This module is meant to be built alone and not added to the Opensim code base. References are made to required dlls through a reference file, ContentManagement.mdp. Originally, for development, this project was contained in the Opensim/Region/Modules/ directory. To compile: nant To use: Copy ContentManagement.dll into the bin directory of your Opensim build. You should find many other dlls in the same directory. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To build the file: #Download GIT git repository $ git clone git:// $ cd git #Compile GIT #Note that we are adding two extra flags to pass to gcc while compiling (-c and -fPIC) $ autoconf $ ./configure $ CFLAGS="-g -O2 -Wall -c -fPIC" make #Copy necessary object files (and some not so necessary) to their own directory for shared object file creation $ mkdir ../libgit-objects $ cp builtin*.o ../libgit-objects $ cp xdiff/*.o ../libgit-objects $ cp libgit.a ../libgit-objects #Remove the main symbol from any object files (like git.o) $ cd ../libgit-objects $ strip -N main *.o #Uncompress the plumbing objects from archive created by git $ ar x libgit.a #Create shared object file from all objects (including the zlib library) $ ld -shared -soname -o -lc -lz *.o #You can also just copy the following commands into a file and run as a script inside the git directory make clean autoconf ./configure CFLAGS="-g -O2 -Wall -c -fPIC" make mkdir libgit-objects cp builtin*.o libgit-objects cp xdiff/*.o libgit-objects cp libgit.a libgit-objects cd libgit-objects strip -N main *.o ar x libgit.a ld -shared -soname -o -lc -lz *.o