enable the prim manually.
                d.BodySetPosition(Body, _position.X, _position.Y, _position.Z);
                string primScenAvatarIn = _parent_scene.whichspaceamIin(_position);
                int[] arrayitem = _parent_scene.calculateSpaceArrayItemFromPos(_position);
                if (primScenAvatarIn == "0")
                    MainLog.Instance.Verbose("Physics", "Prim " + m_primName + " in space with no prim: " + primScenAvatarIn + ". Expected to be at: " + m_targetSpace.ToString() + " . Arr:': " + arrayitem[0].ToString() + "," + arrayitem[1].ToString());
                    MainLog.Instance.Verbose("Physics", "Prim " + m_primName + " in Prim space with prim: " + primScenAvatarIn + ". Expected to be at: " + m_targetSpace.ToString() + ".  Arr:" + arrayitem[0].ToString() + "," + arrayitem[1].ToString());
                m_targetSpace = _parent_scene.recalculateSpaceForGeom(prim_geom, _position, m_targetSpace);
                d.GeomSetPosition(prim_geom, _position.X, _position.Y, _position.Z);
                d.SpaceAdd(m_targetSpace, prim_geom);

            m_taintposition = _position;
        public void rotate(float timestep)

            d.Quaternion myrot = new d.Quaternion();
            myrot.W = _orientation.w;
            myrot.X = _orientation.x;
            myrot.Y = _orientation.y;
            myrot.Z = _orientation.z;
            d.GeomSetQuaternion(prim_geom, ref myrot);
            if (m_isphysical && Body != (IntPtr)0)
                d.BodySetQuaternion(Body, ref myrot);

            m_taintrot = _orientation;
        public void changePhysicsStatus(float timestap)
            if (m_isphysical == true)
                if (Body == (IntPtr)0)

                if (Body != (IntPtr)0)

            m_taintPhysics = m_isphysical;
        public void changesize(float timestamp)
            string oldname = _parent_scene.geom_name_map[prim_geom];

            // Cleanup of old prim geometry
            if (_mesh != null)
                // Cleanup meshing here
            //kill body to rebuild 
            if (IsPhysical && Body != (IntPtr)0)
            if (d.SpaceQuery(m_targetSpace, prim_geom))
                d.SpaceRemove(m_targetSpace, prim_geom);

            // we don't need to do space calculation because the client sends a position update also.

            // Construction of new prim
            if (this._parent_scene.needsMeshing(_pbs))

                // Don't need to re-enable body..   it's done in SetMesh
                IMesh mesh = _parent_scene.mesher.CreateMesh(oldname, _pbs, _size);
                // createmesh returns null when it's a shape that isn't a cube.
                if (mesh != null)
                    setMesh(_parent_scene, mesh);
                    prim_geom = d.CreateBox(m_targetSpace, _size.X, _size.Y, _size.Z);
                    d.GeomSetPosition(prim_geom, _position.X, _position.Y, _position.Z);
                    d.Quaternion myrot = new d.Quaternion();
                    myrot.W = _orientation.w;
                    myrot.X = _orientation.x;
                    myrot.Y = _orientation.y;
                    myrot.Z = _orientation.z;
                    d.GeomSetQuaternion(prim_geom, ref myrot);

                prim_geom = d.CreateBox(m_targetSpace, _size.X, _size.Y, _size.Z);
                d.GeomSetPosition(prim_geom, _position.X, _position.Y, _position.Z);
                d.Quaternion myrot = new d.Quaternion();
                myrot.W = _orientation.w;
                myrot.X = _orientation.x;
                myrot.Y = _orientation.y;
                myrot.Z = _orientation.z;
                d.GeomSetQuaternion(prim_geom, ref myrot);

                //d.GeomBoxSetLengths(prim_geom, _size.X, _size.Y, _size.Z);
                if (IsPhysical && Body == (IntPtr)0)
                    // Re creates body on size.
                    // EnableBody also does setMass()

            _parent_scene.geom_name_map[prim_geom] = oldname;

            m_taintsize = _size;
        public void changeshape(float timestamp)
            string oldname = _parent_scene.geom_name_map[prim_geom];

            // Cleanup of old prim geometry and Bodies
            if (IsPhysical && Body != (IntPtr)0)
            if (_mesh != null)
                d.GeomBoxSetLengths(prim_geom, _size.X, _size.Y, _size.Z);

            // Construction of new prim
            if (this._parent_scene.needsMeshing(_pbs))
                IMesh mesh = _parent_scene.mesher.CreateMesh(oldname, _pbs, _size);
                if (mesh != null)
                    setMesh(_parent_scene, mesh);
                    prim_geom = d.CreateBox(m_targetSpace, _size.X, _size.Y, _size.Z);
                prim_geom = d.CreateBox(m_targetSpace, _size.X, _size.Y, _size.Z);
            if (IsPhysical && Body == (IntPtr)0)
                //re-create new body
                d.GeomSetPosition(prim_geom, _position.X, _position.Y, _position.Z);
                d.Quaternion myrot = new d.Quaternion();
                myrot.W = _orientation.w;
                myrot.X = _orientation.x;
                myrot.Y = _orientation.y;
                myrot.Z = _orientation.z;
                d.GeomSetQuaternion(prim_geom, ref myrot);
            _parent_scene.geom_name_map[prim_geom] = oldname;

            m_taintshape = false;
        public override bool IsPhysical
            get { return m_isphysical; }
            set { m_isphysical = value; }
        public void setPrimForRemoval()
            m_taintremove = true;

        public override bool Flying
                return false; //no flying prims for you
            set { }

        public override bool IsColliding
            get { return iscolliding; }
            set { iscolliding = value; }
        public override bool CollidingGround
            get { return false; }
            set { return; }
        public override bool CollidingObj
            get { return false; }
            set { return; }
        public override bool ThrottleUpdates
            get { return m_throttleUpdates; }
            set { m_throttleUpdates = value; }

        public override PhysicsVector Position
            get { return _position; }

                _position = value;


        public override PhysicsVector Size
            get { return _size; }
                _size = value;

        public override PrimitiveBaseShape Shape
                _pbs = value;

        public override PhysicsVector Velocity
                // Averate previous velocity with the new one so 
                // client object interpolation works a 'little' better
                PhysicsVector returnVelocity = new PhysicsVector();
                returnVelocity.X = (m_lastVelocity.X + _velocity.X) / 2;
                returnVelocity.Y = (m_lastVelocity.Y + _velocity.Y) / 2;
                returnVelocity.Z = (m_lastVelocity.Z + _velocity.Z) / 2;
                return returnVelocity;
            set { _velocity = value; }

        public override bool Kinematic
            get { return false; }
            set { }

        public override Quaternion Orientation
            get { return _orientation; }
                _orientation = value;


        public override PhysicsVector Acceleration
            get { return _acceleration; }

        public void SetAcceleration(PhysicsVector accel)
            _acceleration = accel;

        public override void AddForce(PhysicsVector force)

        public override PhysicsVector RotationalVelocity
            get { return m_rotationalVelocity; }
            set { m_rotationalVelocity = value; }

        public void UpdatePositionAndVelocity()
            //  no lock; called from Simulate() -- if you call this from elsewhere, gotta lock or do Monitor.Enter/Exit!

            if (Body != (IntPtr)0)
                d.Vector3 vec = d.BodyGetPosition(Body);
                d.Quaternion ori = d.BodyGetQuaternion(Body);
                d.Vector3 vel = d.BodyGetLinearVel(Body);
                d.Vector3 rotvel = d.BodyGetAngularVel(Body);

                PhysicsVector l_position = new PhysicsVector();
                //  kluge to keep things in bounds.  ODE lets dead avatars drift away (they should be removed!)
                if (vec.X < 0.0f) vec.X = 0.0f;
                if (vec.Y < 0.0f) vec.Y = 0.0f;
                if (vec.X > 255.95f) vec.X = 255.95f;
                if (vec.Y > 255.95f) vec.Y = 255.95f;
                m_lastposition = _position;

                l_position.X = vec.X;
                l_position.Y = vec.Y;
                l_position.Z = vec.Z;
                if (l_position.Z < 0)
                    // This is so prim that get lost underground don't fall forever and suck up 
                    // Sim resources and memory.
                    // Disables the prim's movement physics....  
                    // It's a hack and will generate a console message if it fails.

                    //IsPhysical = false;
                    _velocity.X = 0;
                    _velocity.Y = 0;
                    _velocity.Z = 0;
                    m_rotationalVelocity.X = 0;
                    m_rotationalVelocity.Y = 0;
                    m_rotationalVelocity.Z = 0;
                    m_throttleUpdates = false;
                    throttleCounter = 0;
                    _zeroFlag = true;
                    //outofBounds = true;

                if ((Math.Abs(m_lastposition.X - l_position.X) < 0.02)
                    && (Math.Abs(m_lastposition.Y - l_position.Y) < 0.02)
                    && (Math.Abs(m_lastposition.Z - l_position.Z) < 0.02))

                    _zeroFlag = true;
                    //System.Console.WriteLine(Math.Abs(m_lastposition.X - l_position.X).ToString());
                    _zeroFlag = false;

                if (_zeroFlag)
                    // Supposedly this is supposed to tell SceneObjectGroup that 
                    // no more updates need to be sent..  
                    // but it seems broken.
                    _velocity.X = 0.0f;
                    _velocity.Y = 0.0f;
                    _velocity.Z = 0.0f;
                    //_orientation.w = 0f;
                    //_orientation.x = 0f;
                    //_orientation.y = 0f;
                    //_orientation.z = 0f;
                    m_rotationalVelocity.X = 0;
                    m_rotationalVelocity.Y = 0;
                    m_rotationalVelocity.Z = 0;
                    if (!m_lastUpdateSent)
                        m_throttleUpdates = false;
                        throttleCounter = 0;
                        m_lastUpdateSent = true;
                    m_lastVelocity = _velocity;

                    _position = l_position;

                    _velocity.X = vel.X;
                    _velocity.Y = vel.Y;
                    _velocity.Z = vel.Z;

                    m_rotationalVelocity.X = rotvel.X;
                    m_rotationalVelocity.Y = rotvel.Y;
                    m_rotationalVelocity.Z = rotvel.Z;
                    //System.Console.WriteLine("ODE: " + m_rotationalVelocity.ToString());
                    _orientation.w = ori.W;
                    _orientation.x = ori.X;
                    _orientation.y = ori.Y;
                    _orientation.z = ori.Z;
                    m_lastUpdateSent = false;
                    if (!m_throttleUpdates || throttleCounter > 15)
                m_lastposition = l_position;
                // Not a body..   so Make sure the client isn't interpolating
                _velocity.X = 0;
                _velocity.Y = 0;
                _velocity.Z = 0;
                m_rotationalVelocity.X = 0;
                m_rotationalVelocity.Y = 0;
                m_rotationalVelocity.Z = 0;
                _zeroFlag = true;

        public override void SetMomentum(PhysicsVector momentum)