/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSim Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS AS IS AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #region Copyright /* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://www.openmetaverse.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSim Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #endregion #region References using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using MonoXnaCompactMaths; using OpenSim.Framework; using OpenSim.Region.Physics.Manager; using XnaDevRu.BulletX; using XnaDevRu.BulletX.Dynamics; using AxiomQuaternion = Axiom.Math.Quaternion; using BoxShape=XnaDevRu.BulletX.BoxShape; #endregion namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.BulletXPlugin { /// /// This class is only here for compilations reasons /// public class Mesh { public Mesh() { } } /// /// BulletXConversions are called now BulletXMaths /// This Class converts objects and types for BulletX and give some operations /// public class BulletXMaths { //Vector3 public static Vector3 PhysicsVectorToXnaVector3(PhysicsVector physicsVector) { return new Vector3(physicsVector.X, physicsVector.Y, physicsVector.Z); } public static PhysicsVector XnaVector3ToPhysicsVector(Vector3 xnaVector3) { return new PhysicsVector(xnaVector3.X, xnaVector3.Y, xnaVector3.Z); } //Quaternion public static Quaternion AxiomQuaternionToXnaQuaternion(AxiomQuaternion axiomQuaternion) { return new Quaternion(axiomQuaternion.x, axiomQuaternion.y, axiomQuaternion.z, axiomQuaternion.w); } public static AxiomQuaternion XnaQuaternionToAxiomQuaternion(Quaternion xnaQuaternion) { return new AxiomQuaternion(xnaQuaternion.W, xnaQuaternion.X, xnaQuaternion.Y, xnaQuaternion.Z); } //Next methods are extracted from XnaDevRu.BulletX(See 3rd party license): //- SetRotation (class MatrixOperations) //- GetRotation (class MatrixOperations) //- GetElement (class MathHelper) //- SetElement (class MathHelper) internal static void SetRotation(ref Matrix m, Quaternion q) { float d = q.LengthSquared(); float s = 2f/d; float xs = q.X*s, ys = q.Y*s, zs = q.Z*s; float wx = q.W*xs, wy = q.W*ys, wz = q.W*zs; float xx = q.X*xs, xy = q.X*ys, xz = q.X*zs; float yy = q.Y*ys, yz = q.Y*zs, zz = q.Z*zs; m = new Matrix(1 - (yy + zz), xy - wz, xz + wy, 0, xy + wz, 1 - (xx + zz), yz - wx, 0, xz - wy, yz + wx, 1 - (xx + yy), 0, m.M41, m.M42, m.M43, 1); } internal static Quaternion GetRotation(Matrix m) { Quaternion q = new Quaternion(); float trace = m.M11 + m.M22 + m.M33; if (trace > 0) { float s = (float) Math.Sqrt(trace + 1); q.W = s*0.5f; s = 0.5f/s; q.X = (m.M32 - m.M23)*s; q.Y = (m.M13 - m.M31)*s; q.Z = (m.M21 - m.M12)*s; } else { int i = m.M11 < m.M22 ? (m.M22 < m.M33 ? 2 : 1) : (m.M11 < m.M33 ? 2 : 0); int j = (i + 1)%3; int k = (i + 2)%3; float s = (float) Math.Sqrt(GetElement(m, i, i) - GetElement(m, j, j) - GetElement(m, k, k) + 1); SetElement(ref q, i, s*0.5f); s = 0.5f/s; q.W = (GetElement(m, k, j) - GetElement(m, j, k))*s; SetElement(ref q, j, (GetElement(m, j, i) + GetElement(m, i, j))*s); SetElement(ref q, k, (GetElement(m, k, i) + GetElement(m, i, k))*s); } return q; } internal static float SetElement(ref Quaternion q, int index, float value) { switch (index) { case 0: q.X = value; break; case 1: q.Y = value; break; case 2: q.Z = value; break; case 3: q.W = value; break; } return 0; } internal static float GetElement(Matrix mat, int row, int col) { switch (row) { case 0: switch (col) { case 0: return mat.M11; case 1: return mat.M12; case 2: return mat.M13; } break; case 1: switch (col) { case 0: return mat.M21; case 1: return mat.M22; case 2: return mat.M23; } break; case 2: switch (col) { case 0: return mat.M31; case 1: return mat.M32; case 2: return mat.M33; } break; } return 0; } } /// /// PhysicsPlugin Class for BulletX /// public class BulletXPlugin : IPhysicsPlugin { private BulletXScene _mScene; public BulletXPlugin() { } public bool Init() { return true; } public PhysicsScene GetScene() { if (_mScene == null) { _mScene = new BulletXScene(); } return (_mScene); } public string GetName() { return ("modified_BulletX"); //Changed!! "BulletXEngine" To "modified_BulletX" } public void Dispose() { } } /// /// PhysicsScene Class for BulletX /// public class BulletXScene : PhysicsScene { #region BulletXScene Fields public DiscreteDynamicsWorld ddWorld; private CollisionDispatcher cDispatcher; private OverlappingPairCache opCache; private SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver sicSolver; public static Object BulletXLock = new Object(); private const int minXY = 0; private const int minZ = 0; private const int maxXY = 256; private const int maxZ = 4096; private const int maxHandles = 32766; //Why? I don't know private const float gravity = 9.8f; private const float heightLevel0 = 77.0f; private const float heightLevel1 = 200.0f; private const float lowGravityFactor = 0.2f; //OpenSim calls Simulate 10 times per seconds. So FPS = "Simulate Calls" * simulationSubSteps = 100 FPS private const int simulationSubSteps = 10; //private float[] _heightmap; private BulletXPlanet _simFlatPlanet; private List _characters = new List(); private List _prims = new List(); public static float Gravity { get { return gravity; } } public static float HeightLevel0 { get { return heightLevel0; } } public static float HeightLevel1 { get { return heightLevel1; } } public static float LowGravityFactor { get { return lowGravityFactor; } } public static int MaxXY { get { return maxXY; } } public static int MaxZ { get { return maxZ; } } private List _forgottenRigidBodies = new List(); internal string is_ex_message = "Can't remove rigidBody!: "; #endregion public BulletXScene() { cDispatcher = new CollisionDispatcher(); Vector3 worldMinDim = new Vector3((float) minXY, (float) minXY, (float) minZ); Vector3 worldMaxDim = new Vector3((float) maxXY, (float) maxXY, (float) maxZ); opCache = new AxisSweep3(worldMinDim, worldMaxDim, maxHandles); sicSolver = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver(); lock (BulletXLock) { ddWorld = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(cDispatcher, opCache, sicSolver); ddWorld.Gravity = new Vector3(0, 0, -gravity); } //this._heightmap = new float[65536]; } public override PhysicsActor AddAvatar(string avName, PhysicsVector position) { PhysicsVector pos = new PhysicsVector(); pos.X = position.X; pos.Y = position.Y; pos.Z = position.Z + 20; BulletXCharacter newAv = null; lock (BulletXLock) { newAv = new BulletXCharacter(avName, this, pos); _characters.Add(newAv); } return newAv; } public override void RemoveAvatar(PhysicsActor actor) { if (actor is BulletXCharacter) { lock (BulletXLock) { try { ddWorld.RemoveRigidBody(((BulletXCharacter) actor).RigidBody); } catch (Exception ex) { BulletXMessage(is_ex_message + ex.Message, true); ((BulletXCharacter) actor).RigidBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableSimulation; AddForgottenRigidBody(((BulletXCharacter) actor).RigidBody); } _characters.Remove((BulletXCharacter) actor); } GC.Collect(); } } public override PhysicsActor AddPrimShape(string primName, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, PhysicsVector position, PhysicsVector size, AxiomQuaternion rotation) { return this.AddPrimShape(primName, pbs, position, size, rotation, false); } public override PhysicsActor AddPrimShape(string primName, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, PhysicsVector position, PhysicsVector size, AxiomQuaternion rotation, bool isPhysical) { PhysicsActor result; switch (pbs.ProfileShape) { case ProfileShape.Square: /// support simple box & hollow box now; later, more shapes if (pbs.ProfileHollow == 0) { result = AddPrim(primName, position, size, rotation, null, null, isPhysical); } else { Mesh mesh = null; result = AddPrim(primName, position, size, rotation, mesh, pbs, isPhysical); } break; default: result = AddPrim(primName, position, size, rotation, null, null, isPhysical); break; } return result; } public PhysicsActor AddPrim(String name, PhysicsVector position, PhysicsVector size, AxiomQuaternion rotation, Mesh mesh, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, bool isPhysical) { BulletXPrim newPrim = null; lock (BulletXLock) { newPrim = new BulletXPrim(name, this, position, size, rotation, mesh, pbs, isPhysical); _prims.Add(newPrim); } return newPrim; } public override void RemovePrim(PhysicsActor prim) { if (prim is BulletXPrim) { lock (BulletXLock) { try { ddWorld.RemoveRigidBody(((BulletXPrim) prim).RigidBody); } catch (Exception ex) { BulletXMessage(is_ex_message + ex.Message, true); ((BulletXPrim) prim).RigidBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableSimulation; AddForgottenRigidBody(((BulletXPrim) prim).RigidBody); } _prims.Remove((BulletXPrim) prim); } GC.Collect(); } } public override void Simulate(float timeStep) { lock (BulletXLock) { //Try to remove garbage RemoveForgottenRigidBodies(); //End of remove MoveAllObjects(timeStep); ddWorld.StepSimulation(timeStep, simulationSubSteps, timeStep); //Extra Heightmap Validation: BulletX's HeightFieldTerrain somestimes doesn't work so fine. ValidateHeightForAll(); //End heightmap validation. UpdateKineticsForAll(); } } private void MoveAllObjects(float timeStep) { foreach (BulletXCharacter actor in _characters) { actor.Move(timeStep); } foreach (BulletXPrim prim in _prims) { } } private void ValidateHeightForAll() { float _height; foreach (BulletXCharacter actor in _characters) { //_height = HeightValue(actor.RigidBodyPosition); _height = _simFlatPlanet.HeightValue(actor.RigidBodyPosition); actor.ValidateHeight(_height); //if (_simFlatPlanet.heightIsNotValid(actor.RigidBodyPosition, out _height)) actor.ValidateHeight(_height); } foreach (BulletXPrim prim in _prims) { //_height = HeightValue(prim.RigidBodyPosition); _height = _simFlatPlanet.HeightValue(prim.RigidBodyPosition); prim.ValidateHeight(_height); //if (_simFlatPlanet.heightIsNotValid(prim.RigidBodyPosition, out _height)) prim.ValidateHeight(_height); } //foreach (BulletXCharacter actor in _characters) //{ // actor.ValidateHeight(0); //} //foreach (BulletXPrim prim in _prims) //{ // prim.ValidateHeight(0); //} } private void UpdateKineticsForAll() { //UpdatePosition > UpdateKinetics. //Not only position will be updated, also velocity cause acceleration. foreach (BulletXCharacter actor in _characters) { actor.UpdateKinetics(); } foreach (BulletXPrim prim in _prims) { prim.UpdateKinetics(); } //if(this._simFlatPlanet!=null) this._simFlatPlanet.Restore(); } public override void GetResults() { } public override bool IsThreaded { get { return (false); // for now we won't be multithreaded } } public override void SetTerrain(float[] heightMap) { ////As the same as ODE, heightmap (x,y) must be swapped for BulletX //for (int i = 0; i < 65536; i++) //{ // // this._heightmap[i] = (double)heightMap[i]; // // dbm (danx0r) -- heightmap x,y must be swapped for Ode (should fix ODE, but for now...) // int x = i & 0xff; // int y = i >> 8; // this._heightmap[i] = heightMap[x * 256 + y]; //} //float[] swappedHeightMap = new float[65536]; ////As the same as ODE, heightmap (x,y) must be swapped for BulletX //for (int i = 0; i < 65536; i++) //{ // // this._heightmap[i] = (double)heightMap[i]; // // dbm (danx0r) -- heightmap x,y must be swapped for Ode (should fix ODE, but for now...) // int x = i & 0xff; // int y = i >> 8; // swappedHeightMap[i] = heightMap[x * 256 + y]; //} DeleteTerrain(); //There is a BulletXLock inside the constructor of BulletXPlanet //this._simFlatPlanet = new BulletXPlanet(this, swappedHeightMap); _simFlatPlanet = new BulletXPlanet(this, heightMap); //this._heightmap = heightMap; } public override void DeleteTerrain() { if (_simFlatPlanet != null) { lock (BulletXLock) { try { ddWorld.RemoveRigidBody(_simFlatPlanet.RigidBody); } catch (Exception ex) { BulletXMessage(is_ex_message + ex.Message, true); _simFlatPlanet.RigidBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableSimulation; AddForgottenRigidBody(_simFlatPlanet.RigidBody); } } _simFlatPlanet = null; GC.Collect(); BulletXMessage("Terrain erased!", false); } //this._heightmap = null; } internal void AddForgottenRigidBody(RigidBody forgottenRigidBody) { _forgottenRigidBodies.Add(forgottenRigidBody); } private void RemoveForgottenRigidBodies() { RigidBody forgottenRigidBody; int nRigidBodies = _forgottenRigidBodies.Count; for (int i = nRigidBodies - 1; i >= 0; i--) { forgottenRigidBody = _forgottenRigidBodies[i]; try { ddWorld.RemoveRigidBody(forgottenRigidBody); _forgottenRigidBodies.Remove(forgottenRigidBody); BulletXMessage("Forgotten Rigid Body Removed", false); } catch (Exception ex) { BulletXMessage("Can't remove forgottenRigidBody!: " + ex.Message, false); } } GC.Collect(); } internal void BulletXMessage(string message, bool isWarning) { PhysicsPluginManager.PhysicsPluginMessage("[Modified BulletX]:\t" + message, isWarning); } //temp //private float HeightValue(MonoXnaCompactMaths.Vector3 position) //{ // int li_x, li_y; // float height; // li_x = (int)Math.Round(position.X); if (li_x < 0) li_x = 0; // li_y = (int)Math.Round(position.Y); if (li_y < 0) li_y = 0; // height = this._heightmap[li_y * 256 + li_x]; // if (height < 0) height = 0; // else if (height > maxZ) height = maxZ; // return height; //} } /// /// Generic Physics Actor for BulletX inherit from PhysicActor /// public class BulletXActor : PhysicsActor { protected bool flying = false; protected bool _physical = false; protected PhysicsVector _position; protected PhysicsVector _velocity; protected PhysicsVector _size; protected PhysicsVector _acceleration; protected AxiomQuaternion _orientation; protected PhysicsVector m_rotationalVelocity = PhysicsVector.Zero; protected RigidBody rigidBody; private Boolean iscolliding = false; public BulletXActor() { } public override PhysicsVector Position { get { return _position; } set { lock (BulletXScene.BulletXLock) { _position = value; Translate(); } } } public override PhysicsVector RotationalVelocity { get { return m_rotationalVelocity; } set { m_rotationalVelocity = value; } } public override PhysicsVector Velocity { get { return _velocity; } set { lock (BulletXScene.BulletXLock) { //Static objects don' have linear velocity if (_physical) { _velocity = value; Speed(); } else { _velocity = new PhysicsVector(); } } } } public override PhysicsVector Size { get { return _size; } set { lock (BulletXScene.BulletXLock) { _size = value; } } } public override PrimitiveBaseShape Shape { set { return; } } public override PhysicsVector Acceleration { get { return _acceleration; } } public override AxiomQuaternion Orientation { get { return _orientation; } set { lock (BulletXScene.BulletXLock) { _orientation = value; ReOrient(); } } } public virtual float Mass { get { return 0; } } public RigidBody RigidBody { get { return rigidBody; } } public Vector3 RigidBodyPosition { get { return this.rigidBody.CenterOfMassPosition; } } public override bool IsPhysical { get { return _physical; } set { _physical = value; } } public override bool Flying { get { return flying; } set { flying = value; } } public override bool IsColliding { get { return iscolliding; } set { iscolliding = value; } } public virtual void SetAcceleration(PhysicsVector accel) { lock (BulletXScene.BulletXLock) { _acceleration = accel; } } public override bool Kinematic { get { return false; } set { } } public override void AddForce(PhysicsVector force) { } public override void SetMomentum(PhysicsVector momentum) { } internal virtual void ValidateHeight(float heighmapPositionValue) { } internal virtual void UpdateKinetics() { } #region Methods for updating values of RigidBody internal protected void Translate() { Translate(this._position); } internal protected void Translate(PhysicsVector _newPos) { Vector3 _translation; _translation = BulletXMaths.PhysicsVectorToXnaVector3(_newPos) - rigidBody.CenterOfMassPosition; rigidBody.Translate(_translation); } internal protected void Speed() { Speed(this._velocity); } internal protected void Speed(PhysicsVector _newSpeed) { Vector3 _speed; _speed = BulletXMaths.PhysicsVectorToXnaVector3(_newSpeed); rigidBody.LinearVelocity = _speed; } internal protected void ReOrient() { ReOrient(this._orientation); } internal protected void ReOrient(AxiomQuaternion _newOrient) { Quaternion _newOrientation; _newOrientation = BulletXMaths.AxiomQuaternionToXnaQuaternion(_newOrient); Matrix _comTransform = rigidBody.CenterOfMassTransform; BulletXMaths.SetRotation(ref _comTransform, _newOrientation); rigidBody.CenterOfMassTransform = _comTransform; } internal protected void ReSize() { ReSize(this._size); } internal protected virtual void ReSize(PhysicsVector _newSize) { } public virtual void ScheduleTerseUpdate() { base.RequestPhysicsterseUpdate(); } #endregion } /// /// PhysicsActor Character Class for BulletX /// public class BulletXCharacter : BulletXActor { public BulletXCharacter(BulletXScene parent_scene, PhysicsVector pos) : this("", parent_scene, pos) { } public BulletXCharacter(String avName, BulletXScene parent_scene, PhysicsVector pos) : this(avName, parent_scene, pos, new PhysicsVector(), new PhysicsVector(), new PhysicsVector(), AxiomQuaternion.Identity) { } public BulletXCharacter(String avName, BulletXScene parent_scene, PhysicsVector pos, PhysicsVector velocity, PhysicsVector size, PhysicsVector acceleration, AxiomQuaternion orientation) { //This fields will be removed. They're temporal float _sizeX = 0.5f; float _sizeY = 0.5f; float _sizeZ = 1.6f; //. _position = pos; _velocity = velocity; _size = size; //--- _size.X = _sizeX; _size.Y = _sizeY; _size.Z = _sizeZ; //. _acceleration = acceleration; _orientation = orientation; _physical = true; float _mass = 50.0f; //This depends of avatar's dimensions //For RigidBody Constructor. The next values might change float _linearDamping = 0.0f; float _angularDamping = 0.0f; float _friction = 0.5f; float _restitution = 0.0f; Matrix _startTransform = Matrix.Identity; Matrix _centerOfMassOffset = Matrix.Identity; lock (BulletXScene.BulletXLock) { _startTransform.Translation = BulletXMaths.PhysicsVectorToXnaVector3(pos); //CollisionShape _collisionShape = new BoxShape(new MonoXnaCompactMaths.Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.60f)); //For now, like ODE, collisionShape = sphere of radious = 1.0 CollisionShape _collisionShape = new SphereShape(1.0f); DefaultMotionState _motionState = new DefaultMotionState(_startTransform, _centerOfMassOffset); Vector3 _localInertia = new Vector3(); _collisionShape.CalculateLocalInertia(_mass, out _localInertia); //Always when mass > 0 rigidBody = new RigidBody(_mass, _motionState, _collisionShape, _localInertia, _linearDamping, _angularDamping, _friction, _restitution); //rigidBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation; //It's seems that there are a bug with rigidBody constructor and its CenterOfMassPosition Vector3 _vDebugTranslation; _vDebugTranslation = _startTransform.Translation - rigidBody.CenterOfMassPosition; rigidBody.Translate(_vDebugTranslation); parent_scene.ddWorld.AddRigidBody(rigidBody); } } public override PhysicsVector Position { get { return base.Position; } set { base.Position = value; } } public override PhysicsVector Velocity { get { return base.Velocity; } set { base.Velocity = value; } } public override PhysicsVector Size { get { return base.Size; } set { base.Size = value; } } public override PhysicsVector Acceleration { get { return base.Acceleration; } } public override AxiomQuaternion Orientation { get { return base.Orientation; } set { base.Orientation = value; } } public override bool Flying { get { return base.Flying; } set { base.Flying = value; } } public override bool IsColliding { get { return base.IsColliding; } set { base.IsColliding = value; } } public override bool Kinematic { get { return base.Kinematic; } set { base.Kinematic = value; } } public override void SetAcceleration(PhysicsVector accel) { base.SetAcceleration(accel); } public override void AddForce(PhysicsVector force) { base.AddForce(force); } public override void SetMomentum(PhysicsVector momentum) { base.SetMomentum(momentum); } internal void Move(float timeStep) { Vector3 vec = new Vector3(); //At this point it's supossed that: //_velocity == rigidBody.LinearVelocity vec.X = _velocity.X; vec.Y = _velocity.Y; vec.Z = _velocity.Z; if ((vec.X != 0.0f) || (vec.Y != 0.0f) || (vec.Z != 0.0f)) rigidBody.Activate(); if (flying) { //Antigravity with movement if (_position.Z <= BulletXScene.HeightLevel0) { vec.Z += BulletXScene.Gravity*timeStep; } //Lowgravity with movement else if ((_position.Z > BulletXScene.HeightLevel0) && (_position.Z <= BulletXScene.HeightLevel1)) { vec.Z += BulletXScene.Gravity*timeStep*(1.0f - BulletXScene.LowGravityFactor); } //Lowgravity with... else if (_position.Z > BulletXScene.HeightLevel1) { if (vec.Z > 0) //no movement vec.Z = BulletXScene.Gravity*timeStep*(1.0f - BulletXScene.LowGravityFactor); else vec.Z += BulletXScene.Gravity*timeStep*(1.0f - BulletXScene.LowGravityFactor); } } rigidBody.LinearVelocity = vec; } //This validation is very basic internal override void ValidateHeight(float heighmapPositionValue) { if (rigidBody.CenterOfMassPosition.Z < heighmapPositionValue + _size.Z/2.0f) { Matrix m = rigidBody.WorldTransform; Vector3 v3 = m.Translation; v3.Z = heighmapPositionValue + _size.Z/2.0f; m.Translation = v3; rigidBody.WorldTransform = m; //When an Avie touch the ground it's vertical velocity it's reduced to ZERO Speed(new PhysicsVector(rigidBody.LinearVelocity.X, rigidBody.LinearVelocity.Y, 0.0f)); } } internal override void UpdateKinetics() { _position = BulletXMaths.XnaVector3ToPhysicsVector(rigidBody.CenterOfMassPosition); _velocity = BulletXMaths.XnaVector3ToPhysicsVector(rigidBody.LinearVelocity); //Orientation it seems that it will be the default. ReOrient(); } } /// /// PhysicsActor Prim Class for BulletX /// public class BulletXPrim : BulletXActor { //Density it will depends of material. //For now all prims have the same density, all prims are made of water. Be water my friend! :D private const float _density = 1000.0f; private BulletXScene _parent_scene; private PhysicsVector m_prev_position = new PhysicsVector(0, 0, 0); private bool m_lastUpdateSent = false; public BulletXPrim(String primName, BulletXScene parent_scene, PhysicsVector pos, PhysicsVector size, AxiomQuaternion rotation, Mesh mesh, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, bool isPhysical) : this(primName, parent_scene, pos, new PhysicsVector(), size, new PhysicsVector(), rotation, mesh, pbs, isPhysical) { } public BulletXPrim(String primName, BulletXScene parent_scene, PhysicsVector pos, PhysicsVector velocity, PhysicsVector size, PhysicsVector acceleration, AxiomQuaternion rotation, Mesh mesh, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, bool isPhysical) { if ((size.X == 0) || (size.Y == 0) || (size.Z == 0)) throw new Exception("Size 0"); if (rotation.Norm == 0f) rotation = AxiomQuaternion.Identity; _position = pos; _physical = isPhysical; _velocity = _physical ? velocity : new PhysicsVector(); _size = size; _acceleration = acceleration; _orientation = rotation; _parent_scene = parent_scene; CreateRigidBody(parent_scene, pos, size); } public override PhysicsVector Position { get { return base.Position; } set { base.Position = value; } } public override PhysicsVector Velocity { get { return base.Velocity; } set { base.Velocity = value; } } public override PhysicsVector Size { get { return _size; } set { lock (BulletXScene.BulletXLock) { _size = value; ReSize(); } } } public override PhysicsVector Acceleration { get { return base.Acceleration; } } public override AxiomQuaternion Orientation { get { return base.Orientation; } set { base.Orientation = value; } } public override float Mass { get { //For now all prims are boxes return (_physical ? 1 : 0) * _density * _size.X * _size.Y * _size.Z; } } public override bool IsPhysical { get { return base.IsPhysical; } set { base.IsPhysical = value; if (value) { //--- PhysicsPluginManager.PhysicsPluginMessage("Physical - Recreate", true); //--- ReCreateRigidBody(this._size); } else { //--- PhysicsPluginManager.PhysicsPluginMessage("Physical - SetMassProps", true); //--- this.rigidBody.SetMassProps(Mass, new Vector3()); } } } public override bool Flying { get { return base.Flying; } set { base.Flying = value; } } public override bool IsColliding { get { return base.IsColliding; } set { base.IsColliding = value; } } public override bool Kinematic { get { return base.Kinematic; } set { base.Kinematic = value; } } public override void SetAcceleration(PhysicsVector accel) { lock (BulletXScene.BulletXLock) { _acceleration = accel; } } public override void AddForce(PhysicsVector force) { base.AddForce(force); } public override void SetMomentum(PhysicsVector momentum) { base.SetMomentum(momentum); } internal override void ValidateHeight(float heighmapPositionValue) { if (rigidBody.CenterOfMassPosition.Z < heighmapPositionValue + _size.Z/2.0f) { Matrix m = rigidBody.WorldTransform; Vector3 v3 = m.Translation; v3.Z = heighmapPositionValue + _size.Z/2.0f; m.Translation = v3; rigidBody.WorldTransform = m; //When a Prim touch the ground it's vertical velocity it's reduced to ZERO //Static objects don't have linear velocity if (_physical) Speed(new PhysicsVector(rigidBody.LinearVelocity.X, rigidBody.LinearVelocity.Y, 0.0f)); } } internal override void UpdateKinetics() { if (_physical) //Updates properties. Prim updates its properties physically { _position = BulletXMaths.XnaVector3ToPhysicsVector(rigidBody.CenterOfMassPosition); _velocity = BulletXMaths.XnaVector3ToPhysicsVector(rigidBody.LinearVelocity); _orientation = BulletXMaths.XnaQuaternionToAxiomQuaternion(rigidBody.Orientation); if ((Math.Abs(m_prev_position.X - _position.X) < 0.03) && (Math.Abs(m_prev_position.Y - _position.Y) < 0.03) && (Math.Abs(m_prev_position.Z - _position.Z) < 0.03)) { if (!m_lastUpdateSent) { _velocity = new PhysicsVector(0, 0, 0); base.ScheduleTerseUpdate(); m_lastUpdateSent = true; } } else { m_lastUpdateSent = false; base.ScheduleTerseUpdate(); } m_prev_position = _position; } else //Doesn't updates properties. That's a cancel { Translate(); //Speed(); //<- Static objects don't have linear velocity ReOrient(); } } #region Methods for updating values of RigidBody internal protected void CreateRigidBody(BulletXScene parent_scene, PhysicsVector pos, PhysicsVector size) { //For RigidBody Constructor. The next values might change float _linearDamping = 0.0f; float _angularDamping = 0.0f; float _friction = 1.0f; float _restitution = 0.0f; Matrix _startTransform = Matrix.Identity; Matrix _centerOfMassOffset = Matrix.Identity; lock (BulletXScene.BulletXLock) { _startTransform.Translation = BulletXMaths.PhysicsVectorToXnaVector3(pos); //For now all prims are boxes CollisionShape _collisionShape = new XnaDevRu.BulletX.BoxShape(BulletXMaths.PhysicsVectorToXnaVector3(size) / 2.0f); DefaultMotionState _motionState = new DefaultMotionState(_startTransform, _centerOfMassOffset); Vector3 _localInertia = new Vector3(); if (_physical) _collisionShape.CalculateLocalInertia(Mass, out _localInertia); //Always when mass > 0 rigidBody = new RigidBody(Mass, _motionState, _collisionShape, _localInertia, _linearDamping, _angularDamping, _friction, _restitution); //rigidBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation; //It's seems that there are a bug with rigidBody constructor and its CenterOfMassPosition Vector3 _vDebugTranslation; _vDebugTranslation = _startTransform.Translation - rigidBody.CenterOfMassPosition; rigidBody.Translate(_vDebugTranslation); //--- parent_scene.ddWorld.AddRigidBody(rigidBody); } } internal protected void ReCreateRigidBody(PhysicsVector size) { //There is a bug when trying to remove a rigidBody that is colliding with something.. try { this._parent_scene.ddWorld.RemoveRigidBody(rigidBody); } catch (Exception ex) { this._parent_scene.BulletXMessage(this._parent_scene.is_ex_message + ex.Message, true); rigidBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableSimulation; this._parent_scene.AddForgottenRigidBody(rigidBody); } CreateRigidBody(this._parent_scene, this._position, size); if (_physical) Speed();//Static objects don't have linear velocity ReOrient(); GC.Collect(); } internal protected override void ReSize(PhysicsVector _newSize) { //I wonder to know how to resize with a simple instruction in BulletX. It seems that for now there isn't //so i have to do it manually. That's recreating rigidbody ReCreateRigidBody(_newSize); } #endregion } /// /// This Class manage a HeighField as a RigidBody. This is for to be added in the BulletXScene /// internal class BulletXPlanet { private PhysicsVector _staticPosition; private PhysicsVector _staticVelocity; private AxiomQuaternion _staticOrientation; private float _mass; private BulletXScene _parentscene; internal float[] _heightField; private RigidBody _flatPlanet; internal RigidBody RigidBody { get { return _flatPlanet; } } internal BulletXPlanet(BulletXScene parent_scene, float[] heightField) { _staticPosition = new PhysicsVector(BulletXScene.MaxXY/2, BulletXScene.MaxXY/2, 0); _staticVelocity = new PhysicsVector(); _staticOrientation = AxiomQuaternion.Identity; _mass = 0; //No active _parentscene = parent_scene; _heightField = heightField; float _linearDamping = 0.0f; float _angularDamping = 0.0f; float _friction = 0.5f; float _restitution = 0.0f; Matrix _startTransform = Matrix.Identity; Matrix _centerOfMassOffset = Matrix.Identity; lock (BulletXScene.BulletXLock) { try { _startTransform.Translation = BulletXMaths.PhysicsVectorToXnaVector3(_staticPosition); CollisionShape _collisionShape = new HeightfieldTerrainShape(BulletXScene.MaxXY, BulletXScene.MaxXY, _heightField, (float) BulletXScene.MaxZ, 2, true, false); DefaultMotionState _motionState = new DefaultMotionState(_startTransform, _centerOfMassOffset); Vector3 _localInertia = new Vector3(); //_collisionShape.CalculateLocalInertia(_mass, out _localInertia); //Always when mass > 0 _flatPlanet = new RigidBody(_mass, _motionState, _collisionShape, _localInertia, _linearDamping, _angularDamping, _friction, _restitution); //It's seems that there are a bug with rigidBody constructor and its CenterOfMassPosition Vector3 _vDebugTranslation; _vDebugTranslation = _startTransform.Translation - _flatPlanet.CenterOfMassPosition; _flatPlanet.Translate(_vDebugTranslation); parent_scene.ddWorld.AddRigidBody(_flatPlanet); } catch (Exception ex) { _parentscene.BulletXMessage(ex.Message, true); } } _parentscene.BulletXMessage("BulletXPlanet created.", false); } internal float HeightValue(Vector3 position) { int li_x, li_y; float height; li_x = (int) Math.Round(position.X); if (li_x < 0) li_x = 0; if (li_x >= BulletXScene.MaxXY) li_x = BulletXScene.MaxXY - 1; li_y = (int) Math.Round(position.Y); if (li_y < 0) li_y = 0; if (li_y >= BulletXScene.MaxXY) li_y = BulletXScene.MaxXY - 1; height = ((HeightfieldTerrainShape) _flatPlanet.CollisionShape).getHeightFieldValue(li_x, li_y); if (height < 0) height = 0; else if (height > BulletXScene.MaxZ) height = BulletXScene.MaxZ; return height; } } }