/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyrightD * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using OMV = OpenMetaverse; namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.BulletSPlugin { public class BSLinkset { private static string LogHeader = "[BULLETSIM LINKSET]"; private BSPrim m_linksetRoot; public BSPrim Root { get { return m_linksetRoot; } } private BSScene m_scene; private List m_children; // We lock the diddling of linkset classes to prevent any badness. // This locks the modification of the instances of this class. Changes // to the physical representation is done via the tainting mechenism. private object m_linksetActivityLock = new Object(); // We keep the prim's mass in the linkset structure since it could be dependent on other prims private float m_mass; public float LinksetMass { get { m_mass = ComputeLinksetMass(); return m_mass; } } public OMV.Vector3 CenterOfMass { get { return ComputeLinksetCenterOfMass(); } } public OMV.Vector3 GeometricCenter { get { return ComputeLinksetGeometricCenter(); } } public BSLinkset(BSScene scene, BSPrim parent) { // A simple linkset of one (no children) m_scene = scene; m_linksetRoot = parent; m_children = new List(); m_mass = parent.MassRaw; } // Link to a linkset where the child knows the parent. // Parent changing should not happen so do some sanity checking. // We return the parent's linkset so the child can track it's membership. public BSLinkset AddMeToLinkset(BSPrim child, BSPrim parent) { lock (m_linksetActivityLock) { parent.Linkset.AddChildToLinkset(child); } return parent.Linkset; } public BSLinkset RemoveMeFromLinkset(BSPrim child) { lock (m_linksetActivityLock) { if (IsRoot(child)) { // if root of linkset, take the linkset apart while (m_children.Count > 0) { // Note that we don't do a foreach because the remove routine // takes it out of the list. RemoveChildFromLinkset(m_children[0]); } m_children.Clear(); // just to make sure } else { // Just removing a child from an existing linkset RemoveChildFromLinkset(child); } } // The child is down to a linkset of just itself return new BSLinkset(m_scene, child); } // An existing linkset had one of its members rebuilt or something. // Go through the linkset and rebuild the pointers to the bodies of the linkset members. public BSLinkset RefreshLinkset(BSPrim requestor) { BSLinkset ret = requestor.Linkset; lock (m_linksetActivityLock) { System.IntPtr aPtr = BulletSimAPI.GetBodyHandle2(m_scene.World.Ptr, m_linksetRoot.LocalID); if (aPtr == System.IntPtr.Zero) { // That's odd. We can't find the root of the linkset. // The linkset is somehow dead. The requestor is now a member of a linkset of one. DetailLog("{0},RefreshLinkset.RemoveRoot,child={1}", m_linksetRoot.LocalID, m_linksetRoot.LocalID); ret = RemoveMeFromLinkset(m_linksetRoot); } else { // Reconstruct the pointer to the body of the linkset root. DetailLog("{0},RefreshLinkset.RebuildRoot,rootID={1},ptr={2}", m_linksetRoot.LocalID, m_linksetRoot.LocalID, aPtr); m_linksetRoot.Body = new BulletBody(m_linksetRoot.LocalID, aPtr); List toRemove = new List(); foreach (BSPrim bsp in m_children) { aPtr = BulletSimAPI.GetBodyHandle2(m_scene.World.Ptr, bsp.LocalID); if (aPtr == System.IntPtr.Zero) { toRemove.Add(bsp); } else { // Reconstruct the pointer to the body of the linkset root. DetailLog("{0},RefreshLinkset.RebuildChild,rootID={1},ptr={2}", bsp.LocalID, m_linksetRoot.LocalID, aPtr); bsp.Body = new BulletBody(bsp.LocalID, aPtr); } } foreach (BSPrim bsp in toRemove) { RemoveChildFromLinkset(bsp); } } } return ret; } // Return 'true' if the passed object is the root object of this linkset public bool IsRoot(BSPrim requestor) { return (requestor.LocalID == m_linksetRoot.LocalID); } // Return 'true' if this linkset has any children (more than the root member) public bool HasAnyChildren { get { return (m_children.Count > 0); } } // Return 'true' if this child is in this linkset public bool HasChild(BSPrim child) { bool ret = false; foreach (BSPrim bp in m_children) { if (child.LocalID == bp.LocalID) { ret = true; break; } } return ret; } private float ComputeLinksetMass() { float mass = m_linksetRoot.MassRaw; foreach (BSPrim bp in m_children) { mass += bp.MassRaw; } return mass; } private OMV.Vector3 ComputeLinksetCenterOfMass() { OMV.Vector3 com = m_linksetRoot.Position * m_linksetRoot.MassRaw; float totalMass = m_linksetRoot.MassRaw; foreach (BSPrim bp in m_children) { com += bp.Position * bp.MassRaw; totalMass += bp.MassRaw; } com /= totalMass; return com; } private OMV.Vector3 ComputeLinksetGeometricCenter() { OMV.Vector3 com = m_linksetRoot.Position; foreach (BSPrim bp in m_children) { com += bp.Position * bp.MassRaw; } com /= m_children.Count + 1; return com; } // I am the root of a linkset and a new child is being added public void AddChildToLinkset(BSPrim pchild) { BSPrim child = pchild; if (!HasChild(child)) { m_children.Add(child); m_scene.TaintedObject(delegate() { DebugLog("{0}: AddChildToLinkset: adding child {1} to {2}", LogHeader, child.LocalID, m_linksetRoot.LocalID); DetailLog("{0},AddChildToLinkset,child={1}", m_linksetRoot.LocalID, pchild.LocalID); PhysicallyLinkAChildToRoot(pchild); // build the physical binding between me and the child }); } return; } // I am the root of a linkset and one of my children is being removed. // Safe to call even if the child is not really in my linkset. public void RemoveChildFromLinkset(BSPrim pchild) { BSPrim child = pchild; if (m_children.Remove(child)) { m_scene.TaintedObject(delegate() { DebugLog("{0}: RemoveChildFromLinkset: Removing constraint to {1}", LogHeader, child.LocalID); DetailLog("{0},RemoveChildFromLinkset,child={1}", m_linksetRoot.LocalID, pchild.LocalID); if (m_children.Count == 0) { // if the linkset is empty, make sure all linkages have been removed PhysicallyUnlinkAllChildrenFromRoot(); } else { PhysicallyUnlinkAChildFromRoot(pchild); } }); } else { // This will happen if we remove the root of the linkset first. Non-fatal occurance. // m_scene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0}: Asked to remove child from linkset that was not in linkset", LogHeader); } return; } // Create a constraint between me (root of linkset) and the passed prim (the child). // Called at taint time! private void PhysicallyLinkAChildToRoot(BSPrim childPrim) { // Zero motion for children so they don't interpolate childPrim.ZeroMotion(); // relative position normalized to the root prim OMV.Quaternion invThisOrientation = OMV.Quaternion.Inverse(m_linksetRoot.Orientation); OMV.Vector3 childRelativePosition = (childPrim.Position - m_linksetRoot.Position) * invThisOrientation; // relative rotation of the child to the parent OMV.Quaternion childRelativeRotation = invThisOrientation * childPrim.Orientation; // create a constraint that allows no freedom of movement between the two objects // http://bulletphysics.org/Bullet/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=4818 // DebugLog("{0}: CreateLinkset: Adding a constraint between root prim {1} and child prim {2}", LogHeader, LocalID, childPrim.LocalID); DetailLog("{0},LinkAChildToMe,taint,root={1},child={2}", m_linksetRoot.LocalID, m_linksetRoot.LocalID, childPrim.LocalID); BSConstraint constrain = m_scene.Constraints.CreateConstraint( m_scene.World, m_linksetRoot.Body, childPrim.Body, childRelativePosition, childRelativeRotation, OMV.Vector3.Zero, -childRelativeRotation ); // zero linear and angular limits makes the objects unable to move in relation to each other constrain.SetLinearLimits(OMV.Vector3.Zero, OMV.Vector3.Zero); constrain.SetAngularLimits(OMV.Vector3.Zero, OMV.Vector3.Zero); // tweek the constraint to increase stability constrain.UseFrameOffset(m_scene.BoolNumeric(m_scene.Params.linkConstraintUseFrameOffset)); constrain.TranslationalLimitMotor(m_scene.BoolNumeric(m_scene.Params.linkConstraintEnableTransMotor), m_scene.Params.linkConstraintTransMotorMaxVel, m_scene.Params.linkConstraintTransMotorMaxForce); constrain.SetCFMAndERP(m_scene.Params.linkConstraintCFM, m_scene.Params.linkConstraintERP); } // Remove linkage between myself and a particular child // Called at taint time! private void PhysicallyUnlinkAChildFromRoot(BSPrim childPrim) { DebugLog("{0}: PhysicallyUnlinkAChildFromRoot: RemoveConstraint between root prim {1} and child prim {2}", LogHeader, m_linksetRoot.LocalID, childPrim.LocalID); DetailLog("{0},PhysicallyUnlinkAChildFromRoot,taint,root={1},child={2}", m_linksetRoot.LocalID, m_linksetRoot.LocalID, childPrim.LocalID); // BulletSimAPI.RemoveConstraint(_scene.WorldID, LocalID, childPrim.LocalID); m_scene.Constraints.RemoveAndDestroyConstraint(m_linksetRoot.Body, childPrim.Body); } // Remove linkage between myself and any possible children I might have // Called at taint time! private void PhysicallyUnlinkAllChildrenFromRoot() { // DebugLog("{0}: PhysicallyUnlinkAllChildren:", LogHeader); DetailLog("{0},PhysicallyUnlinkAllChildren,taint", m_linksetRoot.LocalID); m_scene.Constraints.RemoveAndDestroyConstraint(m_linksetRoot.Body); // BulletSimAPI.RemoveConstraintByID(_scene.WorldID, LocalID); } // Invoke the detailed logger and output something if it's enabled. private void DebugLog(string msg, params Object[] args) { if (m_scene.ShouldDebugLog) m_scene.Logger.DebugFormat(msg, args); } // Invoke the detailed logger and output something if it's enabled. private void DetailLog(string msg, params Object[] args) { m_scene.PhysicsLogging.Write(msg, args); } } }