/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using OpenMetaverse; using OpenSim.Framework; namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.BulletSPlugin { public abstract class BSMotor { // Timescales and other things can be turned off by setting them to 'infinite'. public const float Infinite = 12345.6f; public readonly static Vector3 InfiniteVector = new Vector3(BSMotor.Infinite, BSMotor.Infinite, BSMotor.Infinite); public BSMotor(string useName) { UseName = useName; PhysicsScene = null; Enabled = true; } public virtual bool Enabled { get; set; } public virtual void Reset() { } public virtual void Zero() { } public virtual void GenerateTestOutput(float timeStep) { } // A name passed at motor creation for easily identifyable debugging messages. public string UseName { get; private set; } // Used only for outputting debug information. Might not be set so check for null. public BSScene PhysicsScene { get; set; } protected void MDetailLog(string msg, params Object[] parms) { if (PhysicsScene != null) { PhysicsScene.DetailLog(msg, parms); } } } // Motor which moves CurrentValue to TargetValue over TimeScale seconds. // The TargetValue decays in TargetValueDecayTimeScale and // the CurrentValue will be held back by FrictionTimeScale. // This motor will "zero itself" over time in that the targetValue will // decay to zero and the currentValue will follow it to that zero. // The overall effect is for the returned correction value to go from large // values (the total difference between current and target minus friction) // to small and eventually zero values. // TimeScale and TargetDelayTimeScale may be 'infinite' which means no decay. // For instance, if something is moving at speed X and the desired speed is Y, // CurrentValue is X and TargetValue is Y. As the motor is stepped, new // values of CurrentValue are returned that approach the TargetValue. // The feature of decaying TargetValue is so vehicles will eventually // come to a stop rather than run forever. This can be disabled by // setting TargetValueDecayTimescale to 'infinite'. // The change from CurrentValue to TargetValue is linear over TimeScale seconds. public class BSVMotor : BSMotor { // public Vector3 FrameOfReference { get; set; } // public Vector3 Offset { get; set; } public virtual float TimeScale { get; set; } public virtual float TargetValueDecayTimeScale { get; set; } public virtual Vector3 FrictionTimescale { get; set; } public virtual float Efficiency { get; set; } public virtual float ErrorZeroThreshold { get; set; } public virtual Vector3 TargetValue { get; protected set; } public virtual Vector3 CurrentValue { get; protected set; } public virtual Vector3 LastError { get; protected set; } public virtual bool ErrorIsZero() { return ErrorIsZero(LastError); } public virtual bool ErrorIsZero(Vector3 err) { return (err == Vector3.Zero || err.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, ErrorZeroThreshold)); } public BSVMotor(string useName) : base(useName) { TimeScale = TargetValueDecayTimeScale = BSMotor.Infinite; Efficiency = 1f; FrictionTimescale = BSMotor.InfiniteVector; CurrentValue = TargetValue = Vector3.Zero; ErrorZeroThreshold = 0.001f; } public BSVMotor(string useName, float timeScale, float decayTimeScale, Vector3 frictionTimeScale, float efficiency) : this(useName) { TimeScale = timeScale; TargetValueDecayTimeScale = decayTimeScale; FrictionTimescale = frictionTimeScale; Efficiency = efficiency; CurrentValue = TargetValue = Vector3.Zero; } public void SetCurrent(Vector3 current) { CurrentValue = current; } public void SetTarget(Vector3 target) { TargetValue = target; } public override void Zero() { base.Zero(); CurrentValue = TargetValue = Vector3.Zero; } // Compute the next step and return the new current value public virtual Vector3 Step(float timeStep) { if (!Enabled) return TargetValue; Vector3 origTarget = TargetValue; // DEBUG Vector3 origCurrVal = CurrentValue; // DEBUG Vector3 correction = Vector3.Zero; Vector3 error = TargetValue - CurrentValue; if (!ErrorIsZero(error)) { correction = Step(timeStep, error); CurrentValue += correction; // The desired value reduces to zero which also reduces the difference with current. // If the decay time is infinite, don't decay at all. float decayFactor = 0f; if (TargetValueDecayTimeScale != BSMotor.Infinite) { decayFactor = (1.0f / TargetValueDecayTimeScale) * timeStep; TargetValue *= (1f - decayFactor); } // The amount we can correct the error is reduced by the friction Vector3 frictionFactor = Vector3.Zero; if (FrictionTimescale != BSMotor.InfiniteVector) { // frictionFactor = (Vector3.One / FrictionTimescale) * timeStep; // Individual friction components can be 'infinite' so compute each separately. frictionFactor.X = (FrictionTimescale.X == BSMotor.Infinite) ? 0f : (1f / FrictionTimescale.X); frictionFactor.Y = (FrictionTimescale.Y == BSMotor.Infinite) ? 0f : (1f / FrictionTimescale.Y); frictionFactor.Z = (FrictionTimescale.Z == BSMotor.Infinite) ? 0f : (1f / FrictionTimescale.Z); frictionFactor *= timeStep; CurrentValue *= (Vector3.One - frictionFactor); } MDetailLog("{0}, BSVMotor.Step,nonZero,{1},origCurr={2},origTarget={3},timeStep={4},err={5},corr={6}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, UseName, origCurrVal, origTarget, timeStep, error, correction); MDetailLog("{0}, BSVMotor.Step,nonZero,{1},tgtDecayTS={2},decayFact={3},frictTS={4},frictFact={5},tgt={6},curr={7}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, UseName, TargetValueDecayTimeScale, decayFactor, FrictionTimescale, frictionFactor, TargetValue, CurrentValue); } else { // Difference between what we have and target is small. Motor is done. CurrentValue = TargetValue; MDetailLog("{0}, BSVMotor.Step,zero,{1},origTgt={2},origCurr={3},ret={4}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, UseName, origCurrVal, origTarget, CurrentValue); } return CurrentValue; } public virtual Vector3 Step(float timeStep, Vector3 error) { if (!Enabled) return Vector3.Zero; LastError = error; Vector3 returnCorrection = Vector3.Zero; if (!ErrorIsZero()) { // correction = error / secondsItShouldTakeToCorrect Vector3 correctionAmount; if (TimeScale == 0f || TimeScale == BSMotor.Infinite) correctionAmount = error * timeStep; else correctionAmount = error / TimeScale * timeStep; returnCorrection = correctionAmount; MDetailLog("{0}, BSVMotor.Step,nonZero,{1},timeStep={2},timeScale={3},err={4},corr={5}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, UseName, timeStep, TimeScale, error, correctionAmount); } return returnCorrection; } // The user sets all the parameters and calls this which outputs values until error is zero. public override void GenerateTestOutput(float timeStep) { // maximum number of outputs to generate. int maxOutput = 50; MDetailLog("{0},BSVMotor.Test,{1},===================================== BEGIN Test Output", BSScene.DetailLogZero, UseName); MDetailLog("{0},BSVMotor.Test,{1},timeScale={2},targDlyTS={3},frictTS={4},eff={5},curr={6},tgt={7}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, UseName, TimeScale, TargetValueDecayTimeScale, FrictionTimescale, Efficiency, CurrentValue, TargetValue); LastError = BSMotor.InfiniteVector; while (maxOutput-- > 0 && !LastError.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, ErrorZeroThreshold)) { Vector3 lastStep = Step(timeStep); MDetailLog("{0},BSVMotor.Test,{1},cur={2},tgt={3},lastError={4},lastStep={5}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, UseName, CurrentValue, TargetValue, LastError, lastStep); } MDetailLog("{0},BSVMotor.Test,{1},===================================== END Test Output", BSScene.DetailLogZero, UseName); } public override string ToString() { return String.Format("<{0},curr={1},targ={2},lastErr={3},decayTS={4},frictTS={5}>", UseName, CurrentValue, TargetValue, LastError, TargetValueDecayTimeScale, FrictionTimescale); } } // ============================================================================ // ============================================================================ public class BSFMotor : BSMotor { public virtual float TimeScale { get; set; } public virtual float TargetValueDecayTimeScale { get; set; } public virtual float FrictionTimescale { get; set; } public virtual float Efficiency { get; set; } public virtual float ErrorZeroThreshold { get; set; } public virtual float TargetValue { get; protected set; } public virtual float CurrentValue { get; protected set; } public virtual float LastError { get; protected set; } public virtual bool ErrorIsZero() { return ErrorIsZero(LastError); } public virtual bool ErrorIsZero(float err) { return (err >= -ErrorZeroThreshold && err <= ErrorZeroThreshold); } public BSFMotor(string useName, float timeScale, float decayTimescale, float friction, float efficiency) : base(useName) { TimeScale = TargetValueDecayTimeScale = BSMotor.Infinite; Efficiency = 1f; FrictionTimescale = BSMotor.Infinite; CurrentValue = TargetValue = 0f; ErrorZeroThreshold = 0.01f; } public void SetCurrent(float current) { CurrentValue = current; } public void SetTarget(float target) { TargetValue = target; } public override void Zero() { base.Zero(); CurrentValue = TargetValue = 0f; } public virtual float Step(float timeStep) { if (!Enabled) return TargetValue; float origTarget = TargetValue; // DEBUG float origCurrVal = CurrentValue; // DEBUG float correction = 0f; float error = TargetValue - CurrentValue; if (!ErrorIsZero(error)) { correction = Step(timeStep, error); CurrentValue += correction; // The desired value reduces to zero which also reduces the difference with current. // If the decay time is infinite, don't decay at all. float decayFactor = 0f; if (TargetValueDecayTimeScale != BSMotor.Infinite) { decayFactor = (1.0f / TargetValueDecayTimeScale) * timeStep; TargetValue *= (1f - decayFactor); } // The amount we can correct the error is reduced by the friction float frictionFactor = 0f; if (FrictionTimescale != BSMotor.Infinite) { // frictionFactor = (Vector3.One / FrictionTimescale) * timeStep; // Individual friction components can be 'infinite' so compute each separately. frictionFactor = 1f / FrictionTimescale; frictionFactor *= timeStep; CurrentValue *= (1f - frictionFactor); } MDetailLog("{0}, BSFMotor.Step,nonZero,{1},origCurr={2},origTarget={3},timeStep={4},err={5},corr={6}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, UseName, origCurrVal, origTarget, timeStep, error, correction); MDetailLog("{0}, BSFMotor.Step,nonZero,{1},tgtDecayTS={2},decayFact={3},frictTS={4},frictFact={5},tgt={6},curr={7}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, UseName, TargetValueDecayTimeScale, decayFactor, FrictionTimescale, frictionFactor, TargetValue, CurrentValue); } else { // Difference between what we have and target is small. Motor is done. CurrentValue = TargetValue; MDetailLog("{0}, BSFMotor.Step,zero,{1},origTgt={2},origCurr={3},ret={4}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, UseName, origCurrVal, origTarget, CurrentValue); } return CurrentValue; } public virtual float Step(float timeStep, float error) { if (!Enabled) return 0f; LastError = error; float returnCorrection = 0f; if (!ErrorIsZero()) { // correction = error / secondsItShouldTakeToCorrect float correctionAmount; if (TimeScale == 0f || TimeScale == BSMotor.Infinite) correctionAmount = error * timeStep; else correctionAmount = error / TimeScale * timeStep; returnCorrection = correctionAmount; MDetailLog("{0}, BSFMotor.Step,nonZero,{1},timeStep={2},timeScale={3},err={4},corr={5}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, UseName, timeStep, TimeScale, error, correctionAmount); } return returnCorrection; } public override string ToString() { return String.Format("<{0},curr={1},targ={2},lastErr={3},decayTS={4},frictTS={5}>", UseName, CurrentValue, TargetValue, LastError, TargetValueDecayTimeScale, FrictionTimescale); } } // ============================================================================ // ============================================================================ // Proportional, Integral, Derivitive Motor // Good description at http://www.answers.com/topic/pid-controller . Includes processes for choosing p, i and d factors. public class BSPIDVMotor : BSVMotor { // Larger makes more overshoot, smaller means converge quicker. Range of 0.1 to 10. public Vector3 proportionFactor { get; set; } public Vector3 integralFactor { get; set; } public Vector3 derivFactor { get; set; } // The factors are vectors for the three dimensions. This is the proportional of each // that is applied. This could be multiplied through the actual factors but it // is sometimes easier to manipulate the factors and their mix separately. // to public Vector3 FactorMix; // Arbritrary factor range. // EfficiencyHigh means move quickly to the correct number. EfficiencyLow means might over correct. public float EfficiencyHigh = 0.4f; public float EfficiencyLow = 4.0f; // Running integration of the error Vector3 RunningIntegration { get; set; } public BSPIDVMotor(string useName) : base(useName) { proportionFactor = new Vector3(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f); integralFactor = new Vector3(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f); derivFactor = new Vector3(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f); FactorMix = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.25f, 0.25f); RunningIntegration = Vector3.Zero; LastError = Vector3.Zero; } public override void Zero() { base.Zero(); } public override float Efficiency { get { return base.Efficiency; } set { base.Efficiency = Util.Clamp(value, 0f, 1f); // Compute factors based on efficiency. // If efficiency is high (1f), use a factor value that moves the error value to zero with little overshoot. // If efficiency is low (0f), use a factor value that overcorrects. // TODO: might want to vary contribution of different factor depending on efficiency. float factor = ((1f - this.Efficiency) * EfficiencyHigh + EfficiencyLow) / 3f; // float factor = (1f - this.Efficiency) * EfficiencyHigh + EfficiencyLow; proportionFactor = new Vector3(factor, factor, factor); integralFactor = new Vector3(factor, factor, factor); derivFactor = new Vector3(factor, factor, factor); MDetailLog("{0},BSPIDVMotor.setEfficiency,eff={1},factor={2}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, Efficiency, factor); } } // Ignore Current and Target Values and just advance the PID computation on this error. public override Vector3 Step(float timeStep, Vector3 error) { if (!Enabled) return Vector3.Zero; // Add up the error so we can integrate over the accumulated errors RunningIntegration += error * timeStep; // A simple derivitive is the rate of change from the last error. Vector3 derivitive = (error - LastError) * timeStep; LastError = error; // Correction = (proportionOfPresentError + accumulationOfPastError + rateOfChangeOfError) Vector3 ret = error * timeStep * proportionFactor * FactorMix.X + RunningIntegration * integralFactor * FactorMix.Y + derivitive * derivFactor * FactorMix.Z ; MDetailLog("{0},BSPIDVMotor.step,ts={1},err={2},runnInt={3},deriv={4},ret={5}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, timeStep, error, RunningIntegration, derivitive, ret); return ret; } } }