/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSim Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading; using libsecondlife; using log4net; using Nini.Config; using OpenSim.Framework; using OpenSim.Framework.Console; using OpenSim.Framework.Statistics; using OpenSim.Region.Environment.Interfaces; using OpenSim.Region.Environment.Scenes; using Timer=System.Timers.Timer; namespace OpenSim { public delegate void ConsoleCommand(string[] comParams); public class OpenSimMainConsole : OpenSimMain, conscmd_callback { private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); protected string m_startupCommandsFile; protected string m_shutdownCommandsFile; private string m_timedScript = "disabled"; private Timer m_scriptTimer; public OpenSimMainConsole(IConfigSource configSource) : base(configSource) { } protected override void ReadConfigSettings() { IConfig startupConfig = m_config.Configs["Startup"]; if (startupConfig != null) { m_startupCommandsFile = startupConfig.GetString("startup_console_commands_file", String.Empty); m_shutdownCommandsFile = startupConfig.GetString("shutdown_console_commands_file", String.Empty); m_timedScript = startupConfig.GetString("timer_Script", "disabled"); } base.ReadConfigSettings(); } /// /// Performs initialisation of the scene, such as loading configuration from disk. /// public override void StartUp() { // // Called from app startup (OpenSim.Application) // m_log.Info("===================================================================="); m_log.Info("========================= STARTING OPENSIM ========================="); m_log.Info("===================================================================="); m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Running in {0} mode", (m_sandbox ? "sandbox" : "grid")); m_console = CreateConsole(); MainConsole.Instance = m_console; InternalStartUp(); //Run Startup Commands if (m_startupCommandsFile != String.Empty) { RunCommandScript(m_startupCommandsFile); } else { m_log.Info("[STARTUP]: No startup command script specified. Moving on..."); } // Start timer script (run a script every xx seconds) if (m_timedScript != "disabled") { m_scriptTimer = new Timer(); m_scriptTimer.Enabled = true; m_scriptTimer.Interval = 1200 * 1000; m_scriptTimer.Elapsed += RunAutoTimerScript; } PrintFileToConsole("startuplogo.txt"); } protected ConsoleBase CreateConsole() { return new ConsoleBase("Region", this); } private void RunAutoTimerScript(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_timedScript != "disabled") { RunCommandScript(m_timedScript); } } #region Console Commands /// /// /// /// private void RunCommandScript(string fileName) { m_log.Info("[COMMANDFILE]: Running " + fileName); if (File.Exists(fileName)) { StreamReader readFile = File.OpenText(fileName); string currentCommand; while ((currentCommand = readFile.ReadLine()) != null) { if (currentCommand != String.Empty) { m_log.Info("[COMMANDFILE]: Running '" + currentCommand + "'"); m_console.RunCommand(currentCommand); } } } else { m_log.Error("[COMMANDFILE]: Command script missing. Can not run commands"); } } private static void PrintFileToConsole(string fileName) { if (File.Exists(fileName)) { StreamReader readFile = File.OpenText(fileName); string currentLine; while ((currentLine = readFile.ReadLine()) != null) { m_log.Info("[!]" + currentLine); } } } /// /// Runs commands issued by the server console from the operator /// /// The first argument of the parameter (the command) /// Additional arguments passed to the command public override void RunCmd(string command, string[] cmdparams) { base.RunCmd(command, cmdparams); switch (command) { case "clear-assets": m_assetCache.Clear(); break; case "set-time": m_sceneManager.SetCurrentSceneTimePhase(Convert.ToInt32(cmdparams[0])); break; case "force-update": m_console.Notice("Updating all clients"); m_sceneManager.ForceCurrentSceneClientUpdate(); break; case "edit-scale": if (cmdparams.Length == 4) { m_sceneManager.HandleEditCommandOnCurrentScene(cmdparams); } break; case "debug": if (cmdparams.Length > 0) { Debug(cmdparams); } break; case "scene-debug": if (cmdparams.Length == 3) { if (m_sceneManager.CurrentScene == null) { m_console.Error("CONSOLE", "Please use 'change-region ' first"); } else { m_sceneManager.CurrentScene.SetSceneCoreDebug(!Convert.ToBoolean(cmdparams[0]), !Convert.ToBoolean(cmdparams[1]), !Convert.ToBoolean(cmdparams[2])); } } else { m_console.Error("scene-debug (where inside <> is true/false)"); } break; case "help": m_console.Notice("alert - send alert to a designated user or all users."); m_console.Notice(" alert [First] [Last] [Message] - send an alert to a user. Case sensitive."); m_console.Notice(" alert general [Message] - send an alert to all users."); m_console.Notice("backup - trigger a simulator backup"); m_console.Notice("clear-assets - clear asset cache"); m_console.Notice("create-region - creates a new region"); m_console.Notice("create user - adds a new user."); m_console.Notice("change-region [name] - sets the region that many of these commands affect."); m_console.Notice("command-script [filename] - Execute command in a file."); m_console.Notice("debug - debugging commands"); m_console.Notice(" packet 0..255 - print incoming/outgoing packets (0=off)"); m_console.Notice("scene-debug [scripting] [collision] [physics] - Enable/Disable debug stuff, each can be True/False"); m_console.Notice("edit-scale [prim name] [x] [y] [z] - resize given prim"); m_console.Notice("export-map [filename] - save image of world map"); m_console.Notice("force-update - force an update of prims in the scene"); m_console.Notice("load-xml [filename] - load prims from XML (DEPRECATED)"); m_console.Notice("load-xml2 [filename] - load prims from XML using version 2 format"); m_console.Notice("restart - disconnects all clients and restarts the sims in the instance."); m_console.Notice("remove-region [name] - remove a region"); m_console.Notice("save-xml [filename] - save prims to XML (DEPRECATED)"); m_console.Notice("save-xml2 [filename] - save prims to XML using version 2 format"); m_console.Notice("script - manually trigger scripts? or script commands?"); m_console.Notice("set-time [x] - set the current scene time phase"); m_console.Notice("show assets - show state of asset cache."); m_console.Notice("show users - show info about connected users."); m_console.Notice("show modules - shows info about loaded modules."); m_console.Notice("show version - show the running build version."); m_console.Notice("show regions - show running region information."); m_console.Notice("threads - list threads"); m_console.Notice("config set section field value - set a config value"); m_console.Notice("config get section field - get a config value"); m_console.Notice("config save - save OpenSim.ini"); m_console.Notice("terrain help - show help for terrain commands."); break; case "threads": // m_console.Notice("THREAD", Process.GetCurrentProcess().Threads.Count + " threads running:"); // int _tc = 0; // foreach (ProcessThread pt in Process.GetCurrentProcess().Threads) // { // _tc++; // m_console.Notice("THREAD", _tc + ": ID: " + pt.Id + ", Started: " + pt.StartTime.ToString() + ", CPU time: " + pt.TotalProcessorTime + ", Pri: " + pt.BasePriority.ToString() + ", State: " + pt.ThreadState.ToString()); // } List threads = ThreadTracker.GetThreads(); if (threads == null) { m_console.Notice("THREAD", "Thread tracking is only enabled in DEBUG mode."); } else { int _tc = 0; m_console.Notice("THREAD", threads.Count + " threads are being tracked:"); foreach (Thread t in threads) { _tc++; m_console.Notice("THREAD", _tc + ": ID: " + t.ManagedThreadId.ToString() + ", Name: " + t.Name + ", Alive: " + t.IsAlive.ToString() + ", Pri: " + t.Priority.ToString() + ", State: " + t.ThreadState.ToString()); } } break; case "save-xml": m_log.Error("[CONSOLE]: PLEASE NOTE, save-xml is DEPRECATED and may be REMOVED soon. If you are using this and there is some reason you can't use save-xml2, please file a mantis detailing the reason."); if (cmdparams.Length > 0) { m_sceneManager.SaveCurrentSceneToXml(cmdparams[0]); } else { m_sceneManager.SaveCurrentSceneToXml(DEFAULT_PRIM_BACKUP_FILENAME); } break; case "load-xml": m_log.Error("[CONSOLE]: PLEASE NOTE, load-xml is DEPRECATED and may be REMOVED soon. If you are using this and there is some reason you can't use load-xml2, please file a mantis detailing the reason."); LLVector3 loadOffset = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0); if (cmdparams.Length > 0) { bool generateNewIDS = false; if (cmdparams.Length > 1) { if (cmdparams[1] == "-newUID") { generateNewIDS = true; } if (cmdparams.Length > 2) { loadOffset.X = (float) Convert.ToDecimal(cmdparams[2]); if (cmdparams.Length > 3) { loadOffset.Y = (float) Convert.ToDecimal(cmdparams[3]); } if (cmdparams.Length > 4) { loadOffset.Z = (float) Convert.ToDecimal(cmdparams[4]); } m_console.Error("loadOffsets = <" + loadOffset.X + "," + loadOffset.Y + "," + loadOffset.Z + ">"); } } m_sceneManager.LoadCurrentSceneFromXml(cmdparams[0], generateNewIDS, loadOffset); } else { m_sceneManager.LoadCurrentSceneFromXml(DEFAULT_PRIM_BACKUP_FILENAME, false, loadOffset); } break; case "save-xml2": if (cmdparams.Length > 0) { m_sceneManager.SaveCurrentSceneToXml2(cmdparams[0]); } else { m_sceneManager.SaveCurrentSceneToXml2(DEFAULT_PRIM_BACKUP_FILENAME); } break; case "load-xml2": if (cmdparams.Length > 0) { m_sceneManager.LoadCurrentSceneFromXml2(cmdparams[0]); } else { m_sceneManager.LoadCurrentSceneFromXml2(DEFAULT_PRIM_BACKUP_FILENAME); } break; case "save-oar": if (cmdparams.Length > 0) { m_sceneManager.SaveCurrentSceneToOar(cmdparams[0]); } else { m_sceneManager.SaveCurrentSceneToOar(DEFAULT_OAR_BACKUP_FILENAME); } break; case "plugin": m_sceneManager.SendCommandToPluginModules(cmdparams); break; case "command-script": if (cmdparams.Length > 0) { RunCommandScript(cmdparams[0]); } break; case "backup": m_sceneManager.BackupCurrentScene(); break; case "alert": m_sceneManager.HandleAlertCommandOnCurrentScene(cmdparams); break; case "create": CreateAccount(cmdparams); break; case "create-region": CreateRegion(new RegionInfo(cmdparams[0], "Regions/" + cmdparams[1],false), true); break; case "remove-region": string regName = CombineParams(cmdparams, 0); Scene killScene; if (m_sceneManager.TryGetScene(regName, out killScene)) { // only need to check this if we are not at the // root level if ((m_sceneManager.CurrentScene != null) && (m_sceneManager.CurrentScene.RegionInfo.RegionID == killScene.RegionInfo.RegionID)) { m_sceneManager.TrySetCurrentScene(".."); } m_regionData.Remove(killScene.RegionInfo); m_sceneManager.CloseScene(killScene); } break; case "restart": m_sceneManager.RestartCurrentScene(); break; case "change-region": if (cmdparams.Length > 0) { string regionName = CombineParams(cmdparams, 0); if (!m_sceneManager.TrySetCurrentScene(regionName)) { m_console.Error("Couldn't set current region to: " + regionName); } } if (m_sceneManager.CurrentScene == null) { m_console.Error("CONSOLE", "Currently at Root level. To change region please use 'change-region '"); } else { m_console.Error("CONSOLE", "Current Region: " + m_sceneManager.CurrentScene.RegionInfo.RegionName + ". To change region please use 'change-region '"); } break; case "export-map": if (cmdparams.Length > 0) { m_sceneManager.CurrentOrFirstScene.ExportWorldMap(cmdparams[0]); } else { m_sceneManager.CurrentOrFirstScene.ExportWorldMap("exportmap.jpg"); } break; case "config": string n = command.ToUpper(); if (cmdparams.Length > 0) { switch (cmdparams[0].ToLower()) { case "set": if (cmdparams.Length < 4) { m_console.Error(n, "SYNTAX: " + n + " SET SECTION KEY VALUE"); m_console.Error(n, "EXAMPLE: " + n + " SET ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine NumberOfScriptThreads 5"); } else { IConfig c = DefaultConfig().Configs[cmdparams[1]]; if (c == null) c = DefaultConfig().AddConfig(cmdparams[1]); string _value = String.Join(" ", cmdparams, 3, cmdparams.Length - 3); c.Set(cmdparams[2], _value); m_config.Merge(c.ConfigSource); m_console.Error(n, n + " " + n + " " + cmdparams[1] + " " + cmdparams[2] + " " + _value); } break; case "get": if (cmdparams.Length < 3) { m_console.Error(n, "SYNTAX: " + n + " GET SECTION KEY"); m_console.Error(n, "EXAMPLE: " + n + " GET ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine NumberOfScriptThreads"); } else { IConfig c = DefaultConfig().Configs[cmdparams[1]]; if (c == null) { m_console.Notice(n, "Section \"" + cmdparams[1] + "\" does not exist."); break; } else { m_console.Notice(n + " GET " + cmdparams[1] + " " + cmdparams[2] + ": " + c.GetString(cmdparams[2])); } } break; case "save": m_console.Notice("Saving configuration file: " + Application.iniFilePath); m_config.Save(Application.iniFilePath); break; } } break; case "modules": if (cmdparams.Length > 0) { switch (cmdparams[0].ToLower()) { case "list": foreach (IRegionModule irm in m_moduleLoader.GetLoadedSharedModules) { m_console.Notice("Shared region module: " + irm.Name); } break; case "unload": if (cmdparams.Length > 1) { foreach (IRegionModule rm in new ArrayList(m_moduleLoader.GetLoadedSharedModules)) { if (rm.Name.ToLower() == cmdparams[1].ToLower()) { m_console.Notice("Unloading module: " + rm.Name); m_moduleLoader.UnloadModule(rm); } } } break; case "load": if (cmdparams.Length > 1) { foreach (Scene s in new ArrayList(m_sceneManager.Scenes)) { m_console.Notice("Loading module: " + cmdparams[1]); m_moduleLoader.LoadRegionModules(cmdparams[1], s); } } break; } } break; default: string[] tmpPluginArgs = new string[cmdparams.Length + 1]; cmdparams.CopyTo(tmpPluginArgs, 1); tmpPluginArgs[0] = command; m_sceneManager.SendCommandToPluginModules(tmpPluginArgs); break; } } public void Debug(string[] args) { switch (args[0]) { case "packet": if (args.Length > 1) { int newDebug; if (int.TryParse(args[1], out newDebug)) { m_sceneManager.SetDebugPacketOnCurrentScene(newDebug); } else { m_console.Error("packet debug should be 0..2"); } m_console.Notice("New packet debug: " + newDebug.ToString()); } break; default: m_console.Error("Unknown debug"); break; } } // see BaseOpenSimServer public override void Show(string ShowWhat) { base.Show(ShowWhat); switch (ShowWhat) { case "assets": m_assetCache.ShowState(); break; case "users": IList agents = m_sceneManager.GetCurrentSceneAvatars(); m_console.Notice(String.Format("\nAgents connected: {0}\n", agents.Count)); m_console.Notice( String.Format("{0,-16}{1,-16}{2,-37}{3,-16}", "Firstname", "Lastname", "Agent ID","Region")); foreach (ScenePresence presence in agents) { RegionInfo regionInfo = m_sceneManager.GetRegionInfo(presence.RegionHandle); string regionName; System.Net.EndPoint ep = null; if (regionInfo == null) { regionName = "Unresolvable"; } else { regionName = regionInfo.RegionName; } m_console.Notice( String.Format( "{0,-16}{1,-16}{2,-37}{3,-16}", presence.Firstname, presence.Lastname, presence.UUID, regionName)); } m_console.Notice(""); break; case "modules": m_console.Notice("The currently loaded shared modules are:"); foreach (IRegionModule module in m_moduleLoader.GetLoadedSharedModules) { m_console.Notice("Shared Module: " + module.Name); } break; case "regions": m_sceneManager.ForEachScene( delegate(Scene scene) { m_console.Notice("Region Name: " + scene.RegionInfo.RegionName + " , Region XLoc: " + scene.RegionInfo.RegionLocX + " , Region YLoc: " + scene.RegionInfo.RegionLocY); }); break; case "version": if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(buildVersion)) { m_console.Notice("The build version is: r" + buildVersion); } else { m_console.Notice("The build version is not available"); } break; } } private static string CombineParams(string[] commandParams, int pos) { string result = String.Empty; for (int i = pos; i < commandParams.Length; i++) { result += commandParams[i] + " "; } result = result.TrimEnd(' '); return result; } #endregion } }