/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSim Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using OpenMetaverse; using OpenMetaverse.Imaging; using OpenSim.Framework; using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Interfaces; using log4net; using System.Reflection; namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP { public class LLImageManager { //Public interfaces: //Constructor - (LLClientView, IAssetCache, IJ2KDecoder); //void EnqueueReq - (TextureRequestArgs) //ProcessImageQueue //Close private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private bool m_shuttingdown = false; private long m_lastloopprocessed = 0; private LLClientView m_client; //Client we're assigned to private IAssetCache m_assetCache; //Asset Cache private IJ2KDecoder m_j2kDecodeModule; //Our J2K module private readonly AssetBase m_missingsubstitute; //Sustitute for bad decodes private Dictionary<UUID,J2KImage> m_imagestore; // Our main image storage dictionary private SortedList<double,UUID> m_priorities; // For fast image lookup based on priority private Dictionary<int, int> m_priorityresolver; //Enabling super fast assignment of images with the same priorities private const double doubleMinimum = .0000001; public int m_outstandingtextures = 0; //Constructor public LLImageManager(LLClientView client, IAssetCache pAssetCache, IJ2KDecoder pJ2kDecodeModule) { m_imagestore = new Dictionary<UUID,J2KImage>(); m_priorities = new SortedList<double,UUID>(); m_priorityresolver = new Dictionary<int, int>(); m_client = client; m_assetCache = pAssetCache; if (pAssetCache != null) m_missingsubstitute = pAssetCache.GetAsset(UUID.Parse("5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f"), true); else m_log.Error("[ClientView] - couldn't set missing image, all manner of things will probably break"); m_j2kDecodeModule = pJ2kDecodeModule; } public void EnqueueReq(TextureRequestArgs newRequest) { //newRequest is the properties of our new texture fetch request. //Basically, here is where we queue up "new" requests.. // .. or modify existing requests to suit. //Make sure we're not shutting down.. if (!m_shuttingdown) { //Do we already know about this UUID? if (m_imagestore.ContainsKey(newRequest.RequestedAssetID)) { //Check the packet sequence to make sure this isn't older than //one we've already received J2KImage imgrequest = m_imagestore[newRequest.RequestedAssetID]; if (newRequest.requestSequence > imgrequest.m_lastSequence) { imgrequest.m_lastSequence = newRequest.requestSequence; //First of all, is this being killed? //if (newRequest.Priority == 0.0f && newRequest.DiscardLevel == -1) //{ //Do nothing (leaving the if for future use) //} //else //{ //Check the priority double priority = imgrequest.m_requestedPriority; if (priority != newRequest.Priority) { //Remove the old priority m_priorities.Remove(imgrequest.m_designatedPriorityKey); //Assign a new unique priority imgrequest.m_requestedPriority = newRequest.Priority; imgrequest.m_designatedPriorityKey = AssignPriority(newRequest.RequestedAssetID, newRequest.Priority); } //Update the requested discard level imgrequest.m_requestedDiscardLevel = newRequest.DiscardLevel; //Update the requested packet number imgrequest.m_requestedPacketNumber = newRequest.PacketNumber; //Check if this will create an outstanding texture request bool activated = imgrequest.m_completedSendAtCurrentDiscardLevel; //Run an update imgrequest.RunUpdate(); if (activated && !imgrequest.m_completedSendAtCurrentDiscardLevel && imgrequest.m_decoded) { m_outstandingtextures++; } //} } } else { J2KImage imgrequest = new J2KImage(this); //Assign our missing substitute imgrequest.m_MissingSubstitute = m_missingsubstitute; //Assign our decoder module imgrequest.m_j2kDecodeModule = m_j2kDecodeModule; //Assign our asset cache module imgrequest.m_assetCache = m_assetCache; //Assign a priority based on our request imgrequest.m_designatedPriorityKey = AssignPriority(newRequest.RequestedAssetID, newRequest.Priority); //Assign the requested discard level imgrequest.m_requestedDiscardLevel = newRequest.DiscardLevel; //Assign the requested packet number imgrequest.m_requestedPacketNumber = newRequest.PacketNumber; //Assign the requested priority imgrequest.m_requestedPriority = newRequest.Priority; //Assign the asset uuid imgrequest.m_requestedUUID = newRequest.RequestedAssetID; m_imagestore.Add(imgrequest.m_requestedUUID, imgrequest); //Run an update imgrequest.RunUpdate(); } } } private double AssignPriority(UUID pAssetID, double pPriority) { //First, find out if we can just assign directly if (m_priorityresolver.ContainsKey((int)pPriority) == false) { m_priorities.Add((double)((int)pPriority), pAssetID); m_priorityresolver.Add((int)pPriority, 0); return (double)((int)pPriority); } else { //Use the hash lookup goodness of a secondary dictionary to find a free slot double mFreePriority = ((int)pPriority) + (doubleMinimum * (m_priorityresolver[(int)pPriority] + 1)); m_priorities[mFreePriority] = pAssetID; m_priorityresolver[(int)pPriority]++; return mFreePriority; } } public void ProcessImageQueue(int count) { //Count is the number of textures we want to process in one go. //As part of this class re-write, that number will probably rise //since we're processing in a more efficient manner. int numCollected = 0; //Calculate our threshold int threshold; if (m_lastloopprocessed == 0) { if (m_client.PacketHandler == null || m_client.PacketHandler.PacketQueue == null || m_client.PacketHandler.PacketQueue.TextureThrottle == null) return; //This is decent for a semi fast machine, but we'll calculate it more accurately based on time below threshold = m_client.PacketHandler.PacketQueue.TextureThrottle.Current / 6300; m_lastloopprocessed = DateTime.Now.Ticks; } else { double throttleseconds = ((double)DateTime.Now.Ticks - (double)m_lastloopprocessed) / (double)TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond; throttleseconds = throttleseconds * m_client.PacketHandler.PacketQueue.TextureThrottle.Current; //Average of 1000 bytes per packet throttleseconds = throttleseconds / 1000; //Safe-zone multiplier of 2.0 threshold = (int)(throttleseconds * 2.0); m_lastloopprocessed = DateTime.Now.Ticks; } if (threshold < 10) { threshold = 10; } if (m_client.PacketHandler == null) return; if (m_client.PacketHandler.PacketQueue == null) return; //First of all make sure our packet queue isn't above our threshold //Uncomment this to see what the texture stack is doing //m_log.Debug("Queue: " + m_client.PacketHandler.PacketQueue.TextureOutgoingPacketQueueCount.ToString() + " Threshold: " + threshold.ToString() + " outstanding: " + m_outstandingtextures.ToString()); if (m_client.PacketHandler.PacketQueue.TextureOutgoingPacketQueueCount < threshold && m_outstandingtextures > 0) { bool justreset = false; for (int x = m_priorities.Count - 1; x > -1; x--) { J2KImage imagereq = m_imagestore[m_priorities.Values[x]]; if (imagereq.m_decoded == true && !imagereq.m_completedSendAtCurrentDiscardLevel) { numCollected++; //SendPackets will send up to ten packets per cycle if (imagereq.SendPackets(m_client)) { //Send complete if (!imagereq.m_completedSendAtCurrentDiscardLevel) { imagereq.m_completedSendAtCurrentDiscardLevel = true; m_outstandingtextures--; //Re-assign priority to bottom //Remove the old priority m_priorities.Remove(imagereq.m_designatedPriorityKey); int lowest; if (m_priorities.Count > 0) { lowest = (int)m_priorities.Keys[0]; lowest--; } else { lowest = -10000; } m_priorities.Add((double)lowest, imagereq.m_requestedUUID); imagereq.m_designatedPriorityKey = (double)lowest; if (m_priorityresolver.ContainsKey((int)lowest)) { m_priorityresolver[(int)lowest]++; } else { m_priorityresolver.Add((int)lowest, 0); } } } if (numCollected == count) { break; } } if (numCollected == count || m_outstandingtextures == 0) break; if (numCollected % m_outstandingtextures == 0 && !justreset) { //We've gotten as much as we can from the stack, //reset to the top so that we can send MOAR DATA (nomnomnom)! x = m_priorities.Count - 1; justreset = true; //prevents us from getting stuck in a loop } } } } //Faux destructor public void Close() { m_shuttingdown = true; m_j2kDecodeModule = null; m_assetCache = null; m_client = null; } } }