/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyrightD * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using log4net; using OMV = OpenMetaverse; using OpenSim.Framework; using OpenSim.Region.Physics.Manager; namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.BulletSPlugin { public sealed class BSCharacter : BSPhysObject { private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private static readonly string LogHeader = "[BULLETS CHAR]"; // private bool _stopped; private OMV.Vector3 _size; private bool _grabbed; private bool _selected; private OMV.Vector3 _position; private float _mass; private float _avatarVolume; private OMV.Vector3 _force; private OMV.Vector3 _velocity; private OMV.Vector3 _torque; private float _collisionScore; private OMV.Vector3 _acceleration; private OMV.Quaternion _orientation; private int _physicsActorType; private bool _isPhysical; private bool _flying; private bool _setAlwaysRun; private bool _throttleUpdates; private bool _floatOnWater; private OMV.Vector3 _rotationalVelocity; private bool _kinematic; private float _buoyancy; private BSVMotor _velocityMotor; private OMV.Vector3 _PIDTarget; private bool _usePID; private float _PIDTau; private bool _useHoverPID; private float _PIDHoverHeight; private PIDHoverType _PIDHoverType; private float _PIDHoverTao; public BSCharacter(uint localID, String avName, BSScene parent_scene, OMV.Vector3 pos, OMV.Vector3 size, bool isFlying) : base(parent_scene, localID, avName, "BSCharacter") { _physicsActorType = (int)ActorTypes.Agent; _position = pos; _flying = isFlying; _orientation = OMV.Quaternion.Identity; _velocity = OMV.Vector3.Zero; _buoyancy = ComputeBuoyancyFromFlying(isFlying); Friction = BSParam.AvatarStandingFriction; Density = BSParam.AvatarDensity / BSParam.DensityScaleFactor; // Old versions of ScenePresence passed only the height. If width and/or depth are zero, // replace with the default values. _size = size; if (_size.X == 0f) _size.X = BSParam.AvatarCapsuleDepth; if (_size.Y == 0f) _size.Y = BSParam.AvatarCapsuleWidth; // The dimensions of the physical capsule are kept in the scale. // Physics creates a unit capsule which is scaled by the physics engine. Scale = ComputeAvatarScale(_size); // set _avatarVolume and _mass based on capsule size, _density and Scale ComputeAvatarVolumeAndMass(); SetupMovementMotor(); DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.create,call,size={1},scale={2},density={3},volume={4},mass={5}", LocalID, _size, Scale, Density, _avatarVolume, RawMass); // do actual creation in taint time PhysicsScene.TaintedObject("BSCharacter.create", delegate() { DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.create,taint", LocalID); // New body and shape into PhysBody and PhysShape PhysicsScene.Shapes.GetBodyAndShape(true, PhysicsScene.World, this); SetPhysicalProperties(); }); return; } // called when this character is being destroyed and the resources should be released public override void Destroy() { base.Destroy(); DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.Destroy", LocalID); PhysicsScene.TaintedObject("BSCharacter.destroy", delegate() { PhysicsScene.Shapes.DereferenceBody(PhysBody, null /* bodyCallback */); PhysBody.Clear(); PhysicsScene.Shapes.DereferenceShape(PhysShape, null /* bodyCallback */); PhysShape.Clear(); }); } private void SetPhysicalProperties() { PhysicsScene.PE.RemoveObjectFromWorld(PhysicsScene.World, PhysBody); ZeroMotion(true); ForcePosition = _position; // Set the velocity _velocityMotor.Reset(); _velocityMotor.SetTarget(_velocity); _velocityMotor.SetCurrent(_velocity); ForceVelocity = _velocity; // This will enable or disable the flying buoyancy of the avatar. // Needs to be reset especially when an avatar is recreated after crossing a region boundry. Flying = _flying; PhysicsScene.PE.SetRestitution(PhysBody, BSParam.AvatarRestitution); PhysicsScene.PE.SetMargin(PhysShape, PhysicsScene.Params.collisionMargin); PhysicsScene.PE.SetLocalScaling(PhysShape, Scale); PhysicsScene.PE.SetContactProcessingThreshold(PhysBody, BSParam.ContactProcessingThreshold); if (BSParam.CcdMotionThreshold > 0f) { PhysicsScene.PE.SetCcdMotionThreshold(PhysBody, BSParam.CcdMotionThreshold); PhysicsScene.PE.SetCcdSweptSphereRadius(PhysBody, BSParam.CcdSweptSphereRadius); } UpdatePhysicalMassProperties(RawMass, false); // Make so capsule does not fall over PhysicsScene.PE.SetAngularFactorV(PhysBody, OMV.Vector3.Zero); PhysicsScene.PE.AddToCollisionFlags(PhysBody, CollisionFlags.CF_CHARACTER_OBJECT); PhysicsScene.PE.AddObjectToWorld(PhysicsScene.World, PhysBody); // PhysicsScene.PE.ForceActivationState(PhysBody, ActivationState.ACTIVE_TAG); PhysicsScene.PE.ForceActivationState(PhysBody, ActivationState.DISABLE_DEACTIVATION); PhysicsScene.PE.UpdateSingleAabb(PhysicsScene.World, PhysBody); // Do this after the object has been added to the world PhysBody.collisionType = CollisionType.Avatar; PhysBody.ApplyCollisionMask(PhysicsScene); } // The avatar's movement is controlled by this motor that speeds up and slows down // the avatar seeking to reach the motor's target speed. // This motor runs as a prestep action for the avatar so it will keep the avatar // standing as well as moving. Destruction of the avatar will destroy the pre-step action. private void SetupMovementMotor() { // Infinite decay and timescale values so motor only changes current to target values. _velocityMotor = new BSVMotor("BSCharacter.Velocity", 0.2f, // time scale BSMotor.Infinite, // decay time scale BSMotor.InfiniteVector, // friction timescale 1f // efficiency ); // _velocityMotor.PhysicsScene = PhysicsScene; // DEBUG DEBUG so motor will output detail log messages. RegisterPreStepAction("BSCharactor.Movement", LocalID, delegate(float timeStep) { // TODO: Decide if the step parameters should be changed depending on the avatar's // state (flying, colliding, ...). There is code in ODE to do this. // COMMENTARY: when the user is making the avatar walk, except for falling, the velocity // specified for the avatar is the one that should be used. For falling, if the avatar // is not flying and is not colliding then it is presumed to be falling and the Z // component is not fooled with (thus allowing gravity to do its thing). // When the avatar is standing, though, the user has specified a velocity of zero and // the avatar should be standing. But if the avatar is pushed by something in the world // (raising elevator platform, moving vehicle, ...) the avatar should be allowed to // move. Thus, the velocity cannot be forced to zero. The problem is that small velocity // errors can creap in and the avatar will slowly float off in some direction. // So, the problem is that, when an avatar is standing, we cannot tell creaping error // from real pushing. // The code below keeps setting the velocity to zero hoping the world will keep pushing. _velocityMotor.Step(timeStep); // If we're not supposed to be moving, make sure things are zero. if (_velocityMotor.ErrorIsZero() && _velocityMotor.TargetValue == OMV.Vector3.Zero) { // The avatar shouldn't be moving _velocityMotor.Zero(); if (IsColliding) { // If we are colliding with a stationary object, presume we're standing and don't move around if (!ColliderIsMoving) { DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.MoveMotor,collidingWithStationary,zeroingMotion", LocalID); ZeroMotion(true /* inTaintTime */); } // Standing has more friction on the ground if (Friction != BSParam.AvatarStandingFriction) { Friction = BSParam.AvatarStandingFriction; PhysicsScene.PE.SetFriction(PhysBody, Friction); } } else { if (Flying) { // Flying and not collising and velocity nearly zero. ZeroMotion(true /* inTaintTime */); } } DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.MoveMotor,taint,stopping,target={1},colliding={2}", LocalID, _velocityMotor.TargetValue, IsColliding); } else { OMV.Vector3 stepVelocity = _velocityMotor.CurrentValue; if (Friction != BSParam.AvatarFriction) { // Probably starting up walking. Set friction to moving friction. Friction = BSParam.AvatarFriction; PhysicsScene.PE.SetFriction(PhysBody, Friction); } // If falling, we keep the world's downward vector no matter what the other axis specify. // The check for _velocity.Z < 0 makes jumping work (temporary upward force). if (!Flying && !IsColliding) { if (_velocity.Z < 0) stepVelocity.Z = _velocity.Z; // DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.MoveMotor,taint,overrideStepZWithWorldZ,stepVel={1}", LocalID, stepVelocity); } // 'stepVelocity' is now the speed we'd like the avatar to move in. Turn that into an instantanous force. OMV.Vector3 moveForce = (stepVelocity - _velocity) * Mass; // Should we check for move force being small and forcing velocity to zero? // Add special movement force to allow avatars to walk up stepped surfaces. moveForce += WalkUpStairs(); DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.MoveMotor,move,stepVel={1},vel={2},mass={3},moveForce={4}", LocalID, stepVelocity, _velocity, Mass, moveForce); PhysicsScene.PE.ApplyCentralImpulse(PhysBody, moveForce); } }); } // Decide of the character is colliding with a low object and compute a force to pop the // avatar up so it has a chance of walking up and over the low object. private OMV.Vector3 WalkUpStairs() { OMV.Vector3 ret = OMV.Vector3.Zero; // This test is done if moving forward, not flying and is colliding with something. // DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.WalkUpStairs,IsColliding={1},flying={2},targSpeed={3},collisions={4}", // LocalID, IsColliding, Flying, TargetSpeed, CollisionsLastTick.Count); if (IsColliding && !Flying && TargetVelocitySpeed > 0.1f /* && ForwardSpeed < 0.1f */) { // The range near the character's feet where we will consider stairs float nearFeetHeightMin = RawPosition.Z - (Size.Z / 2f) + 0.05f; float nearFeetHeightMax = nearFeetHeightMin + BSParam.AvatarStepHeight; // Look for a collision point that is near the character's feet and is oriented the same as the charactor is foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in CollisionsLastTick.m_objCollisionList) { // Don't care about collisions with the terrain if (kvp.Key > PhysicsScene.TerrainManager.HighestTerrainID) { OMV.Vector3 touchPosition = kvp.Value.Position; // DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.WalkUpStairs,min={1},max={2},touch={3}", // LocalID, nearFeetHeightMin, nearFeetHeightMax, touchPosition); if (touchPosition.Z >= nearFeetHeightMin && touchPosition.Z <= nearFeetHeightMax) { // This contact is within the 'near the feet' range. // The normal should be our contact point to the object so it is pointing away // thus the difference between our facing orientation and the normal should be small. OMV.Vector3 directionFacing = OMV.Vector3.UnitX * RawOrientation; OMV.Vector3 touchNormal = OMV.Vector3.Normalize(kvp.Value.SurfaceNormal); float diff = Math.Abs(OMV.Vector3.Distance(directionFacing, touchNormal)); if (diff < BSParam.AvatarStepApproachFactor) { // Found the stairs contact point. Push up a little to raise the character. float upForce = (touchPosition.Z - nearFeetHeightMin) * Mass * BSParam.AvatarStepForceFactor; ret = new OMV.Vector3(0f, 0f, upForce); // Also move the avatar up for the new height OMV.Vector3 displacement = new OMV.Vector3(0f, 0f, BSParam.AvatarStepHeight / 2f); ForcePosition = RawPosition + displacement; } DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.WalkUpStairs,touchPos={1},nearFeetMin={2},faceDir={3},norm={4},diff={5},ret={6}", LocalID, touchPosition, nearFeetHeightMin, directionFacing, touchNormal, diff, ret); } } } } return ret; } public override void RequestPhysicsterseUpdate() { base.RequestPhysicsterseUpdate(); } // No one calls this method so I don't know what it could possibly mean public override bool Stopped { get { return false; } } public override OMV.Vector3 Size { get { // Avatar capsule size is kept in the scale parameter. return _size; } set { _size = value; // Old versions of ScenePresence passed only the height. If width and/or depth are zero, // replace with the default values. if (_size.X == 0f) _size.X = BSParam.AvatarCapsuleDepth; if (_size.Y == 0f) _size.Y = BSParam.AvatarCapsuleWidth; Scale = ComputeAvatarScale(_size); ComputeAvatarVolumeAndMass(); DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.setSize,call,size={1},scale={2},density={3},volume={4},mass={5}", LocalID, _size, Scale, Density, _avatarVolume, RawMass); PhysicsScene.TaintedObject("BSCharacter.setSize", delegate() { if (PhysBody.HasPhysicalBody && PhysShape.HasPhysicalShape) { PhysicsScene.PE.SetLocalScaling(PhysShape, Scale); UpdatePhysicalMassProperties(RawMass, true); // Make sure this change appears as a property update event PhysicsScene.PE.PushUpdate(PhysBody); } }); } } public override PrimitiveBaseShape Shape { set { BaseShape = value; } } // I want the physics engine to make an avatar capsule public override BSPhysicsShapeType PreferredPhysicalShape { get {return BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_CAPSULE; } } public override bool Grabbed { set { _grabbed = value; } } public override bool Selected { set { _selected = value; } } public override bool IsSelected { get { return _selected; } } public override void CrossingFailure() { return; } public override void link(PhysicsActor obj) { return; } public override void delink() { return; } // Set motion values to zero. // Do it to the properties so the values get set in the physics engine. // Push the setting of the values to the viewer. // Called at taint time! public override void ZeroMotion(bool inTaintTime) { _velocity = OMV.Vector3.Zero; _acceleration = OMV.Vector3.Zero; _rotationalVelocity = OMV.Vector3.Zero; // Zero some other properties directly into the physics engine PhysicsScene.TaintedObject(inTaintTime, "BSCharacter.ZeroMotion", delegate() { if (PhysBody.HasPhysicalBody) PhysicsScene.PE.ClearAllForces(PhysBody); }); } public override void ZeroAngularMotion(bool inTaintTime) { _rotationalVelocity = OMV.Vector3.Zero; PhysicsScene.TaintedObject(inTaintTime, "BSCharacter.ZeroMotion", delegate() { if (PhysBody.HasPhysicalBody) { PhysicsScene.PE.SetInterpolationAngularVelocity(PhysBody, OMV.Vector3.Zero); PhysicsScene.PE.SetAngularVelocity(PhysBody, OMV.Vector3.Zero); // The next also get rid of applied linear force but the linear velocity is untouched. PhysicsScene.PE.ClearForces(PhysBody); } }); } public override void LockAngularMotion(OMV.Vector3 axis) { return; } public override OMV.Vector3 RawPosition { get { return _position; } set { _position = value; } } public override OMV.Vector3 Position { get { // Don't refetch the position because this function is called a zillion times // _position = PhysicsScene.PE.GetObjectPosition(Scene.World, LocalID); return _position; } set { _position = value; PhysicsScene.TaintedObject("BSCharacter.setPosition", delegate() { DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.SetPosition,taint,pos={1},orient={2}", LocalID, _position, _orientation); PositionSanityCheck(); ForcePosition = _position; }); } } public override OMV.Vector3 ForcePosition { get { _position = PhysicsScene.PE.GetPosition(PhysBody); return _position; } set { _position = value; if (PhysBody.HasPhysicalBody) { PhysicsScene.PE.SetTranslation(PhysBody, _position, _orientation); } } } // Check that the current position is sane and, if not, modify the position to make it so. // Check for being below terrain or on water. // Returns 'true' of the position was made sane by some action. private bool PositionSanityCheck() { bool ret = false; // TODO: check for out of bounds if (!PhysicsScene.TerrainManager.IsWithinKnownTerrain(RawPosition)) { // The character is out of the known/simulated area. // Upper levels of code will handle the transition to other areas so, for // the time, we just ignore the position. return ret; } // If below the ground, move the avatar up float terrainHeight = PhysicsScene.TerrainManager.GetTerrainHeightAtXYZ(RawPosition); if (Position.Z < terrainHeight) { DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.PositionAdjustUnderGround,call,pos={1},terrain={2}", LocalID, _position, terrainHeight); _position.Z = terrainHeight + 2.0f; ret = true; } if ((CurrentCollisionFlags & CollisionFlags.BS_FLOATS_ON_WATER) != 0) { float waterHeight = PhysicsScene.TerrainManager.GetWaterLevelAtXYZ(_position); if (Position.Z < waterHeight) { _position.Z = waterHeight; ret = true; } } return ret; } // A version of the sanity check that also makes sure a new position value is // pushed back to the physics engine. This routine would be used by anyone // who is not already pushing the value. private bool PositionSanityCheck(bool inTaintTime) { bool ret = false; if (PositionSanityCheck()) { // The new position value must be pushed into the physics engine but we can't // just assign to "Position" because of potential call loops. PhysicsScene.TaintedObject(inTaintTime, "BSCharacter.PositionSanityCheck", delegate() { DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.PositionSanityCheck,taint,pos={1},orient={2}", LocalID, _position, _orientation); ForcePosition = _position; }); ret = true; } return ret; } public override float Mass { get { return _mass; } } // used when we only want this prim's mass and not the linkset thing public override float RawMass { get {return _mass; } } public override void UpdatePhysicalMassProperties(float physMass, bool inWorld) { OMV.Vector3 localInertia = PhysicsScene.PE.CalculateLocalInertia(PhysShape, physMass); PhysicsScene.PE.SetMassProps(PhysBody, physMass, localInertia); } public override OMV.Vector3 Force { get { return _force; } set { _force = value; // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: Force = {1}", LogHeader, _force); PhysicsScene.TaintedObject("BSCharacter.SetForce", delegate() { DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.setForce,taint,force={1}", LocalID, _force); if (PhysBody.HasPhysicalBody) PhysicsScene.PE.SetObjectForce(PhysBody, _force); }); } } // Avatars don't do vehicles public override int VehicleType { get { return (int)Vehicle.TYPE_NONE; } set { return; } } public override void VehicleFloatParam(int param, float value) { } public override void VehicleVectorParam(int param, OMV.Vector3 value) {} public override void VehicleRotationParam(int param, OMV.Quaternion rotation) { } public override void VehicleFlags(int param, bool remove) { } // Allows the detection of collisions with inherently non-physical prims. see llVolumeDetect for more public override void SetVolumeDetect(int param) { return; } public override OMV.Vector3 GeometricCenter { get { return OMV.Vector3.Zero; } } public override OMV.Vector3 CenterOfMass { get { return OMV.Vector3.Zero; } } // Sets the target in the motor. This starts the changing of the avatar's velocity. public override OMV.Vector3 TargetVelocity { get { return m_targetVelocity; } set { DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.setTargetVelocity,call,vel={1}", LocalID, value); m_targetVelocity = value; OMV.Vector3 targetVel = value; if (_setAlwaysRun) targetVel *= new OMV.Vector3(BSParam.AvatarAlwaysRunFactor, BSParam.AvatarAlwaysRunFactor, 0f); PhysicsScene.TaintedObject("BSCharacter.setTargetVelocity", delegate() { _velocityMotor.Reset(); _velocityMotor.SetTarget(targetVel); _velocityMotor.SetCurrent(_velocity); _velocityMotor.Enabled = true; }); } } public override OMV.Vector3 RawVelocity { get { return _velocity; } set { _velocity = value; } } // Directly setting velocity means this is what the user really wants now. public override OMV.Vector3 Velocity { get { return _velocity; } set { _velocity = value; // m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: set velocity = {1}", LogHeader, _velocity); PhysicsScene.TaintedObject("BSCharacter.setVelocity", delegate() { _velocityMotor.Reset(); _velocityMotor.SetCurrent(_velocity); _velocityMotor.SetTarget(_velocity); _velocityMotor.Enabled = false; DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.setVelocity,taint,vel={1}", LocalID, _velocity); ForceVelocity = _velocity; }); } } public override OMV.Vector3 ForceVelocity { get { return _velocity; } set { PhysicsScene.AssertInTaintTime("BSCharacter.ForceVelocity"); _velocity = value; PhysicsScene.PE.SetLinearVelocity(PhysBody, _velocity); PhysicsScene.PE.Activate(PhysBody, true); } } public override OMV.Vector3 Torque { get { return _torque; } set { _torque = value; } } public override float CollisionScore { get { return _collisionScore; } set { _collisionScore = value; } } public override OMV.Vector3 Acceleration { get { return _acceleration; } set { _acceleration = value; } } public override OMV.Quaternion RawOrientation { get { return _orientation; } set { _orientation = value; } } public override OMV.Quaternion Orientation { get { return _orientation; } set { // Orientation is set zillions of times when an avatar is walking. It's like // the viewer doesn't trust us. if (_orientation != value) { _orientation = value; PhysicsScene.TaintedObject("BSCharacter.setOrientation", delegate() { ForceOrientation = _orientation; }); } } } // Go directly to Bullet to get/set the value. public override OMV.Quaternion ForceOrientation { get { _orientation = PhysicsScene.PE.GetOrientation(PhysBody); return _orientation; } set { _orientation = value; if (PhysBody.HasPhysicalBody) { // _position = PhysicsScene.PE.GetPosition(BSBody); PhysicsScene.PE.SetTranslation(PhysBody, _position, _orientation); } } } public override int PhysicsActorType { get { return _physicsActorType; } set { _physicsActorType = value; } } public override bool IsPhysical { get { return _isPhysical; } set { _isPhysical = value; } } public override bool IsSolid { get { return true; } } public override bool IsStatic { get { return false; } } public override bool IsPhysicallyActive { get { return true; } } public override bool Flying { get { return _flying; } set { _flying = value; // simulate flying by changing the effect of gravity Buoyancy = ComputeBuoyancyFromFlying(_flying); } } // Flying is implimented by changing the avatar's buoyancy. // Would this be done better with a vehicle type? private float ComputeBuoyancyFromFlying(bool ifFlying) { return ifFlying ? 1f : 0f; } public override bool SetAlwaysRun { get { return _setAlwaysRun; } set { _setAlwaysRun = value; } } public override bool ThrottleUpdates { get { return _throttleUpdates; } set { _throttleUpdates = value; } } public override bool FloatOnWater { set { _floatOnWater = value; PhysicsScene.TaintedObject("BSCharacter.setFloatOnWater", delegate() { if (PhysBody.HasPhysicalBody) { if (_floatOnWater) CurrentCollisionFlags = PhysicsScene.PE.AddToCollisionFlags(PhysBody, CollisionFlags.BS_FLOATS_ON_WATER); else CurrentCollisionFlags = PhysicsScene.PE.RemoveFromCollisionFlags(PhysBody, CollisionFlags.BS_FLOATS_ON_WATER); } }); } } public override OMV.Vector3 RotationalVelocity { get { return _rotationalVelocity; } set { _rotationalVelocity = value; } } public override OMV.Vector3 ForceRotationalVelocity { get { return _rotationalVelocity; } set { _rotationalVelocity = value; } } public override bool Kinematic { get { return _kinematic; } set { _kinematic = value; } } // neg=fall quickly, 0=1g, 1=0g, pos=float up public override float Buoyancy { get { return _buoyancy; } set { _buoyancy = value; PhysicsScene.TaintedObject("BSCharacter.setBuoyancy", delegate() { DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.setBuoyancy,taint,buoy={1}", LocalID, _buoyancy); ForceBuoyancy = _buoyancy; }); } } public override float ForceBuoyancy { get { return _buoyancy; } set { PhysicsScene.AssertInTaintTime("BSCharacter.ForceBuoyancy"); _buoyancy = value; DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.setForceBuoyancy,taint,buoy={1}", LocalID, _buoyancy); // Buoyancy is faked by changing the gravity applied to the object float grav = BSParam.Gravity * (1f - _buoyancy); Gravity = new OMV.Vector3(0f, 0f, grav); if (PhysBody.HasPhysicalBody) PhysicsScene.PE.SetGravity(PhysBody, Gravity); } } // Used for MoveTo public override OMV.Vector3 PIDTarget { set { _PIDTarget = value; } } public override bool PIDActive { set { _usePID = value; } } public override float PIDTau { set { _PIDTau = value; } } // Used for llSetHoverHeight and maybe vehicle height // Hover Height will override MoveTo target's Z public override bool PIDHoverActive { set { _useHoverPID = value; } } public override float PIDHoverHeight { set { _PIDHoverHeight = value; } } public override PIDHoverType PIDHoverType { set { _PIDHoverType = value; } } public override float PIDHoverTau { set { _PIDHoverTao = value; } } // For RotLookAt public override OMV.Quaternion APIDTarget { set { return; } } public override bool APIDActive { set { return; } } public override float APIDStrength { set { return; } } public override float APIDDamping { set { return; } } public override void AddForce(OMV.Vector3 force, bool pushforce) { // Since this force is being applied in only one step, make this a force per second. OMV.Vector3 addForce = force / PhysicsScene.LastTimeStep; AddForce(addForce, pushforce, false); } private void AddForce(OMV.Vector3 force, bool pushforce, bool inTaintTime) { if (force.IsFinite()) { float magnitude = force.Length(); if (magnitude > BSParam.MaxAddForceMagnitude) { // Force has a limit force = force / magnitude * BSParam.MaxAddForceMagnitude; } OMV.Vector3 addForce = force; // DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.addForce,call,force={1}", LocalID, addForce); PhysicsScene.TaintedObject(inTaintTime, "BSCharacter.AddForce", delegate() { // Bullet adds this central force to the total force for this tick // DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.addForce,taint,force={1}", LocalID, addForce); if (PhysBody.HasPhysicalBody) { PhysicsScene.PE.ApplyCentralForce(PhysBody, addForce); } }); } else { m_log.WarnFormat("{0}: Got a NaN force applied to a character. LocalID={1}", LogHeader, LocalID); return; } } public override void AddAngularForce(OMV.Vector3 force, bool pushforce) { } public override void SetMomentum(OMV.Vector3 momentum) { } private OMV.Vector3 ComputeAvatarScale(OMV.Vector3 size) { OMV.Vector3 newScale; // Bullet's capsule total height is the "passed height + radius * 2"; // The base capsule is 1 diameter and 2 height (passed radius=0.5, passed height = 1) // The number we pass in for 'scaling' is the multiplier to get that base // shape to be the size desired. // So, when creating the scale for the avatar height, we take the passed height // (size.Z) and remove the caps. // Another oddity of the Bullet capsule implementation is that it presumes the Y // dimension is the radius of the capsule. Even though some of the code allows // for a asymmetrical capsule, other parts of the code presume it is cylindrical. // Scale is multiplier of radius with one of "0.5" newScale.X = size.X / 2f; newScale.Y = size.Y / 2f; // The total scale height is the central cylindar plus the caps on the two ends. newScale.Z = (size.Z + (Math.Min(size.X, size.Y) * 2)) / 2f; // If smaller than the endcaps, just fake like we're almost that small if (newScale.Z < 0) newScale.Z = 0.1f; return newScale; } // set _avatarVolume and _mass based on capsule size, _density and Scale private void ComputeAvatarVolumeAndMass() { _avatarVolume = (float)( Math.PI * Size.X / 2f * Size.Y / 2f // the area of capsule cylinder * Size.Z // times height of capsule cylinder + 1.33333333f * Math.PI * Size.X / 2f * Math.Min(Size.X, Size.Y) / 2 * Size.Y / 2f // plus the volume of the capsule end caps ); _mass = Density * BSParam.DensityScaleFactor * _avatarVolume; } // The physics engine says that properties have updated. Update same and inform // the world that things have changed. public override void UpdateProperties(EntityProperties entprop) { _position = entprop.Position; _orientation = entprop.Rotation; // Smooth velocity. OpenSimulator is VERY sensitive to changes in velocity of the avatar // and will send agent updates to the clients if velocity changes by more than // 0.001m/s. Bullet introduces a lot of jitter in the velocity which causes many // extra updates. if (!entprop.Velocity.ApproxEquals(_velocity, 0.1f)) _velocity = entprop.Velocity; _acceleration = entprop.Acceleration; _rotationalVelocity = entprop.RotationalVelocity; // Do some sanity checking for the avatar. Make sure it's above ground and inbounds. if (PositionSanityCheck(true)) { entprop.Position = _position; } // remember the current and last set values LastEntityProperties = CurrentEntityProperties; CurrentEntityProperties = entprop; // Tell the linkset about value changes // Linkset.UpdateProperties(UpdatedProperties.EntPropUpdates, this); // Avatars don't report their changes the usual way. Changes are checked for in the heartbeat loop. // base.RequestPhysicsterseUpdate(); DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.UpdateProperties,call,pos={1},orient={2},vel={3},accel={4},rotVel={5}", LocalID, _position, _orientation, _velocity, _acceleration, _rotationalVelocity); } } }