using System; using NUnit.Framework; using OpenSim.Region.Environment.Modules.World.Terrain.PaintBrushes; namespace OpenSim.Region.Environment.Modules.World.Terrain.Tests { [TestFixture] public class TerrainTest { [Test] public void BrushTest() { TerrainChannel x = new TerrainChannel(256, 256); ITerrainPaintableEffect effect = new RaiseSphere(); effect.PaintEffect(x, 128.0, 128.0, 50, 0.1); Assert.That(x[128, 128] > 0.0, "Raise brush not raising values."); Assert.That(x[0, 128] > 0.0, "Raise brush lowering edge values."); x = new TerrainChannel(256, 256); effect = new LowerSphere(); effect.PaintEffect(x, 128.0, 128.0, 50, 0.1); Assert.That(x[128, 128] < 0.0, "Lower not lowering values."); Assert.That(x[0, 128] < 0.0, "Lower brush affecting edge values."); } [Test] public void TerrainChannelTest() { TerrainChannel x = new TerrainChannel(256, 256); Assert.That(x[0, 0] == 0.0, "Terrain not initialising correctly."); x[0, 0] = 1.0; Assert.That(x[0, 0] == 1.0, "Terrain not setting values correctly."); x[0, 0] = 0; x[0, 0] += 5.0; x[0, 0] -= 1.0; Assert.That(x[0, 0] == 4.0, "Terrain addition/subtraction error."); x[0, 0] = Math.PI; double[,] doublesExport = x.GetDoubles(); Assert.That(doublesExport[0, 0] == Math.PI, "Export to double[,] array not working correctly."); x[0, 0] = 1.0; float[] floatsExport = x.GetFloatsSerialised(); Assert.That(floatsExport[0] == 1.0f, "Export to float[] not working correctly."); x[0, 0] = 1.0; Assert.That(x.Tainted(0, 0), "Terrain channel tainting not working correctly."); Assert.That(!x.Tainted(0, 0), "Terrain channel tainting not working correctly."); TerrainChannel y = x.Copy(); Assert.That(!ReferenceEquals(x, y), "Terrain copy not duplicating correctly."); Assert.That(!ReferenceEquals(x.GetDoubles(), y.GetDoubles()), "Terrain array not duplicating correctly."); } } }