 * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/
 * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 *     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 *     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyrightD
 *       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 *     * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using OpenSim.Framework;
using OpenSim.Region.Framework;
using OpenSim.Region.CoreModules;
using Logging = OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Framework.Statistics.Logging;
using OpenSim.Region.Physics.Manager;
using Nini.Config;
using log4net;
using OpenMetaverse;

namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.BulletSPlugin
public sealed class BSScene : PhysicsScene, IPhysicsParameters
    internal static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
    internal static readonly string LogHeader = "[BULLETS SCENE]";

    // The name of the region we're working for.
    public string RegionName { get; private set; }

    public string BulletSimVersion = "?";

    // The handle to the underlying managed or unmanaged version of Bullet being used.
    public string BulletEngineName { get; private set; }
    public BSAPITemplate PE;

    // If the physics engine is running on a separate thread
    public Thread m_physicsThread;

    public Dictionary<uint, BSPhysObject> PhysObjects;
    public BSShapeCollection Shapes;

    // Keeping track of the objects with collisions so we can report begin and end of a collision
    public HashSet<BSPhysObject> ObjectsWithCollisions = new HashSet<BSPhysObject>();
    public HashSet<BSPhysObject> ObjectsWithNoMoreCollisions = new HashSet<BSPhysObject>();

    // All the collision processing is protected with this lock object
    public Object CollisionLock = new Object();

    // Properties are updated here
    public Object UpdateLock = new Object();
    public HashSet<BSPhysObject> ObjectsWithUpdates = new HashSet<BSPhysObject>();

    // Keep track of all the avatars so we can send them a collision event
    //    every tick so OpenSim will update its animation.
    private HashSet<BSPhysObject> m_avatars = new HashSet<BSPhysObject>();

    // let my minuions use my logger
    public ILog Logger { get { return m_log; } }

    public IMesher mesher;
    public uint WorldID { get; private set; }
    public BulletWorld World { get; private set; }

    // All the constraints that have been allocated in this instance.
    public BSConstraintCollection Constraints { get; private set; }

    // Simulation parameters
    internal float m_physicsStepTime;   // if running independently, the interval simulated by default

    internal int m_maxSubSteps;
    internal float m_fixedTimeStep;

    internal float m_simulatedTime;     // the time simulated previously. Used for physics framerate calc.

    internal long m_simulationStep = 0; // The current simulation step.
    public long SimulationStep { get { return m_simulationStep; } }
    // A number to use for SimulationStep that is probably not any step value
    // Used by the collision code (which remembers the step when a collision happens) to remember not any simulation step.
    public static long NotASimulationStep = -1234;

    internal float LastTimeStep { get; private set; }   // The simulation time from the last invocation of Simulate()

    internal float NominalFrameRate { get; set; }       // Parameterized ideal frame rate that simulation is scaled to

    // Physical objects can register for prestep or poststep events
    public delegate void PreStepAction(float timeStep);
    public delegate void PostStepAction(float timeStep);
    public event PreStepAction BeforeStep;
    public event PostStepAction AfterStep;

    // A value of the time 'now' so all the collision and update routines do not have to get their own
    // Set to 'now' just before all the prims and actors are called for collisions and updates
    public int SimulationNowTime { get; private set; }

    // True if initialized and ready to do simulation steps
    private bool m_initialized = false;

    // Flag which is true when processing taints.
    // Not guaranteed to be correct all the time (don't depend on this) but good for debugging.
    public bool InTaintTime { get; private set; }

    // Pinned memory used to pass step information between managed and unmanaged
    internal int m_maxCollisionsPerFrame;
    internal CollisionDesc[] m_collisionArray;

    internal int m_maxUpdatesPerFrame;
    internal EntityProperties[] m_updateArray;

    public const uint TERRAIN_ID = 0;       // OpenSim senses terrain with a localID of zero
    public const uint GROUNDPLANE_ID = 1;
    public const uint CHILDTERRAIN_ID = 2;  // Terrain allocated based on our mega-prim childre start here

    public float SimpleWaterLevel { get; set; }
    public BSTerrainManager TerrainManager { get; private set; }

    public ConfigurationParameters Params
        get { return UnmanagedParams[0]; }
    public Vector3 DefaultGravity
        get { return new Vector3(0f, 0f, Params.gravity); }
    // Just the Z value of the gravity
    public float DefaultGravityZ
        get { return Params.gravity; }

    // When functions in the unmanaged code must be called, it is only
    //   done at a known time just before the simulation step. The taint
    //   system saves all these function calls and executes them in
    //   order before the simulation.
    public delegate void TaintCallback();
    private struct TaintCallbackEntry
        public String ident;
        public TaintCallback callback;
        public TaintCallbackEntry(string i, TaintCallback c)
            ident = i;
            callback = c;
    private Object _taintLock = new Object();   // lock for using the next object
    private List<TaintCallbackEntry> _taintOperations;
    private Dictionary<string, TaintCallbackEntry> _postTaintOperations;
    private List<TaintCallbackEntry> _postStepOperations;

    // A pointer to an instance if this structure is passed to the C++ code
    // Used to pass basic configuration values to the unmanaged code.
    internal ConfigurationParameters[] UnmanagedParams;

    // Sometimes you just have to log everything.
    public Logging.LogWriter PhysicsLogging;
    private bool m_physicsLoggingEnabled;
    private string m_physicsLoggingDir;
    private string m_physicsLoggingPrefix;
    private int m_physicsLoggingFileMinutes;
    private bool m_physicsLoggingDoFlush;
    private bool m_physicsPhysicalDumpEnabled;
    public int PhysicsMetricDumpFrames { get; set; }
    // 'true' of the vehicle code is to log lots of details
    public bool VehicleLoggingEnabled { get; private set; }
    public bool VehiclePhysicalLoggingEnabled { get; private set; }

    #region Construction and Initialization
    public BSScene(string engineType, string identifier)
        m_initialized = false;

        // The name of the region we're working for is passed to us. Keep for identification.
        RegionName = identifier;

        // Set identifying variables in the PhysicsScene interface.
        EngineType = engineType;
        Name = EngineType + "/" + RegionName;

    public override void Initialise(IMesher meshmerizer, IConfigSource config)
        mesher = meshmerizer;
        _taintOperations = new List<TaintCallbackEntry>();
        _postTaintOperations = new Dictionary<string, TaintCallbackEntry>();
        _postStepOperations = new List<TaintCallbackEntry>();
        PhysObjects = new Dictionary<uint, BSPhysObject>();
        Shapes = new BSShapeCollection(this);

        m_simulatedTime = 0f;
        LastTimeStep = 0.1f;

        // Allocate pinned memory to pass parameters.
        UnmanagedParams = new ConfigurationParameters[1];

        // Set default values for physics parameters plus any overrides from the ini file

        // Get the connection to the physics engine (could be native or one of many DLLs)
        PE = SelectUnderlyingBulletEngine(BulletEngineName);

        // Enable very detailed logging.
        // By creating an empty logger when not logging, the log message invocation code
        //     can be left in and every call doesn't have to check for null.
        if (m_physicsLoggingEnabled)
            PhysicsLogging = new Logging.LogWriter(m_physicsLoggingDir, m_physicsLoggingPrefix, m_physicsLoggingFileMinutes, m_physicsLoggingDoFlush);
            PhysicsLogging.ErrorLogger = m_log; // for DEBUG. Let's the logger output its own error messages.
            PhysicsLogging = new Logging.LogWriter();

        // Allocate memory for returning of the updates and collisions from the physics engine
        m_collisionArray = new CollisionDesc[m_maxCollisionsPerFrame];
        m_updateArray = new EntityProperties[m_maxUpdatesPerFrame];

        // The bounding box for the simulated world. The origin is 0,0,0 unless we're
        //    a child in a mega-region.
        // Bullet actually doesn't care about the extents of the simulated
        //    area. It tracks active objects no matter where they are.
        Vector3 worldExtent = new Vector3(Constants.RegionSize, Constants.RegionSize, Constants.RegionHeight);

        World = PE.Initialize(worldExtent, Params, m_maxCollisionsPerFrame, ref m_collisionArray, m_maxUpdatesPerFrame, ref m_updateArray);

        Constraints = new BSConstraintCollection(World);

        TerrainManager = new BSTerrainManager(this);

        // Put some informational messages into the log file.
        m_log.InfoFormat("{0} Linksets implemented with {1}", LogHeader, (BSLinkset.LinksetImplementation)BSParam.LinksetImplementation);

        InTaintTime = false;
        m_initialized = true;

        // If the physics engine runs on its own thread, start same.
        if (BSParam.UseSeparatePhysicsThread)
            // The physics simulation should happen independently of the heartbeat loop
            m_physicsThread = new Thread(BulletSPluginPhysicsThread);
            m_physicsThread.Name = BulletEngineName;

    // All default parameter values are set here. There should be no values set in the
    // variable definitions.
    private void GetInitialParameterValues(IConfigSource config)
        ConfigurationParameters parms = new ConfigurationParameters();
        UnmanagedParams[0] = parms;


        if (config != null)
            // If there are specifications in the ini file, use those values
            IConfig pConfig = config.Configs["BulletSim"];
            if (pConfig != null)
                BSParam.SetParameterConfigurationValues(this, pConfig);

                // There are two Bullet implementations to choose from
                BulletEngineName = pConfig.GetString("BulletEngine", "BulletUnmanaged");

                // Very detailed logging for physics debugging
                // TODO: the boolean values can be moved to the normal parameter processing.
                m_physicsLoggingEnabled = pConfig.GetBoolean("PhysicsLoggingEnabled", false);
                m_physicsLoggingDir = pConfig.GetString("PhysicsLoggingDir", ".");
                m_physicsLoggingPrefix = pConfig.GetString("PhysicsLoggingPrefix", "physics-%REGIONNAME%-");
                m_physicsLoggingFileMinutes = pConfig.GetInt("PhysicsLoggingFileMinutes", 5);
                m_physicsLoggingDoFlush = pConfig.GetBoolean("PhysicsLoggingDoFlush", false);
                m_physicsPhysicalDumpEnabled = pConfig.GetBoolean("PhysicsPhysicalDumpEnabled", false);
                // Very detailed logging for vehicle debugging
                VehicleLoggingEnabled = pConfig.GetBoolean("VehicleLoggingEnabled", false);
                VehiclePhysicalLoggingEnabled = pConfig.GetBoolean("VehiclePhysicalLoggingEnabled", false);

                // Do any replacements in the parameters
                m_physicsLoggingPrefix = m_physicsLoggingPrefix.Replace("%REGIONNAME%", RegionName);
                // Nothing in the configuration INI file so assume unmanaged and other defaults.
                BulletEngineName = "BulletUnmanaged";
                m_physicsLoggingEnabled = false;
                VehicleLoggingEnabled = false;

            // The material characteristics.
            if (pConfig != null)
                // Let the user add new and interesting material property values.

    // A helper function that handles a true/false parameter and returns the proper float number encoding
    float ParamBoolean(IConfig config, string parmName, float deflt)
        float ret = deflt;
        if (config.Contains(parmName))
            ret = ConfigurationParameters.numericFalse;
            if (config.GetBoolean(parmName, false))
                ret = ConfigurationParameters.numericTrue;
        return ret;

    // Select the connection to the actual Bullet implementation.
    // The main engine selection is the engineName up to the first hypen.
    // So "Bullet-2.80-OpenCL-Intel" specifies the 'bullet' class here and the whole name
    //     is passed to the engine to do its special selection, etc.
    private BSAPITemplate SelectUnderlyingBulletEngine(string engineName)
        // For the moment, do a simple switch statement.
        // Someday do fancyness with looking up the interfaces in the assembly.
        BSAPITemplate ret = null;

        string selectionName = engineName.ToLower();
        int hyphenIndex = engineName.IndexOf("-");
        if (hyphenIndex > 0)
            selectionName = engineName.ToLower().Substring(0, hyphenIndex - 1);

        switch (selectionName)
            case "bullet":
            case "bulletunmanaged":
                ret = new BSAPIUnman(engineName, this);
            case "bulletxna":
                ret = new BSAPIXNA(engineName, this);
                // Disable some features that are not implemented in BulletXNA
                m_log.InfoFormat("{0} Disabling some physics features not implemented by BulletXNA", LogHeader);
                m_log.InfoFormat("{0}    Disabling ShouldUseBulletHACD", LogHeader);
                BSParam.ShouldUseBulletHACD = false;
                m_log.InfoFormat("{0}    Disabling ShouldUseSingleConvexHullForPrims", LogHeader);
                BSParam.ShouldUseSingleConvexHullForPrims = false;
                m_log.InfoFormat("{0}    Disabling ShouldUseGImpactShapeForPrims", LogHeader);
                BSParam.ShouldUseGImpactShapeForPrims = false;
                m_log.InfoFormat("{0}    Setting terrain implimentation to Heightmap", LogHeader);
                BSParam.TerrainImplementation = (float)BSTerrainPhys.TerrainImplementation.Heightmap;

        if (ret == null)
            m_log.ErrorFormat("{0) COULD NOT SELECT BULLET ENGINE: '[BulletSim]PhysicsEngine' must be either 'BulletUnmanaged-*' or 'BulletXNA-*'", LogHeader);
            m_log.InfoFormat("{0} Selected bullet engine {1} -> {2}/{3}", LogHeader, engineName, ret.BulletEngineName, ret.BulletEngineVersion);

        return ret;

    public override void Dispose()
        // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: Dispose()", LogHeader);

        // make sure no stepping happens while we're deleting stuff
        m_initialized = false;

        foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, BSPhysObject> kvp in PhysObjects)

        // Now that the prims are all cleaned up, there should be no constraints left
        if (Constraints != null)
            Constraints = null;

        if (Shapes != null)
            Shapes = null;

        if (TerrainManager != null)
            TerrainManager = null;

        // Anything left in the unmanaged code should be cleaned out

        // Not logging any more
    #endregion // Construction and Initialization

    #region Prim and Avatar addition and removal

    public override PhysicsActor AddAvatar(string avName, Vector3 position, Vector3 size, bool isFlying)
        m_log.ErrorFormat("{0}: CALL TO AddAvatar in BSScene. NOT IMPLEMENTED", LogHeader);
        return null;

    public override PhysicsActor AddAvatar(uint localID, string avName, Vector3 position, Vector3 size, bool isFlying)
        // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: AddAvatar: {1}", LogHeader, avName);

        if (!m_initialized) return null;

        BSCharacter actor = new BSCharacter(localID, avName, this, position, size, isFlying);
        lock (PhysObjects)
            PhysObjects.Add(localID, actor);

        // TODO: Remove kludge someday.
        // We must generate a collision for avatars whether they collide or not.
        // This is required by OpenSim to update avatar animations, etc.
        lock (m_avatars)

        return actor;

    public override void RemoveAvatar(PhysicsActor actor)
        // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: RemoveAvatar", LogHeader);

        if (!m_initialized) return;

        BSCharacter bsactor = actor as BSCharacter;
        if (bsactor != null)
                lock (PhysObjects)
                // Remove kludge someday
                lock (m_avatars)
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.WarnFormat("{0}: Attempt to remove avatar that is not in physics scene: {1}", LogHeader, e);
            // bsactor.dispose();
            m_log.ErrorFormat("{0}: Requested to remove avatar that is not a BSCharacter. ID={1}, type={2}",
                                        LogHeader, actor.LocalID, actor.GetType().Name);

    public override void RemovePrim(PhysicsActor prim)
        if (!m_initialized) return;

        BSPhysObject bsprim = prim as BSPhysObject;
        if (bsprim != null)
            DetailLog("{0},RemovePrim,call", bsprim.LocalID);
            // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: RemovePrim. id={1}/{2}", LogHeader, bsprim.Name, bsprim.LocalID);
                lock (PhysObjects) PhysObjects.Remove(bsprim.LocalID);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.ErrorFormat("{0}: Attempt to remove prim that is not in physics scene: {1}", LogHeader, e);
            // bsprim.dispose();
            m_log.ErrorFormat("{0}: Attempt to remove prim that is not a BSPrim type.", LogHeader);

    public override PhysicsActor AddPrimShape(string primName, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, Vector3 position,
                                              Vector3 size, Quaternion rotation, bool isPhysical, uint localID)
        // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: AddPrimShape2: {1}", LogHeader, primName);

        if (!m_initialized) return null;

        // DetailLog("{0},BSScene.AddPrimShape,call", localID);

        BSPhysObject prim = new BSPrimLinkable(localID, primName, this, position, size, rotation, pbs, isPhysical);
        lock (PhysObjects) PhysObjects.Add(localID, prim);
        return prim;

    // This is a call from the simulator saying that some physical property has been updated.
    // The BulletSim driver senses the changing of relevant properties so this taint
    // information call is not needed.
    public override void AddPhysicsActorTaint(PhysicsActor prim) { }

    #endregion // Prim and Avatar addition and removal

    #region Simulation

    // Call from the simulator to send physics information to the simulator objects.
    // This pushes all the collision and property update events into the objects in
    //    the simulator and, since it is on the heartbeat thread, there is an implicit
    //    locking of those data structures from other heartbeat events.
    // If the physics engine is running on a separate thread, the update information
    //    will be in the ObjectsWithCollions and ObjectsWithUpdates structures.
    public override float Simulate(float timeStep)
        if (!BSParam.UseSeparatePhysicsThread)
        return SendUpdatesToSimulator(timeStep);

    // Call the physics engine to do one 'timeStep' and collect collisions and updates
    //    into ObjectsWithCollisions and ObjectsWithUpdates data structures.
    private void DoPhysicsStep(float timeStep)
        // prevent simulation until we've been initialized
        if (!m_initialized) return;

        LastTimeStep = timeStep;

        int updatedEntityCount = 0;
        int collidersCount = 0;

        int beforeTime = Util.EnvironmentTickCount();
        int simTime = 0;

        int numTaints = _taintOperations.Count;
        InTaintTime = true; // Only used for debugging so locking is not necessary.

        // update the prim states while we know the physics engine is not busy

        // Some of the physical objects requre individual, pre-step calls
        //      (vehicles and avatar movement, in particular)

        // the prestep actions might have added taints
        numTaints += _taintOperations.Count;

        InTaintTime = false; // Only used for debugging so locking is not necessary.

        // The following causes the unmanaged code to output ALL the values found in ALL the objects in the world.
        // Only enable this in a limited test world with few objects.
        if (m_physicsPhysicalDumpEnabled)

        // step the physical world one interval
        int numSubSteps = 0;
            numSubSteps = PE.PhysicsStep(World, timeStep, m_maxSubSteps, m_fixedTimeStep, out updatedEntityCount, out collidersCount);

        catch (Exception e)
            m_log.WarnFormat("{0},PhysicsStep Exception: nTaints={1}, substeps={2}, updates={3}, colliders={4}, e={5}",
                        LogHeader, numTaints, numSubSteps, updatedEntityCount, collidersCount, e);
            DetailLog("{0},PhysicsStepException,call, nTaints={1}, substeps={2}, updates={3}, colliders={4}",
                        DetailLogZero, numTaints, numSubSteps, updatedEntityCount, collidersCount);
            updatedEntityCount = 0;
            collidersCount = 0;

        // Make the physics engine dump useful statistics periodically
        if (PhysicsMetricDumpFrames != 0 && ((m_simulationStep % PhysicsMetricDumpFrames) == 0))

        // Get a value for 'now' so all the collision and update routines don't have to get their own.
        SimulationNowTime = Util.EnvironmentTickCount();

        // Send collision information to the colliding objects. The objects decide if the collision
        //     is 'real' (like linksets don't collide with themselves) and the individual objects
        //     know if the simulator has subscribed to collisions.
        lock (CollisionLock)
            if (collidersCount > 0)
                for (int ii = 0; ii < collidersCount; ii++)
                    uint cA = m_collisionArray[ii].aID;
                    uint cB = m_collisionArray[ii].bID;
                    Vector3 point = m_collisionArray[ii].point;
                    Vector3 normal = m_collisionArray[ii].normal;
                    float penetration = m_collisionArray[ii].penetration;
                    SendCollision(cA, cB, point, normal, penetration);
                    SendCollision(cB, cA, point, -normal, penetration);

        // If any of the objects had updated properties, tell the managed objects about the update
        //     and remember that there was a change so it will be passed to the simulator.
        lock (UpdateLock)
            if (updatedEntityCount > 0)
                for (int ii = 0; ii < updatedEntityCount; ii++)
                    EntityProperties entprop = m_updateArray[ii];
                    BSPhysObject pobj;
                    if (PhysObjects.TryGetValue(entprop.ID, out pobj))

        // Some actors want to know when the simulation step is complete.

        simTime = Util.EnvironmentTickCountSubtract(beforeTime);
        if (PhysicsLogging.Enabled)
            DetailLog("{0},DoPhysicsStep,complete,frame={1}, nTaints={2}, simTime={3}, substeps={4}, updates={5}, colliders={6}, objWColl={7}",
                                    DetailLogZero, m_simulationStep, numTaints, simTime, numSubSteps,
                                    updatedEntityCount, collidersCount, ObjectsWithCollisions.Count);

        // The following causes the unmanaged code to output ALL the values found in ALL the objects in the world.
        // Only enable this in a limited test world with few objects.
        if (m_physicsPhysicalDumpEnabled)

        // The physics engine returns the number of milliseconds it simulated this call.
        // These are summed and normalized to one second and divided by 1000 to give the reported physics FPS.
        // Multiply by a fixed nominal frame rate to give a rate similar to the simulator (usually 55).
        m_simulatedTime +=  (float)numSubSteps * m_fixedTimeStep * 1000f * NominalFrameRate;

    // Called by a BSPhysObject to note that it has changed properties and this information
    //    should be passed up to the simulator at the proper time.
    // Note: this is called by the BSPhysObject from invocation via DoPhysicsStep() above so
    //    this is is under UpdateLock.
    public void PostUpdate(BSPhysObject updatee)

    // The simulator thinks it is physics time so return all the collisions and position
    //     updates that were collected in actual physics simulation.
    private float SendUpdatesToSimulator(float timeStep)
        if (!m_initialized) return 5.0f;

            BSScene.DetailLogZero, ObjectsWithCollisions.Count, ObjectsWithUpdates.Count, m_simulatedTime);
        // Push the collisions into the simulator.
        lock (CollisionLock)
            if (ObjectsWithCollisions.Count > 0)
                foreach (BSPhysObject bsp in ObjectsWithCollisions)
                    if (!bsp.SendCollisions())
                        // If the object is done colliding, see that it's removed from the colliding list

            // This is a kludge to get avatar movement updates.
            // The simulator expects collisions for avatars even if there are have been no collisions.
            //    The event updates avatar animations and stuff.
            // If you fix avatar animation updates, remove this overhead and let normal collision processing happen.
            foreach (BSPhysObject bsp in m_avatars)
                if (!ObjectsWithCollisions.Contains(bsp))   // don't call avatars twice

            // Objects that are done colliding are removed from the ObjectsWithCollisions list.
            // Not done above because it is inside an iteration of ObjectWithCollisions.
            // This complex collision processing is required to create an empty collision
            //     event call after all real collisions have happened on an object. This allows
            //     the simulator to generate the 'collision end' event.
            if (ObjectsWithNoMoreCollisions.Count > 0)
                foreach (BSPhysObject po in ObjectsWithNoMoreCollisions)

        // Call the simulator for each object that has physics property updates.
        HashSet<BSPhysObject> updatedObjects = null;
        lock (UpdateLock)
            if (ObjectsWithUpdates.Count > 0)
                updatedObjects = ObjectsWithUpdates;
                ObjectsWithUpdates = new HashSet<BSPhysObject>();
        if (updatedObjects != null)
            foreach (BSPhysObject obj in updatedObjects)

        // Return the framerate simulated to give the above returned results.
        // (Race condition here but this is just bookkeeping so rare mistakes do not merit a lock).
        float simTime = m_simulatedTime;
        m_simulatedTime = 0f;
        return simTime;

    // Something has collided
    private void SendCollision(uint localID, uint collidingWith, Vector3 collidePoint, Vector3 collideNormal, float penetration)
        if (localID <= TerrainManager.HighestTerrainID)
            return;         // don't send collisions to the terrain

        BSPhysObject collider;
        if (!PhysObjects.TryGetValue(localID, out collider))
            // If the object that is colliding cannot be found, just ignore the collision.
            DetailLog("{0},BSScene.SendCollision,colliderNotInObjectList,id={1},with={2}", DetailLogZero, localID, collidingWith);

        // Note: the terrain is not in the physical object list so 'collidee' can be null when Collide() is called.
        BSPhysObject collidee = null;
        PhysObjects.TryGetValue(collidingWith, out collidee);

        // DetailLog("{0},BSScene.SendCollision,collide,id={1},with={2}", DetailLogZero, localID, collidingWith);

        if (collider.Collide(collidingWith, collidee, collidePoint, collideNormal, penetration))
            // If a collision was 'good', remember to send it to the simulator


    public void BulletSPluginPhysicsThread()
        while (m_initialized)
            int beginSimulationRealtimeMS = Util.EnvironmentTickCount();
            int simulationRealtimeMS = Util.EnvironmentTickCountSubtract(beginSimulationRealtimeMS);
            int simulationTimeVsRealtimeDifferenceMS = ((int)(BSParam.PhysicsTimeStep*1000f)) - simulationRealtimeMS;

            if (simulationTimeVsRealtimeDifferenceMS > 0)
                // The simulation of the time interval took less than realtime.
                // Do a sleep for the rest of realtime.
                // The simulation took longer than realtime.
                // Do some scaling of simulation time.
                // TODO.
                DetailLog("{0},BulletSPluginPhysicsThread,longerThanRealtime={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, simulationTimeVsRealtimeDifferenceMS);

    #endregion // Simulation

    public override void GetResults() { }

    #region Terrain

    public override void SetTerrain(float[] heightMap) {

    public override void SetWaterLevel(float baseheight)
        SimpleWaterLevel = baseheight;

    public override void DeleteTerrain()
        // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: DeleteTerrain()", LogHeader);

    // Although no one seems to check this, I do support combining.
    public override bool SupportsCombining()
        return TerrainManager.SupportsCombining();
    // This call says I am a child to region zero in a mega-region. 'pScene' is that
    //    of region zero, 'offset' is my offset from regions zero's origin, and
    //    'extents' is the largest XY that is handled in my region.
    public override void Combine(PhysicsScene pScene, Vector3 offset, Vector3 extents)
        TerrainManager.Combine(pScene, offset, extents);

    // Unhook all the combining that I know about.
    public override void UnCombine(PhysicsScene pScene)

    #endregion // Terrain

    public override Dictionary<uint, float> GetTopColliders()
        Dictionary<uint, float> topColliders;

        lock (PhysObjects)
            foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, BSPhysObject> kvp in PhysObjects)

            List<BSPhysObject> orderedPrims = new List<BSPhysObject>(PhysObjects.Values);
            orderedPrims.OrderByDescending(p => p.CollisionScore);
            topColliders = orderedPrims.Take(25).ToDictionary(p => p.LocalID, p => p.CollisionScore);

        return topColliders;

    public override bool IsThreaded { get { return false;  } }

    #region Extensions
    // =============================================================
    // Per scene functions. See below.

    // Per avatar functions. See BSCharacter.

    // Per prim functions. See BSPrim.
    public const string PhysFunctGetLinksetType = "BulletSim.GetLinksetType";
    public const string PhysFunctSetLinksetType = "BulletSim.SetLinksetType";
    // =============================================================

    public override object Extension(string pFunct, params object[] pParams)
        return base.Extension(pFunct, pParams);
    #endregion // Extensions

    #region Taints
    // The simulation execution order is:
    // Simulate()
    //    DoOneTimeTaints
    //    TriggerPreStepEvent
    //    DoOneTimeTaints
    //    Step()
    //       ProcessAndSendToSimulatorCollisions
    //       ProcessAndSendToSimulatorPropertyUpdates
    //    TriggerPostStepEvent

    // Calls to the PhysicsActors can't directly call into the physics engine
    //       because it might be busy. We delay changes to a known time.
    // We rely on C#'s closure to save and restore the context for the delegate.
    public void TaintedObject(String ident, TaintCallback callback)
        if (!m_initialized) return;

        lock (_taintLock)
            _taintOperations.Add(new TaintCallbackEntry(ident, callback));


    // Sometimes a potentially tainted operation can be used in and out of taint time.
    // This routine executes the command immediately if in taint-time otherwise it is queued.
    public void TaintedObject(bool inTaintTime, string ident, TaintCallback callback)
        if (inTaintTime)
            TaintedObject(ident, callback);

    private void TriggerPreStepEvent(float timeStep)
        PreStepAction actions = BeforeStep;
        if (actions != null)


    private void TriggerPostStepEvent(float timeStep)
        PostStepAction actions = AfterStep;
        if (actions != null)


    // When someone tries to change a property on a BSPrim or BSCharacter, the object queues
    // a callback into itself to do the actual property change. That callback is called
    // here just before the physics engine is called to step the simulation.
    public void ProcessTaints()

    private void ProcessRegularTaints()
        if (_taintOperations.Count > 0)  // save allocating new list if there is nothing to process
            // swizzle a new list into the list location so we can process what's there
            List<TaintCallbackEntry> oldList;
            lock (_taintLock)
                oldList = _taintOperations;
                _taintOperations = new List<TaintCallbackEntry>();

            foreach (TaintCallbackEntry tcbe in oldList)
                    DetailLog("{0},BSScene.ProcessTaints,doTaint,id={1}", DetailLogZero, tcbe.ident); // DEBUG DEBUG DEBUG
                catch (Exception e)
                    m_log.ErrorFormat("{0}: ProcessTaints: {1}: Exception: {2}", LogHeader, tcbe.ident, e);

    // Schedule an update to happen after all the regular taints are processed.
    // Note that new requests for the same operation ("ident") for the same object ("ID")
    //     will replace any previous operation by the same object.
    public void PostTaintObject(String ident, uint ID, TaintCallback callback)
        string uniqueIdent = ident + "-" + ID.ToString();
        lock (_taintLock)
            _postTaintOperations[uniqueIdent] = new TaintCallbackEntry(uniqueIdent, callback);


    // Taints that happen after the normal taint processing but before the simulation step.
    private void ProcessPostTaintTaints()
        if (_postTaintOperations.Count > 0)
            Dictionary<string, TaintCallbackEntry> oldList;
            lock (_taintLock)
                oldList = _postTaintOperations;
                _postTaintOperations = new Dictionary<string, TaintCallbackEntry>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string,TaintCallbackEntry> kvp in oldList)
                    DetailLog("{0},BSScene.ProcessPostTaintTaints,doTaint,id={1}", DetailLogZero, kvp.Key); // DEBUG DEBUG DEBUG
                catch (Exception e)
                    m_log.ErrorFormat("{0}: ProcessPostTaintTaints: {1}: Exception: {2}", LogHeader, kvp.Key, e);

    // Only used for debugging. Does not change state of anything so locking is not necessary.
    public bool AssertInTaintTime(string whereFrom)
        if (!InTaintTime)
            DetailLog("{0},BSScene.AssertInTaintTime,NOT IN TAINT TIME,Region={1},Where={2}", DetailLogZero, RegionName, whereFrom);
            m_log.ErrorFormat("{0} NOT IN TAINT TIME!! Region={1}, Where={2}", LogHeader, RegionName, whereFrom);
            // Util.PrintCallStack(DetailLog);
        return InTaintTime;

    #endregion // Taints

    #region IPhysicsParameters
    // Get the list of parameters this physics engine supports
    public PhysParameterEntry[] GetParameterList()
        return BSParam.SettableParameters;

    // Set parameter on a specific or all instances.
    // Return 'false' if not able to set the parameter.
    // Setting the value in the m_params block will change the value the physics engine
    //   will use the next time since it's pinned and shared memory.
    // Some of the values require calling into the physics engine to get the new
    //   value activated ('terrainFriction' for instance).
    public bool SetPhysicsParameter(string parm, string val, uint localID)
        bool ret = false;

        BSParam.ParameterDefnBase theParam;
        if (BSParam.TryGetParameter(parm, out theParam))
            // Set the value in the C# code
            theParam.SetValue(this, val);

            // Optionally set the parameter in the unmanaged code
            if (theParam.HasSetOnObject)
                // update all the localIDs specified
                // If the local ID is APPLY_TO_NONE, just change the default value
                // If the localID is APPLY_TO_ALL change the default value and apply the new value to all the lIDs
                // If the localID is a specific object, apply the parameter change to only that object
                List<uint> objectIDs = new List<uint>();
                switch (localID)
                    case PhysParameterEntry.APPLY_TO_NONE:
                        // This will cause a call into the physical world if some operation is specified (SetOnObject).
                        TaintedUpdateParameter(parm, objectIDs, val);
                    case PhysParameterEntry.APPLY_TO_ALL:
                        lock (PhysObjects) objectIDs = new List<uint>(PhysObjects.Keys);
                        TaintedUpdateParameter(parm, objectIDs, val);
                        // setting only one localID
                        TaintedUpdateParameter(parm, objectIDs, val);

            ret = true;
        return ret;

    // schedule the actual updating of the paramter to when the phys engine is not busy
    private void TaintedUpdateParameter(string parm, List<uint> lIDs, string val)
        string xval = val;
        List<uint> xlIDs = lIDs;
        string xparm = parm;
        TaintedObject("BSScene.UpdateParameterSet", delegate() {
            BSParam.ParameterDefnBase thisParam;
            if (BSParam.TryGetParameter(xparm, out thisParam))
                if (thisParam.HasSetOnObject)
                    foreach (uint lID in xlIDs)
                        BSPhysObject theObject = null;
                        if (PhysObjects.TryGetValue(lID, out theObject))
                            thisParam.SetOnObject(this, theObject);

    // Get parameter.
    // Return 'false' if not able to get the parameter.
    public bool GetPhysicsParameter(string parm, out string value)
        string val = String.Empty;
        bool ret = false;
        BSParam.ParameterDefnBase theParam;
        if (BSParam.TryGetParameter(parm, out theParam))
            val = theParam.GetValue(this);
            ret = true;
        value = val;
        return ret;

    #endregion IPhysicsParameters

    // Invoke the detailed logger and output something if it's enabled.
    public void DetailLog(string msg, params Object[] args)
        PhysicsLogging.Write(msg, args);
    // Used to fill in the LocalID when there isn't one. It's the correct number of characters.
    public const string DetailLogZero = "0000000000";
