/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using log4net; using Nini.Config; using Nwc.XmlRpc; using OpenMetaverse; using OpenSim.Framework; using OpenSim.Framework.Servers.HttpServer; using OpenSim.Framework.Communications; using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Interfaces; using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes; using OpenSim.Services.Interfaces; using OpenSim.Services.Connectors.Friends; using OpenSim.Server.Base; using FriendInfo = OpenSim.Services.Interfaces.FriendInfo; using PresenceInfo = OpenSim.Services.Interfaces.PresenceInfo; using GridRegion = OpenSim.Services.Interfaces.GridRegion; namespace OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Friends { public class FriendsModule : ISharedRegionModule, IFriendsModule { protected bool m_Enabled = false; protected class UserFriendData { public UUID PrincipalID; public FriendInfo[] Friends; public int Refcount; public bool IsFriend(string friend) { foreach (FriendInfo fi in Friends) { if (fi.Friend == friend) return true; } return false; } } private static readonly FriendInfo[] EMPTY_FRIENDS = new FriendInfo[0]; private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); protected List m_Scenes = new List(); protected IPresenceService m_PresenceService = null; protected IFriendsService m_FriendsService = null; protected FriendsSimConnector m_FriendsSimConnector; protected Dictionary m_Friends = new Dictionary(); protected HashSet m_NeedsListOfFriends = new HashSet(); protected IPresenceService PresenceService { get { if (m_PresenceService == null) { if (m_Scenes.Count > 0) m_PresenceService = m_Scenes[0].RequestModuleInterface(); } return m_PresenceService; } } protected IFriendsService FriendsService { get { if (m_FriendsService == null) { if (m_Scenes.Count > 0) m_FriendsService = m_Scenes[0].RequestModuleInterface(); } return m_FriendsService; } } protected IGridService GridService { get { return m_Scenes[0].GridService; } } public IUserAccountService UserAccountService { get { return m_Scenes[0].UserAccountService; } } public IScene Scene { get { if (m_Scenes.Count > 0) return m_Scenes[0]; else return null; } } #region ISharedRegionModule public void Initialise(IConfigSource config) { IConfig moduleConfig = config.Configs["Modules"]; if (moduleConfig != null) { string name = moduleConfig.GetString("FriendsModule", "FriendsModule"); m_log.DebugFormat("[XXX] {0} compared to {1}", name, Name); if (name == Name) { InitModule(config); m_Enabled = true; m_log.InfoFormat("[FRIENDS MODULE]: {0} enabled.", Name); } } } protected void InitModule(IConfigSource config) { IConfig friendsConfig = config.Configs["Friends"]; if (friendsConfig != null) { int mPort = friendsConfig.GetInt("Port", 0); string connector = friendsConfig.GetString("Connector", String.Empty); Object[] args = new Object[] { config }; m_FriendsService = ServerUtils.LoadPlugin(connector, args); m_FriendsSimConnector = new FriendsSimConnector(); // Instantiate the request handler IHttpServer server = MainServer.GetHttpServer((uint)mPort); server.AddStreamHandler(new FriendsRequestHandler(this)); } if (m_FriendsService == null) { m_log.Error("[FRIENDS]: No Connector defined in section Friends, or failed to load, cannot continue"); throw new Exception("Connector load error"); } } public void PostInitialise() { } public void Close() { } public void AddRegion(Scene scene) { if (!m_Enabled) return; m_Scenes.Add(scene); scene.RegisterModuleInterface(this); scene.EventManager.OnNewClient += OnNewClient; scene.EventManager.OnClientClosed += OnClientClosed; scene.EventManager.OnMakeRootAgent += OnMakeRootAgent; scene.EventManager.OnClientLogin += OnClientLogin; } public void RegionLoaded(Scene scene) { } public void RemoveRegion(Scene scene) { if (!m_Enabled) return; m_Scenes.Remove(scene); } public virtual string Name { get { return "FriendsModule"; } } public Type ReplaceableInterface { get { return null; } } #endregion public uint GetFriendPerms(UUID principalID, UUID friendID) { FriendInfo[] friends = GetFriends(principalID); foreach (FriendInfo fi in friends) { if (fi.Friend == friendID.ToString()) return (uint)fi.TheirFlags; } return 0; } private void OnNewClient(IClientAPI client) { client.OnInstantMessage += OnInstantMessage; client.OnApproveFriendRequest += OnApproveFriendRequest; client.OnDenyFriendRequest += OnDenyFriendRequest; client.OnTerminateFriendship += OnTerminateFriendship; client.OnGrantUserRights += OnGrantUserRights; Util.FireAndForget(delegate { FetchFriendslist(client.AgentId); }); } /// Fetch the friends list or increment the refcount for the existing /// friends list /// Returns true if the list was fetched, false if it wasn't protected virtual bool FetchFriendslist(UUID agentID) { lock (m_Friends) { UserFriendData friendsData; if (m_Friends.TryGetValue(agentID, out friendsData)) { friendsData.Refcount++; return false; } else { friendsData = new UserFriendData(); friendsData.PrincipalID = agentID; friendsData.Friends = FriendsService.GetFriends(agentID); friendsData.Refcount = 1; m_Friends[agentID] = friendsData; return true; } } } private void OnClientClosed(UUID agentID, Scene scene) { ScenePresence sp = scene.GetScenePresence(agentID); if (sp != null && !sp.IsChildAgent) { // do this for root agents closing out StatusChange(agentID, false); } lock (m_Friends) { UserFriendData friendsData; if (m_Friends.TryGetValue(agentID, out friendsData)) { friendsData.Refcount--; if (friendsData.Refcount <= 0) m_Friends.Remove(agentID); } } } private void OnMakeRootAgent(ScenePresence sp) { UUID agentID = sp.ControllingClient.AgentId; UpdateFriendsCache(agentID); } private void OnClientLogin(IClientAPI client) { UUID agentID = client.AgentId; // Inform the friends that this user is online StatusChange(agentID, true); // Register that we need to send the list of online friends to this user lock (m_NeedsListOfFriends) m_NeedsListOfFriends.Add(agentID); } public void SendFriendsOnlineIfNeeded(IClientAPI client) { UUID agentID = client.AgentId; // Check if the online friends list is needed lock (m_NeedsListOfFriends) { if (!m_NeedsListOfFriends.Remove(agentID)) return; } // Send the friends online List online = GetOnlineFriends(agentID); if (online.Count > 0) { m_log.DebugFormat("[FRIENDS MODULE]: User {0} in region {1} has {2} friends online", client.AgentId, client.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName, online.Count); client.SendAgentOnline(online.ToArray()); } // Send outstanding friendship offers List outstanding = new List(); FriendInfo[] friends = GetFriends(agentID); foreach (FriendInfo fi in friends) { if (fi.TheirFlags == -1) outstanding.Add(fi.Friend); } GridInstantMessage im = new GridInstantMessage(client.Scene, UUID.Zero, String.Empty, agentID, (byte)InstantMessageDialog.FriendshipOffered, "Will you be my friend?", true, Vector3.Zero); foreach (string fid in outstanding) { UUID fromAgentID; string firstname = "Unknown", lastname = "User"; if (!GetAgentInfo(client.Scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, fid, out fromAgentID, out firstname, out lastname)) { m_log.DebugFormat("[FRIENDS MODULE]: skipping malformed friend {0}", fid); continue; } PresenceInfo presence = null; PresenceInfo[] presences = PresenceService.GetAgents(new string[] { fid }); if (presences != null && presences.Length > 0) presence = presences[0]; if (presence != null) im.offline = 0; im.fromAgentID = fromAgentID.Guid; im.fromAgentName = firstname + " " + lastname; im.offline = (byte)((presence == null) ? 1 : 0); im.imSessionID = im.fromAgentID; im.message = FriendshipMessage(fid); // Finally LocalFriendshipOffered(agentID, im); } } protected virtual string FriendshipMessage(string friendID) { return "Will you be my friend?"; } protected virtual bool GetAgentInfo(UUID scopeID, string fid, out UUID agentID, out string first, out string last) { first = "Unknown"; last = "User"; if (!UUID.TryParse(fid, out agentID)) return false; UserAccount account = m_Scenes[0].UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scopeID, agentID); if (account != null) { first = account.FirstName; last = account.LastName; } return true; } List GetOnlineFriends(UUID userID) { List friendList = new List(); List online = new List(); FriendInfo[] friends = GetFriends(userID); foreach (FriendInfo fi in friends) { if (((fi.TheirFlags & 1) != 0) && (fi.TheirFlags != -1)) friendList.Add(fi.Friend); } if (friendList.Count > 0) { PresenceInfo[] presence = PresenceService.GetAgents(friendList.ToArray()); foreach (PresenceInfo pi in presence) { UUID presenceID; if (UUID.TryParse(pi.UserID, out presenceID)) online.Add(presenceID); } } return online; } /// /// Find the client for a ID /// public IClientAPI LocateClientObject(UUID agentID) { Scene scene = GetClientScene(agentID); if (scene != null) { ScenePresence presence = scene.GetScenePresence(agentID); if (presence != null) return presence.ControllingClient; } return null; } /// /// Find the scene for an agent /// private Scene GetClientScene(UUID agentId) { lock (m_Scenes) { foreach (Scene scene in m_Scenes) { ScenePresence presence = scene.GetScenePresence(agentId); if (presence != null && !presence.IsChildAgent) return scene; } } return null; } /// /// Caller beware! Call this only for root agents. /// /// /// private void StatusChange(UUID agentID, bool online) { FriendInfo[] friends = GetFriends(agentID); if (friends.Length > 0) { List friendList = new List(); foreach (FriendInfo fi in friends) { if (((fi.MyFlags & 1) != 0) && (fi.TheirFlags != -1)) friendList.Add(fi); } Util.FireAndForget( delegate { foreach (FriendInfo fi in friendList) { //m_log.DebugFormat("[FRIENDS]: Notifying {0}", fi.PrincipalID); // Notify about this user status StatusNotify(fi, agentID, online); } } ); } } private void StatusNotify(FriendInfo friend, UUID userID, bool online) { UUID friendID; if (UUID.TryParse(friend.Friend, out friendID)) { // Try local if (LocalStatusNotification(userID, friendID, online)) return; // The friend is not here [as root]. Let's forward. PresenceInfo[] friendSessions = PresenceService.GetAgents(new string[] { friendID.ToString() }); if (friendSessions != null && friendSessions.Length > 0) { PresenceInfo friendSession = null; foreach (PresenceInfo pinfo in friendSessions) if (pinfo.RegionID != UUID.Zero) // let's guard against sessions-gone-bad { friendSession = pinfo; break; } if (friendSession != null) { GridRegion region = GridService.GetRegionByUUID(m_Scenes[0].RegionInfo.ScopeID, friendSession.RegionID); //m_log.DebugFormat("[FRIENDS]: Remote Notify to region {0}", region.RegionName); m_FriendsSimConnector.StatusNotify(region, userID, friendID, online); } } // Friend is not online. Ignore. } else { m_log.WarnFormat("[FRIENDS]: Error parsing friend ID {0}", friend.Friend); } } private void OnInstantMessage(IClientAPI client, GridInstantMessage im) { if ((InstantMessageDialog)im.dialog == InstantMessageDialog.FriendshipOffered) { // we got a friendship offer UUID principalID = new UUID(im.fromAgentID); UUID friendID = new UUID(im.toAgentID); m_log.DebugFormat("[FRIENDS]: {0} ({1}) offered friendship to {2}", principalID, im.fromAgentName, friendID); // This user wants to be friends with the other user. // Let's add the relation backwards, in case the other is not online StoreBackwards(friendID, principalID); // Now let's ask the other user to be friends with this user ForwardFriendshipOffer(principalID, friendID, im); } } protected virtual void StoreBackwards(UUID friendID, UUID agentID) { FriendsService.StoreFriend(friendID.ToString(), agentID.ToString(), 0); } private void ForwardFriendshipOffer(UUID agentID, UUID friendID, GridInstantMessage im) { // !!!!!!!! This is a hack so that we don't have to keep state (transactionID/imSessionID) // We stick this agent's ID as imSession, so that it's directly available on the receiving end im.imSessionID = im.fromAgentID; im.fromAgentName = GetFriendshipRequesterName(agentID); // Try the local sim if (LocalFriendshipOffered(friendID, im)) return; // The prospective friend is not here [as root]. Let's forward. PresenceInfo[] friendSessions = PresenceService.GetAgents(new string[] { friendID.ToString() }); if (friendSessions != null && friendSessions.Length > 0) { PresenceInfo friendSession = friendSessions[0]; if (friendSession != null) { GridRegion region = GridService.GetRegionByUUID(m_Scenes[0].RegionInfo.ScopeID, friendSession.RegionID); m_FriendsSimConnector.FriendshipOffered(region, agentID, friendID, im.message); } } // If the prospective friend is not online, he'll get the message upon login. } protected virtual string GetFriendshipRequesterName(UUID agentID) { UserAccount account = UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(UUID.Zero, agentID); return (account == null) ? "Unknown" : account.FirstName + " " + account.LastName; } private void OnApproveFriendRequest(IClientAPI client, UUID agentID, UUID friendID, List callingCardFolders) { m_log.DebugFormat("[FRIENDS]: {0} accepted friendship from {1}", agentID, friendID); StoreFriendships(agentID, friendID); // Update the local cache UpdateFriendsCache(agentID); // // Notify the friend // // Try Local if (LocalFriendshipApproved(agentID, client.Name, friendID)) { client.SendAgentOnline(new UUID[] { friendID }); return; } // The friend is not here PresenceInfo[] friendSessions = PresenceService.GetAgents(new string[] { friendID.ToString() }); if (friendSessions != null && friendSessions.Length > 0) { PresenceInfo friendSession = friendSessions[0]; if (friendSession != null) { GridRegion region = GridService.GetRegionByUUID(m_Scenes[0].RegionInfo.ScopeID, friendSession.RegionID); m_FriendsSimConnector.FriendshipApproved(region, agentID, client.Name, friendID); client.SendAgentOnline(new UUID[] { friendID }); } } } protected virtual void StoreFriendships(UUID agentID, UUID friendID) { FriendsService.StoreFriend(agentID.ToString(), friendID.ToString(), 1); FriendsService.StoreFriend(friendID.ToString(), agentID.ToString(), 1); } private void OnDenyFriendRequest(IClientAPI client, UUID agentID, UUID friendID, List callingCardFolders) { m_log.DebugFormat("[FRIENDS]: {0} denied friendship to {1}", agentID, friendID); FriendsService.Delete(agentID, friendID.ToString()); FriendsService.Delete(friendID, agentID.ToString()); // // Notify the friend // // Try local if (LocalFriendshipDenied(agentID, client.Name, friendID)) return; PresenceInfo[] friendSessions = PresenceService.GetAgents(new string[] { friendID.ToString() }); if (friendSessions != null && friendSessions.Length > 0) { PresenceInfo friendSession = friendSessions[0]; if (friendSession != null) { GridRegion region = GridService.GetRegionByUUID(m_Scenes[0].RegionInfo.ScopeID, friendSession.RegionID); if (region != null) m_FriendsSimConnector.FriendshipDenied(region, agentID, client.Name, friendID); else m_log.WarnFormat("[FRIENDS]: Could not find region {0} in locating {1}", friendSession.RegionID, friendID); } } } private void OnTerminateFriendship(IClientAPI client, UUID agentID, UUID exfriendID) { DeleteFriendship(agentID, exfriendID); // Update local cache UpdateFriendsCache(agentID); client.SendTerminateFriend(exfriendID); // // Notify the friend // // Try local if (LocalFriendshipTerminated(exfriendID)) return; PresenceInfo[] friendSessions = PresenceService.GetAgents(new string[] { exfriendID.ToString() }); if (friendSessions != null && friendSessions.Length > 0) { PresenceInfo friendSession = friendSessions[0]; if (friendSession != null) { GridRegion region = GridService.GetRegionByUUID(m_Scenes[0].RegionInfo.ScopeID, friendSession.RegionID); m_FriendsSimConnector.FriendshipTerminated(region, agentID, exfriendID); } } } protected virtual void DeleteFriendship(UUID agentID, UUID exfriendID) { FriendsService.Delete(agentID, exfriendID.ToString()); FriendsService.Delete(exfriendID, agentID.ToString()); } private void OnGrantUserRights(IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID requester, UUID target, int rights) { FriendInfo[] friends = GetFriends(remoteClient.AgentId); if (friends.Length == 0) return; m_log.DebugFormat("[FRIENDS MODULE]: User {0} changing rights to {1} for friend {2}", requester, rights, target); // Let's find the friend in this user's friend list FriendInfo friend = null; foreach (FriendInfo fi in friends) { if (fi.Friend == target.ToString()) friend = fi; } if (friend != null) // Found it { // Store it on the DB FriendsService.StoreFriend(requester.ToString(), target.ToString(), rights); // Store it in the local cache int myFlags = friend.MyFlags; friend.MyFlags = rights; // Always send this back to the original client remoteClient.SendChangeUserRights(requester, target, rights); // // Notify the friend // // Try local if (LocalGrantRights(requester, target, myFlags, rights)) return; PresenceInfo[] friendSessions = PresenceService.GetAgents(new string[] { target.ToString() }); if (friendSessions != null && friendSessions.Length > 0) { PresenceInfo friendSession = friendSessions[0]; if (friendSession != null) { GridRegion region = GridService.GetRegionByUUID(m_Scenes[0].RegionInfo.ScopeID, friendSession.RegionID); // TODO: You might want to send the delta to save the lookup // on the other end!! m_FriendsSimConnector.GrantRights(region, requester, target, myFlags, rights); } } } } #region Local public bool LocalFriendshipOffered(UUID toID, GridInstantMessage im) { IClientAPI friendClient = LocateClientObject(toID); if (friendClient != null) { // the prospective friend in this sim as root agent friendClient.SendInstantMessage(im); // we're done return true; } return false; } public bool LocalFriendshipApproved(UUID userID, string userName, UUID friendID) { IClientAPI friendClient = LocateClientObject(friendID); if (friendClient != null) { // the prospective friend in this sim as root agent GridInstantMessage im = new GridInstantMessage(Scene, userID, userName, friendID, (byte)OpenMetaverse.InstantMessageDialog.FriendshipAccepted, userID.ToString(), false, Vector3.Zero); friendClient.SendInstantMessage(im); // Update the local cache UpdateFriendsCache(friendID); // we're done return true; } return false; } public bool LocalFriendshipDenied(UUID userID, string userName, UUID friendID) { IClientAPI friendClient = LocateClientObject(friendID); if (friendClient != null) { // the prospective friend in this sim as root agent GridInstantMessage im = new GridInstantMessage(Scene, userID, userName, friendID, (byte)OpenMetaverse.InstantMessageDialog.FriendshipDeclined, userID.ToString(), false, Vector3.Zero); friendClient.SendInstantMessage(im); // we're done return true; } return false; } public bool LocalFriendshipTerminated(UUID exfriendID) { IClientAPI friendClient = LocateClientObject(exfriendID); if (friendClient != null) { // the friend in this sim as root agent friendClient.SendTerminateFriend(exfriendID); // update local cache UpdateFriendsCache(exfriendID); // we're done return true; } return false; } public bool LocalGrantRights(UUID userID, UUID friendID, int userFlags, int rights) { IClientAPI friendClient = LocateClientObject(friendID); if (friendClient != null) { bool onlineBitChanged = ((rights ^ userFlags) & (int)FriendRights.CanSeeOnline) != 0; if (onlineBitChanged) { if ((rights & (int)FriendRights.CanSeeOnline) == 1) friendClient.SendAgentOnline(new UUID[] { new UUID(userID) }); else friendClient.SendAgentOffline(new UUID[] { new UUID(userID) }); } else { bool canEditObjectsChanged = ((rights ^ userFlags) & (int)FriendRights.CanModifyObjects) != 0; if (canEditObjectsChanged) friendClient.SendChangeUserRights(userID, friendID, rights); } // Update local cache lock (m_Friends) { FriendInfo[] friends = GetFriends(friendID); foreach (FriendInfo finfo in friends) { if (finfo.Friend == userID.ToString()) finfo.TheirFlags = rights; } } return true; } return false; } public bool LocalStatusNotification(UUID userID, UUID friendID, bool online) { IClientAPI friendClient = LocateClientObject(friendID); if (friendClient != null) { //m_log.DebugFormat("[FRIENDS]: Local Status Notify {0} that user {1} is {2}", friendID, userID, online); // the friend in this sim as root agent if (online) friendClient.SendAgentOnline(new UUID[] { userID }); else friendClient.SendAgentOffline(new UUID[] { userID }); // we're done return true; } return false; } #endregion protected FriendInfo[] GetFriends(UUID agentID) { UserFriendData friendsData; lock (m_Friends) { if (m_Friends.TryGetValue(agentID, out friendsData)) return friendsData.Friends; } return EMPTY_FRIENDS; } private void UpdateFriendsCache(UUID agentID) { lock (m_Friends) { UserFriendData friendsData; if (m_Friends.TryGetValue(agentID, out friendsData)) friendsData.Friends = FriendsService.GetFriends(agentID); } } } }