/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using System.Text; using OpenMetaverse; namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.BulletSPlugin { // Constraint type values as defined by Bullet public enum ConstraintType : int { POINT2POINT_CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 3, HINGE_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, CONETWIST_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, D6_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, SLIDER_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, CONTACT_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, D6_SPRING_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, MAX_CONSTRAINT_TYPE } // =============================================================================== [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ConvexHull { Vector3 Offset; int VertexCount; Vector3[] Vertices; } public enum BSPhysicsShapeType { SHAPE_UNKNOWN = 0, SHAPE_CAPSULE = 1, SHAPE_BOX = 2, SHAPE_CONE = 3, SHAPE_CYLINDER = 4, SHAPE_SPHERE = 5, SHAPE_MESH = 6, SHAPE_HULL = 7, // following defined by BulletSim SHAPE_GROUNDPLANE = 20, SHAPE_TERRAIN = 21, SHAPE_COMPOUND = 22, SHAPE_HEIGHTMAP = 23, SHAPE_AVATAR = 24, }; // The native shapes have predefined shape hash keys public enum FixedShapeKey : ulong { KEY_NONE = 0, KEY_BOX = 1, KEY_SPHERE = 2, KEY_CONE = 3, KEY_CYLINDER = 4, KEY_CAPSULE = 5, KEY_AVATAR = 6, } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ShapeData { public UInt32 ID; public BSPhysicsShapeType Type; public Vector3 Position; public Quaternion Rotation; public Vector3 Velocity; public Vector3 Scale; public float Mass; public float Buoyancy; public System.UInt64 HullKey; public System.UInt64 MeshKey; public float Friction; public float Restitution; public float Collidable; // true of things bump into this public float Static; // true if a static object. Otherwise gravity, etc. public float Solid; // true if object cannot be passed through public Vector3 Size; // note that bools are passed as floats since bool size changes by language and architecture public const float numericTrue = 1f; public const float numericFalse = 0f; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SweepHit { public UInt32 ID; public float Fraction; public Vector3 Normal; public Vector3 Point; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct RaycastHit { public UInt32 ID; public float Fraction; public Vector3 Normal; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct CollisionDesc { public UInt32 aID; public UInt32 bID; public Vector3 point; public Vector3 normal; public float penetration; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct EntityProperties { public UInt32 ID; public Vector3 Position; public Quaternion Rotation; public Vector3 Velocity; public Vector3 Acceleration; public Vector3 RotationalVelocity; public override string ToString() { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); buff.Append(""); return buff.ToString(); } } // Format of this structure must match the definition in the C++ code // NOTE: adding the X causes compile breaks if used. These are unused symbols // that can be removed from both here and the unmanaged definition of this structure. [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ConfigurationParameters { public float defaultFriction; public float defaultDensity; public float defaultRestitution; public float collisionMargin; public float gravity; public float maxPersistantManifoldPoolSize; public float maxCollisionAlgorithmPoolSize; public float shouldDisableContactPoolDynamicAllocation; public float shouldForceUpdateAllAabbs; public float shouldRandomizeSolverOrder; public float shouldSplitSimulationIslands; public float shouldEnableFrictionCaching; public float numberOfSolverIterations; public float useSingleSidedMeshes; public float globalContactBreakingThreshold; public float physicsLoggingFrames; public const float numericTrue = 1f; public const float numericFalse = 0f; } // The states a bullet collision object can have public enum ActivationState : uint { ACTIVE_TAG = 1, ISLAND_SLEEPING, WANTS_DEACTIVATION, DISABLE_DEACTIVATION, DISABLE_SIMULATION, } public enum CollisionObjectTypes : int { CO_COLLISION_OBJECT = 1 << 0, CO_RIGID_BODY = 1 << 1, CO_GHOST_OBJECT = 1 << 2, CO_SOFT_BODY = 1 << 3, CO_HF_FLUID = 1 << 4, CO_USER_TYPE = 1 << 5, } // Values used by Bullet and BulletSim to control object properties. // Bullet's "CollisionFlags" has more to do with operations on the // object (if collisions happen, if gravity effects it, ...). public enum CollisionFlags : uint { CF_STATIC_OBJECT = 1 << 0, CF_KINEMATIC_OBJECT = 1 << 1, CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE = 1 << 2, CF_CUSTOM_MATERIAL_CALLBACK = 1 << 3, CF_CHARACTER_OBJECT = 1 << 4, CF_DISABLE_VISUALIZE_OBJECT = 1 << 5, CF_DISABLE_SPU_COLLISION_PROCESS = 1 << 6, // Following used by BulletSim to control collisions and updates BS_SUBSCRIBE_COLLISION_EVENTS = 1 << 10, BS_FLOATS_ON_WATER = 1 << 11, BS_VEHICLE_COLLISIONS = 1 << 12, BS_NONE = 0, BS_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF }; // Values f collisions groups and masks public enum CollisionFilterGroups : uint { // Don't use the bit definitions!! Define the use in a // filter/mask definition below. This way collision interactions // are more easily found and debugged. BNoneGroup = 0, BDefaultGroup = 1 << 0, // 0001 BStaticGroup = 1 << 1, // 0002 BKinematicGroup = 1 << 2, // 0004 BDebrisGroup = 1 << 3, // 0008 BSensorTrigger = 1 << 4, // 0010 BCharacterGroup = 1 << 5, // 0020 BAllGroup = 0x000FFFFF, // Filter groups defined by BulletSim BGroundPlaneGroup = 1 << 10, // 0400 BTerrainGroup = 1 << 11, // 0800 BRaycastGroup = 1 << 12, // 1000 BSolidGroup = 1 << 13, // 2000 // BLinksetGroup = xx // a linkset proper is either static or dynamic BLinksetChildGroup = 1 << 14, // 4000 }; // CFM controls the 'hardness' of the constraint. 0=fixed, 0..1=violatable. Default=0 // ERP controls amount of correction per tick. Usable range=0.1..0.8. Default=0.2. public enum ConstraintParams : int { BT_CONSTRAINT_ERP = 1, // this one is not used in Bullet as of 20120730 BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_ERP, BT_CONSTRAINT_CFM, BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_CFM, }; public enum ConstraintParamAxis : int { AXIS_LINEAR_X = 0, AXIS_LINEAR_Y, AXIS_LINEAR_Z, AXIS_ANGULAR_X, AXIS_ANGULAR_Y, AXIS_ANGULAR_Z, AXIS_LINEAR_ALL = 20, // these last three added by BulletSim so we don't have to do zillions of calls AXIS_ANGULAR_ALL, AXIS_ALL }; public abstract class BSAPITemplate { // Returns the name of the underlying Bullet engine public abstract string BulletEngineName { get; } public abstract string BulletEngineVersion { get; protected set;} // Initialization and simulation public abstract BulletWorld Initialize(Vector3 maxPosition, ConfigurationParameters parms, int maxCollisions, ref CollisionDesc[] collisionArray, int maxUpdates, ref EntityProperties[] updateArray ); public abstract int PhysicsStep(BulletWorld world, float timeStep, int maxSubSteps, float fixedTimeStep, out int updatedEntityCount, out int collidersCount); public abstract bool UpdateParameter(BulletWorld world, UInt32 localID, String parm, float value); public abstract void Shutdown(BulletWorld sim); public abstract bool PushUpdate(BulletBody obj); // ===================================================================================== // Mesh, hull, shape and body creation helper routines public abstract BulletShape CreateMeshShape(BulletWorld world, int indicesCount, int[] indices, int verticesCount, float[] vertices ); public abstract BulletShape CreateHullShape(BulletWorld world, int hullCount, float[] hulls); public abstract BulletShape BuildHullShapeFromMesh(BulletWorld world, BulletShape meshShape); public abstract BulletShape BuildNativeShape(BulletWorld world, ShapeData shapeData); public abstract bool IsNativeShape(BulletShape shape); public abstract void SetShapeCollisionMargin(BulletShape shape, float margin); public abstract BulletShape BuildCapsuleShape(BulletWorld world, float radius, float height, Vector3 scale); public abstract BulletShape CreateCompoundShape(BulletWorld sim, bool enableDynamicAabbTree); public abstract int GetNumberOfCompoundChildren(BulletShape cShape); public abstract void AddChildShapeToCompoundShape(BulletShape cShape, BulletShape addShape, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot); public abstract BulletShape GetChildShapeFromCompoundShapeIndex(BulletShape cShape, int indx); public abstract BulletShape RemoveChildShapeFromCompoundShapeIndex(BulletShape cShape, int indx); public abstract void RemoveChildShapeFromCompoundShape(BulletShape cShape, BulletShape removeShape); public abstract void UpdateChildTransform(BulletShape pShape, int childIndex, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, bool shouldRecalculateLocalAabb); public abstract void RecalculateCompoundShapeLocalAabb(BulletShape cShape); public abstract BulletShape DuplicateCollisionShape(BulletWorld sim, BulletShape srcShape, UInt32 id); public abstract bool DeleteCollisionShape(BulletWorld world, BulletShape shape); public abstract CollisionObjectTypes GetBodyType(BulletBody obj); public abstract BulletBody CreateBodyFromShape(BulletWorld sim, BulletShape shape, UInt32 id, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot); public abstract BulletBody CreateBodyWithDefaultMotionState(BulletShape shape, UInt32 id, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot); public abstract BulletBody CreateGhostFromShape(BulletWorld sim, BulletShape shape, UInt32 id, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot); public abstract void DestroyObject(BulletWorld sim, BulletBody obj); // ===================================================================================== public abstract BulletShape CreateGroundPlaneShape(UInt32 id, float height, float collisionMargin); public abstract BulletShape CreateTerrainShape(UInt32 id, Vector3 size, float minHeight, float maxHeight, float[] heightMap, float scaleFactor, float collisionMargin); // ===================================================================================== // Constraint creation and helper routines public abstract BulletConstraint Create6DofConstraint(BulletWorld world, BulletBody obj1, BulletBody obj2, Vector3 frame1loc, Quaternion frame1rot, Vector3 frame2loc, Quaternion frame2rot, bool useLinearReferenceFrameA, bool disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedBodies); public abstract BulletConstraint Create6DofConstraintToPoint(BulletWorld world, BulletBody obj1, BulletBody obj2, Vector3 joinPoint, bool useLinearReferenceFrameA, bool disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedBodies); public abstract BulletConstraint CreateHingeConstraint(BulletWorld world, BulletBody obj1, BulletBody obj2, Vector3 pivotinA, Vector3 pivotinB, Vector3 axisInA, Vector3 axisInB, bool useLinearReferenceFrameA, bool disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedBodies); public abstract void SetConstraintEnable(BulletConstraint constrain, float numericTrueFalse); public abstract void SetConstraintNumSolverIterations(BulletConstraint constrain, float iterations); public abstract bool SetFrames(BulletConstraint constrain, Vector3 frameA, Quaternion frameArot, Vector3 frameB, Quaternion frameBrot); public abstract bool SetLinearLimits(BulletConstraint constrain, Vector3 low, Vector3 hi); public abstract bool SetAngularLimits(BulletConstraint constrain, Vector3 low, Vector3 hi); public abstract bool UseFrameOffset(BulletConstraint constrain, float enable); public abstract bool TranslationalLimitMotor(BulletConstraint constrain, float enable, float targetVel, float maxMotorForce); public abstract bool SetBreakingImpulseThreshold(BulletConstraint constrain, float threshold); public abstract bool CalculateTransforms(BulletConstraint constrain); public abstract bool SetConstraintParam(BulletConstraint constrain, ConstraintParams paramIndex, float value, ConstraintParamAxis axis); public abstract bool DestroyConstraint(BulletWorld world, BulletConstraint constrain); // ===================================================================================== // btCollisionWorld entries public abstract void UpdateSingleAabb(BulletWorld world, BulletBody obj); public abstract void UpdateAabbs(BulletWorld world); public abstract bool GetForceUpdateAllAabbs(BulletWorld world); public abstract void SetForceUpdateAllAabbs(BulletWorld world, bool force); // ===================================================================================== // btDynamicsWorld entries // public abstract bool AddObjectToWorld(BulletWorld world, BulletBody obj, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot); public abstract bool AddObjectToWorld(BulletWorld world, BulletBody obj); public abstract bool RemoveObjectFromWorld(BulletWorld world, BulletBody obj); public abstract bool AddConstraintToWorld(BulletWorld world, BulletConstraint constrain, bool disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedObjects); public abstract bool RemoveConstraintFromWorld(BulletWorld world, BulletConstraint constrain); // ===================================================================================== // btCollisionObject entries public abstract Vector3 GetAnisotripicFriction(BulletConstraint constrain); public abstract Vector3 SetAnisotripicFriction(BulletConstraint constrain, Vector3 frict); public abstract bool HasAnisotripicFriction(BulletConstraint constrain); public abstract void SetContactProcessingThreshold(BulletBody obj, float val); public abstract float GetContactProcessingThreshold(BulletBody obj); public abstract bool IsStaticObject(BulletBody obj); public abstract bool IsKinematicObject(BulletBody obj); public abstract bool IsStaticOrKinematicObject(BulletBody obj); public abstract bool HasContactResponse(BulletBody obj); public abstract void SetCollisionShape(BulletWorld sim, BulletBody obj, BulletShape shape); public abstract BulletShape GetCollisionShape(BulletBody obj); public abstract int GetActivationState(BulletBody obj); public abstract void SetActivationState(BulletBody obj, int state); public abstract void SetDeactivationTime(BulletBody obj, float dtime); public abstract float GetDeactivationTime(BulletBody obj); public abstract void ForceActivationState(BulletBody obj, ActivationState state); public abstract void Activate(BulletBody obj, bool forceActivation); public abstract bool IsActive(BulletBody obj); public abstract void SetRestitution(BulletBody obj, float val); public abstract float GetRestitution(BulletBody obj); public abstract void SetFriction(BulletBody obj, float val); public abstract float GetFriction(BulletBody obj); public abstract Vector3 GetPosition(BulletBody obj); public abstract Quaternion GetOrientation(BulletBody obj); public abstract void SetTranslation(BulletBody obj, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation); // public abstract IntPtr GetBroadphaseHandle(BulletBody obj); // public abstract void SetBroadphaseHandle(BulletBody obj, IntPtr handle); public abstract void SetInterpolationLinearVelocity(BulletBody obj, Vector3 vel); public abstract void SetInterpolationAngularVelocity(BulletBody obj, Vector3 vel); public abstract void SetInterpolationVelocity(BulletBody obj, Vector3 linearVel, Vector3 angularVel); public abstract float GetHitFraction(BulletBody obj); public abstract void SetHitFraction(BulletBody obj, float val); public abstract CollisionFlags GetCollisionFlags(BulletBody obj); public abstract CollisionFlags SetCollisionFlags(BulletBody obj, CollisionFlags flags); public abstract CollisionFlags AddToCollisionFlags(BulletBody obj, CollisionFlags flags); public abstract CollisionFlags RemoveFromCollisionFlags(BulletBody obj, CollisionFlags flags); public abstract float GetCcdMotionThreshold(BulletBody obj); public abstract void SetCcdMotionThreshold(BulletBody obj, float val); public abstract float GetCcdSweptSphereRadius(BulletBody obj); public abstract void SetCcdSweptSphereRadius(BulletBody obj, float val); public abstract IntPtr GetUserPointer(BulletBody obj); public abstract void SetUserPointer(BulletBody obj, IntPtr val); // ===================================================================================== // btRigidBody entries public abstract void ApplyGravity(BulletBody obj); public abstract void SetGravity(BulletBody obj, Vector3 val); public abstract Vector3 GetGravity(BulletBody obj); public abstract void SetDamping(BulletBody obj, float lin_damping, float ang_damping); public abstract void SetLinearDamping(BulletBody obj, float lin_damping); public abstract void SetAngularDamping(BulletBody obj, float ang_damping); public abstract float GetLinearDamping(BulletBody obj); public abstract float GetAngularDamping(BulletBody obj); public abstract float GetLinearSleepingThreshold(BulletBody obj); public abstract void ApplyDamping(BulletBody obj, float timeStep); public abstract void SetMassProps(BulletBody obj, float mass, Vector3 inertia); public abstract Vector3 GetLinearFactor(BulletBody obj); public abstract void SetLinearFactor(BulletBody obj, Vector3 factor); public abstract void SetCenterOfMassByPosRot(BulletBody obj, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot); // Add a force to the object as if its mass is one. public abstract void ApplyCentralForce(BulletBody obj, Vector3 force); // Set the force being applied to the object as if its mass is one. public abstract void SetObjectForce(BulletBody obj, Vector3 force); public abstract Vector3 GetTotalForce(BulletBody obj); public abstract Vector3 GetTotalTorque(BulletBody obj); public abstract Vector3 GetInvInertiaDiagLocal(BulletBody obj); public abstract void SetInvInertiaDiagLocal(BulletBody obj, Vector3 inert); public abstract void SetSleepingThresholds(BulletBody obj, float lin_threshold, float ang_threshold); public abstract void ApplyTorque(BulletBody obj, Vector3 torque); // Apply force at the given point. Will add torque to the object. public abstract void ApplyForce(BulletBody obj, Vector3 force, Vector3 pos); // Apply impulse to the object. Same as "ApplycentralForce" but force scaled by object's mass. public abstract void ApplyCentralImpulse(BulletBody obj, Vector3 imp); // Apply impulse to the object's torque. Force is scaled by object's mass. public abstract void ApplyTorqueImpulse(BulletBody obj, Vector3 imp); // Apply impulse at the point given. For is scaled by object's mass and effects both linear and angular forces. public abstract void ApplyImpulse(BulletBody obj, Vector3 imp, Vector3 pos); public abstract void ClearForces(BulletBody obj); public abstract void ClearAllForces(BulletBody obj); public abstract void UpdateInertiaTensor(BulletBody obj); public abstract Vector3 GetLinearVelocity(BulletBody obj); public abstract Vector3 GetAngularVelocity(BulletBody obj); public abstract void SetLinearVelocity(BulletBody obj, Vector3 val); public abstract void SetAngularVelocity(BulletBody obj, Vector3 angularVelocity); public abstract Vector3 GetVelocityInLocalPoint(BulletBody obj, Vector3 pos); public abstract void Translate(BulletBody obj, Vector3 trans); public abstract void UpdateDeactivation(BulletBody obj, float timeStep); public abstract bool WantsSleeping(BulletBody obj); public abstract void SetAngularFactor(BulletBody obj, float factor); public abstract void SetAngularFactorV(BulletBody obj, Vector3 factor); public abstract Vector3 GetAngularFactor(BulletBody obj); public abstract bool IsInWorld(BulletWorld world, BulletBody obj); public abstract void AddConstraintRef(BulletBody obj, BulletConstraint constrain); public abstract void RemoveConstraintRef(BulletBody obj, BulletConstraint constrain); public abstract BulletConstraint GetConstraintRef(BulletBody obj, int index); public abstract int GetNumConstraintRefs(BulletBody obj); public abstract bool SetCollisionGroupMask(BulletBody body, UInt32 filter, UInt32 mask); // ===================================================================================== // btCollisionShape entries public abstract float GetAngularMotionDisc(BulletShape shape); public abstract float GetContactBreakingThreshold(BulletShape shape, float defaultFactor); public abstract bool IsPolyhedral(BulletShape shape); public abstract bool IsConvex2d(BulletShape shape); public abstract bool IsConvex(BulletShape shape); public abstract bool IsNonMoving(BulletShape shape); public abstract bool IsConcave(BulletShape shape); public abstract bool IsCompound(BulletShape shape); public abstract bool IsSoftBody(BulletShape shape); public abstract bool IsInfinite(BulletShape shape); public abstract void SetLocalScaling(BulletShape shape, Vector3 scale); public abstract Vector3 GetLocalScaling(BulletShape shape); public abstract Vector3 CalculateLocalInertia(BulletShape shape, float mass); public abstract int GetShapeType(BulletShape shape); public abstract void SetMargin(BulletShape shape, float val); public abstract float GetMargin(BulletShape shape); // ===================================================================================== // Debugging public virtual void DumpRigidBody(BulletWorld sim, BulletBody collisionObject) { } public virtual void DumpCollisionShape(BulletWorld sim, BulletShape collisionShape) { } public virtual void DumpConstraint(BulletWorld sim, BulletConstraint constrain) { } public virtual void DumpActivationInfo(BulletWorld sim) { } public virtual void DumpAllInfo(BulletWorld sim) { } public virtual void DumpPhysicsStatistics(BulletWorld sim) { } public virtual void ResetBroadphasePool(BulletWorld sim) { } public virtual void ResetConstraintSolver(BulletWorld sim) { } }; }